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    bleach- zanpaktos

    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:20 pm

    My zanpakuto is called kiba no ryu. the translation I want is the fang of the dragon, it could also be dragons fang

    its release phrase is kami touse (pronunciation is ka-me t-ow-s) the translation is bite to death

    it's a fire base zanpakuto, in its shikai, the blade grows a little longer and the hand guard is shaped like a diamond with the 4 sides. it has a black extendable/retractable chain attached it the end of the handle, a lot like Hitsugaya’s zanpakuto , except mine has a w shape anchor with a blade stub at the tip and I have complete control over it, the chain can be covered in flames.

    There are many things I can do with the chains, some of the techniques are:
    1) flame arrow- I launch the anchor like a missile and the chain and anchor is covered in fire
    2) duel flame swords - I grab the handle of the anchor, and a blade of fire is extended from the blade stub and the other blade is covered in fire
    3) flame blade- like the duel flame sword, but only the blade is covered in fire
    4) flame shield- I make a large circle with the chain and fire fill it up, any attack that goes through this portal of fire will be incinerated
    5) trap chain- a shikai only technique- I launch the anchor all over the place in a spider web like manner and any humanoid enemies that I recognize will be trap as if any enemies enter the area, the chains move automatically to trap them and make sure they can’t move an inch. While using this technique, the portion of chain used in it can not be covered in fire
    If needed, trap chain has multiple “levels”, each level adds on a layer of chains to help bind the opponent
    Level 10 with the support of a hollow mask can keep a vast lorde class hollow tied up. It can be destroyed with a grand royal cero
    6) Cocoon chains- another shikai only technique- I rap my self in the chains so nothing is showing and it is filled with the healing yellow flame. It looks like a person standing up in a cocoon made of chains that are secured down like a circus tent. Its mainly used for defense and healing
    7) flame fissure- it can be initiated in shikai or bankai- I stab the blade of the shikai or blades of the bankai and the ground erupts with magma and fire it is fired in a strait line or curves, either way, I control it
    I have the ability to use multiple techniques id I wanted to
    Cool fire field-bankai exclusive-I wave my hand and fire goes to the area I waved at
    9) Fire clone- bankai exclusive- a clone made up of fire (replaced by regular shunpo clone)
    10) fire poison-when the blades make contact and stays there for a few seconds, fire sprouts from the point of contact – near range as it only used when the opponent’s blade is touching my blade.
    11) Flame skin- bankai exclusive- I cover my entire body with flames as a defense
    12) Fire claws-Bankai exclusive- covers the claw blades with fire
    Over burst- makes an explosion when touched
    13) Flame spear- it is a combination of flame arrow and duel flame blade. It’s like launching flame arrow while in duel flame blades. There is a blade of fire that expends from the blade stub
    14)flame lance- similar to flame spear, but rather than the standard look of a spear, when flame lance is launched, it is more like a cone, so it looks like a lance is launched
    15) Infinite sword style initiation technique- 1000 thin flame arrows fall from the sky like rain. Then they hit the ground, they turn into katanas.
    15a) infinite sword style- one thousand sword rush- I continually grab swords one by one around me and throw them at the opponent like darts
    15b) infinite sword style- rain of blades- I go behind the opponent and continually grab the swords around me one by one and do upwards slashes and throw them in the air, then the swords fall, they point downward.
    15c) infinite sword style- 1 slash to 50 slash and multiply- I do 50 slashes with 50 different swords, each sword stays in place of where they cut, when all 50 swords are in place, then I hit each sword so that they will vibrate until the shock wave is so great, that they get 50 other cuts
    15d) infinite sword style-one thousand sword swing- I take one sword and use it as a base ball bat and hit another sword at my opponent, it hits other blades on the way there so the sword that was hit hits the other swords on its way to the opponent to send other swords at them
    15e) infinite sword style- cage of blades- I take a sword and hit another sword and several swords are sent flying at the opponent and form a cage in the shape of a cone
    15f) infinite sword style- devine pin- i throu up 4 swords so high in the air. and jump up. the height of the blades fly is known to me only. and i grab all 4 bladesand make the points touch at a single point below me with the edges facing out. then i plumet to the earth aiming at my opponent with pinpoint accuracy scewering them at a velosity so fast. that they barly notice. and when they do. they are already damaged
    16) Chain snake- shikai only-the anchor moves around like a snake
    17) Orb of flames- Bankai only- I make a ball of flames in my hand and swirl it around and compresses it making a powerful flame base thrust attack at my opponent
    18) Omega flame blade- shikai only- I line up my anchor with the blade at the handle with the anchors blade stub pointing in the same direction of the blade. With combining the powers of the anchor and the blade, the shikai's blade is covered in flames, unlike the flame blade technique, the flame blade is so much stronger that I can use it only a short amount of time. It is as strong as my Bankai it self.
    19) Flame flail- shikai only- the anchor is covered with flames and I swing it around like a flail
    20) Flame dragon- Bankai only- I make a dragon out of flames that shoots a concentrated stream of fire at my opponents. I can only manage that attack once.
    21) One blade style- sealed only
    21a) slash of the morning dew- a fast slash that can be quick jab
    21b) slash of the midnight dew- a stronger version of morning dew
    22) Flame whip- can be used only when the anchor is destroyed. I cover the chain in fire and use it like a whip
    23) multi form- bankai
    normal form- all flames are regular flames
    healing form- all flames I use are healing flames and is used for support
    hard form- i consentrate all my flames to turn it from a normal flame to a harder flame that is more powerful
    24) dragons flame- mask only move- in shikai. i devoud the anchor and some chain that is on fire. because of the energy composition of the anchor. it enlarges the flame devoured and i blow out some fire in the form of a dragon. if the move fails. and i missed the target. the dragon flied up in the air then back down vertically then heads towards my opponent then turn into many blade weapons made up of fire. because of my fires ability to devour reitsu like real fire to fuel. blocking is not an option
    in bankai, i simply blow fire out of my mask
    25) tendo jigoku- bankai only- i place hard flames in my right hand and healing flames in my left hand. and mix them togather. i have only used this move once to make a comeback victory against my inner hollow. this is a secret move. that no one has seen

    to activate bankai, I say/yell bankai and my shikai disintegrates then reforms onto my arms in the form of an elbow length arm guard each with 4 blades protruding out in a wolverine manner with a 5th blade near the thumb. The blades them selves can bend into the position where the respective finger is. The power/ability is that it can allow me to make and manipulate fire like fire bending in the avatar cartoon; it can release a yellow flame to heal injuries like the sun flame from the katekyo hitman reborn manga/anime. And the bankai can use the fire base techniques it can do as a shikai except the trap chain. The fire missile is just pure fire and the arm guards can shoot off multiple attacks, the fire shield doesn't need a chain, and the fire swords are pure fire that won't burn me if I touch them. The attacks can get stronger if some emotion is fueling them. The trap chain and cocoon chain or any shikai only technique can not be initiated in bankai as they require a very long chain. And my Bankai allows me to have wings made of fire

    Last edited by hanabishi kanda on Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:21 pm

    Name- Moon light princess
    Command- turn light into darkness and darkness into light

    Shikai- it turns into a broad blade with the yin yang symbol at the hilt. There is no hand guard.
    Abilities- there are 2.

    Path of light- the blade is able to shoot a concentrated stream of light at where ever it is pointed. So it’s like a laser beam

    Blade of light- light gathers at my blade sharpening it

    Path of darkness- materlize my shadow like a puppet. If I am in the air, the puppet stays on the ground

    Bankai name- silent moonlight princess
    Bankai- the sword grows bigger. It has the ability to separate into 2 different swords. Its abilities switch when they are together or not

    And fears they are shown

    When together- the abilities are stronger.

    When separated- the blades allow me to be ambidextrous (meaning it allows me to use both hands as good)

    Sword of light- I am able to shoot multiple streams of concentrated light but only at the same direction. It can only shoot out up to 5 streams

    If it slices the opponents’ shadow, then the same thing happens to the opponent

    Sword of darkness- when the sword is thrusted through the opponents’ shadow. Then the opponent is paralyzed due to the worst memories. In the case of an opponent claiming to have no bad memories or fears, they are regardless paralyzed

    Trail of blades- stab the ground with the blade of darkness and blades made of shadows sprout up to stab the opponent
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:21 pm

    my moonlight princess has evolved if that is possible

    Musical princess
    edit- new name is the dragon of the sound. if any one has a jap translation, please tell me
    Type- support

    command- reverberate

    Shikai’s ability- when struck. It acts like a tuning fork and the sound waves are concentrated in the 3 spaces between the blades so I have 3 attacks. I can use only 3 attacks after I use up the 3 attacks, then I must strike my zanpakuto again. Each ball can be a very strong attack and must be thrown with the zanpakuto with a swing if I wanted to use them. When it is struck, it can boost up an allies power. When the ally is unable to fight, I can place their sealed zanpakuto in between the slits shown in the picture. When inserted. I can use the zanpaktos’ shikai’s’ abilities. When in Bankai, the sealed zanpakuto is still there, I can then use the zanpaktos’ Bankai ability. if the bankai or shikai of a zanpakto can fit in there. it forces the zanpakto into the sealed form. I can still use my own abilities with the exception that my own abilities aren’t boosted.
    I have the ability to throw all 3 energy orbs into one shot that is 3 time more powerful

    Bankai- the blades become a broad sword version. The power of the energy balls are much stronger, and can be altered into different type of shots
    The following are the type of shots
    1) Rapid shot- an energy ball gets smaller as it shoots smaller versions of energy balls. Like a machine gun
    2) Spread shot- I shoot an energy ball and after a specific amount of time. The energy ball splits off in many smaller balls like bird shot
    3) Beam shot- the ball is shot but it has a stream of energy making it look like a beam of energy
    4) arc shot- i do a regular shot. but when i fire it. it turns into an arc and acts like a blade thus slicing what ever it hits. it can be blocked if some on is powerful enough.
    5) fusion shot- it can fuse any 2 techniques to make a new technique, inlike the other technique. it takes up 2 energy balls. so i can only use it once then recharge
    5a) gattling arc shot- a gattling shot, but each indevisdual shot is a mini arc shot
    5b) scatter arc shot- like the scatter shot, except that each shot is a mini arc shot
    5c) blade arc shot- like the beam shot. it uses an arc shot, giving it a sword look
    6) vibrating blade- because each energy ball is made up of consentraited sound, my zanpakto absorbs an energy ball, and makes it vibrait so fast. that is can slice through almost any thing. the speed that rivles Seele Schneider, however, there is a time limit

    the difference between an arc shot and a regular shot. is that a regular shot is an explosion, while the arc shoot is basicly a slicing action
    An additional ability is that if an enemy’s zanpakuto is placed in. then it can not be taken out with out my consent. and the abilities are nullified and i can not use its abilities. meaning i am imprisoning it.
    the spaces inbetween the blades can negate energy. so i can use it like a shield but only for attacks that can fit in there. if the attack is bigger than the spaces. then it can only stop it and not negate it

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  UnknownDemonGod Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:26 pm

    Arrancar Sword
    Demonio Dios (Demon God)
    Resurrección – Obliterate Demonio Dios
    Powers – I am able to manipulate my reiatsu. This allows me to use it in many different ways. I could make armor or weapons purely out of my reiatsu, and many more things. Now I guess I should have said this earlier but I thought it was obvious. In my resurrección, I get a boost in speed, power, and reiatsu. Now I get the abilities are called Reiatsu Arts in this form. I manipulate my reiatsu to do these arts.
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:39 pm

    Name: Kuro-iro Kage (Black-Coloured Shade)
    The form of Kuro-iro Kage is a oversized black wolf.

    Unreleased form: The blade itself appears to have a slightly darker metal forming it, the blade is slightly shorter than the average katana as well as such it is quite thin making it much lighter and relatively easy to manipulate. The guard of the blade is a pure black hurricane shape with the hilt being quite long and of a crimson red leathery materiel with no markings.

    Type: The blade is a shadow/darkness type, it can manipulate other elements to a certain degree if it comes in contact with one but not nearly as well as an elemental soul slayer.

    Shikai: Release phrase ; "Rise up Kuro-iro Kage" (Black-Coloured Shade). The blade is held out in front of th wielder blade facing upwards which then turns pitch black and disolves over the wielders hands, the dissolved blade then swiftly draws in the wielders shadow and forms into a weapon of the wielders choosing (excluding ranged weapons in which the ammo does not return ex:arrows) the weapons size and mass is controlled by the size of the users shadow therefor the shikai is most powerful during dusk and dawn. At night the shadows are more dificult to control being in such high quantity therefor the weapon defaults to around the same size as during the day.

    Special weapon type: The weapon defaults to a special pair of black gloves when first released, the gloves are covered with multiple short jagged blades sticking out all over on random locations with one long blade going over the top on each glove. When in Ninja Katana the blade increases speed and allows the shadow step ability which makes it seem like their are a multitude of sketchy clones moving around, draw back is short range. When in Chained hand scythes the scythes can wrap around and hook on the shadow just like the body.

    Bankai: Release phrase ; "Consume all shinsei kuro Kage-Youkai" (Pure Black Demon Shade" The pupils of the eyes keep growing in size until the eyes appear completely black, the weapon turning into dust and forming into an aura around the user which makes it appear as if the user takes on the form of a demon the aura continues to thicken until the wielder is no longer visible and all that is seen is a demonic entity of the purest black. This bankai focuses on hand to hand combat with it's sharp claws and the ability to extend it's limbs to move around swiftly using it's shadow. This bankai grants incredible speed and unbeleivable flexibility while the destruction level stays at a relatively same level the defense how ever not only rises but has deverse abilities being able to absorb shadows and layering them on as shielding. Transorming one self into a demon grants a particular defense against any sort of demonic creature or attack letting it travel right through the body, in draw back in order to make this molecular change it completely halts leg movements while the bankai remains deformed.

    Bankai's Final Form; Ying and Yang Ressurection, when used the user gains full control over all the pure elements also enhancing the defense of the user by over 10 times. The black demon form is broken and is replaced with a white aura.

    Special abilities:Kage No Kugutsu (Shadow Puppet) ; it grants the user the ability to sap strength from the opponent via his/her shadow in order to escape one must put a suitable distance between themself and Kuro-Shinsei Kage the only draw back from this move is it temporarily renders the user immobile.

    Last edited by Stark Black on Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:15 pm; edited 4 times in total
    Death Fox (Roishio)
    Death Fox (Roishio)

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Death Fox (Roishio) Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:03 pm

    Name:Seighin Kaitou (Mysterious theaf (i'm pretty sure but don't hold me to it))

    Shikai: It steals the spiritual energy of the opponent and stores it inside itself. The closer to the opponet the easier it is and more he can steal. To actually steal the energy he must be ethier:
    1:Be blades with from the opponent or closer
    2:Block an opponets weapon or spell (in the case of an arrancar a Cero)
    3:Stab or slice opponent

    Bankai: In this form the zanpakuto is realesed with not only the original power of the zanpakuto and soul reaper but also the energy it stored (hope you didn't think that energy stealing was for nothin). The acutal look of the zanpakuto takes a pure white Form of it's soul reaper with angel wings and its own (pure white) katana. The zanpakuto can can attack freely and can throw off slices of energy from it's katana (while it's soul reaper can do the same with his own katana) and on it's own can use "flash step". The soul reaper and zanpakuto have a total mind link and can comunnicate without words. (note: The bankai can not physically(sp?) talk or bleed).

    P.S. i believe this would be the best zanpakuto to beat Aizen seeing that he has the whole illusion thing going on.
    Quote 1: "Most shinigami think of there zanpakuto as there as a partner, I do not because i believe that me and Seighin Kaitou are one in the same."
    Quote 2: "Aizen huh? Well Seighin Kaitou will be my senses."

    My true zanpakuto:
    Yume Kureachionu-Dream Creation (If you can find a better translation please help)

    Shikai: Show them the truth through dreams, Yume Kureachionu
    Appearance: Scyth with a long sharp blade. It is wrapped in bandages and parts of the bandages are torn.
    Nightmare illusion: Creates Illusions to confuse the senses of the opponets. Can even make whole enviroments.
    Clone illusions: Can create clones that can attack or just distract.
    Spirit flash: Two or more clones are made and on the blade of there zanpakuto a huge amount of compacted energy is around it and the is flung at the opponet making a huge explosion of light.

    Bankai: My Scythe melts away and i have no weapon.
    Nightmare Creation: Can create things to fight for me, the less there are the strong each one is.(they are real)
    Dream Creation: Takes over the sense of the opponet and can make anything. It may even create whole lanscapes. (everything is real)
    Soothing Dream: Gives the ally any dream they wish soothing any pain they feel and healing there every wound.

    Last edited by Roishio on Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:08 pm

    my new zanpakuto will be name akatsuki (dawn)
    sealed form : long nodachi
    command release : sora wo terasu (illuminate the sky)
    the zanpakuto is engulfed in white flames and the light from my shikai blinds my opponent and cut off the signals to his brain so he cant move for 10 mins and i can also use 5 attacks. since training i can also use lighting element to enhance my normal attacks
    the first is i will make a white wolf out of flames and it will attack u
    the second is more a defensive move where i make 4 circles in the air and they will protect for 10mins but i can also make them explodes
    the third one the sword will disaapear start to make a ring around my opponent and it will explode
    the forth attack is when i start spining the sword and makes reflection of me
    the final attack i when i jump in the air fire mulitple fireballs
    lighting and fire attacks
    lighting fire- shoot a stream of fire and lighting
    flash fire-shoots a giant ball of fire that breaks down and turns into fire spears outline with lighting
    bankai form: Moeru akatsuki (burning dawn)
    the sword will turn into a giant halberd similiar to bankotsu from inuyasha with a wolf shape hilt and flames surrounding the blade.after training my bankai has transformed into 2 halberds with a chain the connects both of them together .when i realese my bankai the area is will be exposed to a cloud of vapor which allow me to control your sense of sight which i call it thewhite mirage. if the fight will go on any longer i will make the flames come together and make a white flame sun and it will start shooting fire balls at you plus i can use the the sun power to create a outfit similar to ichigos bankai to increase my speed and attack power .the last ability is generate fire when there is no heat around by using the heat from anything i want . I also have 10 bankai attacks
    1.white blaze-white chains surounds my opponent
    2.white flame inferno - A sea of flames engulfs whatever i see and in my eye sight
    3. Moeru akatsuki storm: the halbred breaks appart and become 500 white wolfs which i can control with my mind.I can also make them explode
    4.500 wolf barrage -all the wolfs surounds the opponent then my zanpakuto is reformed by the heat of my wolfs in its shikai the command of rip the jumps upon my opponent and sets them on fire.
    5.500 wolfs ressurection ritual1(reborn):starts to absorb the heat from the surounding area to create 500 more wolfs.
    6.500 wolfs ressurection ritual 2(finally):all the wolf comes together on my zanpakuto and my whole body.the whole sword is engulf into a giant flame sword but the side effect is that once i use these 2 moves i used up all my energy. burn kirin- similar to sasuke's kirin attack. i make a giant sun to create a thunder cloud and mix my resitsu. the attack can follow my opponent
    8.1000 wolf slaughter- and upgrade version of 500 wolf barrage but the the wolf are cover with lighting
    9.rage of the inferno- makes fire comes from anywhere
    10.burning lighting dawn- makes a giant sun outlined with lighting and the sun triple the effects of the white mirage.

    Last edited by Six Samurai Irou on Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Tmack Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:06 pm

    Zanpakuto spirit: an all red dragon named Higirisu
    Zanpakuto name: Kaji no Ryuu *named that becuse he likes to be refered to the fire dragon wat Kaji no Ryuu means*
    Zanpakuto type: Fire
    Special effect of zanpakuto: It makes my reiatsu fire and i can manipulate fire so i can use fire attacks with my zanpakuto unreleased
    Unreleased form: an old chipped katana with a faded hilt and it is strapped on the left side of my hip and I use it in my right hand and i can sense anybody that has been hit by one of my fire attacks so clones won't work
    Unreleased attacks:
    Fire fist: I engulf my fist with fire then attack the opponent
    Fire Kick: I engulf my leg with fire then attack the opponent
    Fire Wall:I create a wall of fire that blocks attacks
    Fire art 1- Arm barrier: my arms are engulfed in to fire for defensive purposes
    Fire art 2- inferno clones: i create clones out of fire and my blood and they are stronger than regular clones and they can defend themselves and its harder to destroy them but I can only make 3 of theses at once
    Fire art 3- Fire blade: i create any type of blade in unreleased form out of fire
    fire art 4- Flame Healing: I use fire to heal most of my wounds
    Fire art 5- Fire Barrier: I create a barrier that resembles the arm barrier but is bigger and stronger and it can be moved to
    Fire art 6- Fire Barrier-paralyzing barrier: i punch the ground and I create a barrier that anything in it's circle above it under it or on it get paralyzed (for 2 posts) and it takes a major amount of spiritual pressure to break this
    Fire art 7- Fire Maximum Ingram- I engulf my fists into fire and 2 afterimages appear with me and we use a barrage of punches at the opponent
    Fire art 8 - Volcanic Explosion- I charge up an immense amount of fire then I burst it out like a bomb used as an offensive maneuver and defensive maneuver
    Dragon Fist: I engulf both fists with fire and hit my opponent relentlessly until i feel to ease up (this move also increases my speed)
    Shikai: a long katana that is red and has a black colored hilt

    release command: release your inferno Kaji no Ryuu
    Attacks for shikai *i can use all of these attacks in my mask form*:
    Ring of fire: a ring of fire surrounds the enemy of my choosing then it shrinks squeezing them
    Fire Blast: a blast of fire that does medium damage but can leave a bad burn
    Fire Tornado: my zanpakuto makes a huge tornado made of fire
    Sword Flame: my zanpakuto gets engulfs into flames and the flames add to the power of the flame based attacks
    Fire Cero: a cero that is combined with fire and 2 x stronger a reg cero
    Dragon Blast: I fire a firery blast that resembles a dragon
    Fire Clones: I use my fire to create clones that i can explode at anytime
    Fire cero sword: I engulf my zanpakuto with a fire cero then i can use it to slash my opponent or shoot it at them
    Super Volcano Explosion- I charge up a immense amount of fire and then burst it out with 2x as force as the regular volcano explosion
    Bankai: My reiatsu is a orange flame and Hirigisu manifests in this form
    Bankai Name: Kaji Tasogare no Ryuu*translation Fire Twilight Dragon*
    Bankai Release Command: Reach for the flames of hell
    Attacks for bankai *i can use all of these moves with my mask on*:
    Supernova: this move increases my flame out put for 1hr *12 posts*
    Dragons Breath:The manisfestation of Hirigisu fires a giant blast of fire
    Heat wave: blasts a wave of fire to blow away opponents (can use attack if in bonds or not)
    *needs to have mask on to use*
    Dragon's Cero: The manisfestation of Hirigisu charges a cero that is 2x of a regular cero
    Dragon Fire Cero: I combine fire with a charged cero then i add blood to to make a Dragon fire cero about same power of a grand rey cero
    Great Dragon Cero: While the manisfestion of Hirigisu is charging a cero i add
    blood it to it to make it a Great Dragon Cero 3x of a grand rey cero
    Ultimate Fire Cero Sword: i engulf my zanpakuto with a fire cero and i can use it to slash them or shoot it at them and it is about as strong as a grand rey cero

    My second Bankai form
    Name: Tasogare Ningin Kaji no Ryuu *translation Twilight Human Fire Dragon*
    In this form I absorb the manisfestation of hirigisu in the last form of my bankai and he becomes a part of me and the only thing that looks different about me is that i gain hirigisu's wings on my human body
    Release command: Become Human again
    Special Effects in this form: I get stronger, faster and my defense is stronger (my skin is about as tough as Nnortia's herro because of my and Hirigisu combining and I harden my reiastu)
    Appearance: I have a sleeveless shinigami jacket on with medium thick gauntlets that amplify my fire heat and consistency and my zanpakuto blade is a katana that is all Red and the Hilt is black
    (*next to attack means i have to use mask)
    *Dragon blast: I fire an attack that is custom made by me and it is made from fire particles and It has the form of a dragon and is as fast as a bala and as strong as 2 cero's
    *Dual fire cero: i fire 2 cero's from my place of choosing
    * Dual Ultimate Rey Fire Cero: I fire 2 grand rey cero's from my place of choosing
    Dragon's fury: I engulf myself with fire and then i fire many blasts at the opponent from far or close range
    Ultimate ring of fire: it is just like the other ring of fire but bigger and stronger and i can control when it closes and i can make it shoot out fire to paralyze my opponent

    This Hirigisu

    bleach- zanpaktos Fire_d12

    This Is my Mask

    bleach- zanpaktos Vizard10

    Last edited by Tmack on Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:40 am; edited 10 times in total
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:30 pm

    Name: Tsuyuki no enkou (tsuki=moon, yuki=snow, enkou=flames)

    True form: white silver and gold phoenix, gold eyes.

    Unreleased form, the blade is silver, a couple of shades lighter than the normal colour of metal. A white/pearl coloured ribbon wraps around the hilt and flows out the back. Complex swirl/ spiral pattern, guard is platinum colour. Sheath is glossy black. Length of the blade is longer than normal katana, but slimmer and there is a wavy shaped cavity (very thin) in the middle of the blade. (allows more air around the blade when piercing something, very fluid movement as well as more flexibility.

    Type: Ice/Cryro, and light.

    Shikai: Release phrase;
    1) "Enlighten the moonless night" (Yoru nashi de gekko keihatsu suru!) [lit. night without moonlight, Enlighten!) Blade glows silvery white, my hair turns snow-white. The reiatsu of the user elongates the blade, It becomes even more flexible, and ribbon is not metallic and capable of cutting (but not causing any major damage) only on contact of the blade itself does the "special ability" take place.

    2) "Shine in cold desolation" Blade dissipates, and turns into countless orbs of tantalizingly cold liquid. It can be used as multiple blades, that can cause only mediocre damage, or regroups to form a katana. In the presence of light, the orbs shine brilliantly, causing a distraction.

    Attacks/specialties : Tsurara enkou (litt. icicle flames) it "burns" the opponent with an intense cold. (ever seen someone dip their finger in liquid nitrogen?) white flames appear where the opponent is cut. Unfortunately, slashing wounds don't really bleed because the blade freezes the blood, but it is very painful. I suppose it's a bit like a really weird third degree frostbite. The victim loses the ablility to use the muscle that was affected (the nerves are frozen, messages from the brain cannot get through).

    Bankai: Release phrase; "Glaciate the silver moonlight!" (Shiruba-gekko, Hyouketsu!)The irises of the user turn silver (know as ten no kagami <lit. mirror of the heavens>) and there is a temporary darkness in the sky. (goes away after bankai is reached) Hateshi is adorned with a white haori that is a bit shorter then that of the captains' and it is slightly metallic. Underneath is the shinigami clothing but white, top fits slighty tighter, and sleeves a bit longer with slightly tattered endings. Vision and reaction time is drastically raised (because of ten no kagami), although the other senses are pretty much the same. Speed is also raised. Can "stand on air" (not fly because too many ppl used wings ><) when user wants to engage in airborne fighting, can flashstep to different locations as if air was solid. The are "surface" of the air becomes a white light platform. The blade emits a silver light from the cavity in the sword and this becomes part of the "burning ice" part. Using their reiatsu, the user can "throw" the power which projects as an extremely white flame. The "flame whip" ends up returning to the blade, where it an be made larger or elongated.

    Second Bankai: Ying and Yang Ressurection
    My sword disintegrates completely, and an omnious black aura surrounds me, as I gain control of the all the pure elements.(considering at the moment, might not be a permanant move)

    special moves:
    "touketsu hinote" (lit. frozen blaze) reiatsu concentrates around the user and an area of around 5-15m is encircled in a blinding light where everything is "burned at contact" It can also be used as an escape move, as the light it emits is very strong and blinding.

    First Dance (kan butoukai): Desolate snow
    - the temperature drops to -20 degrees celsius with little to no wind, and snow falls tranquilly around the surrounding area. The sun shines brightly, and using the snowflakes, I create an illusion. (bending the light)

    Second Dance: Blizzard
    - The temperature drops to -40 (VERY COLD) and the wind buffets those who are in the air, making it almost impossible to maneuver aerially. The snow is in white-out conditions so visibility is reduced drastically. This is mainly to distract, make it harder when someone tries to find me, or stop aerial attacks.

    Third Dance: Shower of blades
    - The temperature is dangerously low, dropping to - 60 (humans almost can't survive in this condition) and the wind is medium, but freezing rain batters down on the area, so cold it feels like each drop is slicing into your skin. The advantage is in speed, as I am used to icy conditions, but others will not be able to move as normally as they do, in addition of the hail/sleet that is pouring down on them

    Side note: Although not exactly a healing Zanpakuto, Tsuyuki no Enkou is very useful when aiding medics. (think of it as a cryro gel that's ready for immediate use AKA slows down or completedly eradicates bleeding, preserves organs/severed limbs, and the common ice pack. Also, a very good anaestetic. ^__^

    Need some more time to add my other moves T__T
    Nicholas Wolfwood
    Nicholas Wolfwood

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty zanpaktou

    Post  Nicholas Wolfwood Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:37 pm

    zanpaktou:mirage mirror
    release:Katsu, mirage(need translatione)Kagami
    shikia:FORM 1:Daraku, Kagami (corrupt mirror aka darkness)attacks:The attacks are so silent and deadly that they seem to have a mind of their own. In this form, its signature offense move is “Majin Nakigoe" (Devil's Cry). The wielder swings the zanpaktou in a 90 degree arch at a speed beyond one's comprehension, at the same time releasing a crescent-shaped azure light which screams as it is fired towards its enemy. This attack is proved to be 99% unevadable and fata Defence:is able to debuff its opponents, lowering all their powers, abilities and decreasing their body stats. This can help in giving the wielder an edge in battle. Although not that strong, the zanpaktou is able to create dome-shaped force fields of scarlet and black, with an annoying ability to reflect anything thrown against it except light-based attacks. Its signature defensive move is "Dageki Haimen" (Damage Reverse). Much more effective than the reflective force field, the wielder is able to collect all the damage recieved in battle over a short period of time and channel it to the core of the sword, converting the energy into a buff which multiplies the power all attacks used within a certain period of time by a hundred times fold. A side-effect of this is that the wielder will self-regenerate his/her wounds and decrease his/her level of fatigueness
    FORM 2:Haraikiyomeru, Kagami(purify mirrior)the released zanpaktou (Currently in its Darkness Form) seems to invert all its demonic traits, the blade turning into bright silver of the moon, with the core of the sword turning into a shade of beautiful sapphire and the rest of the zanpaktou becoming white. The zanpaktou now glistens with silver white dust, and a enchanting song can be heard from within it.
    Attack:ttacks are less concentrated thus lacking in power, but able to hit much more at an even further range. Although the attacks are rarely fatal at first touch, the attacks in this form usually stack damage over time thus killing the opponent eventually. Another ability of this sword is that it can use light to create illusions to the wielder's benefit. (It is still unclear if this ability is an offensive or defensive as it can be used for both of them.) In this form, the zanpaktou's signature offense move is "Tenshi Tsurugi" (Angel's Sword), where the wielder summons an astral bow of angelic origin and fires the sword as an arrow. Similar to the Quincy's ability, instead of collecting particles to create the arrow, the particles are used to create the bow. As the attack only collects refined light particles, the attack is far more concentrated than a Quincy's. As this is a light-based attack, the stronger the Hollow or Arrancar, the greater the damage inflicted upon the opponent, proving very useful in battle.But the sword remain with bow as it use to concentrate light particles
    Defensive:Unlike the Darkness form, the zanpaktou can create all kinds of invincible defensive spells and shields to protect the wielder and his/her friends. Also, the sword can create reflective shields but unlike the Darkness form, the shields are not weak against their opposite, Darkness. Although the zanpaktou is unable to debuff in this form, In this form, the zanpaktou has amazing healing and even resurrection skills, although resurrection of limbs and arms require much concentration and reiatsu. The zanpaktou's signature defensive move is "Kokugen Sho Geki" (Time Crash). This skill sets a time-rejection dome around the wielder but the radius can be increased to occupy more friends but it slow the any down but not the wield or his friends
    FORM 3:Elmental mirror all me to use water fire lighting and wind atts still got think of these att lol cause i got element i can combien em ect

    BANKAI: my katan turns in ivisible blade only you see the hill but im able to se the blade
    FORM 1: elmental twilight mirror is said use the form also(all the form in shikia combine in to one form but increease is speed and defence and strenght)
    Form 2 kin to use this form you mus tsay "restoration" Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū Kuzu-ryūsen , lit. "Nine-headed Dragon Strike"), which simultaneously deals nine strikes to the fundamental targets of swordsmanship, making guarding and dodging virtually impossible.
    The Kuzu-ryūsen, however, is a byproduct used for the initiation in learning Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki , lit. "Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash";,
    a Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū battōjutsu that surpasses the speed of the Kuzu-ryūsen. The secret behind the technique lies in an additional step with the left foot which adds instantaneous acceleration and weight to the sword.In addition, if the initial strike is avoided or blocked, the force of the unusually fast slashing motion displaces the air around it, generating a vacuum in its wake and sucking the opponent in; as this happens, the body is spun around for a second strike, with the previous action adding force and momentum to the swing, making the subsequent strike far stronger.

    FORM 3 Regios Mumyo Jinpu Ryu Satsujin Ken (Regios The Sword of a Devilish Wind)

    Mizuchi (みずち, 蛟): An attack that uses the air to cut an opponent to pieces

    Shin (しん, 蜃): An attack that creates an illusion of an opponent's worst nightmare, then kills him; an abbreviation of Shinkirou (蜃気楼) which means "Illusion

    The True Mizuchi: The true Mizuchi is Shin and the Mizuchi listed above combined to make an undefeatable attack

    uzaku (すざく, 朱雀): A technique that embodies the legendary red phoenix. Its speed is incredible, as is the power of its flames, and like the legend of the phoenix, can revive itself from its own destruction.eatures were more elaborate and defined, and the destructive power of its flames was also increased

    Byakko (びゃっこ, 白虎): A white tiger that tears an opponent apart with its claws. A superior technique to Suzaku; as a result, the difficulty of execution and the subsequent stress on me are also greater. If the first "claw" misses, the opponent is dragged in by its other "claw" and ripped apart by its "fangs"

    Genbu (げんぶ, 玄武): A black tortoise entwined with serpents; is both an offensive and defensive technique. Genbu's shell protects me from an opponent's attack, while the serpents bind and destroy the opponent. It is capable of blocking any attack,

    Seiryu (せいりゅう, 青龍): More than a dozen Mizuchi are projected toward an opponent and surround him, eventually merging to create an immobilizing and destructive whirlwind that pulls the opponent into the heavens where the waiting me (in the form of the legendary blue dragon) descends to deliver the final blow.

    hishin Douji Hatsudou (ししんどうじはつどう, 四神同時発動, Four Gods Simultaneous Attack): As the name implies, the Four Gods are summoned simultaneously to attack the enemy. Although powerful in its own right, its merely a precursor to something even greater...

    Kouryu/ (こうりゅう, 黄龍): When all of the Four Gods are summoned to attack the opponent simultaneously, this action brings forth the final and most powerful beast god. it often took the form a huge, golden, focused blast of wind of seemingly limitless destructive power, descending from the heavens to strike at the enemy. part 2 I am was able to summon the golden wind in its true form, the heavenly dragon Kouryu. Finally, . In addition, the initial summoning of the Four Gods allows the wielder to use their abilities in conjunction

    all form have mirage after effect and reflect affect that renders me invisible reflects what behind me a projecting it on the mirror als has shatter wich turn me in to molecules so hit can hit me i perfer to call quantization shikai form 1 appearance demonic looking blade that transmits a blood lust rejustsu form 2 a bow that similar to quincy cross the one uryu using abut it white form 3 nomal blade that show the element im using bankai :form 1 i double edge katana with half the blade black and other white and the hilt displays the element form 2 black katana with double edges form 3 and 150cm long katana that has word in scripted on the blade

    second zanpaktou:midoriiro shippuu is a combination of green lighting water and wind
    spirt:a mysterious man covered in cloud and each step create water and green light in near him
    shikai command: blow everything to bites

    shikai:blades appearance is surrounded by water and green lighting with every slash a automatic air slice appears and f let say you block with sword the block the sword will protect you but not entirely but if block it weaken the air slices. Attacks in shikia:green flash which can be used in to was on is a green flash which stuns the enemy for 2 posts or in green flash appear surround the enemy and damages em slight chance of cause the opponent to move slower and reflect slow down two hurricaine blast send a water shoot that power full then power increases with winds go at speed of a hurricane then to top it off the green lighting is also in it may cause the opponent to spiral across for a good distance and stabbing th ground creates a water clone

    Banki: my blade turn is consumed by green light so it shocks the opponent while also doing the air slice. Attacks:tornado's anger spine the blade tip in a circle make a horizontal or vertical tornado like strong wind with green lighting cause the opponent to be trap in the tornado for 2 post and taking damage from green lighting and last attack is i hard to explain but it called the zero storm it creates a hurricane that sends powerful wind blasts and water blast also green lighting at opponent constant effect i can only use once a day or cause strain on body

    i can now use fire arts 1 fire arm barrier|fire art 2 fire clones|fire art 3 fire blade|fire art 4 flame healing|fire art 5 fire barrier|fire art 6 paralyzing fire barrier|own creation fire art i guess 7 fir pulse|i can only use if my zanpaktou is fire based

    can put manipulate or change my rejustsu with both my zanpaktou this my theory

    ok my theory is the espada has hollow rejustsu with mutated with shinigami rejustu it the same for vizard but vizard has more shinigami rejustsu in the mix then hollow and it opposite fror espada they have more hollow rejustsu then shinigami rejustsu and i want a zanpaktou the manipulte my rejustsu to switch balance so i can become espada and use black cero and turn back into vizard

    so this what i want to put in my zanpaktou which is like this there more shinigami rejustsu then hollow and i want to switch em wich would cause my go vizard to espada by making me have more hollow then shinigami turn me to espada and use black cero this all to use black cero and if you allow it maybe other espada only thing thruoght the manipulation of rejustsu
    all this for using black cero

    hollow mask:increases speed and increases power of kido and fire art as well as make the att of my zanpaktou more power and wider and large
    mirage cero is grand rey cero wich i shoot but can move and bend but also as soon as i shoot mirage of about thousand grand reys appear and only i now were the original is and all the mirage cero are guided so they att the target

    guided gran rey cero and guided cero cna folo the target
    regios cero bige then grand rey cero and i can manipulate to got thru stuff like cero make like shotgun grand rey cero and cna also follow you

    Last edited by Nicholas Wolfwood on Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:04 pm; edited 21 times in total (Reason for editing : you dont need to know only i do)

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty this is my zan

    Post  Sinister92 Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:09 pm

    Zanpaktou: Akuma-Mitsu (demon of light)

    Unreleased: Blue Hilt and I have two blades I carry one on my back and one on my left side of my body

    Release order: Rise From Darkness Akuma-Mitsu

    Shikia: the hilt becomes black, and one blade turns black and another turns white

    Abilities: the effects depend on what blade I chooses to use,

    Black sword: If I use the black sword my speed improves and strength, the black swords element is fire and darkness, so where ever its slices flames come out., The flame sword slice fire would appear through the edge of the blade causes more damage. If I slide the blade through the floor clones would come out, they would look like me but are black flames they are able to do the same moves as me, max clones are five. the black flames are dangerous because they can make the wound cut by the sword bigger and the flames stay on the wound making the wound deeper, to remove it u will have to use more spirit energy (pressure)

    with the flames it will be slow but it will make the wound widen and the weakness to remove the flames is to pour some spirit energy but needs a lot more on bankai cuts.

    White sword: if I use the white side it is for mere defense I can form a giant wall using my own spirit energy they are virtually unbreakable the max is four, and my swords are also able to absorbs most attacks thrown at it that are not weapons, the barriers are able to follow the target, and I can also form smaller shields to cover me when I don’t have enough time to form a barrier.
    and it can heal any wound by saying HEAL and it will glow and quickly heal small wounds but needs time to heal bigger ones such as organs.

    my blades can both become black blades or both white depending on how I choose, or I could just have a black and white blade on shikia...(and I completely mastered being ambidextrous)

    Bankai name(order): Rise from the depths of the flames Akuma Mitsu

    My body will be covered in flames and my hair will also get spikier, my eyes will become bright red and I can see in any condition, and my left arm will become more claw like and It is made of fire that I could touch anything as a way of defense and for good attack to slash someone, I will also get black flamed wings and my body will be red and black flames that will make me extremely fast, my flame attacks will also get a lot stronger and my limit to barriers will increase, my swords will automatically get on fire giving it a stronger force to push down on. . The black sword can make a similar attack like the getsuga. When they both clash together one of the most strongest attacks it has will form called SUPER NOVA.

    second bankai form: bind Akuma Mitsu

    Second bankai form. I can attach the hilts together to form a double bladed kitana
    with the kitana I can spin it together and throw back fast ass wind where ever I am pointing. it is more stronger than when the blades are separate, it enhances all my abilities, such as clones strength and speed and the black flames
    I am able to remove the kitana apart when I please

    one of my elements is fire and learned abilities to tame fire.
    I am able to engulf my hand with fire and repel ceros or some levels of kido.
    I can make flame clones with my blood and fire that are more resistant and stronger than normal.
    I can also make weapons by concentrating the fire and surround it with flames.
    and I can also make barrios out of fire that are pretty resistant and can be moved

    this works for both bankais
    the black sword is able to shoot a giant ball to the sky and it lasts up to ten post
    it would shoot pillars to my enemies per post the first post would be one and for every post it doubles making it harder to avoid, it is not destrable by weapons or kido and at the last post it will explode to one hundred smaller pillars in a certain area, the pillars would explode on contact.

    These are my fire arts that I learned:
    Fire art 1- Arm barrier: my arms are engulfed in to fire for defensive purposes
    Fire art 2- inferno clones: I create clones out of fire and my blood and they are stronger than regular clones and they can defend themselves and its harder to destroy them but I can only make 3 of theses at once
    Fire art 3- Fire blade: I create any type of blade in unreleased form out of fire
    fire art 4- Flame Healing: I use fire to heal most of my wounds
    Fire art 5- Fire Barrier: I create a barrier that resembles the arm barrier but is bigger and stronger and it can be moved to
    Fire art 6- Fire Barrier-paralyzing barrier: I punch the ground and I create a barrier that anything in it's circle above it under it or on it get paralyzed (for 2 posts) and it takes a major amount of spiritual pressure to break this
    Fire cero sword: I engulf my Zanpaktou with a fire cero then I can use it to slash my opponent or shoot it at them
    A)both of the zans fire demon fire blasts that are extremely fast and mildly powerful and then the Ultimate double demon fire blasts when they are so fast they like break the sound barrier and they are pretty powerful but it takes like one post to charge the Ultimate (just to compensate for the power and speed)
    B)fire inferno to create 2 fire dragon shaped blasts and they att the person and A: the burn em or :B the create a dome of fire engulfing enemy C:it goes thru the enemy hit internal and outer body parts witch ever one I choose at the moment.

    My cero list:
    Black Cero 4X stronger than normal
    White Cero 2X stronger than normal this cero is mainly to stun an opponent for a short time
    Inferno Cero 3X stronger than normal

    Plz give me more tips
    There will be more moves and needs improvement

    Last edited by sinister92 on Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:44 am; edited 9 times in total
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:39 pm

    Black Cross wrote:zanpaktou name: Black blaze(黒 炎)

    shikia command: ashes to ashes dust to dust the black flame burns all in the end

    shikia : the blade has black fire with a little bite red on the sides abilities are u get super human speed and every slash u create a black flame that burns you opponent

    bankia:Black inferno (黒 インフェルノ)still can do the same things as shikia but you are consumed by black flame that are used as a shield or form black flames a dome like that get larger burning the opponent
    u can also control the flames so they only burn a thing in particular its black fire which cannot be put out until it completely destroys whatever you were aiming and you can use it as shield Armour a barrier and and turn it in to sword etc

    Just mentioning. It's Shikai not shikia. same for Bankai. ^__^
    just thought you might like to know... and honestly, it's cuz i'm bored. So don't take it personally ^__^
    Jin Grand
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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Zanpakuto Sennenryuu

    Post  Jin Grand Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:25 am

    My Zanpakuto is a Lightning/Kidou type
    its true form is a great dragon

    Its name is Sennenryuu (Millennium Dragon), it looks like a normal Katana.
    To Release the Shikai I yell "Strike with Lightning". The shape becomes just like a lightning with four blades growing out of the main sword (the position on the sword is random).
    The techniques I can use are:
    1: Lightning Orbs; five lightning orbs shoots from the five blade tips. (Shikai Only)
    2: Electric Field; its a binding spell that temporarily paralyses anyone within a 15 feet radius arund me, but only if they have contact with the ground
    3: Lightning Missile; shoots between one to five lightning beams after my enemy, chasing him until they hit their target or something else
    4: Lightning clones; creates from one to five clone made of lightning
    5: Lightning shield; holds my sword horizontally and creates a square lightning shield
    6: Lightning dome; I point the sword towards the sky and shoots a lightning ball into the air, the ball expands and takes form of a dome protecting me and everything in a radius of 10 feet around me
    7: Lightning Fire; creates yellow fire around the four extra blades and Im able to shoot fire balls after my enemies at will, the fire burns at 15,000 degrees Celsius

    Bankai: Sennenryuu no Raiken (Lightning Sword of the Millennium Dragon): I hold the sword towards the sky and yell "Bankai", a large lightning bolt shoots from the sky into my sword, that loses the four extra blade, but grows about a feet longer. The only other difference is that my eyes begin to shine unnaturally yellow.
    1: Lightning Step; allows me to move at the speed of lightning
    2: Electric Field; basically the same but the range doubles
    3: Lightning Blast; shoots a large bolt of lightning
    4: Lightning Strike; charges lightning into the sword, that explodes on impact causing great damage
    5: lightning clones; creates from one to seven clones made of lightning
    6: lightning shield; holds sword horizontally and creates a square shield
    7: lightning dome; I point the sword towards the sky and shoots a lightning ball into the air, the ball expands and takes form of a dome protecting me and everything in a radius of 20 feet around me
    8: lightning fire; creates yellow fire around my sword, that reaches 20,000 degrees Celsius

    Boost abilities:
    1: lightning tempo; covers the body in yellow energy, increases speed, but decreases attack and defence
    2: lightning armour; covers the body in electric energy that can paralyse anything on tough, increases defence, but decreases attack and speed
    3: lightning sword; creates a second sword made of lightning(this sword can use all the abilities that my normal sword can), increases attack, but decreases speed and defence
    currently I can only use two of my boost abilities at the same time

    Rai no Sennenryuu (Millennium Dragon of Lightning); My sword vanishes and a giant lightning dragon appears behind me. This is my Bankais second form
    1: Lightning Ball; blue lightning balls is send flying towards the enemy, number is between one and five, the more balls the less power each ball have, but the harder it is to evade
    2: Falling Lightning; the dragon roars and Lightning starts to shoot down from the sky, hitting whatever I want
    3: Lightning Net; creates a net of lightning bolt around me and protects me from any damage
    4: Lightning Missile; the dragon shoots out any number of beams towards the enemy, that follows our target until they hit it or something else
    5: Lightning Fire; the dragon shoots out a large ball of yellow fire that reaches 25,000 degrees Celsius

    Boost abilities:
    1: lightning armour; covers the body in electric energy that can paralyse anything on tough, increases defence, but decreases attack and speed
    2: lightning tempo; covers the body in yellow energy, increases speed, but decreases attack and defence
    3: lightning sword; creates a second sword made of lightning(this sword can use all the abilities that my normal sword can), increases attack, but decreases speed and defence
    currently I can only use two of my boost abilities at the same time

    Sennenryuu no Rai-jin (the Lightning Gods Millennium dragon) my bankais last form, can only be activated after the Rai no Sennenryuu have been used; the dragon disappears and two lightning wings grows out of my back and gauntlets of lightning forms over my hands, giving me the power to control lightning as I see fit and my power and speed increases 10 times
    1: Lightning strike; charges lightning energy into my fist, that explodes on impact
    2: lightning sword; forms a large katana shaped sword of dense lightning in one or both of my hands
    3: Lightning spear; forms a spear of concentreret lightning and throws it at my enemy with great speed
    4: Lightning surge; forms a lightning ball in my right hand and shoots it towards my enemy while gathering lightning energy in my left hand, that I’m capable of feeding into the lightning ball at any time making it stronger and making it possible for me to remote control it
    5: lightning clones; creates from one to ten clones made of lightning
    6: lightning spikes; my wings dissolve into 100 spikes, that paralyses my opponent if even one touch’s: by releasing reiatsu into my back I can grow my wings again.
    7: lightning tornado; my wings start to move insanely fast creating a tornado, lightning spears are added to the tornado, piercing anyone who gets hit by the giant tornado
    8: Falling Lightning; I points a finger towards the sky and Lightning starts to shoot down, hitting whatever I want
    9: wing shield; wing grows and covers my body completely and protects me from any damage
    10: wing dome; my wings grows even bigger and creates a dome, protecting me and everyone with a 30 feet radius around me
    11: static electricity; I send a strong current for electricity through my enemy’s body, making it completely numb. I can only use this attack if I’m in direct contact with my enemies skin
    12: Lightning Fire; creates a large ball of yellow fire that reaches 30,000 degrees Celsius

    Boost abilities
    1: lightning tempo; covers me in yellow reiatsu, increases my speed, but decreases my strength and defence
    2: lightning claw; creates a claw on each of my ten fingers, increases strength, but decreases my speed and defence
    3: lightning defence; my wings grow bigger allowing me to better defend myself, increases defence, but decreases strength and speed
    Currently I can only use two of my boost abilities at the same time

    Clone techniques
    the clones can use all the same skill as I can, but the power is half of mine

    techniques after mask is on
    Cero; can be used at all times
    Lightning Cero; fuses lightning and cero; can be used during Shikai and all forms off Bankai
    Grand Rey Cero; can be used at all times
    Grand Rey Lightning; can be used during Shikai and all forms off Bankai
    Abilities learned after mask training: when mask is on I can go from Sennenryuu no Raiken to Sennenryuu no Rai-jin

    New ability due to fusion with Dee Sniders zan: magnetism; has the ability to repel or draw in what ever I desire by using the electricity in the air, can be used without releasing zan, but is weaker.

    Last edited by Jin Grand on Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Dchong Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:16 am

    Name:Frozen Nightmare(kooriakumu)
    True form:A man with a pair of frozen wings that look like a cloak
    Sealed Form:A small and very thin katana.
    Shikai Form:Release Command:Awaken Frozen Nightmare(nezame kooriakumu)
    After the command,one smack and the blade would shatter and an ice blade would grow out of the hilt and a small chain would form behind the chain(it is only long enough to hold and twirl).
    Shikai Abilities:(semi-maturity)
    1.Speed and strength increase.
    2.Able to blast waves of Spirit Energy that freezes any surface that it comes in contact with.
    3.Able to freeze anything it touches.
    4.Gains temporary ability Frozen beserk,Lasts 10min(moving at 10x shinpuu)
    Bankai Form:Release Command:Unleashed Frozen Nightmare(kuridasu kooriakumu).Transforms into a half-human,half-dragon and Zanpakuto changes into dragon claws that can change into any equipment.
    Bankai Abilities:
    1.Able to fly and speed doubles
    2.every ability in Shikai
    3.Shoots spirit energy into the atmosphere creating a blizzard in a 15metres radius of the area slowing down every opponent in that radius.
    4.Changes the ice all around into Frozen ice creatures that attack the enemy
    Most powerful form is a scythe
    Scythe form abilities:
    1.All bankai and Shikai abilities
    2.Scythe is able to cause the spirit particles of an object to become heavier by 2x every 4 posts
    3.When skull at scythe handles blink the Scythe is able to blast a beam which makes whatever it touches slower and slower(effect lasts for 5 posts)
    Not complete

    Last edited by Dchong on Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  adiktuz Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:35 am

    Name: Skeogul
    Sealed form: A normal katana, blue colored blade
    Shikai release: Flash , Skeogul
    Shikai 1: the blade turns light-like.
    Shikai powers 1: It can grow in length in the same manner as ichimaru's but in a very fast rate(about speed of light) and does not solidify at the end. The blade is more powerful in shikai. I can also release the blade and change it into a spirit ball that I can command.
    Shikai 2: Show your self! Skeogul
    Shikai 2 form: My sword becomes a copy of myself, shikai 1 can be used but bankai cannot be used while in shikai 2. (i dont really need to release him to use this shikai)
    Bankai 1 release: Stab the defilled to death, Bankai! Tajuu Skeogul
    Bankai 1 state: The sword disappears and light-like swords spawn around me (about a 100 meters radius). I can change the swords into anything. Enlarging them causes power to decrease but I can combine the swords in order to nullify the power decrease.
    Bankai 2 release: Release the truth, Bankai! Sakuretsu Skeogul!
    Bankai 2 state: The blade will combine with me and disappears. I develop a haori-like coat but has no number on its back.
    Bankai powers: I can use its shikai power from anywhere in my body, (the shikai blade forms in the part that i want, and I can release numerous blades in this form), Increases my speed and power and I'm much capable of fighting in this mode since I'm a monk(Ragnarok Online type)

    Natural tech:
    Reiatsu Manipulation--> I can focus my reiatsu around my body enhancing my defense or offense. I can use this tech with any amount of reiatsu but using more reiatsu for this tech is harder than if i'm using low reiatsu. I have a minor form of this tech that is always activated and does not take away my reiatsu.

    For Shikai 1 or 2:
    -->rinpyoutoushakaijinretsuzaizen (exorcism-purification spell) -> A technique for destroying hollows/arrancars or heal friends (does not damage non-hollow enemies and deals only small damage to arrancars)
    -->Holy Strike:a more powerful version of my healing/exorcism spell but only single target and isn't an over-time skill.
    For shikai 2:
    -->Illusory Clone: creates a clone in my position without calling my release and seals my presence.
    For Bankai 1:
    -->Blade Dance -> The blades spawned vanishes and sprouts randomly around the 100 meter radius.
    -->Dragoon Dance -> The blades turn into the spirit ball form which I can control and use to attack an enemy anywhere(can be used outside the 100 meter radius)
    -->Blade Prison-> The blades surrounds the enemy in a cage like form
    -->Deadly Donut->Some blades form a ring surrounding the enemy then closes in, stabbing the enemy.
    -->Blade Storm: The swords surround me and points their blade outwards then spins around me.
    -->Clone: I can change the sword into my image and I can become like a sword. Once a sword is destroyed while in this skill, it reduces my reiatsu a bit.
    -->Excalibur: I recall all of the blades and form a single concentrated blade which I wield containing the combined powers of all the blades I created. Normally its 100 times more powerful than the single blade.

    For Bankai 2:
    -->Infiltration: A palm strike to the enemy that releases some of my energy into him and then causes an explosion of the targets spirit energy, damaging him form within.
    -->Divine 64 stabs: Performs 64 palm strikes with each strike releasing my sword.
    -->Divine 64 Infiltrations: A very-fast 64-hit infiltration attack.
    -->Asura Sakuretsu: Tiny blades spawn from every point in my body making it a very effective and destructive attack, but it consumes all my energy and to be effective needs about my full reiatsu so its hard to use.
    -->Steel Body: A higher form of my reiatsu manipulation focusing on defense.
    -->Extrimity Fist: Focuses my energy into my hand then punches the enemy for destruction. Takes up all of my reiatsu.
    For Bankai 2 w/ mask:
    -->Asura Dragoon: Spirit balls are released from my wings at a very fast rate and attacks my enemies.
    -->Cero: a blue colored cero.
    -->Cero Cross: a blue colored cero enhanced with holy powers.
    -->Sakuretsu Cero: Fires up to 20 cero's around me at the same time.
    -->Extrimity Bomb: Focuses my energy into my hand then releases it as a cero-like attack towards the enemy. Takes up all my reiatsu.

    Mask Effect:
    The mask just amplifies my power on shikai 1,2 and bankai 1. But it greatly affects my bankai 2, sakuretsu skeogul. When I put my mask on bankai 2 a pair of black colored wings appear on my back and it can release spirit balls to the enemies.
    My eyes turn blue and my iris red.


    Last edited by adiktuz on Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:59 am; edited 2 times in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  adiktuz Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:37 am

    My second/alternate zanpakuto:
    Element: Lightning
    Spirit: A lightning spirit wolf
    Sealed form: Similar to that of Hitsugaya without the chain
    Shikai release: Electrify , Raikou!
    Shikai form: The blade becomes covered in lightning.
    Bankai release: Strike from the heavens, Bankai! Joukai Raikou!
    Bankai form: The original blade dissipates and 5 lightning blades form around me. Each one of them can use my techs. ( I can hold one of the blades in each of my hands)
    Mask: My attacks become more powerful when I put on my mask. My eyes turn blue and my iris red.
    Hiraishin: a rod of lightning forms on the opponents place, shocking him.

    Shuurai: a strike of lightning is released from the tip of my sword to the target.

    Lightning Shield: a shield made of lightning forms around me shocking those who go near.

    For Bankai Only:
    Rakurai: a bolt of lightning from the sky strikes down my target.

    Lightning Cutter: a blade begins rotating and forms an electric glaive

    Lightning Tornado: the blades arranges themselves in different heights and begins rotating to form lightning glaives of different sizes the lowest being the smallest and the highest being the largest, and the glaives form an electrical interaction that connects them (the product will be like an electrified tornado).

    Raikou Urufu: A blade turns into a lightning wolf and attacks my enemies. The wolf can release lighting strikes to nearby opponents every few seconds.

    Raikou Tenshou: the five blades surround my enemy and a high energy electric barrier is formed enclosing my enemies within. The clouds turn black and after a while a powerful natural lightning will strike onto the place surrounded by the barrier.

    Bankai w/ mask:

    Raikou Tenshou: I can now use this tech with only one sword. So i can use a total of five at the same time.
    Lightning Dance: A storm of Rakurais around the area.


    Last edited by adiktuz on Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Character sheet
    battle grounds:
    bleach- zanpaktos Left_bar_bleue10/10bleach- zanpaktos Empty_bar_bleue  (10/10)

    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  ksw212 Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:01 am

    Sealed Form : During its sealed form , its Blade is Half Black and Half White ( Left and Right side of the blade ) at the Black side , there will be a red outline ( like Ichigo's Bankai Getsuga Tensho ) and on the White side , there will be a blue outline . At the bottom of the hilt there is a broken chain.

    Shikai Form :
    Release Command : Mezameru, Hikari to Kurayami ( Awaken, Light and Darkness )
    In release form , it looks no different from the sealed form except that now it is spilt into two swords , one black and one white, with the chains complete , ending with a kunai/spike like thing ( The chains are connected use spirital energy , like Zabimaru's Bankai, and can reappear immediately if deattached as it is made of Materialize Darkness and Light Combine ) .

    Shikai Ability
    1st : Able to materialize Light and Darkness into WEAPONS , CLONES and PROTECTIVE THINGS only.
    2nd : Able to Transport anything using the Light / Darkness around the opponent and User's area, to form a portal.
    3rd : Original Light / Darkness Swords ( nt materialized ones ) vibrates at 100000times/seconds
    4th : Redirect any attack that i used ( able to control the movement )
    5th : Able to stun the opponent if i pour a bit of reiastu into each attack
    6th : Hell's Judgement

    White Sword Ability
    1st : Where-ever there is light , it can transform the light into Healing Spirital Energy that can heal both the Zanpakuto and the user .
    2nd : Able to blind the opponent for 1 min using light , but has a disadvantage it has cooldown ( 5 mins )
    3rd : Able to Shoot light beams from the tip of the blade which , if hits the opponent , will bind / Stun the opponent for a few minutes ( but some people might be able to break free , bt it will bind them for a minimum of 15 seconds )
    4th : Sneak Attack : Able to locate any opponent using the Light and Darkness around him / her , materialize the Light / Darkness around the area , make it into a blade , and attack the opponent's Blind Spot.

    Black Sword Ability
    1st : Where-ever there is darkness , it can transform the darkness into Healing Spirital Energy that can heal both the Zanpakuto and the user .
    2nd : Able to make the the opponent see only darkness for 1 min using , but has a disadvantage it has cooldown ( 5 mins )
    3rd : Able to Shoot Darkness beams from the tip of the blade which , if hits the opponent , will bind the opponent for a few minutes ( but some people might be able to break free , bt it will bind them for a minimum 15 seconds )
    4th : Sneak Attack : Able to locate any opponent using the Light and Darkness around him / her , materialize the Light / Darkness around the area , make it into a blade , and attack the opponent's Blind Spot.

    Chain's Ability ( Absorb the Spirital energy of whatever it touch , besides the user )
    1st : Wrap the chain around the enemy and the Chain will start to be engulf Black / White Flames and Burn the enemy.
    2nd : Spin the Chain in circles and then throw the Chain the the enemy , the kunai / spike part will start vibrating times 1000/second , Penetrating almost anything and hitting the Enemy .
    3rd : The chain will absorb the Light / Darkness in that area and when the user hits the enemy while the Light / Darkness is still in the Chain , the Light and Darkness , will invade the enemy and attack him from within , like a poision.
    4th : Sneak Attack : Able to locate any opponent using the Light and Darkness around him / her , creates a portal , and throw the chain and attack the opponent's Blind Spot.
    5th : Spin the chain extremely fast , making it extremely hot and using it as a shield tat melts almost everything that comes in Contact.

    Merged Sword Ablilties
    1st : Merged Swords : merge the 2 swords , increasing the damage x5 , Vibration x2 and my movement speed x3.
    2nd : Hell's Judgement becomes more powerful
    3rd : Both swords Skills
    4th : Chain's damage doubles

    Bankai Form
    Bankai Command : Bankai ! Tenshimitainaoni Hikari to Kurayami ( Heavenly Demon , Light and Darkness )
    In Bankai form , both blades will be turn into gloves wore by the user , at the palm area of the glove you can see two circular holes , when you look into the hole on the left hand , you will see Infinite Light , when you look into the hole on the right hand , you will see Infinite Darkness.

    Bankai Ability
    1st : Able to materialize Light and Darkness into ANYTHING
    2nd : Shikai's Abilities ( including swords and chain abilities )
    3rd : Hell's Judgement damage becomes more powerfull.
    4th : Void ( Separate the Light ( Like Positive Energy ) and Darkness ( Like Negative Energy ) within a 1km radius area , making it a Void of nothingness , which i blast towards the enemy , wadeva come close to it will be sucked in and be tear apart molecule by molecule , only i can take anyone out of the Void )

    Ability of the Gloves
    1st : Able to materialize Light and Darkness ( as in darkness and light , not the sword ) , making it into anything , Shield , Sword , a clone of yourself , a clone of your enemy , Spear , Daggers , use the shikai ability " shooting the light and darkness beams " except when you use it in Bankai , it will follow the enemy ( like a heat sensing missile ) till it hit him/her and it will explode when it hits the enemy " , even do a , Hell's Judgement ( Something like Cero and Getsuga Tensho fused ), and even something i call Void (( Separate the Light ( Like Positive Energy ) and Darkness ( Like Negative Energy ) within a 1km radius area , making it a Void of nothingness , which i blast towards the enemy , wadeva come close to it will be sucked in and be tear apart molecule by molecule , only i can take anyone out of the Void ).

    2nd : Heavenly Demon's Shield : The gloves release the Light and Darkness Energy and make an Armour made up of Light and Darkness , which vibrates 5000000 times /second , absorbing the spirital energy of anything that comes in contact , which makes the weapon / ETC useless , besides the user , with the gloves still on the user's hand. ( While in this mode i can't attack )( In this mode , i can only absorb 50% of my armour's reiastu at once , and the vibration can be pierced through if ur attack is 50% more than my armour's Reiastu , so , to Scratch me while i am in this mode , so ur attack must contain 100% of my armour's Reiastu . After i absorb the reiastu , i will become 150% , which will then become my armour's new 100% , for example , after u hit me with 100% , my armour will absorb 50% then , my armour will become 150% , bt it will be changed as 100% ... as in , the first time u hit , ur reiastu must be 100% more then it will become 150% , then at the second hit ( which must be 150% of my armour's ORIGINAL reiastu ) , i will absorb 50% of 150% , then it will become 225% , then the 3rd attack ( which must be 225% of my armour ORIGINGAL ) will absorb 50% of 225% , which will become 337.5% and so on )( So , to cause more dmg to me than a Scratch , u mus pour more than 100% of my armour's Reiastu into each attack )

    3rd : Heavenly Demon's Sword : The Light and Darkness spirital energy stored in the glove are made into twin blade sword , made out of pure Light and Darkness Spirital energy , it vibrates 10000000 times / second , making it able to slice anything in its path , whenever it slashes some thing , it will absorb its Spirital Energy and will be transmitted to the glove where it is changed into Light and Darkness Spirital Energy , making the twin blades stronger. ( While using any ability in this mode , the ability's attack when he x10 more powerful ) ( While in this mode , i am wearing no armour ( only the cape thing like Ichigo's Bankai ) ) ( The swords are unbreakable )

    4th : Heavenly Demon's Light Speed : The Light and Darkness Spirital Energy stored in the glove are transformed into a Sword and Shoes , there are 2 tiny wings on the shoes , a pair of Demonic wings on my back and when i am in this form , i manipulate the speed of light , which allows me to travel 3000000km/s , and my Attack Speed is increase , the delay of each of my attack will be 0.005 millisecond , which allows me to attack 100 times per second , causing the blade to vibrate 31000 times / second making it able to slice through any metal it comes in contact with , it also makes the blade red hot , causing it to melt most metal when it comes in contact with my blade .

    Bankai's Final Form : Heavenly Demon's Ace Form : When enough Spirital Energy is absorbed and made into Light and Darkness spirital energy , the Defense Mode , Attack Mode and Speed Mode will mix / fuse , the gloves will disappear / fuse with the armour , swords and shoes , the user will be in the defense mode armour , with the speed shoes on , and the twin blades will fuse into one ( i can manipulate the Shape of the Blade making it double edge , making it into a spear etc .... ) , making it vibrate x10 faster and x100 more powerful , the Movement speed of the user will x100 and the delay for each attack will become 0.00005 , causing me to be able to attack 10000 times / second , making the Blade even hotter than in speed form . Unlucky , the user needs to fight in Bankai for atleast 7hrs and it has a 10hrs cooldown and it only last for 25 mins. After using this mode , you will revert to Sealed Form , exhausted , unable to use Bankai or Shikai for awhile.( still training this )( 7hrs = 84 post )( 25mins = 5 post )

    Last edited by ksw212 on Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:53 am; edited 4 times in total
    Kage Bana
    Kage Bana

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Kage Bana Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:07 am

    Zanpakouto name: Getsuei Kage (Moon Shade)
    Zanpakouto abillity's: Seijou Getsuei Kage(Cleansing Moon Shade) A shade flys out of my zanpakouto cleansing an animal or human of all disease and virus's

    Externalization: The externalization is a White wolf with pure black owl feathers covering its back along with a pair of wings.

    Sealed form is a long blue and white katana with crescent moons as a guard that i can use to catch the enemys sword to immobolize them, with a red and black hilt made from a leathery material.

    Shikai:Cry and destroy Tsukikage (Moonlight shade)
    Two arm swords whose blades are attached with a reiatsu chain that i can attach to my hands to throw them as artillery and pull them back with. The chain is shaped from nine circular disques (representing the moon's cycles) held together at any distance with a reiatsu link (obviously the farther i throw it the harder it is to maintain the reiatsu links).Shikai only abillity: Heki Rei Seki(Pierce the Banshees Gate)
    The reiatsu chain forms a circle which then shoots a beam of light out of each disque into my wrist which then at will lets me shoot multiple banshees circling the area and attacking anything with an amount of concentrated reiatsu which can immobolize the enemy for 2 turns(i cannot move while in this state).

    Bankai:Burn in the night sky Getsuei Kage Ashitaba Reiki (Moon Shade Angelic Aura)
    Dance #1: Creates the feeling of zero G deprives some of the main senses like Feel, Sight(as if looking into an eclipse)and Hearing(sorta like Tosen's but you can smell and not feel pain) then my disques become transparent (but appear to be like heat devil's) then they fly through the enemy's skin and cut up the Hakusui soul sleep weakening the enemy by at least 1/2 of their max. power.
    Dance #2:Getsuei kage Sosei (Moon Shade Resurrection) Creates a blinding light that envelopes my arms and legs creating incredible speed and defense and keeping my destructive power the same A.K.A. the ultimate shunpo where i can create the illusion of having 8 or less clones.
    Final Dance: Tsuki Soritenshi (Moonlight Archangel) My body becomes pure light and around me is a suit of armor kinda resembling my externalization in this state i can deflect any hado or bakudo based on light or darkness (sometimes even a zanpakouto) and maximizing my destructive power.

    Last edited by Kage Bana on Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:27 pm; edited 6 times in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:14 am

    Kage Bana wrote:Zanpakouto name: Getsuei Kage (translation is Moon Shade)
    Sealed form is a long blue and white katana with crescent moons as a guard that i can use to protect my hand with a red and black hilt made from a leathery material.

    Shikai:Tsukikage (Translation means moonlight shade)
    Two arm swords whose blades are attached with a reiatsu chain that i can attach to my hands to throw them as artillery and pull them back with. The chain is shaped from nine circular disques (representing the moon's cycles) held together at any distance with a reiatsu link (obviously the farther i throw it the harder it is to maintain the reiatsu links).Shikai only abillity: Heki Rei Seki(Pierce the Banshees Gate)
    the reiatsu chain forms a circle which then shoots a beam of light out of each disque into my wrist which then at will lets me shoot a banshee out of my hand which can immobolize the enemy for 2 turns(i cannot move while in this state)

    Bankai: Getsuei Kage Shykyo Tsukurite (Moon Shade Death Maker)
    Creates the feeling of zero G deprives some of the main senses like Feel, Sight(as if looking into an eclipse)and Hearing(sorta like Tosen's but you can smell and not feel pain) then my disques multiply by five fly through the enemy and cuting up the vital organs. Bankai only abillitys: Getsuei kage Sosei(Moon Shade Resurrection) Creates a blinding light that envelopes my limbs creating incredible speed and keeping my destructive power the same A.K.A. the ultimate shunpo where i can create the illusion of having 8 or less clones.

    cool zanpakutou, im shane, Lt. of 4th division, however, im under apllication of the 3rd division captain. I'd like to recruit you as a 3rd division member once i take command of it.
    Kage Bana
    Kage Bana

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Kage Bana Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:17 am

    cool zanpakutou, im shane, Lt. of 4th division, however, im under apllication of the 3rd division captain. I'd like to recruit you as a 3rd division member once i take command of it.[/quote]

    Thx is 3rd squad animal externalizations because i forgot to write that its externalization is a white wolf with black feathers and wings on its back (representing wolf and owl).
    Kage Bana
    Kage Bana

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Kage Bana Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:18 am

    ttdh15 wrote:cool zanpakutou, im shane, Lt. of 4th division, however, im under apllication of the 3rd division captain. I'd like to recruit you as a 3rd division member once i take command of it.

    Last edited by Kage Bana on Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total
    Jin Grand
    Jin Grand

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Jin Grand Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:19 am

    Kage Bana wrote:cool zanpakutou, im shane, Lt. of 4th division, however, im under apllication of the 3rd division captain. I'd like to recruit you as a 3rd division member once i take command of it.

    Thx is 3rd squad animal externalizations because i forgot to write that its externalization is a white wolf with black feathers and wings on its back (representing wolf and owl).[/quote]

    No the 3rd squad is gonna be like the 2nd division in the manga
    Btw Im gonna be the LT of the 3rd squad

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:20 am

    Kage Bana wrote:cool zanpakutou, im shane, Lt. of 4th division, however, im under apllication of the 3rd division captain. I'd like to recruit you as a 3rd division member once i take command of it.

    Thx is 3rd squad animal externalizations because i forgot to write that its externalization is a white wolf with black feathers and wings on its back (representing wolf and owl).[/quote]

    the 4th squad is animal externalizations, the 3rd squad is the special forces squad(current captain is retired). However, you can be offered a seat at the 4th squad as soon as my captain is online, should you wish to join.
    Kage Bana
    Kage Bana

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Kage Bana Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:22 am

    ttdh15 wrote:
    Kage Bana wrote:cool zanpakutou, im shane, Lt. of 4th division, however, im under apllication of the 3rd division captain. I'd like to recruit you as a 3rd division member once i take command of it.

    Thx is 3rd squad animal externalizations because i forgot to write that its externalization is a white wolf with black feathers and wings on its back (representing wolf and owl).

    the 4th squad is animal externalizations, the 3rd squad is the special forces squad(current captain is retired). However, you can be offered a seat at the 4th squad as soon as my captain is online, should you wish to join.[/quote]

    okay then its externalization could be either a druid of sorts or a moon worshipper(for third squad)
    Jin Grand
    Jin Grand

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    bleach- zanpaktos Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Jin Grand Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:24 am

    It doesnt matter if your externalization is an animal. as long as it has usefull abilities in assasination, then you can be accepted as a member

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