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    element system

    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
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    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    element system Empty element system

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:23 am

    element domination
    fire devours air
    air scatters earth
    earth swallows water
    water douses fire

    when a dragon of a certain element goes against an element that it is weak against, it has its attacks power cut by 30%

    there are some substance that are in the gray zone, so here is a list of what is considered what

    *ice and steam- considered water due to being its solid state
    *magma- considered fire and earth due to the substance from the earth but in its liquid state because of fire, difference between this and ice is that earth is not naturally in a magma form except under extreme conditions
    *wood- earth and water, it uses the physical mater of earth for substance, and it may absorb water, it to me technically uses the energy of water to sustain it selv

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