manga forums

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a place where you can make any forum when ever you want

    Basic Rules

    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
    stat points : 1528
    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    Basic Rules Empty Basic Rules

    Post  hanabishi kanda Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:37 pm

    ok, like the title says, these are the basic rules
    1) insulting is ok, but any insults/jokes involving family members that arn't registered members in here are forbidden
    2)any racism will earn you an automatic deletion of your account
    3) kindness is encouraged at all times
    4) more importantly, have fun for it is an order
    5) i shouldn't really say this, but if you have a pic from a different site, just download it into your pc/laptop or what ever computer you are on, and then just re-upload it in this site for what ever reason you want. the pic could be from any site, and when i say any, i mean any, so even if the pic is clean, it doesn't mean the site it came from is clean as well.
    6) as for the definition for not clean, it is simple, do not put up links or up load any photos from pornography or pornography related sites. if you do, that photo will be deleted.
    7) there might be confusion on what might be clean and what is not depending on the point of view, so to further the definition of clean, it is photos not featuring anything that is associated with the human reproduction system. although things like yuri or yaoi. they are allowed to a certain extent, just no revealing any body parts associated with rule number 6
    8 ) no blatant copies. i have made it clear in a manga fox rp but incase no one knows what i am talking about, i absolutely HATE BLATANT COPIES OF ANYTHING this does not mean you can not base any aspect of your character off of anything, you just can't have similarities that exceed 70% of the original characters or want ever it is based off of.
    this means things like history similarities are allowed, must changes must be made to make it some what original
    similarities in the position of any bodily marks are allowed, this means scars or tattoo designs
    if this site is ever used as an rp focused on fighting, i will allow basing ones abilities off of another series, but must have the fine details changed to fit this rp, so at the most, i will allow the copy of the names only to give credit to the proper creators. anything else that is a blatant copy is not allowed.

    9) rules for all adims and future adims. in the case that i am no longer active (which would be unlikely in the near future) the next head adim will be decided by a vote similar to the presidential election in the us. of course, there will probably be a significant amount of inactive members, so the voting will take place over the course of a single 30 day period, from day 1, through day 25, no actual voting will take place, it will be day 26 through 30 where we all will cast our votes, during day 1 through 25, each head adim candidate will post a thread and telling why they should be head adim, again this is going to be like the presidential election.

    rule number 9 can not be changed for any reason, if i suddenly come back to check on things and find that this rule is changed, not only will i take back authority, but i will strip the staff member/s responsible of their admin status reducing them to standard members, and assign a replacement

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:46 am