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Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
Bo Ricero
7 posters

    Arrcanar Ressurection


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    Arrcanar Ressurection Empty Arrcanar Ressurection

    Post  Kaname Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:18 am

    *This is where all arrcanar past and present post their ressurection. This will help to keep confusing down in the zanpkuto thread*

    Example of how your ressurection should be done

    Name: The name of your ressurection

    Zanpkauto: What your zanpakuto looks like

    Release Pharse: Your pharse to release you zanpkuto

    Ressurection Apperance: What your ressurection looks like

    Segunda Ressurection Apperance: Not everybody will have this.

    Last edited by Kaname on Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:56 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Arrcanar Ressurection Empty Re: Arrcanar Ressurection

    Post  Kaname Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:40 am

    So i'll start

    Name: Kanryu

    Zanpakuto: Kanryu is an all black renbato(double bladed katana). Each blade is 32.5". Kanryu is carried directy behind Kaname.(It's like Halibel, but instead of the blade being horizantal, it is vertical)

    Release Pharse: Extenderse Como Un Reguero De Pólvora, Kanryu (Spread like wildfire, Kanryu)

    Ressurection Apperance: After Kaname says the release pharse the renbato becomes engulfed in flames. The flames leave the blade and follow up Kanames body until he becomes englufed in flames. Once the flame disappears Kaname now has a dragon head formed around each of his forarms(Dragon Gauntlets). When he is ready to fight the dragon heads move up from his forarms and cover his hands. One blade from the renbato comes out of each dragon mouth. On his back he has 4 wings made out of the hollow material. The wings can catch fire and become wings of fire when Kaname sees fit. Kanames mask transforms and covers up to his eyes.

    * * This is what the dragon heads look like.

    Abilities: When Kanryu is released Kaname gains control over fire and wind. He can manulipate them both at his will. He uses the wind to make his fire attacks stronger.

    Intangibility: Due to Kaname's extremely high speed he can become intangible at will. He prefers to use this instead of his Sonido when avoiding attacks.

    Beserker mode: The longer Kaname stays released the angryer and more powerful he gets. His reiastu seemes to never stop never raising and because his bloodlust is so high he feels no pain. Beserker mode will not atop until his opponent is dead.

    Segunda Ressurection: Has yet to be revealed

    Last edited by Kaname on Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:50 am; edited 4 times in total
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

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    Location : Living with Hateshi on my island.

    Arrcanar Ressurection Empty Re: Arrcanar Ressurection

    Post  Bo Ricero Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:27 pm

    Name: Voco
    Zanpakuto: My weapon is a normal katana. When in resserection i may summon diffrent thing when i write the kanji in the air. For instances if i right ice dome then that will appear
    Release Pharse: Veritas Voco (Truth summon)
    Ressurection Apperance: After Bo says the release phrase the katana pulses and a white light engulfs me. The Katana becomes a double edged blade. The with of the blade is 1 1/2 feet wide and the length is 2 1/2 feet long. This blade slows him down a bit but when it connects with something else an explosion of energy is realsed.
    Abilities: When Voco is realsed Bo is able to summon things to other place by writing the name of it in Kanji with his finger. In this stage he is only able to summon things that already exsist.

    Realse phrase:Final truth summon
    Segunda Resurreccion: My sword disappears and is replaced by two katana instead. I can now summon things not only from my, but others minds. I get blue wings growing out of my back and and two blue feathers poke from the side of my head.

    Last edited by Bo Ricero on Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    Arrcanar Ressurection Empty Re: Arrcanar Ressurection

    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:02 pm

    Resurreccion Name: Crocifisso

    Zanpakuto Appearance: Long Katana like blade with a hilt in the shape of the crescent moon. Carried with a shaft on left waist

    Release: Crucificar el Cristo, Crocifisso

    Resurreccion Appearance: Transforms remaining mask into a cross shaped necklace and able to fire ceros stronger than normal ceros at the speed of bala. Speed also increases greatly.

    Segunda Resurreccion: None

    Posts : 644
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    Arrcanar Ressurection Empty Gigamonch

    Post  NotMeForSure Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:20 am

    Name: Sombra de la Guepardo (Shadow of the Cheetah)

    Release Phrase: Parpadear, Sombra de la Guepardo (Parpadear=Flicker)

    Appearance: It has a dark blue hilt with a short hilt wrap of black. A section of the Guard crawls up to a fourth of the blade, in the shape of a crooked, thinner cheetah claw. It's scabbard is gray with black lining and engraved with a weird symbol.

    Resurrecion: Once Sombra de la Guepardo is released, Gigamonch's mask fragment, which originally covers just his mouth, extends and covers his arms and part of his ears. He grows a chunk of that white stuff on his shoulder's (remeber Volcanica, the release of one of grimmjow's fraccion? Looks like that, but smaller.)
    His hands become claw-like in the way that his fingers become pointed and really sharp. His legs also undergo a similar transformation, growing jagged rifges acroos the back of the legs. He grows a tail, which is considerably strong in power and is able to be used in battle.
    He has grown little armor on his torso area, in efforts to keep drag to a minimum, as speed is his primary attribute. The armor on his chest and abdomen area is crisscrossed and seems as if he was repeatedly slashed by tigers. Under that is a layer of white, just so it won't look ugly.

    Affinity: Fire

    Segunda Ressureccion: I have one but it's a secret cause it'll be awesome, and I want to save up its unveiling for the right time,,,,,,, And if anybody's gonna tell me I can't have one, well, HAVE YOU EVR UNDERGONE ANY SPECIAL TRAINING(in the forums) TO GAIN YOURS?!?!?!?!? IF SO, Fine, I'll undergo that training, but unless you haven't, then it is unjust.

    Posts : 411
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    Arrcanar Ressurection Empty Re: Arrcanar Ressurection

    Post  Kaname Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:53 pm

    About the segunda ressurction i plan on making a post count for it just like bankai for captains. At the moment all we know is once espada has it, so not every arrcanar can have it. And i'm pretty sure there is no special training to get it. It's prolly just an espada evolving like menos to adjuncants.

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    Arrcanar Ressurection Empty Re: Arrcanar Ressurection

    Post  Viper Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:32 pm

    Name: Veneno

    Zanpakuto: Venom is a giant-sized shuriken with four point ends (like in my picture) that is made from tatanium.

    Release Pharse: Extenderse, Veneno (Spread, Venom)

    Ressurection Apperance: After Viper release the gaint-sized shuriken combines with her body and her appearcence changes. Viper's mask goes from covering her forehead to covering her forehead with two medium size horns and runs down the side of her face and her eye color go from gold to pich black. She has a orange aura grow around her when she gets ready to attack(more on this later).

    Abilities: She is able to use multiply her reiatsu to make different types of weapons (made of complete Ressurection) but mostlys uses swords, spears, and gaint shuriken. Her speed increases to avoid many attacks from lower-level opponites. (Note: Viper is know for speed, herio, and her ability to multiply reiatsu)

    Segunda Ressurection:Unknown
    majoru belguzo
    majoru belguzo

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    Arrcanar Ressurection Empty Re: Arrcanar Ressurection

    Post  majoru belguzo Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:43 am

    NAME: libre mono(free monkey Very Happy )

    realese phrase: jugar, libre mono(play, free monkey)

    looks: i get long flexible arms, my lower body is covered by brown hair, my upperbody is covered by red hair

    abbilitie: my moving skills are way better, my strenght is also powered up, i am master at crawling up things no matter what, i have a arsenal of bananas to throw, these bananas have a sword edge so they arent to joke with

    scream: i cry out in a tone that no human can possibly not be affected by, it stuns them for 1 attack

    banana peal Razz : i thow a banana peal, that ppl can slip in,

    note: il update along the way.
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Arrcanar Ressurection Empty Re: Arrcanar Ressurection

    Post  hanabishi kanda Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:45 am

    well. there will be a new bleach rp forum now.
    so i will be turning this into a one piece forum

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