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a place where you can make any forum when ever you want

    creation rules

    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
    stat points : 1528
    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:49 am

    this is where all equipment that are special are placed. if this rp is ever used as a battle rp, there are bound to be special weapons. thus if you want a personalized weapon, then you must place it in here under the following i have made it clear in the rules that i dislike blatant copiesof various things. and will only allow a certain amount of similarities, if those similarities exceed the limit, then at the least, give credit

    name: the name of the artifact, can be in any language, but just give a translation of what it means in english

    weapon form: what it looks like, be as descriptive of what it looks like, if possible include a picture

    weapons abilities: what the artifact does, i have said before in the character app that certain abilities are strictly prohibited.

    requirement: meaning what is required for the weapon to be able to be used

    to prevent any modification of the artifacts, after it has been approved, each admin is encouraged to lock it after approval

    in order for the artifact to be approved, you must have 2 adims look it over so that it is actually acceptable, only exception is if you have the boss admin (currently me) accept it,of course i will be asking the other admins to take a look at it as well to make it fair

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:42 pm