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hanabishi kanda
Jin Grand
Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
Bo Ricero
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    Techniques Empty Techniques

    Post  Kaname Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:01 pm

    *Thiis is were everybody post thier techniques. This will help when fighting and determining if a tech is a god mod or not.*

    *If you have already posted your techs under your zanpkuto then please move them to this thread and remove them from your zanpakuto*

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    Techniques Empty Re: Techniques

    Post  Kaname Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:05 pm

    Name: Fire Ball
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: When not in shikai Kaname can form either a wind ball, or a fire ball in his hand . He then proceeds to throw it like a pitcher. In ressurction the the balls are shot from the dragons mouths.

    Name: Wind Ball
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kanme swirls the air and reiastu into his hand forming a sphere. Kaname then attack the opponent with it, which will usally causes them to go flying backwords, spinning around.Sometimes the attack will burn the opponent where they are hit by it.
    Effect: When used in ressurection the ball is shot from the dragon ganulets.

    Name: Wind blade
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Blades of wind are formed from the slashing of Kanryu

    Name: Wangetsu Doragon Higyou
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kaname slashes his renbato causing the air from the slash to catch on fire as it strikes.

    Name: Flame Tornado
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kaname uses his extreme speed to circle his opponent, while circle them, he slashes with his renbato causing flames to form a tornado around his opponent.

    Cero Techniques

    Name: Inferuno Cero
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kaname combines his fire with a gran rey cero to make one of his most deadly attacks. The Cero looks like a flaming black hole. It's a gigantic black orb that glows with. When thrown, it explodes with the next thing it makes contact with. Since gaining control over his impressive reiatsu, the attack can engulf an area but only harm those he wishes it to harm.

    Name: Inferuno Fist
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Abandoning the principle of control he'd learn or perhaps no longer able to maintain that control. Kaname has found ways to encompass is power into more deadly ways. He forms his concentrated smaller Inferuno Cero and encloses it around his fist. He then attacks with a punch, at that time, releases the cero point blank.

    Name: Gran Inferuno
    Type: Ultimate Finisher
    Description: First done once consumed by his rage and his power unleashed, Kaname realized a wholly greater attack. He begins forming his Cero Oscuras in one hand, and the infamous Inferuno Cero in the other. He then crashes them together and launches the ensuing, enormous blast forward towards the opponent. This is Kanames most powerful attack

    Ressurection Techniques:

    Name: Air slicing blast
    Type: Offensive
    Description: A slight sonic sound is emitted from dragons ganulets. This sound allows the control of super sonic sound waves an air pressure. The air is then concentrated in one place, and creates large blasts of air shot from the ganulets.

    Name: Dragon of Wind and Flames
    Type: Active, Offensive, Defensive
    Description: Kaname shoots a fire ball and a wind ball from each dragon ganulet. The four balls combine to form a flame dragon.
    Effect: The dragon has 2 purpose, 1 offensive, and 1 defensive.

    Offensive purpose: After the dargon is formed it flies and attacks Kaname opponent.

    Defensive Purpose: After the dragon is formed it flies and circles Kaname protecting him from attacks.

    Name: Blazing Tornado
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: Kaname slashes each blade diagonally once. The slashes let out a gust of wind that sparks when released. The slashes act as two halves to a whole combing to from a tornado of fire.

    Name: Dragon Fire
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kaname blows multiple fire balls from the dragon ganulets. It can also be combined with throwing weapons, which creates weapons engulfed in flames.

    Name: Tsuin Wangetsu Doragon Higyou Tatsumaki
    Type: Offensive Finisher
    Description: Kaname does the the samething as the flame tornado, but he jump to the eye of the tornado and strikes with the Wangetsu Doragon Higyou, the technquies combine and engulf the opponents body in flames then it explodes.

    Heaven Blade fighting style:

    Kaname has a special sword fighting style. He uses his Masamune(lok at char profile to see what a masamune looks like) for all of the follwing techniques.

    Name: Ryu Tsui Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Tsui Sen is one of the most basic moves of the style. This move is used often, because most swordsmen have a blind spot in countering attacks from the air. It is simply a powerful sword slash descending from above.

    Name: Ryu Kan Sen
    Type: Offensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Kan Sen is a counterattack move. After using Kaname's incredible speed to avoid a strike, this move is a strike against the back of the opponent's neck.

    Name: Ryu Kan Sen - Tsumuji
    Type: Offensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Kan Sen Tsumuji is one of our Kanames' most powerful and effective counterattacks, second only to Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki. As a weapon attacks, the user of the move will move using his most incredible speed, leap towards the attack, and spin around it, finishing with a powerful strike to the opponents neck.

    Name: Ryu Sou Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Sou Sen is a primitive form of Kuzu Ryu Sen. This move strikes all nine vital points randomly at very high speeds. However it does not strike them all simultaneously. This move is very useful against opponents with high stamina or that are slow to react.

    Name: Ryu Sou Sen - Garami
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Sou Sen Garami is an alternative form of Ryu Sou Sen. Instead of striking the vital points at high speed, this attacks a focused point(such as a head, torso) at high speed.

    Name: Ryu Shou Sen
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Shou Sen is a very deadly technique of Kaname's fighting style. It is used to counterattack any attacks from above. When the powerful force of the upward bound blade clash with that of the velocity of the descending opponent, the impact is very tremendous.

    Name: Sou Ryu Sen
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: Sou Ryu Sen is a move that is very effective as a surprise move. If a Battou Jutsu misses the original target, it usually leaves the attacker very vulnerable. To counter opponents taking advantage of this opportunity, the saya(scabbard) follows up the Battou Jutsu

    Name: Sou Ryu Sen - Ikazuchi
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: The Ikazuchi variant of Sou Ryu Sen is used only rarely. It is the same move, however the variation is that the move leads with the saya instead of the sword. This move is effectively used as a distraction while the final blow is landing.

    Name: Dou Ryu Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Dou Ryu Sen is one of the more useful moves. With it, the user swings his sword right above the ground. The pressure uplifts dirt and rock that flies in the direction of the slash. This move is more of a setup attack; it can easily be followed up with a Ryu Tsui Sen, or other such move.

    Name: Kuzu Ryu Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kuzu Ryu Sen is Kanames' absolute favorite move. This technique is the true display of the incredible speed that Kaname weilds. This move strikes all nine vital points of the body The speed of this attack makes it almost impossibe to defend, however, is used as a test for the Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki. That is the only move that can possibly cancel out Kuzu Ryu Sen.

    Name: Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki
    Type: Offensive Finisher
    Description: This technique is identified as a Battou Jutsu (Sword Drawing Stance) that leads with the left leg instead of the right leg. In addition, if the initial strike is avoided or blocked, the force of the unusually fast slashing motion displaces the air around it, generating a vacuum in its wake and sucking the opponent in; as this happens, the body is spun around for a second strike, with the previous action adding force and momentum to the swing, making the subsequent strike far stronger.

    Last edited by Kaname on Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:55 am; edited 10 times in total
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

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    Techniques Empty Re: Techniques

    Post  Bo Ricero Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:34 pm

    Name: Cero
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: A normal cero blast.
    Effect: N/A

    Name: Grand Rey Cero
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: Infuse blood with cero to create a more powerful cero.
    Effect: N/A

    Name: Balero lighting
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: The fusion of a Bala and a Cero giveing it the strength of a GRC and the speed of a Bala. This attack looks like the Hado #4 except that it is thicker and red.
    Effect: When an enemy is hit by this attack they are stund. (one post)

    Name: Cero Oscuras
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: One of the ultimate cero. This is a black cero that can even defeat the GRC.
    Effect: N/A

    Name: Extremo Servo
    Discription: This use spirit energy condesing it into a shield from attacks.
    Type: Active, Defensive
    Effect: It can defend against GRC and spell up 80. If used against anything more than with break down the damage. If used against some thing weaker than a GRC, or under level 40 spell than it can be reflected.

    Last edited by Bo Ricero on Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Techniques Empty Re: Techniques

    Post  LORD ZANOS Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:09 am

    not here

    Last edited by LORD ZANOS on Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:02 am; edited 1 time in total
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:24 am

    Cero Lento: Slows down the enemy's movements a split second before impact

    Bakudo 59 (Uragiruherasu): Creates a cross of hardened reiatsu which locks the target to any surface possible until released or broken.

    Cero Pesadilla: Creates an image of the target's worst fear and seals them inside until they defeat it. Target is vulnerable for attacks but can retaliate.

    Hado 70 (Juuyubi Byakurai): From all fingers, fire Byakurai, increasing the explosive power by at least ten times. It is controllable by thought.
    Incantation: 焦点我が 力 , 起爆付き忘却 , 十指白雷!
    (Focus my power, explode to oblivion, ten finger byakurai!)

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    Post  WinnieChan Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:38 am

    Blankconan wrote:Cero Lento: Slows down the enemy's movements a split second before impact

    Bakudo 59 (Uragiruherasu): Creates a cross of hardened reiatsu which locks the target to any surface possible until released or broken.

    Cero Pesadilla: Creates an image of the target's worst fear and seals them inside until they defeat it. Target is vulnerable for attacks but can retaliate.

    Hado 70 (Juuyubi Byakurai): From all fingers, fire Byakurai, increasing the explosive power by at least ten times. It is controllable by thought.
    Incantation: 焦点我が 力 , 起爆付き忘却 , 十指白雷!
    (Focus my power, explode to oblivion, ten finger byakurai!)

    lol ur cero pesadilla looks like my bankai skill =.=""""
    Jin Grand
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    Post  Jin Grand Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:42 am

    The techniques I can use are:
    1: Lightning Orbs; five lightning orbs shoots from the five blade tips. (Shikai Only)
    2: Electric Field; its a binding spell that temporarily paralyses anyone within a 15 feet radius arund me, but only if they have contact with the ground
    3: Lightning Missile; shoots between one to five lightning beams after my enemy, chasing him until they hit their target or something else
    4: Lightning clones; creates from one to five clone made of lightning
    5: Lightning shield; holds my sword horizontally and creates a square lightning shield
    6: Lightning dome; I point the sword towards the sky and shoots a lightning ball into the air, the ball expands and takes form of a dome protecting me and everything in a radius of 10 feet around me
    7: Lightning Fire; creates yellow fire around the four extra blades and Im able to shoot fire balls after my enemies at will, the fire burns at 15,000 degrees Celsius

    Bankai: Sennenryuu no Raiken (Lightning Sword of the Millennium Dragon): I hold the sword towards the sky and yell "Bankai", a large lightning bolt shoots from the sky into my sword, that loses the four extra blade, but grows about a feet longer. The only other difference is that my eyes begin to shine unnaturally yellow.
    1: Lightning Step; allows me to move at the speed of lightning
    2: Electric Field; basically the same but the range doubles
    3: Lightning Blast; shoots a large bolt of lightning
    4: Lightning Strike; charges lightning into the sword, that explodes on impact causing great damage
    5: lightning clones; creates from one to seven clones made of lightning
    6: lightning shield; holds sword horizontally and creates a square shield
    7: lightning dome; I point the sword towards the sky and shoots a lightning ball into the air, the ball expands and takes form of a dome protecting me and everything in a radius of 20 feet around me
    8: lightning fire; creates yellow fire around my sword, that reaches 20,000 degrees Celsius

    Boost abilities:
    1: lightning tempo; covers the body in yellow energy, increases speed, but decreases attack and defence
    2: lightning armour; covers the body in electric energy that can paralyse anything on tough, increases defence, but decreases attack and speed
    3: lightning sword; creates a second sword made of lightning(this sword can use all the abilities that my normal sword can), increases attack, but decreases speed and defence
    currently I can only use two of my boost abilities at the same time

    Rai no Sennenryuu (Millennium Dragon of Lightning); My sword vanishes and a giant lightning dragon appears behind me. This is my Bankais second form
    1: Lightning Ball; blue lightning balls is send flying towards the enemy, number is between one and five, the more balls the less power each ball have, but the harder it is to evade
    2: Falling Lightning; the dragon roars and Lightning starts to shoot down from the sky, hitting whatever I want
    3: Lightning Net; creates a net of lightning bolt around me and protects me from any damage
    4: Lightning Missile; the dragon shoots out any number of beams towards the enemy, that follows our target until they hit it or something else
    5: Lightning Fire; the dragon shoots out a large ball of yellow fire that reaches 25,000 degrees Celsius

    Boost abilities:
    1: lightning armour; covers the body in electric energy that can paralyse anything on tough, increases defence, but decreases attack and speed
    2: lightning tempo; covers the body in yellow energy, increases speed, but decreases attack and defence
    3: lightning sword; creates a second sword made of lightning(this sword can use all the abilities that my normal sword can), increases attack, but decreases speed and defence
    currently I can only use two of my boost abilities at the same time

    Sennenryuu no Rai-jin (the Lightning Gods Millennium dragon) my bankais last form, can only be activated after the Rai no Sennenryuu have been used; the dragon disappears and two lightning wings grows out of my back and gauntlets of lightning forms over my hands, giving me the power to control lightning as I see fit and my power and speed increases 10 times
    1: Lightning strike; charges lightning energy into my fist, that explodes on impact
    2: lightning sword; forms a large katana shaped sword of dense lightning in one or both of my hands
    3: Lightning spear; forms a spear of concentreret lightning and throws it at my enemy with great speed
    4: Lightning surge; forms a lightning ball in my right hand and shoots it towards my enemy while gathering lightning energy in my left hand, that I’m capable of feeding into the lightning ball at any time making it stronger and making it possible for me to remote control it
    5: lightning clones; creates from one to ten clones made of lightning
    6: lightning spikes; my wings dissolve into 100 spikes, that paralyses my opponent if even one touch’s: by releasing reiatsu into my back I can grow my wings again.
    7: lightning tornado; my wings start to move insanely fast creating a tornado, lightning spears are added to the tornado, piercing anyone who gets hit by the giant tornado
    8: Falling Lightning; I points a finger towards the sky and Lightning starts to shoot down, hitting whatever I want
    9: wing shield; wing grows and covers my body completely and protects me from any damage
    10: wing dome; my wings grows even bigger and creates a dome, protecting me and everyone with a 30 feet radius around me
    11: static electricity; I send a strong current for electricity through my enemy’s body, making it completely numb. I can only use this attack if I’m in direct contact with my enemies skin
    12: Lightning Fire; creates a large ball of yellow fire that reaches 30,000 degrees Celsius

    Boost abilities
    1: lightning tempo; covers me in yellow reiatsu, increases my speed, but decreases my strength and defence
    2: lightning claw; creates a claw on each of my ten fingers, increases strength, but decreases my speed and defence
    3: lightning defence; my wings grow bigger allowing me to better defend myself, increases defence, but decreases strength and speed
    Currently I can only use two of my boost abilities at the same time

    Clone techniques
    the clones can use all the same skill as I can, but the power is half of mine

    techniques after mask is on
    Cero; can be used at all times
    Lightning Cero; fuses lightning and cero; can be used during Shikai and all forms off Bankai
    Grand Rey Cero; can be used at all times
    Grand Rey Lightning; can be used during Shikai and all forms off Bankai
    Abilities learned after mask training: when mask is on I can go from Sennenryuu no Raiken to Sennenryuu no Rai-jin

    new ability due to fusion with Dee Sniders Zan: magnetism; able to rebel or draw in anything I want by using the electricity in the air. can be used without releasing zan, but is weaker.

    Last edited by Jin Grand on Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    Techniques Empty Re: Techniques

    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:23 pm

    WinnieChan wrote:

    lol ur cero pesadilla looks like my bankai skill =.=""""

    Oh sorry, didn't know that

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    Post  artixvoncreg Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:52 pm

    special technique # 1 black sun set : i raise my blade high into the sky pointing it straight up and i swing down hard causing black flames to shoot out

    special technique # 2 black sun rise : i lower my blade to the floor and swing upwards forcing spiritual pressure into the blade and then to explode on eimpact

    final technique # 1 black sun 280 apocalypse : i hold both arms out to my sides and and focus alot of spiritual energy into my arms and blades then i shunpo behind my opponent and frantically swing my sword 280 times slashing my enemys back

    final technique # 2 black sun 666 road to hell : i hold my blades out to my sides and focus almost all spiritual energy into my arms and blade i then shunpo behind my opponent and frantically slash 666 times on the 666th slash an illusion is created me and my enemy are fighting on a red bricked road which seems to have no end and to escape this illusion my enemy must reach the end of the road

    ( note the second final technique can only be performed in bankai i am willing to teach my techniques but they will be gruesome and the final techniques im sorry to say will involve a form of torture you have been warned if you wish to learn just ask me next time you see me or pm me)
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:06 pm

    The Technique that cuts a person 1000 times with 1000 blades?
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Post  hanabishi kanda Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:37 pm

    Blankconan wrote:The Technique that cuts a person 1000 times with 1000 blades?
    plese use a number reasonable. its almost imposible to cut up a person 1000 times thouroughly. unless you mean by a simple cut where it doesn't slice off a limb or something.

    for some reason. when i say cut. i keep thinking of cutting a person through. like you slice through a persons stumach and they are split in half

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    Post  adiktuz Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:04 pm

    Here are some techniques for my "forbidden" zanpakto release (The combined raikou and skeogul which is forbidden in fights)

    Thundercharge of Ultra Destruction - Creates a very high-energy electrified field around me which enlarges fast and causes extreme damage to those caught in it.

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    Post  *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:08 am

    Here are some of the following techniques of my zan see whether they're god mod or not.

    White Fire
    Type: Offensive/Supportive
    Description: Very much like amaterasu from naruto, it cannot be put out, only goes out over time, it has the heat equal to that of fire caused by lightning, and it can also be used as a healing technique at times.

    StormTechnique: Restrictment Blaze
    Type: Offensive/Binding
    Description: A ring forms around the opponent and it bursts into white fire, kind of like a explosion. Has all the effects of white fire and it also binds the opponent. It can be used wherever my spirit particles are present, even if they are remnants on an opponents' wound.

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    Post  adiktuz Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:48 am

    adiktuz wrote:Here are some techniques for my "forbidden" zanpakto release (The combined raikou and skeogul which is forbidden in fights)

    Thundercharge of Ultra Destruction - Creates a very high-energy electrified field around me which enlarges fast and causes extreme damage to those caught in it.

    Here is a tech I can use always:
    Hollow Seal: my iris turns red and I became able to shot balas and ceros(its like a minor hollowfication)
    Reiatsu Sap Clone: I create a clone that when an opponent hits it or goes near it explodes then sapps away almost all of their reiatsu but also saps a lot of mine (not always usable, does not have an exact cooldown but since saps almost all of my energy I must regenerate it first before I can use another or it will now have a great effect)

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    Techniques Empty Re: Techniques

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:26 pm

    Kaname wrote:Name: Fire Ball
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: When not in shikai Kaname can form either a wind ball, or a fire ball in his hand . He then proceeds to throw it like a pitcher. In ressurction the the balls are shot from the dragons mouths.

    Name: Wind Ball
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kanme swirls the air and reiastu into his hand forming a sphere. Kaname then attack the opponent with it, which will usally causes them to go flying backwords, spinning around.Sometimes the attack will burn the opponent where they are hit by it.
    Effect: When used in ressurction the ball is shot from the dragon ganulets.

    Name: Wind blade
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Blades of wind are formed from the slashing of Kanryu

    Ressurction Techniques:

    Name: Air slicing blast
    Type: Offensive
    Description: A slight sonic sound is emitted from dragons ganulets. This sound allows the control of super sonic sound waves an air pressure. The air is then concentrated in one place, and creates large blasts of air shot from the ganulets.

    Name: Dragon of Wind and Flames
    Type: Active, Offensive, Defensive
    Description: Kaname shoots a fire ball and a wind ball from each dragon ganulet. The four balls combine to form a flame dragon.
    Effect: The dragon has 2 purpose, 1 offensive, and 1 defensive.

    Offensive purpose: After the dargon is formed it flies and attacks Kaname opponent.

    Defensive Purpose: After the dragon is formed it flies and circles Kaname protecting him from attacks.

    Name: Blazing Tornado
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: Kaname slashes each blade diagonally once. The slashes let out a gust of wind that sparks when released. The slashes act as two halves to a whole combing to from a tornado of fire.

    Name: Dragon Fire
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kaname blows multiple fire balls from the dragon ganulets. It can also be combined with throwing weapons, which creates weapons engulfed in flames.

    Heaven Blade fighting style:

    Kaname has a special sword fighting style. He uses his Masamune for all of the follwing techniques.

    Name: Ryu Tsui Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Tsui Sen is one of the most basic moves of the style. This move is used often, because most swordsmen have a blind spot in countering attacks from the air. It is simply a powerful sword slash descending from above.

    Name: Ryu Kan Sen
    Type: Offensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Kan Sen is a counterattack move. After using Kaname's incredible speed to avoid a strike, this move is a strike against the back of the opponent's neck.

    Name: Ryu Kan Sen - Tsumuji
    Type: Offensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Kan Sen Tsumuji is one of our Kanames' most powerful and effective counterattacks, second only to Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki. As a weapon attacks, the user of the move will move using his most incredible speed, leap towards the attack, and spin around it, finishing with a powerful strike to the opponents neck.

    Name: Ryu Sou Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Sou Sen is a primitive form of Kuzu Ryu Sen. This move strikes all nine vital points randomly at very high speeds. However it does not strike them all simultaneously. This move is very useful against opponents with high stamina or that are slow to react.

    Name: Ryu Sou Sen - Garami
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Sou Sen Garami is an alternative form of Ryu Sou Sen. Instead of striking the vital points at high speed, this attacks a focused point(such as a head, torso) at high speed.

    Name: Ryu Shou Sen
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Shou Sen is a very deadly technique of Kaname's fighting style. It is used to counterattack any attacks from above. When the powerful force of the upward bound blade clash with that of the velocity of the descending opponent, the impact is very tremendous.

    Name: Sou Ryu Sen
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: Sou Ryu Sen is a move that is very effective as a surprise move. If a Battou Jutsu misses the original target, it usually leaves the attacker very vulnerable. To counter opponents taking advantage of this opportunity, the saya(scabbard) follows up the Battou Jutsu

    Name: Sou Ryu Sen - Ikazuchi
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: The Ikazuchi variant of Sou Ryu Sen is used only rarely. It is the same move, however the variation is that the move leads with the saya instead of the sword. This move is effectively used as a distraction while the final blow is landing.

    Name: Dou Ryu Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Dou Ryu Sen is one of the more useful moves. With it, the user swings his sword right above the ground. The pressure uplifts dirt and rock that flies in the direction of the slash. This move is more of a setup attack; it can easily be followed up with a Ryu Tsui Sen, or other such move.

    Name: Kuzu Ryu Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kuzu Ryu Sen is Kanames' absolute favorite move. This technique is the true display of the incredible speed that Kaname weilds. This move strikes all nine vital points of the body simultaneously, and it is impossible to defend or dodge. This move, however, is used as a test for the Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki. That is the only move that can possibly cancel out Kuzu Ryu Sen.

    Name: Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki
    Type: Offensive Finisher
    Description: This technique is identified as a Battou Jutsu (Sword Drawing Stance) that leads with the left leg instead of the right leg. In addition, if the initial strike is avoided or blocked, the force of the unusually fast slashing motion displaces the air around it, generating a vacuum in its wake and sucking the opponent in; as this happens, the body is spun around for a second strike, with the previous action adding force and momentum to the swing, making the subsequent strike far stronger.

    hey one of your attacks and my attacks share a name

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    Post  Kaname Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:27 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    Kaname wrote:Name: Fire Ball
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: When not in shikai Kaname can form either a wind ball, or a fire ball in his hand . He then proceeds to throw it like a pitcher. In ressurction the the balls are shot from the dragons mouths.

    Name: Wind Ball
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kanme swirls the air and reiastu into his hand forming a sphere. Kaname then attack the opponent with it, which will usally causes them to go flying backwords, spinning around.Sometimes the attack will burn the opponent where they are hit by it.
    Effect: When used in ressurction the ball is shot from the dragon ganulets.

    Name: Wind blade
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Blades of wind are formed from the slashing of Kanryu

    Ressurction Techniques:

    Name: Air slicing blast
    Type: Offensive
    Description: A slight sonic sound is emitted from dragons ganulets. This sound allows the control of super sonic sound waves an air pressure. The air is then concentrated in one place, and creates large blasts of air shot from the ganulets.

    Name: Dragon of Wind and Flames
    Type: Active, Offensive, Defensive
    Description: Kaname shoots a fire ball and a wind ball from each dragon ganulet. The four balls combine to form a flame dragon.
    Effect: The dragon has 2 purpose, 1 offensive, and 1 defensive.

    Offensive purpose: After the dargon is formed it flies and attacks Kaname opponent.

    Defensive Purpose: After the dragon is formed it flies and circles Kaname protecting him from attacks.

    Name: Blazing Tornado
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: Kaname slashes each blade diagonally once. The slashes let out a gust of wind that sparks when released. The slashes act as two halves to a whole combing to from a tornado of fire.

    Name: Dragon Fire
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kaname blows multiple fire balls from the dragon ganulets. It can also be combined with throwing weapons, which creates weapons engulfed in flames.

    Heaven Blade fighting style:

    Kaname has a special sword fighting style. He uses his Masamune for all of the follwing techniques.

    Name: Ryu Tsui Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Tsui Sen is one of the most basic moves of the style. This move is used often, because most swordsmen have a blind spot in countering attacks from the air. It is simply a powerful sword slash descending from above.

    Name: Ryu Kan Sen
    Type: Offensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Kan Sen is a counterattack move. After using Kaname's incredible speed to avoid a strike, this move is a strike against the back of the opponent's neck.

    Name: Ryu Kan Sen - Tsumuji
    Type: Offensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Kan Sen Tsumuji is one of our Kanames' most powerful and effective counterattacks, second only to Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki. As a weapon attacks, the user of the move will move using his most incredible speed, leap towards the attack, and spin around it, finishing with a powerful strike to the opponents neck.

    Name: Ryu Sou Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Sou Sen is a primitive form of Kuzu Ryu Sen. This move strikes all nine vital points randomly at very high speeds. However it does not strike them all simultaneously. This move is very useful against opponents with high stamina or that are slow to react.

    Name: Ryu Sou Sen - Garami
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Sou Sen Garami is an alternative form of Ryu Sou Sen. Instead of striking the vital points at high speed, this attacks a focused point(such as a head, torso) at high speed.

    Name: Ryu Shou Sen
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Shou Sen is a very deadly technique of Kaname's fighting style. It is used to counterattack any attacks from above. When the powerful force of the upward bound blade clash with that of the velocity of the descending opponent, the impact is very tremendous.

    Name: Sou Ryu Sen
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: Sou Ryu Sen is a move that is very effective as a surprise move. If a Battou Jutsu misses the original target, it usually leaves the attacker very vulnerable. To counter opponents taking advantage of this opportunity, the saya(scabbard) follows up the Battou Jutsu

    Name: Sou Ryu Sen - Ikazuchi
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: The Ikazuchi variant of Sou Ryu Sen is used only rarely. It is the same move, however the variation is that the move leads with the saya instead of the sword. This move is effectively used as a distraction while the final blow is landing.

    Name: Dou Ryu Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Dou Ryu Sen is one of the more useful moves. With it, the user swings his sword right above the ground. The pressure uplifts dirt and rock that flies in the direction of the slash. This move is more of a setup attack; it can easily be followed up with a Ryu Tsui Sen, or other such move.

    Name: Kuzu Ryu Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kuzu Ryu Sen is Kanames' absolute favorite move. This technique is the true display of the incredible speed that Kaname weilds. This move strikes all nine vital points of the body simultaneously, and it is impossible to defend or dodge. This move, however, is used as a test for the Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki. That is the only move that can possibly cancel out Kuzu Ryu Sen.

    Name: Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki
    Type: Offensive Finisher
    Description: This technique is identified as a Battou Jutsu (Sword Drawing Stance) that leads with the left leg instead of the right leg. In addition, if the initial strike is avoided or blocked, the force of the unusually fast slashing motion displaces the air around it, generating a vacuum in its wake and sucking the opponent in; as this happens, the body is spun around for a second strike, with the previous action adding force and momentum to the swing, making the subsequent strike far stronger.

    hey one of your attacks and my attacks share a name

    which one

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:39 pm

    Kaname wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    Kaname wrote:Name: Fire Ball
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: When not in shikai Kaname can form either a wind ball, or a fire ball in his hand . He then proceeds to throw it like a pitcher. In ressurction the the balls are shot from the dragons mouths.

    Name: Wind Ball
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kanme swirls the air and reiastu into his hand forming a sphere. Kaname then attack the opponent with it, which will usally causes them to go flying backwords, spinning around.Sometimes the attack will burn the opponent where they are hit by it.
    Effect: When used in ressurction the ball is shot from the dragon ganulets.

    Name: Wind blade
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Blades of wind are formed from the slashing of Kanryu

    Ressurction Techniques:

    Name: Air slicing blast
    Type: Offensive
    Description: A slight sonic sound is emitted from dragons ganulets. This sound allows the control of super sonic sound waves an air pressure. The air is then concentrated in one place, and creates large blasts of air shot from the ganulets.

    Name: Dragon of Wind and Flames
    Type: Active, Offensive, Defensive
    Description: Kaname shoots a fire ball and a wind ball from each dragon ganulet. The four balls combine to form a flame dragon.
    Effect: The dragon has 2 purpose, 1 offensive, and 1 defensive.

    Offensive purpose: After the dargon is formed it flies and attacks Kaname opponent.

    Defensive Purpose: After the dragon is formed it flies and circles Kaname protecting him from attacks.

    Name: Blazing Tornado
    Type: Active, Offensive
    Description: Kaname slashes each blade diagonally once. The slashes let out a gust of wind that sparks when released. The slashes act as two halves to a whole combing to from a tornado of fire.

    Name: Dragon Fire
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kaname blows multiple fire balls from the dragon ganulets. It can also be combined with throwing weapons, which creates weapons engulfed in flames.

    Heaven Blade fighting style:

    Kaname has a special sword fighting style. He uses his Masamune for all of the follwing techniques.

    Name: Ryu Tsui Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Tsui Sen is one of the most basic moves of the style. This move is used often, because most swordsmen have a blind spot in countering attacks from the air. It is simply a powerful sword slash descending from above.

    Name: Ryu Kan Sen
    Type: Offensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Kan Sen is a counterattack move. After using Kaname's incredible speed to avoid a strike, this move is a strike against the back of the opponent's neck.

    Name: Ryu Kan Sen - Tsumuji
    Type: Offensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Kan Sen Tsumuji is one of our Kanames' most powerful and effective counterattacks, second only to Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki. As a weapon attacks, the user of the move will move using his most incredible speed, leap towards the attack, and spin around it, finishing with a powerful strike to the opponents neck.

    Name: Ryu Sou Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Sou Sen is a primitive form of Kuzu Ryu Sen. This move strikes all nine vital points randomly at very high speeds. However it does not strike them all simultaneously. This move is very useful against opponents with high stamina or that are slow to react.

    Name: Ryu Sou Sen - Garami
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Sou Sen Garami is an alternative form of Ryu Sou Sen. Instead of striking the vital points at high speed, this attacks a focused point(such as a head, torso) at high speed.

    Name: Ryu Shou Sen
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: Ryu Shou Sen is a very deadly technique of Kaname's fighting style. It is used to counterattack any attacks from above. When the powerful force of the upward bound blade clash with that of the velocity of the descending opponent, the impact is very tremendous.

    Name: Sou Ryu Sen
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: Sou Ryu Sen is a move that is very effective as a surprise move. If a Battou Jutsu misses the original target, it usually leaves the attacker very vulnerable. To counter opponents taking advantage of this opportunity, the saya(scabbard) follows up the Battou Jutsu

    Name: Sou Ryu Sen - Ikazuchi
    Type: Defensive Counter
    Description: The Ikazuchi variant of Sou Ryu Sen is used only rarely. It is the same move, however the variation is that the move leads with the saya instead of the sword. This move is effectively used as a distraction while the final blow is landing.

    Name: Dou Ryu Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Dou Ryu Sen is one of the more useful moves. With it, the user swings his sword right above the ground. The pressure uplifts dirt and rock that flies in the direction of the slash. This move is more of a setup attack; it can easily be followed up with a Ryu Tsui Sen, or other such move.

    Name: Kuzu Ryu Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Kuzu Ryu Sen is Kanames' absolute favorite move. This technique is the true display of the incredible speed that Kaname weilds. This move strikes all nine vital points of the body simultaneously, and it is impossible to defend or dodge. This move, however, is used as a test for the Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki. That is the only move that can possibly cancel out Kuzu Ryu Sen.

    Name: Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki
    Type: Offensive Finisher
    Description: This technique is identified as a Battou Jutsu (Sword Drawing Stance) that leads with the left leg instead of the right leg. In addition, if the initial strike is avoided or blocked, the force of the unusually fast slashing motion displaces the air around it, generating a vacuum in its wake and sucking the opponent in; as this happens, the body is spun around for a second strike, with the previous action adding force and momentum to the swing, making the subsequent strike far stronger.

    hey one of your attacks and my attacks share a name

    which one

    the one with hirameki
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Post  hanabishi kanda Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:52 pm

    Blankconan wrote:Cero Lento: Slows down the enemy's movements a split second before impact

    Bakudo 59 (Uragiruherasu): Creates a cross of hardened reiatsu which locks the target to any surface possible until released or broken.

    Cero Pesadilla: Creates an image of the target's worst fear and seals them inside until they defeat it. Target is vulnerable for attacks but can retaliate.

    Hado 70 (Juuyubi Byakurai): From all fingers, fire Byakurai, increasing the explosive power by at least ten times. It is controllable by thought.
    Incantation: 焦点我が 力 , 起爆付き忘却 , 十指白雷!
    (Focus my power, explode to oblivion, ten finger byakurai!)
    that is regected. you can't creat kidos. they are already made. the kidos 1 through 99 are already made up. so you can not change the numbers.
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:53 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Blankconan wrote:Cero Lento: Slows down the enemy's movements a split second before impact

    Bakudo 59 (Uragiruherasu): Creates a cross of hardened reiatsu which locks the target to any surface possible until released or broken.

    Cero Pesadilla: Creates an image of the target's worst fear and seals them inside until they defeat it. Target is vulnerable for attacks but can retaliate.

    Hado 70 (Juuyubi Byakurai): From all fingers, fire Byakurai, increasing the explosive power by at least ten times. It is controllable by thought.
    Incantation: 焦点我が 力 , 起爆付き忘却 , 十指白雷!
    (Focus my power, explode to oblivion, ten finger byakurai!)
    that is regected. you can't creat kidos. they are already made. the kidos 1 through 99 are already made up. so you can not change the numbers.

    the wars on kanda!!!!!!!!

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    Post  Tenma Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:56 am

    -Shunko, type: Black lightning.
    - Kung fu, shaolin tiger style.

    -Lightning manipulation. (no specific technicues)
    -Power of shunko is greatly improved



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    Post  Devodin Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:19 pm

    Special abilities of the TITANIUM SPORK OF JUSTICE

    #1Allow use of Epic Camera Pose
    #3 Image Projection-Static may interfere with transmission
    #5 Air freshener- Instantly neutralizes smell
    #12 Pocket Dimension-Can hold ridiculously large things in the pocket that holds the spork
    #21 Ramen Noodle flavor-All ramen eaten with the spork taste like chicken
    #24 Always be gleaming, clean, and ready for action
    #57 Growth
    #92 Sense when Winnie-Chan is near
    #93 Always have a hole to hide in when scary people appear

    More to be revealed...

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    Post  Viper Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:12 pm

    Cero Techniques

    Name: Cero
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Regular cero.

    Name: Cero Fist
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Keeps Cero in hand and close fist to engulf her fist with Cero.

    Name: Gran Ray Cero
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Regular Gran Ray Cero.

    Name: Gran Taifuu Cero
    Type: Offensive, Defensive
    Description: Combine my Cero with wind.
    Offensive: Much stronger then regular Gran Ray Cero.
    Denfinsive: Can use attack to blow away any attack or opponite.

    Ressurection Techniques:

    Name: Medama Sono Miru Shinri (eyes that see truth)
    Type: Definsive
    Description: My eye's vein pop out which allow me to see everyones ressurection and distinguish a person really reiatsu from a fake one.

    Name: Negro Katanas (Black Swords)
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Viper gathers spirtual particles and creates two small black daggers. The daggers have no handle it is just the blade itself.

    Name: Enerugii Disruptor (Energy Disrupter)
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Viper can cost an opponite to lose the ability to multiply his/her reiatsu in the area she cuts for 3 post.
    Requirments: Need to cut the opponite when technique is in use.

    Zampakto Techniques:

    Name: Ketsueki Yokuboo Shuriken (Blood Lust Shuriken)
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Viper's shuriken will follow whom evers blood is on the shuriken with out fail. It will not stop until it hits its target or until I command it to stop.
    Requirements: The blood of opponite

    Name: Motarasu Taifuu Shuriken (Deadly Typhoon Shuriken)
    Type: Ultimate Finisher
    Description: Viper combines wind and with her shuriken. It creates a gaint energy shuriken made of green energy. It's offensive purpose is to be throw at mutliple enemies and diffucult to dodge do to it's enormes size. It's defensive purpose is to keep it shinning so that no one can get near her or to block long range attacks.
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Post  hanabishi kanda Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:31 pm

    zozo hurley(nasin) wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Blankconan wrote:Cero Lento: Slows down the enemy's movements a split second before impact

    Bakudo 59 (Uragiruherasu): Creates a cross of hardened reiatsu which locks the target to any surface possible until released or broken.

    Cero Pesadilla: Creates an image of the target's worst fear and seals them inside until they defeat it. Target is vulnerable for attacks but can retaliate.

    Hado 70 (Juuyubi Byakurai): From all fingers, fire Byakurai, increasing the explosive power by at least ten times. It is controllable by thought.
    Incantation: 焦点我が 力 , 起爆付き忘却 , 十指白雷!
    (Focus my power, explode to oblivion, ten finger byakurai!)
    that is regected. you can't creat kidos. they are already made. the kidos 1 through 99 are already made up. so you can not change the numbers.

    the wars on kanda!!!!!!!!
    are you with the devisions or what. i keep forgetting

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:33 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    zozo hurley(nasin) wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Blankconan wrote:Cero Lento: Slows down the enemy's movements a split second before impact

    Bakudo 59 (Uragiruherasu): Creates a cross of hardened reiatsu which locks the target to any surface possible until released or broken.

    Cero Pesadilla: Creates an image of the target's worst fear and seals them inside until they defeat it. Target is vulnerable for attacks but can retaliate.

    Hado 70 (Juuyubi Byakurai): From all fingers, fire Byakurai, increasing the explosive power by at least ten times. It is controllable by thought.
    Incantation: 焦点我が 力 , 起爆付き忘却 , 十指白雷!
    (Focus my power, explode to oblivion, ten finger byakurai!)
    that is regected. you can't creat kidos. they are already made. the kidos 1 through 99 are already made up. so you can not change the numbers.

    the wars on kanda!!!!!!!!
    are you with the devisions or what. i keep forgetting

    yes he is
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Post  hanabishi kanda Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:45 am

    well. there will be a new bleach rp forum now.
    so i will be turning this into a one piece forum

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