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Dee Snider
Hiroto Takashi
Jin Grand
Six Samurai Irou
Death Fox (Roishio)
hanabishi kanda
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    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:17 pm

    ok. here is where you post your character profile. you tell the past if you want to. what species you want to be.
    here's mine as an example
    name- hanabishi kanda
    species- shinigami soon to be visard

    history- in the academy, kanda had only one friend. kongo, one day. when kanda was eating his lunch. some bullies came over and knocked it over. kongo came to save kanda. and it ended in a fight with victor unknown. then the next day. the bullies tricked kanda into thinking that they wanted to be his friend. so they told kanda to bring a very large box that can hold at least 2 people. later that night, kanda did bring the box. then kongo was there with the billies. they suddenly lunged at him and put kanda in the box with a gigai and his zanpakto and threw him into the real world. in the real world. he was abandoned by his only friend who traded in kanda for a peaceful life
    all kanda did was sin infront of a station not getting any help. he almost starved. untill one day. a childless couple brought him home and desided to rais him. it took kanda several months to get used to the new environment. but when he was finnaly happy. then a few robbers appeared infront of his friends demanding money. kanda then defeeted him with kidos he had learned. when his parents found out. then were proud of him. but then. in the next day. several people from the government came to pick him up. his parents coulden't afford to have him around any longer. so they sold him to the government. kanda escaped and by sheer coinsidence. a shinigami was coming out a portal and kanda took into the portal leaving his gigai in the real world. then when he went back into the academy. he killed all the bullies. he wa then named a murderer and was sentence to death. then all of a sudden. some hollows tried to attack but failed. so kanda took advantage of the portals just standing there. so he went to live in hm now. it wasn't long before he mete vl class hollows aka tora and shiro tora. he then found some friends.
    it wasnt till kandas well know crusade against the vls with the help of vls with him that kanda was decimating the population of vl's so a powerful vl desided to stop the carnage and battled kanda one on one. it ended in kanda being magorly wounded and lost his left eye. then all of a sudden. the left eye of the vl he defeeted glowed. then a light ball came up from his socket and entered the socket of kandas. it was an eye of zork. the dark god of destruction. then from then on. kanda still has the eye of zork. protecting it from the people that sought the powers of dark god zork to destroy the world.
    it wasnt till very later, about 500 years later. kanda changed his name to waterx and became the 1st devision leader. it was then that the seal of insanity he got in his time in hm started to weaken. untill. during a training visit to hm with all his friends. that was where he heard about shiro. but little did he know that shiro turned. and kanda was gravely injured. that trip ended in the groups defeat and the split between some group members. that was the cause of kandas emotion/mental break down. after he recovered. he then went back to chalenged shiro. and ended in kands victory with the help of his friends. then much later. aka showed up as an arrancar. then all was well. untill they finally found the hollow emporor in hm. they battled him with out kanda but with the choosen. because of the weakness of the seal on his insanity. kanda wwent berserk the minuet that battle insued. they all won and kanda was sealed untilll much later kanda's friends then confronted the insanity defeeting it.
    then there was the problem of light and darkness having to fuse. but all went out ok. kanda then found out that he had a kid with aka little did he know. so then kanda desided to rase little suiton. and soon his light and darkness needed to be fused, so the spirit of moonlight princess sacrificed her form to fues them corectly. so she gained a new name and a new form as a dragon. and between the time of kandas insanity loose and akas appearence. there was a lot of things hapening. like kanda getting captured and turning dark, heim forcing to join the hollows side again, and the time where hi was suffering from the side effects of his insanity. and there was 2 times when he was forced to constantly move due to his left eye. the first time was when he battled another user of the body of zork. the socond time was when he was trying to train. that was when he was traped in the cavern of time. where when his friends came for him they met a younger version of him. and when they finnaly found him. they discovered his past
    current rank- commanding general/captain
    zanpaktos- kiba no ryu and the dragon of the sound
    aditional abilities- cursed eye
    it is a special left eye that is able to cast illusions. its own collor is gold like a holloes eye but it is still white. there are 3 levels. level 1 is the weakest and level 3 is the strongest. level 3 can easly kill but it it puts a strain on me so much that i can;'t even use level 1 after a while after i deactivate it. the attackss that it uses may be illusions. but the effects are real

    Last edited by hanabishi kanda on Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:38 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  UnknownDemonGod Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:33 pm

    Name: Zornelius, but will go by UDG.
    Species: Arrancar.
    Current rank- 1st division 3rd seat.
    Zanpakuto- Demonio Dios.
    Additional abilities- Unknown.
    Death Fox (Roishio)
    Death Fox (Roishio)

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    Post  Death Fox (Roishio) Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:16 pm


    Roishio in life was a high school student that had the father that was a shinigami and a mother that was an extremely powerful median. Little was know about his father but there where rumors that he was part hollow himself. One day Roishio died save a girl from being hit by a car and after reaching the soul society was recurited instantly as a shinigami. He was extremely good at Kido and fighting with or without a zanpkauto. It was a short while before he graduated and was made Lt. of the 13 squad. After sticky with the squad for a while he had witnessed an exicution of a fellow shinigami for give a human there power so the could save the ones they loved. After seeing such he try to forget it training day in and day out trying to become as strong as possible. While in the academy he grew learned his skills near another shingami to be Himemori. The learned a lot before spliting off durning the trianing. Soon after he was know as the death fox for he had usually when not fighting takin the form of a black six tailed fox pup. His powers where soon reached such an extent that he easily deafted most of the captains with out any thought of taking there seats. This is was what brought him and Himemori together again. She was to keep his powers under seals so that he may be able to control himself. Being together again they began to date. Finally at a strength so high that hardly anyone in the soul society could stand up to him he vanished. The Death Fox Roishio was made a legend amongst the soul society as many shinigami wished to rise to his level not know he was still alive and well under a new name, Sonchero. There are many who still search for the so called death fox in hopes of deafting him a stripping him of his title. The man person was the Himemori who wnet into a deep sadness without him.

    Roishio's original zanpkauto Seighin Kaitou was a manifastion of his power and has no true spirit. The zanpakuto, not being a normal one has many mysteries and in it lusts for more power, even if it means taking from the very person it's trying to defeat. Some that actually know this about his zanpakuto think that it close to an arrancar's blade. Being thus, he was never a true shingami and there is no idea on what he truely is.

    Roishio is now the fun loving girl loving Captain of the 2nd division, Sonchero. He is goal is to be the home of the ones that are willing to protect. Even so his Division is open to all who are for the side of good and will teach any who are willing to be taught. He now has two knew partners, Coco the arrancar dog and Chio the arrancar child.
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

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    Post  Six Samurai Irou Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:26 pm

    History:Not telling right now
    Current rank:1st divison 4th seat
    Zanpakuto: Akatsuki (Dawn)
    Additional abilities- Master user of fire
    Jin Grand
    Jin Grand

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    Age : 35
    Location : 3rd Division Captain

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    Post  Jin Grand Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:29 am

    Name Jin Grand
    Species: Shinigami, soon to be vizard

    I lived an quiet and easy life in the north Rukongai together with a couple of friend. I tried hiding the fact that I got hungry, seeing as how my friends seemed to be fine with just water.
    It had been around three days since I last had something to eat and I decided to sneak out of our house at night.
    I reached my hidden place, where ables and berries where growing and I started eating. A storm started brewing and lightning shot through the sky.
    I ran towards my house, but then it seemed as thougt time stopped and huge lightning bolt hit the ground before me. An image of a giant dragon appeared in front of me for a second and then it disappeared again without a trace.
    At that time I had no idea about what it was, but I wasnt afraid of the dragon.
    Over the next few days I kept sneaking out of the house at night and returned the place where I had seen the Dragon. But no matter how many times I returned, I never meet the dragon during those days.
    It took more than a year before I meet the dragon again. This time it was during the day. I had sneaked away from the house again to satisfy my hunger.
    I had been that the spot for about half an hour when it happened. A black ripple made a cut in the air before me and a huge monster with a white mask and a hole in its chest forced its way through.
    I stood up, terrified I tried to run, but my legs failed me and I tripped and banged me head on the ground. The monster came nearer and I could feel its terrible energy pinning me to the ground.
    At that point I thought I was gonna die, but just before the monster grapped me, the dragon appeared before me again. It looked at me with its yellow eyes and said. "Do you want my help?"
    My voice was low and starled, but I answered. "Yes."
    The dragon nodded and in a glimps of light it turned into a sword.
    I grapped the sword and got on my feet. I felt the power running through me and the fight was over quick with me as the winner.

    (I hope that you enjoyed this story or found it interesting. Thanks for reading it)

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    Post  Dchong Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:36 am

    zanpakutou:Frozen Nightmare
    Avatar:An old guard like figure who likes scythes and dresses like the grim reaper
    Additional Abilities:Activatable Hollow body parts(increases hollow take over chance)+ice creating
    In a the rising nation of Singapore,there was a boy named David(me) who had a hard time with making friends around school,all because he kept talking about monsters that people cannot see(hollows) as well as having no family to support him since they were killed by the monsters.But 1 day,someone asked him to join him and several friends to play some games.When he heard it he was so happy that finally someone invited him somewhere,so he agreed to go with play.After several months they became best friends and were nearly always together,but after that,the friend died leaving him horribly sad.After the friend's funeral,he saw 1 of the monsters.The monster suddenly pounced on him and meld with him,he then found himself in a huge world which was crumbling and the monster was quite a distance from him.When he saw boxes all around him,he opened several boxes for things he could use to kill the monster.As the monster drew not more than a mile away,he opened a box which had a sword's hilt.He then pulled out the hilt,but the monster also had his hand on the hilt and was pouring his darkness into the hilt.Even then he pulled out the hilt,out of the hilt came a long stained katana which he used to slash the monster in that instant.He then regained conciousness but in a body with a black robe and hilt for the blade.Over several months he learned how to go in and out of his human body at will to fight the monsters.During 1 of the fights,he met another man in black robe just like him and he asked whether he wanted to become a Shinigami.The boy since he had nothing to lose,became a Shinigami and the rest is a different story altogether....

    Last edited by Dchong on Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:15 am; edited 3 times in total
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Post  hanabishi kanda Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:50 am

    Dchong wrote:Name:David
    zanpakutou:Frozen Nightmare
    Additional Abilities:Activatable Hollow body parts(increases hollow take over chance)+ice creating
    In a the rising nation of Singapore,there was a boy named David(me) who had a hard time with making friends around school,all because he kept talking about monsters that people cannot see(hollows) as well as having no family to support him since they were killed by the monsters.But 1 day,someone asked him to join him and several friends to play some games.When he heard it he was so happy that finally someone invited him somewhere,so he agreed to go with play.After several months they became best friends and were nearly always together,but after that,the friend died leaving him horribly sad.After the friend's funeral,he saw 1 of the monsters.The monster suddenly pounced on him and meld with him,he then found himself in a huge world which was crumbling and the monster was quite a distance from him.When he saw boxes all around him,he opened several boxes for things he could use to kill the monster.As the monster drew not more than a mile away,he opened a box which had a sword's hilt.He then pulled out the hilt,but the monster also had his hand on the hilt and was pouring his darkness into the hilt.Even then he pulled out the hilt,out of the hilt came a long stained katana which he used to slash the monster in that instant.He then regained conciousness but in a body with a black robe and hilt for the blade.Over several months he learned how to go in and out of his human body at will to fight the monsters.During 1 of the fights,he met another man in black robe just like him and he asked whether he wanted to become a Shinigami.The boy since he had nothing to lose,became a Shinigami and the rest is a different story altogether....
    not trying to be a downer. but a shinigami can't be corrupted. he can be morraly corrupted. but not spiritually corrupted

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    Post  Dchong Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:22 am

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Dchong wrote:Name:David
    zanpakutou:Frozen Nightmare
    Additional Abilities:Activatable Hollow body parts(increases hollow take over chance)+ice creating
    In a the rising nation of Singapore,there was a boy named David(me) who had a hard time with making friends around school,all because he kept talking about monsters that people cannot see(hollows) as well as having no family to support him since they were killed by the monsters.But 1 day,someone asked him to join him and several friends to play some games.When he heard it he was so happy that finally someone invited him somewhere,so he agreed to go with play.After several months they became best friends and were nearly always together,but after that,the friend died leaving him horribly sad.After the friend's funeral,he saw 1 of the monsters.The monster suddenly pounced on him and meld with him,he then found himself in a huge world which was crumbling and the monster was quite a distance from him.When he saw boxes all around him,he opened several boxes for things he could use to kill the monster.As the monster drew not more than a mile away,he opened a box which had a sword's hilt.He then pulled out the hilt,but the monster also had his hand on the hilt and was pouring his darkness into the hilt.Even then he pulled out the hilt,out of the hilt came a long stained katana which he used to slash the monster in that instant.He then regained conciousness but in a body with a black robe and hilt for the blade.Over several months he learned how to go in and out of his human body at will to fight the monsters.During 1 of the fights,he met another man in black robe just like him and he asked whether he wanted to become a Shinigami.The boy since he had nothing to lose,became a Shinigami and the rest is a different story altogether....
    not trying to be a downer. but a shinigami can't be corrupted. he can be morraly corrupted. but not spiritually corrupted

    Ok changes have been made thanks for the info

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    Character profile Empty Adiktuz

    Post  adiktuz Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:28 am

    name- adiktuz
    nickname- L
    species- shinigami soon to be vizard
    zanpakto- Skeogul and Raikou
    additional powers: bare-hand fighting skills and reiatsu manipulation.

    Story: A lived my life training in a secluded monastery as a monk. I trained like the other to strengthen my physical and spiritual strength. Because I wanted to be the best I trained harder than the others. After being called as the strongest in the monastery I seek out the outside world. Until one day I saw a shinigami fighting, I was fascinated and dreamed of being one. One day while i was fighting a demon I died then i woke up in soul society. I focused in training myself and thinking about my zanpakuto. Then one day I saw another me.

    "You want power?" he said


    "You want to know our true power and capabilities right?"

    "True power?"

    "Yes, our true power"


    "Call me and you will know the answer."

    After that he disappeared and I started meditating for a long time thinking of who he is. After days of meditation, a name began echoing in my mind."

    The time to continue purifying the world has come. I trained very hard on using my zanpakuto and with combining it with my natural fighting style resulting in my bankai's form. After years as a shinigami i realized the presence of the vaizards after the darkness within me was slightly awakening because of my search for power to continue purifying the world. Knowing that my powers are not enough to control my darkside I sought the vaizards and trained with them to control the darkness within me.

    Last edited by adiktuz on Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  ksw212 Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:38 am

    Name- Xenon ( Full name unknown )
    Gender- Male
    Species- Hybrid ( Human , Arrancar , Viazrd )( Has Arrancar Zanpakuto and getting Vizard Mask soon )

    History - Currently Unknown

    Current rank- 8th Seat of the 1st Division
    Vizard / Shinigami Zanpakuto/s - Hikari to Kurayami
    Arrancar Zanpakuto - Currently Unknown
    Natural / Additional abilities- Currently Unknown

    Last edited by ksw212 on Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:07 am; edited 2 times in total
    Hiroto Takashi

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    Post  Hiroto Takashi Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:09 pm

    Name- Hiroto Takashi

    Rank- 6th division member

    physical appearance- one green eye and one blue eye. i usually have my sealed dolls somewhere on me (eismond in my pocket, goetha on my hand) boy, looks like Roxas from kindomhearts two (hair style), but looks kinda emo--a black shirt, ripped jeans, black converse, i have brown hair, and one blue eye and one green eye.

    apperance age: looks 13-14 years old.

    Race- Bount (but was a vizard but was changed into a bount by hanabashi kanda)

    gender- boy

    History- i was born into the bount family, my mother being Yoshino Suma. i dont know who my father is. anyway when i was 4 my mother died when she fought against kariya, but because of her love for me her doll, Goetha, was passed on to me. when kariya found out about me having my mother's doll he threw me out of the bount family for no reason. ever since then i have been on my own and i joined the 6th division.

    Last edited by Hiroto Takashi on Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:44 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Post  Devodin Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:53 pm

    Name: Devodin
    Species: Shinigami
    Zanpakuto: Fukyuu(deterioration, rot or everlasting, immortal, eternal)
    Zanpakuto Spirit: A rotting Vulture
    Affinity: Time
    Rank: 1st Division's 7th seat

    Living: As a human I was... alive. I drank, partied, and had a good time. Then I fell in love, and things changed, as things tend to do. I became more devout. I even went to church, confessing my sins to a god I didn't quite believe in. But on the eve of our wedding, the priest that I had confessed my sins too,(whom after I died I realized had harbored affection for my fiancee) that I had poured my trust into, killed me, in a fit of jealousy.

    Soul: As a soul I did not become close to anyone. I stayed separate, while others gathered for protection. Make no mistake, I wasn't stronger than them, I was beaten twice as bad. I just didn't care what happened to me. Some shinigami say you lose your memories when you die, and it's true. But the feeling of helplessness and despair while I'd lay slowly turning my bride's dress red stayed. Eventually, I grew hungry. Happily enough, the first ones I stole food from were shinigami, and took me in to be trained.

    Shinigami: Kido came easy to me, and I was a quick study of the human world, especially the warriors of the ancient times. I became the top of my class, and talked to my Zanpakuto early on. I was still lonely and sorrowful, but through hard work and camaraderie I was able to put a shield of silly happiness in front of my true feelings. Once out I joined the 1st Division.

    Achieved:Master of the Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū style, Kido mastery, Shikai, Bankai, Vizard Mask Obtained
    *Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū is mainly known for the two-sword—katana and wakizashi kenjutsu

    Last edited by Devodin on Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:06 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:55 pm

    name: jmcast makaveli
    race:shinigami turned vizard
    zanpakuto main: shikorinosake
    zanpakuto secondary: kuro kenkakufune
    zanpakuto spirit 1: rainbow colored dragon that also takes form of heavly armored man
    zanpakuto spirit 2: a red and silver colored fox and with a blue and silver colored wolf
    history:most is unknown but he had a master who had a very powerful impact on him but that person is known to be dead, he has also had a childhood friend............
    rank: 6th division LT
    powers known: kido, high speed, dragon based attacks, shikai and bankai, vizard mask, and clone master

    Last edited by jmcast/makaveli on Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Character profile Empty Gigamonch.............. HI GUYS!

    Post  NotMeForSure Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:15 am

    To be different, from now on, I WILL BE AN ARRANCAR! BWAHAHAHAHAH TO THE Las Noches WE GO! *clears throat*

    Character name: Gigamonch

    Zanpakutou name: Sombra de La Guepardo (Shadow of the Cheetah)

    History: I don't feel like telling you that......... (Sorry, still thinking up a wicked back story.)

    Main Attribute: Speed
    Elemental Affinity: Fire (yey)

    Visual Age: 15
    Actual Age: 180

    Race: Arrancar
    Personality: I usually act a bit rowdy and carefree to the point that I sometimes (note, SOMEtimes) lose my manners, but I realize it quickly and I apologize as needed. In battle though, I become serious, but not too serious, kinda like an arrancar version of Urahara. Unlike some arrancar, I prefer having my "friends" around me and I value my relationship with everybody.

    Physical Stature: Muscular
    Height: 5 feet and 6 inches
    Weight: 50 kilos (I think)
    Eye Colour: Blue
    Hair Colour and Hair Style: An unkempt mess of brown hair
    Skin Colour: Fair
    Accessories: The Hollow mask looks like the masks that ninja wear, but only on my lower face, meaning my mouth is covered with my mask.
    Clothing: Regualr arrancar colored clothing, Has an overcoat that reaches to below my kness and has an open collar.


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    Post  adiktuz Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:36 am

    Gigamonch wrote:To be different, from now on, I WILL BE AN ARRANCAR! BWAHAHAHAHAH TO THE Las Noches WE GO! *clears throat*

    Character name: Gigamonch

    Zanpakutou name: Sombra de La Guepardo (Shadow of the Cheetah)

    History: I don't feel like telling you that......... (Sorry, still thinking up a wicked back story.)

    Main Attribute: Speed
    Elemental Affinity: Fire (yey)

    Visual Age: 15
    Actual Age: 180

    Race: Arrancar
    Personality: I usually act a bit rowdy and carefree to the point that I sometimes (note, SOMEtimes) lose my manners, but I realize it quickly and I apologize as needed. In battle though, I become serious, but not too serious, kinda like an arrancar version of Urahara. Unlike some arrancar, I prefer having my "friends" around me and I value my relationship with everybody.

    Physical Stature: Muscular
    Height: 5 feet and 6 inches
    Weight: 50 kilos (I think)
    Eye Colour: Blue
    Hair Colour and Hair Style: An unkempt mess of brown hair
    Skin Colour: Fair
    Accessories: The Hollow mask looks like the masks that ninja wear, but only on my lower face, meaning my mouth is covered with my mask.
    Clothing: Regualr arrancar colored clothing, Has an overcoat that reaches to below my kness and has an open collar.


    me- you're here now GIGA! too bad you changed into an arrancar.
    duo- i'm an arrancar too! lets be friends!

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    Post  Ichimura.Kenta Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:41 am

    Name:Kenta "Fat Lambo" Ichimura
    Zanpakuto 1:Arashi Ryuu, Storm Dragon
    Zanpakuto 2:Hibiki no Ame, Sound of Rain
    Rank:6th Seat 1st Division
    History:born a rich kid, 5yr old Lambo was a pudgy snob that everyone hated.Lambo only cared about money and insisted that he didn't need friends.His nickname was Fat Lambo because of all the money he had in his wallet and his size.He stated that everyone is jealous cuz he has the most money in the neighborhood.All this changed when he came back from school to see that his house was on fire.
    the whole house burnt down leaving no remains.His parents, his money, his life gone.Now at the age of 14 he lives with an uncle training himself to besome stonger,smarter,faster. One day as he was doing his early morning jog, someone came running with him.A guy of his age named Saito Mori.As they started to hang out more they became best friends and was Lambo's only.4 years later Saito died. Like Lambo's parents he died in a fire. Lambo knew these incidents were connected so he searched for the arsonist.He found him with gasolline and a lighter about to set Lambo's uncle's house on fire.
    Lambo:It was you!?!
    it was Lambo's old servant Taiga Yamanaka.
    Taiga:yeah it was me!!! i hated you and ur family so i ruined your life by burning everything that u cared about HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
    an enraged Lambo charges at Taiga with a large stick,then beats down Taiga
    *smash pound smash* bring them....back....HAHAHAHHA!!!!!!
    Lambo:thats too bad
    as Lambo swings to deal the final blow,Taiga set the house on fire then escapes as Lambo rushes back into the house to save his uncle.He ends up suffering the same fate as his parents and Saito. He is now a strong shinigami and will punish those who ever mess with the things he cares for most just like how Taiga suffered ironically having his house burnt down with him in it.

    Last edited by Ichimura.Kenta{Lambo} on Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:39 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : gettin the facts down)
    Dee Snider
    Dee Snider

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    Post  Dee Snider Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:35 am

    name: Dee Snider
    original age: 100
    history: Dee was born in the small city called singapore. Ever since he was born, dee was a fragile kid, born with asthma and falls sick oftenly and under a different name. However there is one distinct feature about him that makes others around him feel uneasy, dee always has this empty look in his eyes as if he was emotionless. As he grows up he starts to change, becoming more cheerful, caring and kind. one day, as he was travelling home from his school, he saw a flock of crows hovering over his block. Intrigue by them, dee sits down and decides to draw them. however the next day, when he was about to leave for school, he saw a group of ppl crowding with the presence of some police officers. Wondering why is there a crowd, Dee approached them and asks only to be shocked by the news that his neighbour had commited suicide. That same day, as Dee was going to school, he saw another flock of crows hovering over a part of the road and suddenly the images of his dead neighbour flashes through his eyes. It cant be he thought. As he was just about to leave that part of the road, he hear the sounds of cars skidding and crashing. Shocked, he rushed towards the sound only to be frightened by the horrible sight of cars colliding into each other spewing the drivers out. is this happening...are they...the cause of this.. stutter Dee as he looks up only to be greeted by the sight of crows hovering abv him. Frightened by the sight dee tries to run away towards the group of ppl that are trying to flee from the accident only to be hit by a derailed car that sends him flying several feets away from the location. Bleeding painfully from the result of the crash dee tries to stand up and thats when he sees a couple of half-masked beings in white coats tossing the cars about causing them to be derailed and crashing into the ppl and into each other. U....u....are...the.. before dee was able to finish his sentence he saw 1 of the white figures lifting a truck and toss it at him. That was the last thing that dee saw. 100 years has passed since that black day, a hand reaches out from the ground and pulls itself out from the dark grave revealing it to be Dee wearing tattered bloody black pants and white shirt. i.... thought Dee as he takes his first step into the new world, a new singapore 100 years after his death. Feeling cold and frightened, Dee staggers into the unknown dark world only to be greeted by the sight of lights flashing at him. FREEZE!! STOP RIGHT THERE!!! INTRUDER!! those are the words that he hears coming out from the light. Frightened, Dee starts to flee from them desperately trying to shake them off. unknowingly, Dee ran into a barrier and starts to panic and tries to shout back at the lights only to be greeted by several shots to his chest. Bleeding, Dee climbs the barrier with difficulties as the barrier is lined with thorns. SHOOT!! GOD...WHAT IS HE...!!! those are the words given out by the lights shining at him as Dee was climbing the barrier. as Dee reached the other side, Dee ran as fast as his legs could carry him and only stops when he is not able to hear the voices and see the light. panting, Dee looks at the gunshot wounds on his chest and realizes that they are starting to close itself and holds his palms out only to see the same thing, the wounds on his palms as a result of climbing the barrier was starting to heal itself. shocked, ee mutters to himself on.... still shocked, Dee hears the caw of a crow abv him and looks straight up quickly only to see a single crow hovering abv him. Are...u...the cause of this... qnsed Dee only to be answered by the caw of the crow and it diving down at Dee. Stunned, Dee raise his hand up to protect himself only to feel something long and cold rests on his palm, opening his eyes, Dee saw a sheathed sword in his hands and hears a voice I am the one who raises u from ur grave..u're neither a soul..nor a living being...u are the same as me...u are...a...T@#$% puzzled Dee look around what is it...WHAT ARE U SAYING?!?!? screams Dee into the night causing the creatures of the night to stir. Dee continues walking for that night and saw a blind old woman standing by the side of the road. Puzzled at what the woman was doing dee approaches her Do u need any help grandma? asked Dee. The blind old woman then turns around and looks at Dee's direction ah boy....can u help ah ma?...ah ma needs to get home said the old woman. Sure... was the only thing that Dee says. After helping the old lady reach her house and making sure that she is safe, Dee turns to walk away only to be stopped by the words of the old lady ah boy....ah ma...prays...that u will find..ur peace... shocked at those words, Dee turns around to look at the old lady only to see her smiling and not able to control himself, Dee smiles for the first time since his awakening. Walking away, Dee thought to himself i will find my peace..grandma... . As Dee was walking Dee stumbles upon a stack of newspaper and picks it up and drops it again. stunned by the date on the newspaper, Dee jumps down from the building and lands safely on the ground whoa... was the only thing that Dee mutters and as he takes the first step to run Dee, he sees the area starts to disappears and appears at an empty land. Feeling puzzled by what was happening Dee starts shouting MOTHER!!! FATHER!!! EVERYONE!! WHERE ARE U!!! . While waiting for an answer, Dee turns around and sees a small board that says " LAND UNDER RENOVATION" . how..long...was...i gone for... wondered Dee only to be answered a group of figures approaching him only to reveal them to be the same ones that cause the disaster 100 years ago.

    pt 2

    A flurry of beams starts to fly towards Dee as he stand rooted to the ground, angered at the sight of the Vasto lordes, the beams dissipates as it reaches Dee. WHAT THE FUCK ARE U MAN...JUST DIE ALREADY!!! screams 1 of the vasto lordes as the group continues firing ceros at Dee. i...will...not..leave even 1...of u...alive...for causing those DEATH!!!! TENGU!!! yells Dee filled with rage as he draws his sword covering the entire field in black light. As the black light starts to dissipates, Dee stands in the middle of a large crater with none of the vasto lordes in sight. As he was walking out of the crater, a piece of paper floats down into Dee's hand as he lifts it up to look at it. Twisted Sister.... was the only thing that Dee mutters as he folds the paper and puts it into his pocket and walks away disappears into the night. Dee Snider..yes..thats what i will be called from now on.. his voice can be heard in the night. Years passed and as Dee was sitting under a tree remembering those good times he spend with his family, a portal opens up and from it steps out a man holding a hand out at Dee. He is TygerDela, the ex captain of 4th division 1 of the 13 squads captain of a place called Soul Society. Dee was given the 4th seat and that is where Dee meets Jin. Intrigue and seeing himself in Jin, Dee pours all of his knowledge and power into Jin, watching him grow in power and intelligence taking the place of a lieutenant of the 3rd division. Proud of Jin's growth, Dee decides its time to pass down his ultimate skill, the power of corruption to Jin. Eventhough it pains him to put his most dear student through the hell, Dee puts Jin through the training. Seeing that its hurting jin too much, Dee stops the training only to end up collapsing due to his time running out. Believing that Jin will be able to make good use of the power of corruption, Dee hands jin a sword with black hilt and blue guard. Use it...well...Jin those are the last words that Dee speaks as he close his eyes and dies in front of Jin passing on his legacy to Jin.

    Last edited by Dee Snider on Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:27 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

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    Post  Tenma Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:41 am

    Name: Tenma
    Visual Age: 18
    Actual Age: 18

    Race: Vaizard
    Personality: He is a very relaxed person who always loves a good laugh. He doesn't seem to take anything seriously. But all that changes in a fight. He loves fighting and becoming stronger. There is no chance that he would accept help in a fight, he would rather die and he doesn't know when to stop a fight, so someone might have to knock him out before he get's himself killed.
    People with similar personalities would be Axel (kingdomhearts), Captain Jack Sparrow, young Piccolo and a bit of yoruichi.

    Physical Stature:Muscular but slim
    Height: 175 cm
    Weight: 70 kg
    Eye Colour: grayish blue
    Hair Colour and Hair Style:blueish black, and the style is like Zexion from kingdomhearts 2
    Skin Colour: light tanned
    Accessories:a celtic earring in his left ear and a lizard tatto on his right biceps
    Clothing:the same as my avi but darkblue/black instead of red/black

    Origin:Tenma was a normal kid in high school and did what any other kids in his age did. Slacked in school and Partied on weekends.
    One day a hollow appeared at the school, it was a rather powerfull one. It turned some people to his side and gave them strength. One of these were Tenmas best friend Zack. This very morning Tenma had overslept and he arrived to a massacre at the school.
    The Hollow commanded, by chance or not, Zack to excecute Tenma. He tried to fight back but it was in vain. He could see Zack struggling the hollow trough his eyes and as Tenma was at his knees with tears in his eyes Zack pointed his cold and bloody finger at Tenmas forehead and released some kind of thin blast. Tenma could feel it penetrate his head and he fell to the ground dead.
    A moment later he woke up with a chain hanging from his chest. The hollow was aproaching him and all he could think off was to help his friend who was being controlled and Zack soon lifted his hand pointing his finger at his head. Tenma tried stopping him but his hands ran trough Zacks body. Tenma screamed out in agony as there was nothing he could do.
    As he opened his eyes he was no longer at the school. He found himself in outer space on a meteorite of some kind. Suddenly he heard a voice.
    "You wish to help your friend, but at the same the monster you saw, a hollow, is devouring you" Tenma was surprised by the voice but at this pint it didn't scare him anymore. "Who are you, show yourself" He yelled out in the darkness. A small black lizard creapt out of a crater near by. There were weird blue markings on it back and its skin was spiky. "I will help you if you wish, but I warn you that if you choose to fight, then there will be no end to it. You might want to give in and in that case I'll let your soul escape from the hollow" he said with a calm voice. Tenma was confused "but.. zack.. I have to.. he'll die.." Tenma muttered. "You shall do what your heart..... Ah fuck it I aint gonna be acting out this mysterious wise guy, the swords in that crater over there, go save yer mate, and we'll chat later, k?" The lizard yelled out. Tenma was stunned. "Just take the swords already and get goin inless ya wanna loose your heart!" He yelled and pushed Tenma into the crater. Tenma grabbed the blades and the weird world with the lizard was gone. He didn't have a chain on his chest any more and he was wearing a mysterious armor and some kind oh metallic mask crumbled of his face. He seemed to act automatically and kicked Zack in the chest causing him to fall down unconscious and after that he lunged at the hollow. As the hollow noticed this he opened a portal behind him and they both dissapeared in there... To be continued by rp

    Last edited by Tenma on Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:24 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Post  amazonhobo Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:32 pm

    Krieger Blitz:



    IF things get too dull or stand still Krieger will cause commoniton. Very Unpredictable. Enjoys fighting almost as much as Kenpachi except not at the cost of his own life:

    Lean physique but powerful especially legs:
    Hollow Form: Krieger's Hollow Form and mask are based completely off a mongoose.
    173 lbs:
    Black that runs across the scalp somewhat short, wild and messy:
    Brown like tanned brown:
    Black Tribal Tattoos across the back with green engravings in them.:
    White Robe that ends at the waist torn up with long sleeve. Black Pants. Krieger's zanpakutos are hidden in his long sleeve strapped to his arms.:

    Krieger was a Cross Country star in college and took the starting postion as the team's best runner. The other jealous varsity runner selfishly came to a dark conclusion. Before the start of his second college season the other runners jumped him and crippled him, without them knowing they had beat him hard enough to keep him in a coma for a year until he died.:

    Hollow Story: As Hollow Krieger always felt incomplete and didn't want to do anything except sulk until an adjucha, Hiroto, began to mess with him. Hiroto would charge and tackle Krieger and beat him. Tired of taking the beating, the last time Hiroto charged at Krieger, Krieger managed to stay on his feet and began chasing Hiroto. This is when he remebered speed was his true passion. When he caught hiroto he assasinated him and vowed to always get faster and faster until he can beat the lightning

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    Character profile Empty Kaname

    Post  Kaname Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:12 am

    Name: Kaname

    Visual Age: 19

    Actual Age: 734

    Race: Arrcanar

    Personality: Kaname is very lazy, very mischieveous, and very sarcastic. Most of the time he carrys a sarcastic smile on his face. This smile ades in his mischieveous nature. Anytime he says something with the smile he most certainly means something else.

    Physical Stature:
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 190
    Skin Complextion: Kaname is Tousens skin color.
    Eye Color: Kanames' eyes are bright orange with a tint of red and white.
    Hair color: White with a red and orange tint on the tips.
    Hair style: Like Grimmjows but longer.
    Accessories: None at the moment.
    Clothing: Same as Grimmjows' but the color is all black with a white, red, orange outline.

    Mask: Kanames mask exists in two pieces one on the right side or his jaw, and the other on the left side of his jaw. His mask consist of two rows or dragon fangs.The overall color of the mask is white, but each fang alternates in bright orange and red colors.(like grimmjows mask, but on both sides, and each fang is either orange or red)

    Kanames' right hand is a hollow claw. The claw is white with an alternating red and bight orange strip on each finger.

    Kaname carries a Masamune on his right side. The blade of the Masamune is not smooth like most Masamune but it is staggered. So when it it doesn't just slice but it also rips and drags the flesh. This blade is used for Kanames special sword fighting style.

    Here's an image of the what someone should think when they hear "Masamune" (and no, that's not me, lol )

    Last edited by Kaname on Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:08 pm

    Name:Blank Conan (Just Conan would be fine)
    Current rank:3rd divison 4th seat
    Zanpakuto: Kagami Hoshi
    Additional abilities-Can create exact duplications of seen items, exceptions are zanpakuto. Can also copy kido skills and improve on them. Master of Fire and Lightning elements. Master at reiatsu charging and shunko.

    Appearing age: 13
    Real Age: 13

    Once, in a place called Singapore, a shinigami came to live as a human. This shinigami, Misaki Haruya, married a human man, who in time discovered her secret.

    However, her happiness could not last too long. The human man, Shiro Haruya, died and after a while was turned into a hollow. With sorrow and pain, Misaki had no choice but to regain her shinigami powers and kill her husband.
    Before she did, the hollow impregnated her with an essence of hollow. Soul Society found out and she was sentenced to death.

    With no one to turn to, she ran back to the human world and consulted Urahara Kisuke. However, Kisuke could only supply one gigai, it was either her or her baby who would die. She left her baby live and returned to Soul Society to receive her punishment. The child grew up as an orphan, knowing no one but Kisuke Urahara and his gang. The boy had yellow eyes and his hair was snow white.

    He had only one friend, a little girl who was a ghost, her name was Misaki, just like his mother. Conan loved Misaki as if she were his own sister. But then, a day came when Misaki was hunted down by a hollow. She ran to Conan's house and rang the door bell. However, it was too late... Conan opened the door only to see Misaki transforming into a hollow herself.

    "Kill me, before its too late, before you die..." Conan then awakened his latent shinigami powers and called upon his zanpakuto. However, Kagami Hoshi was useless as it hadn't been fully awakened as a shikai. Conan was out of luck and out of life. Then, his right arm burst open and white liquid started oozing out. It completely covered his right arm, and only his right arm. It was black, with white patterns leading to a black/white glove like claw on what was once his right hand.

    With that skill, and the power infused into Kagami Hoshi, Conan killed both hollows and sent them to Soul Society. Overwhelmed by the reiatsu he had gained, Conan collapsed. Then, he woke up in the 2nd division HQ. It seemed that Captain Noriyama had gotten reports of a human with latent shinigami and hollow powers. After some time, Conan perfected Kagami Hoshi and was recruited as fourth seat into the 3rd division. Then, he was moved up to the 3rd seat. As the 3rd seat of the 3rd division, Conan aims for his bankai and the chance to reunite with Misaki...

    Last edited by Blankconan on Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:54 am; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : too simple)
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:10 pm

    Dee Snider wrote:
    Dee was born in the small city called singapore.

    You are singaporean?!

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    Post  Tmack Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:34 pm

    This is the story of how i became a shinigami:

    One cold unforgiving day in a town in South Carolina, there was a boy, he was an outcast, he only fit in with the other outcasts at his school. He only had 4 friends. One night while he and his friends were walking after staying out late it felt like the earth was shaking under my feet, I felt dizy and nausous, then after all the shaking was over, I heard voices. Those voices were deadly voices. I asked if anybody else heard the voices, they all said no.After I asked them the voices left, but that day was fateful. We kept walking. Then we all stopped the ground shook even harder than before. Everybody felt it and fell to the ground except me i almost fell to my knees but i kept my ground, before us stood an outline of some kind of beast, like a chimera, but worse. The beast wasn't clear but after a while of looking at it I got a good look at it and it was ugly, it had a hole where it's stomache should have been. Then the beast said" YOU SMELL GOOOD...." he licked his lips, then he pointed at me then he said " I'll eat your friends for a snack later." I was shivering, I only saw monsters like this in movies, no, not even in the movies. I told my friends to run and I'll catch up they just sat there and then they all got up and ran. I put up my guard to fight. The beast came at me with its claws i punched him, he flew back a few feet but it didn't stop him. The beast said" You can't beat me, now let me take your soul.... NOW....." I ran towards him he, and he scratched at me, he sliced my arm . Blood flew everywhere. I am panting, I can barly move. I have no more fight left in me. I fall to my knees. I see people in black robes with swords. They kill the beast, they called it a hollow. The "hollow" seemed to kill me but i don't know how, because when i woke up i was in a place they called the soul socity. I've been here for a while and that's how i became a shinigami

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    Post  *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:52 am

    Name: Shane Dawnstar a.k.a Tatsuhiro Yosuke
    Appearance: 16
    Age: 16
    Race: Vizard/Quincy half-breed
    Position: 3rd Division, Captain.

    (Im pulling this story back 25 years for a contrast)


    16ears ago, where as everybody knows, there exists of two races, the Shinigami and the Quincys. As everybody knows, there had been war going on between these two races, and it has lasted for over thousands of years. Out of the Shinigamis, there was a particular Vizard, by the name of Tatsuhiro Kiba(Karo Dawnstar). He was a very talented fighter, and had lots of potential, was insanely fast and he was the cream of the crop and could easily take out thousands of hollows with on swipe, thus he was known as 'The Thousand Assasin' . One fated night, a fight broke out between the Shinigamis and the Quincys again. Kiba fought valiantly protecting many of his comrades, in the midst of battle, he saw a beautiful woman, stuttering from side to side like a butterfly, shooting arrows gracefully. That woman was Oozora Yuki. The quicy who never misses a single shot, thus known as 'The Severing Falcon'. The two fell in love eventually and would often see each other in secret. Their relationship grew deeper and deeper. Soon, Yuki got pregnant. However, their peaceful life were crushed when they got found out, Yuki was exiled from the Quincy clan and Kiba was executed for having relationships with an enemy. Unable to take care of the baby by herself, Yuki left him outside of an orphanage in Singapore. Soon, Yuki was killed as well.

    15 years later...

    The baby,who was name Shane Dawnstar(Tatsuhiro Yosuke) grew up to be a healthy boy, but he was oftened neglected as he was different, he had white hair, green eyes which was very different from any normal asian. He also found it wierd that he could see spirits that others couldnt. Because of this, people often stayed away from him, several bullied. One day, fustrated and upset, shane ran away from the city area into the forests of Bukit Timah hill. He bashed and ran about the forest in a fit of anger, but suddenly something made him stop. He turned around and saw a girl singing. The girl stopped and then gestured shane to go over. Even though he was confused by the sudden friendliness of another human, he went over. The two became fast friends and they shared the same common interests, the both loved beings that flew through the air, birds of any species, but there was a particular one that they both liked, the mighty falcon. The girl would always tell him about her dream, to become a falcon, to soar through the air and see the skies with her very own eyes. But there was something wierd about the girl, she always wore a chain linked to her neck. One day after school, Shane decided to go visit the girl, then he saw that the forest was on fire. Without hesitation, Shane rushed to the girl's house, only to see something terrible... It was a hollow... the hollow was 10 feet tall and had a body of fire. It had huge sharp claws along with spikes running down its back. The hollow tore the house apart with one slash, revealing the girl kneeling on the floor in fright. The hollow moved closer to the girl and grabbed the chain that was bound to her neck and started pulling. The girl screamed in pain with each pull, and at last the last bit of chain was pulled out with a deafening scream from the girl. Shane ran over to her and held her tight in his arms not knowing what to do. He watched with horror as a hole started to form at her neck. The girl, gasping for breath, said," Shane, I don't have much time left, before I turn into a Hollow, kill me!","No I would never do that!" tears bllinked through Shane's eyes. The hollow roared and lifted its head at Shane's direction. A stream of bursting fire flew out of its mouth at Shane. The girl told Shane to move, but he was frozen with fear. The flame hit him, but he didn't feel any pain. He looked up and saw a falcon before him. The falcon had shielded him from the attack. The beautiful being flew and landed gently on his shoulder. The moment it touched him, he knew instantly that the falcon was the girl. Then, as the falcon poked gently on Shane's head with its beak, the girl's life story flew through his mind. She was a student from a rich family in Japan who attained a scholarship to study in Singapore. One day, when she was admiring the nature at Bukit Timah hill, she was kidnapped by two people who were previous employees of her father's company, they decided to ask for a ransom as they owed many people money, however, they were unable to contact her father, so they killed her, her soul has been roaming in the hills of Bukit Timah since, until Shane came. As Shane saw what happened, tears rolled down from his eyes. Then he heard the girl's voice:" Shane, i will always be with you no matter what, when in danger, call out my name and i will be by your side." Shane looked deep into his heart and whispered and japanese words came out of his mouth,"Tear Open The Skies, Death Gale." The falcon dissipated into a sword and Shane fought with the hollow and emerged victorious. The hollow dissipated but Shane fainted out of exhaustion. When he woke up, he found himself in the HQ of the 4th Division, turns out that Capt. Nunogo of the 4th division received reports of a hollow, but he reached the area to find the Hollow gone and Shane fainted on the floor, then he decided to take him in. Now captain of the 3rd Division, Shane aims to lead all of SS into a better future.

    (P.S. if anyone wants to ask, the girl in the story is Shizuka)

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    Post  Tenma Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:59 pm

    Oh wow I'm in his story :')

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