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    battle point system

    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    battle point system Empty battle point system

    Post  hanabishi kanda Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:59 pm

    in this battle point system, it is as simple as i can make it

    and this forum is a data base of situations that can allow a person know what happens rather than just explaining it.

    this can be changed by an adim as long as the head adim is informed.

    to avoid needless searching, here will be a table of content for the post
    each page has 10 posts, including this one, and all will be in order
    -head on attacks
    -redirecting attacks
    -teaming up- head on attacks
    -teaming up- defending attacks
    -dodging attacks

    Last edited by hanabishi kanda on Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:57 am; edited 3 times in total
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    battle point system Empty head on attacks

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:06 am

    situation 1
    person A does technique 1
    attack strength- 45

    person B does technique 2
    attack strength- 45

    both attacks collide head on, both attacks are negated

    situation 2

    person A does technique 3
    attack strength 50

    person B does technique 6
    attack strength 70

    person B's attack goes through and does 20 points of damage

    in this situation the person with a larger attack can go through a persons who attack is lower through the laws of physics
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    battle point system Empty defending

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:10 am

    situation 1
    person A uses technique 1
    defensive power 100

    person B uses technique 3
    attack power 100

    both attacks are equal and cancel each other out

    situation 2
    person A use technique 1
    defensive power 90

    person B use technique 5
    attack power 100

    person B wins that round, damage dealt to person A is half the difference. meaning damage done is 5
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    battle point system Empty redirecting an attack

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:16 am

    unless its a magnet redirecting a bullet. a force is required to redirect an attack, the way to redirect an attack is through how strong the attack is and how strong the force you want to use is. meaning if you want to redirect the attack at a specific angle, you must use the trigonometric laws. with the force of the attack coming your way as the hypotenuse and your force is the force used for the sine function. to calculate it, just divide your force by your opponents force, and then take that number and type in to a calculator arc sine (its the sin -1 button) and using that number is the angle you get. but make sure you know if the number is in radians or in degrees.

    physical techniques can only be redirected by physical techniques, while mana techniques can only be redirected by mana techniques

    Last edited by hanabishi kanda on Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    battle point system Empty teaming up- head on attacks

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:22 am

    usually the previous sitautions have only been covered by one on one situations, but then it would always be stronger guy always win, but now, a way for the weaker guys to win is teaming up with a buddy.

    basically you add up the number value of the attacks when they go against the opponents attack

    situation 1
    person A does technique 1
    attack power 150

    person B does technique 2
    power level 80

    teammate B-1 does technique 3
    power level 75

    total power level 155

    person B + B-1 wins dealing 5 points of damage

    situation 2
    person A does technique 1
    attack power 150

    person B does technique 2
    power level 65

    teammate B-1 does technique 3
    power level 75

    total power level 140

    person B + B-1 loses dealing 5 points of damage to both person B and teammate B-1
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    battle point system Empty teaming up- defending attacks

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:24 am

    same as the above post
    situation 1
    person A does technique 1
    defense power 150

    person B does technique 2
    power level 80

    teammate B-1 does technique 3
    power level 75

    total power level 155

    person B + B-1 wins dealing 2.5 points of damage

    situation 2
    person A does technique 1
    defense power 150

    person B does technique 2
    power level 65

    teammate B-1 does technique 3
    power level 75

    total power level 140

    person B + B-1 wins loses, 5 points of damage is dealt to each person

    situation 3
    person A does technique 1
    attack power 150

    person B does technique 2
    defense level 80

    teammate B-1 does technique 3
    defense level 75

    total power level 155

    person B + B-1 wins dealing 5 points of damage

    situation 4
    person A does technique 1
    attack power 150

    person B does technique 2
    power level 65

    teammate B-1 does technique 3
    power level 75

    total power level 140

    person B + B-1 loses, 2.5 points of damage dealt to each person
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    battle point system Empty dodging attacks

    Post  hanabishi kanda Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:46 pm

    dodging is quite simple thing but how much of it a person can do it depends on the difference in speed stat. below this sentence will be a table of how much a person can dodge in consecutive posts

    difference at most
    number of consecutive posts
    if both speed stats are the same. both players will get hit. whether or not damage is dealt depends on the above rules
    50 point
    5 posts

    100 point
    10 posts

    200 point
    20 posts

    above 200 points
    depends on the person whos speed stat is higher

    here is format of what it is meant by 5 consecutive posts
    person A- attack
    person B- dodge
    person A- attack
    person B- dodge
    person A- attack
    person B- dodge
    person A- attack
    person B- dodge
    person A- attack
    person B- gets hit

    the reason why there is a point system is to make things fair for both the challenger and the challenged.
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    battle point system Empty equipment

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:55 am

    i did say that scientist/creation beings are allowed. an example would be my character. since at thsi point in time, the site and system is still being restructured, there can be equipment to help weaker characters incase they need it. but it is not every one who can just make random stuff. the characters that will be able to make the various equipment will be appointed by the adim/clan head of the race. how it related to the point system is the format of what it enhances and its effect.
    the format is the following

    name: (optional) what you want to call it

    physical description: what it looks like, a picture will do

    rp description: what it does, meaning what powers it possesses, what it is suppose to adjust, and if it is necessary, what significance does it has with the plot

    point adjustment: what points it adjust. remember, the point distribution can not be changed. there fore it uses the points of the pool. here is a legend of what i ment

    stamina/health- how much health it will cost you to activate
    mana/energy- how much energy it will cost you to activate
    speed- how much it will enhance your speed
    strength- how much it will enhance your strength

    there will be a thread for the equipment for each of the selected characters will have to post their creations. although they won't be required to be aproved from the adims, but please make them sensible. meaning nothing that will allow a one hit kill regardless of the situation

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