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    shigure no tsuki

    Lelouch Oyuki
    Lelouch Oyuki

    Posts : 551
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    Join date : 2009-03-29
    Age : 30
    Location : with my brother Ulquiorra

    shigure no tsuki Empty shigure no tsuki

    Post  Lelouch Oyuki Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:09 pm

    wow, i havent been here in like forever. anywho here's my zanpakuto---

    normal appearance- dark blue wrapped hilt, square tsuba, and a black sheath.

    shikai- Shigure no Tsuki (twilight moon) when i call on my shikai my sword transforms into a large curvy bladed sword (kinda has the same design as Ichigo's sword (big, black and grey)). with this sword i can totally controll water.

    1) Ketsu sengo (cresent ocean) when i call on this attack a huge tidal wave comes from my sword and at the enemy (looks like getsuga tensho).
    2) Shigure (Shower of rain) when i call on this i raise my sword towards the sky. then suddenly my sword releases a huge beam of water into the sky. in a few seconds the water will come back down as blades and will fall directly on my opponent.

    more to come--cant think of any right know.

    Type- Water

    Incantation- Wash over, Shigure no Tsuki

    Bankai- Shigure no Tsunamitsuki (twilight great wave moon) when i call on my bankai my sword dissapears and a huge shell of water incases me (like Halibel's resurrection) when that water falls to the ground i have two humongous chakrams made of orange coral. i have totall manipulation of water (summoning water, manipulating water etc..)

    powers- all the same except for a couple new ones
    1) Suzuki Sengo (ocean mist) when i call on this attack my sword releases a dense green fog that creates clones. if the clones are attacked then they just dissolve into green fog.
    2) Ketsu Tsuyu (cresent dew) when i call on this attack the whole battle field becomes enclosed in a huge orb of water. while in this orb my attacks become way stronger.

    Second Bankai- Shigure no Tsuki Goronami (twilight moon, breaking wave) when i call on my second bankai it creates a huge monster (about the size of Kommamura's bankai) made of orange coral. all he really does is attack the enemy. also in this second bankai i get two of my shikai swords.

    Powers- Shitatari no Izumi (dripping fountainhead) when i call on this attack the coloses coral monster will suddenly turn into a huge water-like monster. i will be placed in the center of the monster and controll all of it's actions using my hands (kinda like a gigantic robot). The water will protect me like a shield, and really the only way to get it away from me is to forcibly get all the water off of me.

    Hope you like!!! it's great to be back!!!
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
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    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    shigure no tsuki Empty Re: shigure no tsuki

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:06 pm

    Lelouch Oyuki wrote:wow, i havent been here in like forever. anywho here's my zanpakuto---

    normal appearance- dark blue wrapped hilt, square tsuba, and a black sheath.

    shikai- Shigure no Tsuki (twilight moon) when i call on my shikai my sword transforms into a large curvy bladed sword (kinda has the same design as Ichigo's sword (big, black and grey)). with this sword i can totally controll water.

    1) Ketsu sengo (cresent ocean) when i call on this attack a huge tidal wave comes from my sword and at the enemy (looks like getsuga tensho).
    2) Shigure (Shower of rain) when i call on this i raise my sword towards the sky. then suddenly my sword releases a huge beam of water into the sky. in a few seconds the water will come back down as blades and will fall directly on my opponent.

    more to come--cant think of any right know.

    Type- Water

    Incantation- Wash over, Shigure no Tsuki

    Bankai- Shigure no Tsunamitsuki (twilight great wave moon) when i call on my bankai my sword dissapears and a huge shell of water incases me (like Halibel's resurrection) when that water falls to the ground i have two humongous chakrams made of orange coral. i have totall manipulation of water (summoning water, manipulating water etc..)

    powers- all the same except for a couple new ones
    1) Suzuki Sengo (ocean mist) when i call on this attack my sword releases a dense green fog that creates clones. if the clones are attacked then they just dissolve into green fog.
    2) Ketsu Tsuyu (cresent dew) when i call on this attack the whole battle field becomes enclosed in a huge orb of water. while in this orb my attacks become way stronger.

    Second Bankai- Shigure no Tsuki Goronami (twilight moon, breaking wave) when i call on my second bankai it creates a huge monster (about the size of Kommamura's bankai) made of orange coral. all he really does is attack the enemy. also in this second bankai i get two of my shikai swords.

    Powers- Shitatari no Izumi (dripping fountainhead) when i call on this attack the coloses coral monster will suddenly turn into a huge water-like monster. i will be placed in the center of the monster and controll all of it's actions using my hands (kinda like a gigantic robot). The water will protect me like a shield, and really the only way to get it away from me is to forcibly get all the water off of me.

    Hope you like!!! it's great to be back!!!
    although i am a fire type. and i don't really like it in battle, i do have to admin that it is clever, and so i aprove of it.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:47 am