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    point distribution

    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:46 am

    every member when at the beginning is given 200 points to distribute. here, they distribute in the subjects given

    stamina/health- this will be one of the bars that will be later assigned. unlike speed and strength, this determines how much life you have and how strong the physical techniques are. if stamina is low, the strength of a physical technique or its speed is dropped. if the bar is still above half, the strenght of all the physical techniques remain the same, if it drops to below half, then the strenght of the physical attacks drop in proportion to half of the stamina

    example: if you are at quarter of your stamina, the streangth of your physical technique are cut in half. if your stamina is at an eighth, then the strength is cut down to a fourth.

    mana/energy- this is the other bar that will be later assigned.

    speed- this is one of two stats that can not be changed manually, this determines how fast your character is, whether on land, or in the air and water. this will also determine if you are fast enough to dodge an attack

    strength- this is the other of the two stats that can not be changed manually. this determines how strong a physical technique is

    when you set these stats, they will go up by themselves. every time you gain a level, you can add on to the health and energy bars, manually, but the number value of the speed and strength of the character will increase regardless of how you want it to.

    there is a sub subject called defending, it is not an official subject to distribute points, but rather is based off of the strength. if a technique can be used defensively like producing a wall or generating a barrier, the strength of the said technique used to defend is no more than 1.5 times the number value of the strength, the only time a defensive stat can surpass the strength stat is when it is designed purely for defending and has no offensive capabilities. there the maximum points it can have can be no more than 2 times the number value of strength, or the maximum number value of the mana.

    health- 60
    mana- 40
    strength- 50
    speed- 50

    technique a- purely defensive
    defense streangth can be 100
    or 80

    Last edited by hanabishi kanda on Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
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    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:01 am

    i am sure i posted this up some where but for some reason i can not find it, so i will explain
    rank 1- the beginners rank
    rank 2- an advanced rank,usually marks when a members dragon character turns in to a man
    rank 3- the final rank a normal dragon can attain.

    when a person ascends to a rank above, they gain an additional 200 points they can distribute, and the base level for their strength and speed will be multiplied by 1.5
    s rank- only after when either an adim or 3 mods will acknowledge through hard work and dedication that they will be able to be promoted s rank, if more than one dragon is acceptable, there can be a s rank trial. when a person has proven to be worthy of this rank, they will be allowed to use dragon techniques in their human form, but the techniques power will be lowered by half. to help avoid collateral damage
    ss rank-where one has gained enough trust in a clan and have become one of the leaders of the clan. as a member, they will we able to become a mod to help out the adims
    sss ranks- a person who is of adim rank. as a character, they are the head or the former head of a dragon clan. the only person of equal authority is another clan head, and the only person of greater authority is the head adim

    any person moved up a rank will receive 250 points, and all of their stats multiplied 2

    due to the unique history of the rp, the first generation adims like my self will start out at 600 points.

    Last edited by hanabishi kanda on Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Age : 31
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    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:05 am

    when a person ranks up will be determined by the head adims and notified by an adim or mod

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