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    Conan's zan

    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    Conan's zan Empty Conan's zan

    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:48 am

    Name: Kagami Hoshi (Mirror Star)
    Release: Utsushimasu (Trace)

    Sealed form: It looks like a kodachi with a broken mirror hanging from the edge. Even in sealed form, it deals quite a punch when it reflects low-powered kido attacks.

    Released form: The blade drops out until it increases by thrice its original size, looking like a normal zan, with a half-broken mirror hanging from the hilt.

    Bankai Name: Fukusei Senha (Replica Thousand-blades)

    Bankai Form: The appearance stays the same although the blade continuously makes slight changes to itself, and the mirror has become unbroken.

    Shikai ability: Kagami Hoshi is able to transform into any one zan it has come into contact with over the last 72 hours, either through skills or direct contact. This can last for five minutes (5 posts) only and is restricted to one change per use. Additionally, there is a minute break after this (1 post).
    After five uses, the blade is capable of been broken by me and when Kagami Hoshi touches its own blade, it unleashes its second power, Juuhoshisen (Ten star blade). This emits a one-time shockwave that is capable of destroying a fraction of a division HQ.

    Bankai ability: Fukusei Senha cancels the restriction of the one-zan-per-use limit at the cost of reducing time to 3 minutes (3 posts). The 1 minute break stays though, but this time, it is free to transform into any zan it wishes just by calling its name.
    After ten uses, the blade disappears, forming a gate of pure reiatsu called Senhamon (Thousand blade gate). This creates a desert like field where the target is rendered immobile and a thousand blades appear. Within a nanosecond, each blade is picked up and the target is slashed.
    Once the gate has reached 3 minutes, it will fade away and the next ability will start from the first use.
    However, when i step through the gate, the immense reiatsu unleashes the true Juuhoshisen (Hontoo Juuhoshisen), which comprises of a set of red wings and two clawed hands made entirely of solidified reiatsu.
    The gate will disappear and this effect will last for seven minutes (7 posts). Since it is a compression of the thousands of blades, it can be compressed into one single blast, enough to destroy a sixth of the Seritei.

    (In both forms, there the mirror would show a number from 1 to the final number (shikai: 5, bankai: 10) glowing, until the effect faded. The only way to avoid the Senhamon is to shunpo seven thousand kilometres away)

    Last edited by Blankconan~Mirror of Dark on Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Conan's zan Empty Re: Conan's zan

    Post  hanabishi kanda Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:35 am

    it is some what ok. but the power to destroy a 3thr, it is a little bit too powerful then. even if it is bankai. so just tone that part down a little bit, then it is ok. and just for some insurence. ask the other captains. ok
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    Conan's zan Empty Re: Conan's zan

    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:14 pm

    ok, ill try...

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