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2 posters

    Tenmas resureccion


    Posts : 435
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    Join date : 2009-03-17
    Age : 34
    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Tenmas resureccion Empty Tenmas resureccion

    Post  Tenma Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:11 pm

    My zanpaktou is a pair of black/blue chacrams like these

    Release command: Pelekt mor'loki = Strike black dragon(elvish sounds cooler than spanish doesn't it, and it's actually more like a lizard, but couldn't find the elvish word for lizard :/)

    My chacrams spinn at high speed, crakcling and creating a temporary shield around me. My mask fragment turns into a color like dark steel, forming two small horns on my forehead, hands and feet like these and a tail with the same design as the hands and feet. My skin turns light grayish blue (like dark jak in Jak3) I'll try to draw it asap ^^

    no secunda resureccion for now.
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    Tenmas resureccion Empty Re: Tenmas resureccion

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:04 pm

    Tenma wrote:My zanpaktou is a pair of black/blue chacrams like these

    Release command: Pelekt mor'loki = Strike black dragon(elvish sounds cooler than spanish doesn't it, and it's actually more like a lizard, but couldn't find the elvish word for lizard :/)

    My chacrams spinn at high speed, crakcling and creating a temporary shield around me. My mask fragment turns into a color like dark steel, forming two small horns on my forehead, hands and feet like these and a tail with the same design as the hands and feet. My skin turns light grayish blue (like dark jak in Jak3) I'll try to draw it asap ^^

    no secunda resureccion for now.
    so what is the ability

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:33 am