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    Sinister's Zanpaktou


    Posts : 1018
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    Sinister's Zanpaktou Empty Sinister's Zanpaktou

    Post  Sinister92 Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:32 pm

    Zanpaktou: Akuma-Mitsu (demon of light)

    Unreleased: Blue Hilt and I have two blades I carry one on my back and one on my left side of my body

    Release order: Rise From Darkness Akuma-Mitsu

    Shikia: the hilt becomes black, and one blade turns black and another turns white

    Abilities: the effects depend on what blade I chooses to use,

    Black sword: If I use the black sword my speed improves and strength, the black swords element is fire and darkness, so where ever its slices flames come out., The flame sword slice fire would appear through the edge of the blade causes more damage. If I slide the blade through the floor clones would come out, they would look like me but are black flames they are able to do the same moves as me, max clones are five. the black flames are dangerous because they can make the wound cut by the sword bigger and the flames stay on the wound making the wound deeper, to remove it u will have to use more spirit energy (pressure)

    with the flames it will be slow but it will make the wound widen and the weakness to remove the flames is to pour some spirit energy but needs a lot more on bankai cuts.

    White sword: if I use the white side it is for mere defense I can form a giant wall using my own spirit energy they are virtually unbreakable the max is four, and my swords are also able to absorbs most attacks thrown at it that are not weapons, the barriers are able to follow the target, and I can also form smaller shields to cover me when I don’t have enough time to form a barrier.
    and it can heal any wound by saying HEAL and it will glow and quickly heal small wounds but needs time to heal bigger ones such as organs.

    my blades can both become black blades or both white depending on how I choose, or I could just have a black and white blade on shikia...(and I completely mastered being ambidextrous)

    Bankai name(order): Rise from the depths of the flames Akuma Mitsu

    My body will be covered in flames and my hair will also get spikier, my eyes will become bright red and I can see in any condition, and my left arm will become more claw like and It is made of fire that I could touch anything as a way of defense and for good attack to slash someone, I will also get black flamed wings and my body will be red and black flames that will make me extremely fast, my flame attacks will also get a lot stronger and my limit to barriers will increase, my swords will automatically get on fire giving it a stronger force to push down on. . The black sword can make a similar attack like the getsuga. When they both clash together one of the most strongest attacks it has will form called SUPER NOVA.

    second bankai form: bind Akuma Mitsu

    Second bankai form. I can attach the hilts together to form a double bladed kitana
    with the kitana I can spin it together and throw back fast ass wind where ever I am pointing. it is more stronger than when the blades are separate, it enhances all my abilities, such as clones strength and speed and the black flames
    I am able to remove the kitana apart when I please

    one of my elements is fire and learned abilities to tame fire.
    I am able to engulf my hand with fire and repel ceros or some levels of kido.
    I can make flame clones with my blood and fire that are more resistant and stronger than normal.
    I can also make weapons by concentrating the fire and surround it with flames.
    and I can also make barrios out of fire that are pretty resistant and can be moved

    this works for both bankais
    the black sword is able to shoot a giant ball to the sky and it lasts up to ten post
    it would shoot pillars to my enemies per post the first post would be one and for every post it doubles making it harder to avoid, it is not destrable by weapons or kido and at the last post it will explode to one hundred smaller pillars in a certain area, the pillars would explode on contact.

    These are my fire arts that I learned:
    Fire art 1- Arm barrier: my arms are engulfed in to fire for defensive purposes
    Fire art 2- inferno clones: I create clones out of fire and my blood and they are stronger than regular clones and they can defend themselves and its harder to destroy them but I can only make 3 of theses at once
    Fire art 3- Fire blade: I create any type of blade in unreleased form out of fire
    fire art 4- Flame Healing: I use fire to heal most of my wounds
    Fire art 5- Fire Barrier: I create a barrier that resembles the arm barrier but is bigger and stronger and it can be moved to
    Fire art 6- Fire Barrier-paralyzing barrier: I punch the ground and I create a barrier that anything in it's circle above it under it or on it get paralyzed (for 2 posts) and it takes a major amount of spiritual pressure to break this
    Fire cero sword: I engulf my Zanpaktou with a fire cero then I can use it to slash my opponent or shoot it at them
    A)both of the zans fire demon fire blasts that are extremely fast and mildly powerful and then the Ultimate double demon fire blasts when they are so fast they like break the sound barrier and they are pretty powerful but it takes like one post to charge the Ultimate (just to compensate for the power and speed)
    B)fire inferno to create 2 fire dragon shaped blasts and they att the person and A: the burn em or :B the create a dome of fire engulfing enemy C:it goes thru the enemy hit internal and outer body parts witch ever one I choose at the moment.

    My cero list:
    Black Cero 4X stronger than normal
    White Cero 2X stronger than normal this cero is mainly to stun an opponent for a short time
    Inferno Cero 3X stronger than normal

    Plz give me more tips
    There will be more moves and needs improvement
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Sinister's Zanpaktou Empty Re: Sinister's Zanpaktou

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:49 am

    sinister92 wrote:Zanpaktou: Akuma-Mitsu (demon of light)

    Unreleased: Blue Hilt and I have two blades I carry one on my back and one on my left side of my body

    Release order: Rise From Darkness Akuma-Mitsu

    Shikia: the hilt becomes black, and one blade turns black and another turns white

    Abilities: the effects depend on what blade I chooses to use,

    Black sword: If I use the black sword my speed improves and strength, the black swords element is fire and darkness, so where ever its slices flames come out., The flame sword slice fire would appear through the edge of the blade causes more damage. If I slide the blade through the floor clones would come out, they would look like me but are black flames they are able to do the same moves as me, max clones are five. the black flames are dangerous because they can make the wound cut by the sword bigger and the flames stay on the wound making the wound deeper, to remove it u will have to use more spirit energy (pressure)

    with the flames it will be slow but it will make the wound widen and the weakness to remove the flames is to pour some spirit energy but needs a lot more on bankai cuts.

    White sword: if I use the white side it is for mere defense I can form a giant wall using my own spirit energy they are virtually unbreakable the max is four, and my swords are also able to absorbs most attacks thrown at it that are not weapons, the barriers are able to follow the target, and I can also form smaller shields to cover me when I don’t have enough time to form a barrier.
    and it can heal any wound by saying HEAL and it will glow and quickly heal small wounds but needs time to heal bigger ones such as organs.

    my blades can both become black blades or both white depending on how I choose, or I could just have a black and white blade on shikia...(and I completely mastered being ambidextrous)

    Bankai name(order): Rise from the depths of the flames Akuma Mitsu

    My body will be covered in flames and my hair will also get spikier, my eyes will become bright red and I can see in any condition, and my left arm will become more claw like and It is made of fire that I could touch anything as a way of defense and for good attack to slash someone, I will also get black flamed wings and my body will be red and black flames that will make me extremely fast, my flame attacks will also get a lot stronger and my limit to barriers will increase, my swords will automatically get on fire giving it a stronger force to push down on. . The black sword can make a similar attack like the getsuga. When they both clash together one of the most strongest attacks it has will form called SUPER NOVA.

    second bankai form: bind Akuma Mitsu

    Second bankai form. I can attach the hilts together to form a double bladed kitana
    with the kitana I can spin it together and throw back fast ass wind where ever I am pointing. it is more stronger than when the blades are separate, it enhances all my abilities, such as clones strength and speed and the black flames
    I am able to remove the kitana apart when I please

    one of my elements is fire and learned abilities to tame fire.
    I am able to engulf my hand with fire and repel ceros or some levels of kido.
    I can make flame clones with my blood and fire that are more resistant and stronger than normal.
    I can also make weapons by concentrating the fire and surround it with flames.
    and I can also make barrios out of fire that are pretty resistant and can be moved

    this works for both bankais
    the black sword is able to shoot a giant ball to the sky and it lasts up to ten post
    it would shoot pillars to my enemies per post the first post would be one and for every post it doubles making it harder to avoid, it is not destrable by weapons or kido and at the last post it will explode to one hundred smaller pillars in a certain area, the pillars would explode on contact.

    These are my fire arts that I learned:
    Fire art 1- Arm barrier: my arms are engulfed in to fire for defensive purposes
    Fire art 2- inferno clones: I create clones out of fire and my blood and they are stronger than regular clones and they can defend themselves and its harder to destroy them but I can only make 3 of theses at once
    Fire art 3- Fire blade: I create any type of blade in unreleased form out of fire
    fire art 4- Flame Healing: I use fire to heal most of my wounds
    Fire art 5- Fire Barrier: I create a barrier that resembles the arm barrier but is bigger and stronger and it can be moved to
    Fire art 6- Fire Barrier-paralyzing barrier: I punch the ground and I create a barrier that anything in it's circle above it under it or on it get paralyzed (for 2 posts) and it takes a major amount of spiritual pressure to break this
    Fire cero sword: I engulf my Zanpaktou with a fire cero then I can use it to slash my opponent or shoot it at them
    A)both of the zans fire demon fire blasts that are extremely fast and mildly powerful and then the Ultimate double demon fire blasts when they are so fast they like break the sound barrier and they are pretty powerful but it takes like one post to charge the Ultimate (just to compensate for the power and speed)
    B)fire inferno to create 2 fire dragon shaped blasts and they att the person and A: the burn em or :B the create a dome of fire engulfing enemy C:it goes thru the enemy hit internal and outer body parts witch ever one I choose at the moment.

    My cero list:
    Black Cero 4X stronger than normal
    White Cero 2X stronger than normal this cero is mainly to stun an opponent for a short time
    Inferno Cero 3X stronger than normal

    Plz give me more tips
    There will be more moves and needs improvement
    ok. your super nova attack, it needs to be toned down, cause one, a super nova is a smaller version of the big bang, which is theorised to have creaded every thing in the uneverse, so the power of a supernova is equal to that about of a star dying, and also, if you don't know what that means, i believe that it is when a star colapse, and relieces energy, that is a super nova, so imagine something like the sun, but much biger exploding, that is a supernova.

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    Sinister's Zanpaktou Empty Re: Sinister's Zanpaktou

    Post  Sinister92 Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:29 am

    yea i know what a super nove is and its cool and its mainly just a name its not really that big its mostly the size of a basketball lol
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Sinister's Zanpaktou Empty Re: Sinister's Zanpaktou

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:43 pm

    sinister92 wrote:yea i know what a super nove is and its cool and its mainly just a name its not really that big its mostly the size of a basketball lol
    ok. but you said that the super nova is your strongest attack. that means the power behind it rivals an actuall super nova. i am not trying to be mean, but how about you rename it to a name similar to it, but doesn't mean the same power, ok. i mean, if a name guarenteed the powerm then there would be a lot of super attacks. but ehhh. its hard to describe, but if you want to keep the name, then i will allow it, it is up to you to deside what the name is. but either way, since tou said, that the name is only a name, then that would mean, that it is not as powerful as a super nova, then it is approved,

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