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5 posters

    Temporary 4th Division

    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

    Posts : 1167
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    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 30
    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

    Temporary 4th Division Empty Temporary 4th Division

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:29 pm

    Fubuki appeared in front of the 4th division, it's symbol clearly marked on the two large doors.

    With a flick of her wrist, the double doors froze, a whitish sheen covering it. A split second later, the doors shattered, crumbling into frozen particles of wood and metal. She stepped into the division, her aura still undetectable, as she began her assault.
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:42 pm

    Hateshi shivered, the presence of an ominous feeling lingering in the air. Instead of waiting for her tournament partner to resume the battle, she left a little note on the door, going outside for a little walk.


    The air was frigid, dropping to a frighteningly cold temperature. The wind whipped around, encircling the division in a fierce blizzard.


    As soon as Hateshi steeped out, she knew the violator. It was all too clear.
    And so, her confused red eyes looked up, seeing ones identical to hers, the expression in them matching the surroundings perfectly.
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:46 pm

    Confusion and shock were the only expressions on Hateshi's face. She had cut the ties as Fubuki's double, hadn't she?

    What are you doing? Why are you here?

    She clenched her teeth together, her shock turning to anger bit by bit.
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Age : 30
    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:49 pm

    Observing her double's expression, a smirk appeared on Fubuki's lips. She would like to see how the primiera espada would react after seeing his beloved fight to her death.

    There isn't a reason. I just wanted to see how weak you are, and of course, take back what is truly mine.

    Swirling her fingers, an orb of liquid nitrogen was sent flying at the still bewildered Hateshi.
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Age : 30
    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:11 pm

    reacting on impulse, Hateshi pivoted on the ball of her foot, narrowly missed by the fatally dangerous orb.

    Why suddenly decide to take it back now? Didn't you agree on the new body? Wasn't it for the sake of the others you care for?
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:20 pm

    Fubuki drew her sword, shunpo-ing behind Hateshi, slicing at her back.

    It doesn't seem that you should be talking right now, unless you would like to die of course.

    A small smile spread across Fubuki's face, her sword slicing through the shinigami clothing.
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:28 pm

    Hateshi let out a small gasp, the pain getting to her. Luckily, she had stepped forward a bit, so the wound was shallow. Although, it still hurt like hell, after all, it was her zapakuto's main asset, paralysis through either incruciatingly painful wounds, or completely freezing and dismembering the opponent. Cruel ways of defeating enemies, but very effective, and it did match Fubuki's personality to the very last little bit.
    Jumping back, she sent a wave of hardened reiatsu at Fubuki, gritting her teeth in pain.

    I'll never die by your hand Fubuki. And I will do everything to protect this division.

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    Post  Kaname Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:45 pm

    Kaname appeared high above the 4th divison grounds. In his destrection tour he could feel Fubuki fighting; he was very intrigued to see her abilities. He drew his wings back in and concealed his reiastu so he couldn't be dectected by anybody.

    Very intresting
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Age : 30
    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:59 pm

    Using backhand slashes Fubuki began to drive Hateshi into a corner.

    Hmm, is that so? Then maybe I should leave you wounded and get your dear Bo to finish you off?

    An evil aura now radiated off of Fubuki, she was dying to see Hateshi's reaction.
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:43 pm

    Shocked, Hateshi reacts only fast enough to block her hits. Her confusion and pain finally getting the better of her, she releases her shikai, her reiatsu exploding, leaving a surprised Fubuki.

    enlighten the moonless night, TSUYUKI NO ENKOU!

    Hateshi's eyes flash an icy blue, snow white hair blowing in the force of her reiatsu.

    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Age : 30
    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

    Temporary 4th Division Empty Re: Temporary 4th Division

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:12 am

    Fubuki observed Hateshi carefully, clearly not expecting her sudden release in reiatsu. She continued to parry blows with Hateshi, and noticed her attacks were getting much stronger. Perhaps she had been wrong about her?
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Temporary 4th Division Empty Re: Temporary 4th Division

    Post  hanabishi kanda Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:51 am

    well. there will be a new bleach rp forum now.
    so i will be turning this into a one piece forum
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    Temporary 4th Division Empty Re: Temporary 4th Division

    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:43 am

    whaddya mean a new bleach rp forum?

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    Temporary 4th Division Empty Re: Temporary 4th Division

    Post  ksw212 Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:48 am

    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark wrote:whaddya mean a new bleach rp forum?
    goto : ,
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 30
    Location : Hateshi: At Bo's place ~ Kawari: Unknown

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:54 am

    just go see the meeting room. it will make sense.

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