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    bleach- zanpaktos

    Kage Bana
    Kage Bana

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Kage Bana Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:26 am

    Oh Ok so i can keep it as a wolf with feathers?
    Jin Grand
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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Jin Grand Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:27 am

    Kage Bana wrote:Oh Ok so i can keep it as a wolf with feathers?

    yeah not a problem, mine is a dragon named Sennenryuu and Shanes a falcon
    Kage Bana
    Kage Bana

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Kage Bana Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:31 am

    Jin Grand wrote:
    yeah not a problem, mine is a dragon named Sennenryuu and Shanes a falcon

    ok thx and if i was invited into third squad what would be the total number of people?
    Kage Bana
    Kage Bana

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Kage Bana Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:32 am

    How do i know if the captains or moderators are fine with my zanpakouto?
    Jin Grand
    Jin Grand

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Jin Grand Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:33 am

    Kage Bana wrote:
    Jin Grand wrote:
    yeah not a problem, mine is a dragon named Sennenryuu and Shanes a falcon

    ok thx and if i was invited into third squad what would be the total number of people?

    For now, just the three of us, maybe two more, but things are still unclear
    Join me and shane at the "your first subject" thread, thats where we talk about stuff

    You dont need to worry about that, as long as your zan isnt instant kill or god-mod, we dont really care

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:08 pm

    Hey guys, this is the updated version of my Zan, some things are still not finalised yet.

    Name: DeathGale (or if you people prefer to call Shizuka)
    Element: Wind/Fire(fire is special)
    Zan spirit: a falcon, can also change into a girl(currently my npc as people have seen)

    Unreleased: unreleased, the Zan would be pretty much that of a english blade, or a long sword. The hilt as well as the hand guard of the blade is wrapped with white cloth. The white cloth stretches out into several lines suspended in mid air from the hilt.(Pretty much like sode no shirayuki, just imagine it with more fabric hanging from the hilt) The blade is purely white, and it has two side blades next to the main blade.

    Release Command: Tear open the skies, DeathGale!
    Description: The cloth would wrap around the whole blade and then the blade would dissipate into spirit particles, covering the whole area. The basic function is the manipulation of spirit particles and wind.

    Fang Gale- A energy slice made of wind and spirit particles that moves at high speed.
    Engulfment Gale- An attack that fully engulfs the opponent with spirit particles, cutting him.
    Pulsating Wind- Wind pulses strike the opponent from nowhere
    Air Pressure- Holds down the opponent with severe pressure, in some cases it is so strong it can crush even a rock.

    Vortex Gale- A veil that forms around the user for protection
    Particle Explosion- compresses a spirit particle so hard that it explodes.
    Particle Storm- literally creates a sand storm of spirit particles and wind that constantly does damage. The storm covers a huge radius.

    Absorption- Absorb spirit pressure, should the opponent come in contact or an attack that consists of reiatsu comes in contact.

    Morph- able to morph the particles into any shape or anything desired.

    Bankai: ChaosTurbulent, DeathGale

    When transformed into Bankai, the user absorbs all spirit energy within a 500 metre radius and stores them as energy in wings. The wings are highly condensed, and physical contact could easily severe an arm off. The attacks in shikai are also included in bankai. The bankai form has a total of 3 stages:

    Stage 1: Storm Form

    There are two styles in this form:

    Storm Technique: Able to use whatever is in shikai, except in massive forms
    Particle Clone- able to create clones out of spirit particles.
    Falcon Summon- Summons a spirit particle falcon
    Chaos End- A massive attack, able to cause internal injuries.
    Piercing Rain- Thousands of blades released at all directions at the opponent.

    Shadow Partner Style: Shizuka materializes, in this style, all attacks are done in doubles.

    Fire element: fire element is available in all forms, the following are fire element attacks:

    White fire- A fire that is like amaterasu from naruto, it can also be used for healing.
    Searing Gale- surrounds the opponent in a ring and fire bursts out from it, thoroughly burning the opponent.
    Restrictment Blaze- a stronger version of searing gale, it consists of white fire, and it is also able to bind the opponent.

    Other add ons:

    Pulsating Step- A shunpo fasted by wind manipulation, it is so fast that it is said that it is equivalent to the speed of lightning, or the duration between a heartbeat.

    Hakufuku: add on from Momo Hinamori(as i can control white fire)
    Particle healing- availble in all forms, uses spirit particles to heal, can even heal internal injuries.

    Note: The other stages of Bankai will be revealed in fights and arcs.
    Hiroto Takashi

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Hiroto Takashi Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:46 pm

    okay here's my zanpakuto.

    normal apperance- white hilt with a transparent sheath (looks like it is made from ice or glass). and it hangs on a string on my shoulder.

    Shikai- fuyu no tsuki (winter moon) when i call on this my sword transforms into a larger sword (the size of ichigo's first sword) but is entirely made of ice. with my shikai i can summon and manipulate ice.

    Powers- the powers go by cracks (kinda of like Rukia's dances)--
    Kiretsu no fuyutsukizare(first crack: reflecting white moon) when i call on this a wave of white energy (it looks like a white blast, but refects everything as if it were a mirror) is shot at my opponet.
    Shenkaikiretsu fuyu no yama (second crack: winter mountains) when i call on this i stick my sword into the ground and at least a hundered spikes made of ice shoot up from the ground.
    Shodokiretsu no mizu kari (third crack: winter field) when i call on this humongous ice pillars surround my opponet and then suddenly crash into them.
    Kurokiretsu no Zukitsuki (fourth crack: shining moon)- when i call on this the moon instantly shines down on me (it doesn't matter if it is the middle of the day, the moon still shows up.) anway when the shine goes away i am completely healed.
    Kireme no kooritsuki (Break: moon reflectoin) when i call on this i stab my sword into the ground and 3 clones made of diamond appear, when you hit them they crack and then break apart in little peices.

    incantaton- "Reflect the moon, Fuyu no Tsuki."

    type- ice

    Bankai- bankai- Hatsuyume Fuyu no Tsuki (winter night on winter moon) when i call on this my sword turns into a ice spear and many more melt from the first one and then surround me suspended in the air (about ten). the spears act on their own will and all of them always go after the enemy or protect me. in bankai i have total manipulation of ice, cold, and the weather (anything with cold obviosly-sleet, rain, and snow). also when ever i call on my bankai it begins to snow.

    Powers- all the same, but with some new ones--
    Yatsukiretsu no tsukiitsuru (shatter: cresent snow storm) the spears surrounding me goes higher into the air and then dissolves into millions of tiny white particals (looks like senbonzakura but is white). this attack still protects me and attacks on it's own free will, also this attack will stay as such(as snow) untill i call it off and it turns back to ice spears.
    Yatsukiretsu no Harinobakuha (shatter: cresent explosion) when i call on this ice fragments surround me in an outer shell then release in a huge explosion.
    Yatsukiretsu no Harinofuyu tsuki (shatter: cresent winter moon) when i call on this attack white energy collects on the spears and then they surround me and then a silver lineing is inbetween the spears protecting me.
    Yatsukiretsu no tsukitsumetashi (shatter: cresent moon final) when i call on this attack i hold my zanpakuto up and a humongous ball of ice stands on the tip of the sword. the size of the ball is huge!!! and when i throw it spikes start to jut off from it.

    vizard mask effects- turns all of my ice attacks red. for instance my Shodokiretsu no Harinoyaritsu (third crack: winter field) would create 5 pillars of ice, but the pillars would be red ice

    Zanpakuto spirit- my zanpakuto spirit is gigantic white hermit crab (about human size). that lives in a shell made of ice

    Zanpakuto world- a winter field. looks like hueco mundo desert, but is completely filled with snow

    Shunko attacks (this has nothing to do with my zanpakuto)-
    Shunko no bakuha (instant war cry blast) when lightning strikes my back i can channel the lightning at my opponent (this is a very hard to miss, as it is lightning thus making it very, very fast).
    Shunko no shouuheki (instant war cry barrier) when i call on this the black lightning envelops me in a barrier (almost nothing can destroy this, except for the most powerful attacks).
    Shunko tatsumaki (instant war cry reverse) when my opponent attacks me i will unleash this attack. when i activate this a spiraling beam of black lightning is sent towards my opponent's attack, thus sending my energy through my opponent's attack, making it my attack. my opponents attack will then turn on it's original owner.
    Shunko no taikyaku (instant war cry retreat) when i call on this white lightning envelops me and instantly heals me.
    Shunko Haretsu no nami (instant war cry explosive wave)- this attack envelops me completely in a humongous black lightning column. this attack is so destructive it's nearly impossible. but this comes with a serious risk. when useing this it immediatly drains almost all of my spiritual power.

    Last edited by Hiroto Takashi on Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:35 pm; edited 24 times in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Devodin Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:56 pm

    Name: Fukyuu (deterioration, rot or everlasting, immortal, eternal)
    Zanpakuto Spirit: A rotting Vulture
    Affinity: Time

    Shikai command: Airo itto, Fukyuu (Defile it, Fukyuu)
    Shikai: My shikai would allow my Wakizashi to rust,crack, and corrupt anything the blade touches as if it had been in long disrepair. every hit accumulates until finally it corrodes completely away.
    -This DOES NOT affect shinigami, hollows or any living thing.
    -This DOES affect other Zanpakuto and once fully eroded, it would take weeks for the Zanpakuto to recover.
    -This DOES affect walls and floors, however it takes time to make a wall collapse, vs corroding a section and breaking through manually.

    Bankai command: Zetsumei haji kireme, Fukyuu (Time's grasp ends, Fukyuu)
    Bankai: My bankai would let me control the growth of my wakazashi's guard, made of a black diamond, growing it into any shape, and any length I wish, and the wakazashi's Corrupting properties transfer to the crystal.
    -My prefered shape of melee weapon would be a Scythe with the crystal also forming wings on my back. (think Toshiro except a more stylish, angel of death version)
    -I can also place the crystal on walls, floors, people, ect... and other than the corroding of whatever is on it, shoes, socks.
    -It slows whomever is on the crystal and leeches power.
    -The crystal keeps growing without any concentration needed on my part, so a small patch becomes bigger and bigger.
    (I would still actually be holding my Wakazashi, it would just be covered in crystal in the shape of a scythe)

    Sheath: A long black katana's sheath covered in tattered bandages
    Sword: The Blade of the Zanpakuto would be a Wakizashi, despite the sheath's length, and the blade would have countless chips and scratches, not as many as Zaraki's katana, but just enough to look in disrepair without being dysfunctional.
    Hilt: The guard would be carved from a black diamond, and the hilt itself would be black.

    *I use the Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū style, using my sheath as my Katana

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:58 pm

    some attacks i may not be able to use yet but this is my full zan. and a bonus section on my gun

    The name is shikorinosake (circle of the gods of death)
    sealed state: blue and black katana
    spirit: a dragon
    SHIKAI call : tenzaku shikorinosake
    in shikai form my zanpakuto has ten blades that look like large version of ichgo's shikai but darker with a large line of red going from the hilt to the tip of the blade. in shikai form the ten gods of death ( shoku, danzaku, shioriku, ikkanaku, ganzuku, fronanku, yokiku, reonku, shiniku, and zuikofreniku) become blades . (shoku and danzaku are fire gods, shioriku and ikkanaku are water gods, ganzaku and fronanku are wind gods, yokiku and reonku are lighting gods and shiniku ande zuikofreniku are earth gods)(i can chose to wield two god swords of the same element and increase the power of one attack and the control of that attack ( Example fire and fire equal blue fire) or i can mix two and create a new effect (example lighting and water equal white lighting).
    (combined with my mask all my attacks become 10x stronger and i am able to fire a grand r oyal cero. i can also my mask's power to heal myself but i can only use use it one time every hour(12 posts))

    BANKAI(release call : tenzatukaku shikorinosake (calling the gods of death))
    in its bankai state, all ten gods come out in a circle around me and can all fight at the same time (because they are in a world diffirent from their own, their power is limited but they are still VERY strong).they each has a custom blade and can control an element in this world.I am able use group attacks and fire up to 5 grand ceros at one time (someone skilled could avoid this) and able to use two kidos at the same time without me performing a chant.
    (like any bankai i am several times more powerful and about 5x faster)
    (combined with my mask all ceros and kidos are 4x more powerful than before and am able to fire a god cero (my own custom attack that is a cero made from all five elements, an attack that won't kill but does major damage and is very hard to block because of its sheer size and power) and i can now heal myself 4x in a hour)

    my zanpakuto has a release stronger than normal bankai called tenso shikorinosake ( heavenly circle of the gods of death).
    During this state all the blades that the gods had become one and my body undergoes a fusion with all ten gods goshimaruku (supreame angle) and i become hundreds of times more powerful.(in this state i have two main attacks called FINAL TENSO CEKORENO and FINAL GOD CERO)(both only takes two hits to end a normal battle)( also note in this stage i have all white armor, wings, and an all white blade that resimbles urahara's shikai) (combined with my mask both my attacks are incredbly faster and i go full on demon if i power up even more)
    (the final products name is shikorinosake)

    in this state my body in final release fuses with my mask and i become wild in my attacks and nearly unpredictable. my armor becomes all black and so does my blade. i can still control my self and because of heavy training i can stay in this state for an unlimited amount of time . i also add another attack called FINAL DARK CERO( a cero with 2x a grc's power without blood. note this attack goes very slow compared to a normal grc but it gains speed when fused with the other 2 attacks)

    in this state i have tens times more power than before but i am slower. i have a blade that looks like zangetsu in shikai form but with a muticolored dragon inprinted on each side and my right hand has a glove that has that same dragon imprinted on it, because of this when i use any custom attack involing my blade and it is in my right hand that attack's power is tripled.also in this state my aura is rainbow colored and i can use even more powerful attacks than before but i can't heal myself in this form.

    SUB- FORM:HIRAMEKI KURAYAMI MODO- after meditation and training i have discovered a way to effectively combine F and EC modes. in this mode i move as fast as in F mode and i can make a large amount of clones that can explode by my will.( mt limtes to clones are this normal:20 ,shikai:15, Bankai:10, final release p1:5, final release p1 demon mode:3, fianl release p2: 2 and mask adds 5 but in return they all have my power so its like fighting another me).
    i also have the ability to make clones for anyone whos reishi i absord (this can come in the form of attacks) and once i do they have control over them. if i use my mask i go even faster (not GOD MOD FAST) and can make 5 clones explode at the same time and the explosion now covers 15 meters.

    SUB-FORM: MEGURUSHI NOZA DORAIGON KASAI- in this form i can do more power attacks and my trademark cekoreno attacks become useable from my hand.i also have exclusive attacks, and my reitsu absorbing abiliy increses to all attacks under grc level.
    *about my tat: the tat is like ikkaku's unseals my reitsu as i fight more and more..and when it grows to full length (about 5 post) then i gain the ability to use MEGURUSHI NOZA DORAGON KASAI mode, witch increses my reitsu ten fold, gives me the ability to absorb any attack that uses reitsu(below grc level), and gives me more attacks*

    ATTACK LIST:(in case of cekoreno, i can fire them without shikai if in herameki mode)
    cekoreno (shikai needed):a white energy blast that is about 90% he power of a cero
    cekoreno sandanjuu(shikai needed)*scatters many mini-cekoreno at the enemy*
    cero (mask needed): normal vizard and espada attack
    cero bakuha(mask needed): emits a dence wave of energy from my body that is 5x cero
    fire cero (shikai and mask needed): a fire based cero (is 130% of a cero)
    fire cekoreno (shikai needed) a fire based cekoreno (150% of a cekoreno)
    ice cero (shikai and mask needed) a ice based cero (125% of a cero)
    ice cekoreno ( shikai needed) (145% of a cekoreno)
    wind cekoreno( shikai needed) (230% of a cekoreno)
    lighting cekoreno (shikai needed) (250% cekoreno)
    light cero (mask needed)(3x cero)
    dark cero (mask needed)(4 1/2x cero)
    five god formation attack 1(cero)(bankai and mask needed)
    five god formation attack 2 (bala)(bankai and mask needed)
    ten god formation attack 1( bankai and mask needed
    ten god formation attack 2(bankai and mask needed)
    god cero(bankai and mask needed)
    god cekorino(bankai and mask needed)
    FINAL GOD CERO (final release and mask are needed)
    FINAL TENSO CEKORINO(final release needed)
    FINAL GOD DUAL ATTACK(final release and mask needed)
    FINAL GOD TRI ATTACK (final release: demon mode and mask are needed)
    FINAL EXPLOSION(shikai needed)(a attack where i emit energy from my body to creat a mid-level explosion)
    FINAL GOD EXPLOSION(bankai needed)(high-level explosion that emits from my body)
    FINAL DARK CERO(final form p1 and mask needed)
    RAINBOW DRAGON(final form p2 needed)
    FINAL RAINBOW DRAGON(final form p2 needed)
    FINAL GOD RAINBOW DRAGON (final p2 needed)
    FINAL QUALTRILE DRAGON(final p2 and mask needed)
    SININ DRAGON(final p2 and mask needed)
    KYUUKYOKU TENSHU CERO DORAIGON (final form p2 and mask needed)
    KYUUKYOKU BESHIKO TENSHU CERO DORAIGON (final form p2 and mask needed)
    (when i talk to my zanpakuto he is in a state of fusion between all ten gods and goshimaruku and his name is shikorinosake but he is released as shikai he becomes unfused and isn't fused in this world until i go into final release. my zanpakuto is light based in fused form because all ten gods each have either fire, water, earth,wind,or lightning as a base and in final form demon mode he is dark based because he has absorbed my mask)
    (if i enter battle with a glove on my hand this is what it does unless i am in final release p2)

    Kihaku Yousetsu Kyanon (Soul Welding Cannon)(this was made by stark and given to me)

    This gun has three settings, it's first setting is what it defaults to when it's not being used. It assumes the form of a glove with a small tube on the top that can fire small blasts of spirit energy that float in the air around the user. It has no repurcussions against whomever is using it in this stage but it is rather weak but easy to carry around. The second setting how ever assumes the form of a complete arm coverage and is slightly bulky, it drains the power of the user when fired, this stage can rotate between automatic and semi automatic and also has a built in eye lense for a sniper situation the shots are much more powerful and has an average kick back all the automatic shots have the same power as well as the semi automatic. The third and final setting transforms the weapon into it's final Shotgun stage where it grows over the arm becoming rather large and bulky but very slick so it's still easy enough to move around the armor for the gun on the third setting is incredibly think at the shoulder is a large tube that let's out an incredible amount of heat each time it fires. The gun taps into the users spirit energry everytime it fires the ammount of energy consumed with each shot can be chosen by the one manipulating the gun, making the shots stronger or weaker at will. Out of all the settings this one has the highest kick back since it can fire enormous amounts of energy at once, but thanks to the shape of the gun if positioned correctly can force the one shooting it to go flying a certain direction allowing for swift movement if neccesary. The gun on each setting has a small gem like object attached which can store a certain amount of spirit energy, if too much is put in it will start firing until it's container becomes stable again.

    Last edited by jmcast/makaveli on Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:07 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Gigamonch's Zanpakutou (Arrancar)

    Post  NotMeForSure Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:39 am

    Name: Sombra de la Guepardo (Shadow of the Cheetah)

    Release Phrase: Parpadear, Sombra de la Guepardo (Parpadear=Flicker)

    Appearance: It has a dark blue hilt with a short hilt wrap of black. A section of the Guard crawls up to a fourth of the blade, in the shape of a crooked, thinner cheetah claw. It's scabbard is gray with black lining and engraved with a weird symbol.

    Resurrecion: Once Sombra de la Guepardo is released, Gigamonch's mask fragment, which originally covers just his mouth, extends and covers his arms and part of his ears. He grows a chunk of that white stuff on his shoulder's (remeber Volcanica, the release of one of grimmjow's fraccion? Looks like that, but smaller.)
    His hands become claw-like in the way that his fingers become pointed and really sharp. His legs also undergo a similar transformation, growing jagged rifges acroos the back of the legs. He grows a tail, which is considerably strong in power and is able to be used in battle.
    He has grown little armor on his torso area, in efforts to keep drag to a minimum, as speed is his primary attribute. The armor on his chest and abdomen area is crisscrossed and seems as if he was repeatedly slashed by tigers. Under that is a layer of white, just so it won't look ugly.

    Affinity: Fire

    Shadow Strike: Gigamonch moves really fast, building up friction in the air around him, and when he hits the enemy for the first time, he ignites the air causing a decent explosion.

    Firestarter: (Narutal Ability) Similar to Inuzuka Kiba's Gatsuga, but with fire as the tornado around him.

    Cadena de Fuego (Chain of Fire) (Resurreccion): Gigamonch emits a different, high temperature fire from his hands/claws. Once this hits, the enemy is bound and takes damage, kinda like a damaging mix of hado and bakudo, for arrancars.

    Consumis por Fuego (Consume by Fire) : While using this tech, all my attacks will cause an explosion upon contact.

    Fortaleza de Fuego (Fortress of Fire): (Natural Ability)It builds a giant wall of fire around me and uses it as a shield. When the command, Dispersar(Disperse) is given, The fortaleza will spread out and become an offensive move. Hard to dodge.

    Sagrado Fuego: Healing tech. Gigamonch doesn't really heal much, but it's there. He almost never uses this tech.

    Velocidad Limite Eliminacion: This multiplies Gigamonch's speed in resurreccion form to the UMPTEENTH degree. It doesn't have much of a use in RP, but it's pretty cool if you like to visualize battles.

    Guepardo Explosion: It sends out a massive amount of fire in the shape of a cheetah. This is fast-travelling and doesn't not stop until it hits its target. Being made of fire, it can reform again and again for puruit purposes.

    Lluvia de Fuego: (Rain of Fire) It rains fire. At first, only fire itself rains, but it may take the form of anything Giga wishes to, for example, he can make it rain fire swords, fire arrows, globs of fire, etc. etc......

    Fuego Envolver: (Fire Wrap) It binds the enemy in fire. Duh.

    Sombra de Fuego: (Shadow of Fire) (Natural Ability) He compresses a large amount of fire into a ball no larger than the eye of a needle, and when it expands, it makes A HEUG EXPLOSION! (it's so huge it causes a typoe n_n).

    Wow. you can make a lot of moves with just simple fire manipulation ^_^

    Will make more, have to think of more......

    Last edited by Gigamonch on Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:46 am; edited 1 time in total
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:33 am

    Name: itami (pain)

    zan soul: a small goblin looking thing who talk insanely

    Release order: hurt itami( couldn’t find translation)

    Shikai: the whole swords becomes grey and below the handle apears another smaller sword edge.

    effect: this is like poison, in a way that i imobilizes the strenght and reaction time, in those to posts that i will hurt in my shikai.... the opponent will be weaker in strenght, speed, and reaction........ in my bankai the postcount will be twice as much and shorter waiting time, also the power will be cut more and the speed and reaction also.....

    Abbilities: wounds opponent have received by itami will hurt double as much for 2 post then the pain will come back after 5 posts by command of me. Every wound user receives by opponent will be felt in a a half rate by opponent, but make no scars . Also stunning a body part of where there a major wound is can be done by me if he gives his sword a certain amount of reiatsu.

    attacks: takai itami(death pain) my zan explodes into thousand blades shooting in every direction

    Bankai name: kyokudai itami( or kyokudai no itami,). (maximum pain)

    Bankai: I pierce my heart with itami. And then my body turns grey. Out of all my fingers, elbows, spine, and knees, blades can pierce out, out of my . The size of the blades can be from 10 to 100 centimeters long. If enemy is wounded by the blades it hurts double the amount . The blede drops out of my body, and the out of the place it drops there can now apear a new and longer blade. And can be as a weapon. If the enemy is hit by that blade again the other wound can feel 2 and a half the normal pain.

    Note: theory behind this is that my body Is filled with liquid steel

    Abbillities…. Out of my fingers I can shoot blades out fast….. the blades can be filled with reiatsu making them explode…

    Steel armor….. the steel in my body forms a aromor around me

    Wound sword….. every wound I have… there can come blades outa them…..

    steel drill: i make a drill out of the steel

    Second form, all of the blades of my body shoot out of my body and form a ball that gets spikes and a chain, the pain of hits is three times the normal pain.

    Last edited by zozo hurley(nasin) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:41 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:05 am

    okay like shikorinosake i cant use all the moves yet but this is my compleat second zanpakuto and 75%of the credit goes to HISSHI(thanks)

    KURO KENKAKUFUNE(dark swordsmen ship)

    normal appearence: its a bit longer and slender than a normal katana with a black hilt and guard.

    Shikai release: Show them your skill
    Shikai appearence: the blade becames completely black and small shark teeth-like blades grows out of the back. (hope I get the picture forth, Im thinking like Arlongs sword in One piece only a lot smaller)

    1: Dark blast; shoots out a black beam of concentrated reiatsu
    2: FIRE BALA
    3: FIRE CERO
    4 : FIRE GRC
    I let go of the blade that sinks into a black hole, that multiplies into a thousand holes that scatters around and blades of all appearences appears from the holes once they stop.
    These swords can only be touched by me then I decide to, this means that unless I want to use the swords, they cant be destoyed.

    1: kuro blast; in bankai this move destroys the sword, but its power is 20 times greater then that of the shikai
    2: kuro Kill; I summon the amount of swords I feel like and uses their energy to shoot dark blasts at my enemy.
    3: kuro moon stage 1: makes a box around the oppenate that is very strong
    4:kuro moon stage 2: fills the box with very hot flames
    5:kuro moon stage 3 : i put my hands together and the box exploes inside out

    bankai stage 2: JUU TENRAN KURO KENKAKUFUNE(The ten divine swords of the dark swordmanship)
    in this stage the number of swords shink to ten but each has a name and their own abilites and can not be destroyed unless i am weilding them.their names are kurokiki, kurokaku, kuroseinin, kurosake, kurobanin, kurosireinin, kurotenin, kurotenshiku, kurosakuro, kuroyuse,and kurozena.

    (ten swords and what they can do)
    kurokiki: can control reishi to a high degree and add to any attack making it a lot stronger
    kurokaku: can control the disenty of fire making it stronger, faster, bigger, smaller etc.
    kuroseinin:can make a very strong sheid made of fire and can deflect high-level attacks (such as a grc (takes a lot to do it)
    kurosake: can add fire to an element and use it to make an attack (example:i can push the zanpakuto into the ground and make a volcano under the oppenant)
    kurobanin: amplifys all attacks of mine or cut the attack power of an enemy's (more time he has the more he can do)
    kurosireinin:can use fire to disrupt mask power
    kurotenin: can use fire to act as a HANKI nullifying any kido
    kurotenshiku: can use fire to make fire hurricanes that can be used for attack and defence
    kurosakuro:can use fire to make fine fire treads that can trap, burn and cut, or can use a lot of these to make a shied
    kuroyuse:can make fire rods that range in size and can hit an oppenate with these to pin him down or send a large one to an oppenate and on contact with anything explode into many needles
    kurozena:can materizes and fight with the power of myself

    bankai attacks:
    1: JUU KURO MOON stage 1 : a circle with a 20 ft diamter appears around the oppenate and the circle is on fire making a wall
    2: JUU KURO MOON stage 2 : 2 more circles appeare with the diamter of ten and five feet around the oppenate and the closes circle has the strongest flame. (by now the enemy is serverly burned
    3: JUU KURO MOON stage 3: the sky opens and shoots a blast five times more powerful than a grc injto the circle
    4: JUU KURO MOON stage 4: the moon turns black and shoots a small consatrated beam that is 10x stronger than a grc at the circle
    (as of now my mask only amplifys my power and gives me the power to fire a fire-based cero or bala)

    in this stage the swords i weided before fuse and become one allowing me to do everything before and my power doing those moves are 10x more than before plus a new set of moves.

    new moves:
    TENRAN KURO stage 1 : i slam my hands together making a pure dome of red reitsu that is nearly unbreakable
    TENRAN KURO stage 2 : spikes move around inside, stabing the oppenate hundreds of times, then they become solid preventing almost any escape
    TENRAN KURO stage 3 aka GOD'S HAMMER : the sky opens and a small wave of energy (that is 20x grc) comes down crashes on dome detroying anything in it down to a small speak of dust

    Last edited by jmcast/makaveli on Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Kutsuu "Pain"

    Post  WinnieChan Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:39 pm

    Name : Kutsuu "Pain" "Dolor"(noted its not the naruto pain evil guy ok?)My zanpakutou is lame and simple from the others.Enjoy ~

    Normal Appearance : A long black katana shaped sword.It has no sheath but there are ribbons and bells on the handle of the sword.

    Shikai Form :
    Appearance - Fully black blade , much looks like the normal appearance so its hard to tell if i am releasing it or not.The blade would be slightly longer than the normal appearance.Rest assured its no ichigo's bankai form neither lol =.=".

    Shikai Form Powers :
    Needle Queen "Aguja de la Reina"
    -Remember when we were still alive , getting shots or injections are somehow scary and chilly to us when we are young.When u got a disease and was bedridden for a long time , doctors or nurses would give u injections just to cure you but the thought of the sharp needles stutter you.Most pain comes from the source of needles.Kutsuu wants everybody to know her pain after her love ones died , its your turn to feel her pain.Needle Queen changes my blade into unlimited needles.I could manipulate them freely and it has two kinds of functions - Offense and Healing.Offense is when i use black needles to attack my enemy or foe.White needles are for healing and has powerful healing powers.It could heal outside and inside at the same time which is useful.The black needles could stun or poison the enemy while white needles could heal or buff my allies.

    Tingling Bell "Hormigueo Bell"
    -Bells are actually quite good for us during when we are alive or dead.They bring peace and schools use them as a timer of some sort.Children would be happy and run to the canteen for food after hearing the recess bell.But remember the fire ? Bell also rings during emergencies , the bells warn us that trouble has come and we should run away.It saves alot of people but it does not save Kutsuu much.After her boyfriend dies , she would be alone in her room.Everytime the bell of her clock rings , she would keep getting back memories about her boyfriend gave her beautiful bells with ribbons on them as a birthday present.She would be in despair.The bells are tight on the handle with a ribbon.Incredible is the bells wont ring when it moves or violently being shaked.It rings when my heart desires.When the bells ring , it could send ultrasonic wave to my foe.It enters the ear and then the mind , it then blurify the mind transmission and you would see me doing after images but i wasn't doing it.This skill is perfect for mind manipulation and it can also act as a diversion skill.

    Bankai Form :
    Bankai Appearance - The blade's handle turns into white colour and the blade's colour is black and white.the bells and the ribbons still remain.

    Bankai Form Powers :
    Nightmare "Pesadilla"
    -Nightmares and dreams are the basic things that could happen when we are asleep.Our brain are still moving even though we are sleeping.Eating foods before sleeping could causes nightmare in our sleeps.Usually nightmares also could take away people's soul if its a terrible one.Nightmares mostly take form of a bad situation happened to us or our greatest fears.Kutsuu now would bring you deeper into the world of nightmare and a world without dreams.In bankai , my needles and blade have toxic liquid on them.It does not kills u or hurts you but rather gives u nightmare.When my needles or blade touch the foe , the liquid would be inject into the victim's body.The liquid would turn into a form just like haemogoblin so that it fuses with the blood cells.It then allows the blood cells to carry the liquid to the brain with great speed.The only way of getting that liquid out is by killing yourself.When it enters the victim's brain , the liquid would "pollute" the mind and shuts down ur body for a short while.It then reads your mind and find your greatest fears.When it finishes , the liquid would comes out from the victim's body goes back to my blade.A soul would appear after that and takes the form of your greatest fear or horrible situation happened to you before.You must face your fear in only to win this skill.And i wont hurt you when you are fighting your fear cause i want you to focus on it first rather on me.

    Sonic Wave "La onda sónica"
    -Screams are normal after getting pain or in an emergency.Soldiers would shout for mercy or back up just to save their lifes or their brethen's lifes.Screams of horror appears after seeing something scary or frightening.Screams could also be heard when being torture.Kutsuu scream like a siren after her boyfriend dies.She always wanted to scream her hearts out just to forget that memory.Now you shall hear her scream once more.In this skill , the blade could releases sonic blasts that resembles scream of death.The sonic blasts move like this . o O , the more farther u are the more damage you gets.The sonic wave could also uses on my body , i could shunpos or sonidos in great menacingly speed.Much like a sonic wave...just look at the lightning during a storm...

    Bone Armour "Armadura de hueso"
    -Bones are mostly seen during burial or dead bodies of the olden days.The bodies rot and become bones which is menacingly creepy.Skeletons also used in horror movies which could move and fight.Or could be also seen as undead armies of powerful necromancers.Kutsuu bury her boyfriend's body with her own hands , everytime he thinks of her boyfriend's dead body.She could feel like a heavy skeleton hugging her on her back.In this skill , a skeleton with hard bones would appear on my body and allows me to have incredible could also allows me to use bone manipulations to attack the enemy.This skill counts as a back up attack if the foe manages to destroy his fear.

    See its so lame.
    Dee Snider
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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty re: bleach zanpaktou

    Post  Dee Snider Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:46 pm

    zanpaktou name: karasu
    sword form: a normal katana with black circular guard and black hilt with crow designs on the hilt
    shikai command: fly karasu
    shikai form: a double edged katana with silver blade with black circular guard and black hilt with crow designs on both side of the katana's blade
    abilities: greatly increase in reiatsu,speed and strength
    shadow weave: allows me to move at an immense speed distorting the dimensions around the area creating copies of myself that has the same strength as me but not able to use any techniques
    shadow beam: rips open the dimension that summons a massive black beam that acts like a beam of black hole absorbing everything in its path in
    shadow beings: rips open the dimension that summons shadow crows towards the opponent that explodes once it hits the opponent and as a result of the explosion it creates a rip in the dimension creating a black hole that absorbs anything that i see as an enemy in,cant be absorb and cant be diverted as it will pass through any obstacle in its path since its made of shadows

    bankai command: come forth spirit of the mountains,tengu
    bankai form: sword disperses into a black light and reforms into a black fan made of feathers
    black light surrounds me and as it disperses i emerge wearing a black robe and black pants with black sash around my waist with the design of a fan on the back of my robe and black wings on my back
    abilities: immense increase in reiatsu,speed and strength
    divine body: engulfs myself in black reiatsu that destroys anything with reiatsu around me and at the same time constantly heals me
    corrossion: able to engulfs even larger things with my own reiatsu and destroys it (incudes reiatsu in the surrounding area reiatsu will destroys the opponents' own reiatsu from the inside if attempted absorption)
    drain: able to engulfs even larger things with my own reiatsu and absorbs it (includes reiatsu in the surrounding area and even opponents and will destroys the opponents' own reiatsu from the inside if attempted absorption)
    divine path: moves at a blink of an eye creating a rip in the dimension at the place that i appears creating a black hole that lasts for 5 posts
    divine beam: summons a black beam that acts like a beam of black hole from palm (strength and size of beam can only be controlled by me)
    divine summoning: summons shadow crows from anywhere
    divine rain: summons rains of black beams from the sky that strikes anything under it
    divine thunder: wings curve forward and from the tip of the wings a small black ball with blue lightning around it forms getting smaller and smaller absorbing any reiatsu from its surrounding and getting denser and when fired it creates the sound of thunder that destroys anything in its path surround the area in static lightning that strikes anything in its path followed by the path of the black beam

    bankai command 2: divine being daitengu emerge
    will be shown more along the way

    tengu art 1: wind step (disappears in a gust of wind and appears in a gust of wind anywhere)
    tengu art 2: shadow blend (allows me to blend in with the surroundings and disappears from sight removing any trace of reiatsu from me)
    tengu art 3: hidden strike (a technique that follows shadow blend allowing me to appear striking anywhere)
    tengu art 4: wind barrier (forms a wall of black tornado around me negating any attack)
    tengu art 5: wind assault (forms black blades towards the opponent creating a sound that sounds like a whistle as it moves)
    tengu art 6: tengu's touch (engulfs the user or an ally in black light healing any wounds only limit is that it cant revive the dead)
    tengu art 7: sutra (chants and words from the sutra emerges around the whole field forming a hexagon around it)
    tengu art 8: paths of pain (black strings emerges from the hexagon binding the enemy in it and makes them suffer from the pain that they inflicted on others)
    tengu art 9: unholy eye (black reiatsu gathers at my forehead as an eye emerge on my forehead that allows me to trace even the slightest smallest trace of reiatsu and the ability to see through illusions cancelling them and the ability to predict the movement of an opponent)
    tengu art 10: ????
    Heavens knight.
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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Heavens knight. Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:05 pm

    Name: tenrai keiri (divine executioner)

    Command: pass judgment on those that sin

    Appearance of zanpakto: it is white normal katana without a guard when in shikai it gains red markings on the hilt and guard (and obviously gains a guard).In bankai I gain a giant double sided axe as when I was a arrancar but does not have the black skull on it.

    Shikai: attacks -
    Judgment blades- I shoot many crimson blades out of my blade towrds my opponent they look similar to the getsuga tenshou.

    Execute - the blade glows yellow and can know cut throught any object (not shinigami or hollow ect.).

    Ban Kai - zetsumei tenshi tenrai keiri (death angel divine executioner)

    Bankai: attacks -

    Grand execution -in stage one this attack is similar to a massive combination to the 2 shikai moves in which the both sides of the zanpakto glow yellow and I shot the blades out of the axe each time I swing it. It has the properties of execute but is now much stronger. in stage 2 the attack is blasted out of my fist

    Final execution - in stage 1 i gather a massive amount of energy in one of the blades and i swing the axe down ward sending a massive black blast at the enemy, in stage 2 i gather the energy in my hand and blast it out of my fist

    Effects - my bankai increase my physical strength drastically

    Bankai stage 2 - my strength is 10x shikai strength and 2x my bankai stage 1 strength i gain to white gauntlets in this form and can only fight in close combat

    Last edited by Hells raven on Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Heavens knight. Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:06 pm

    Name - God's Leviathan

    Release command - bring fear to the seas

    Element of Zanpakto - water

    Appearence - pre-released it is similar to hitsugayas blade with a dark blue hilt and has a serpent in a circle as a guard (the serpent looks like it is swimming in a circle to get the picture) it is worn a the back of my waist similar to how sasuke where's his blade. Shikai state the blade becomes a dark blue and the serpent on guard disappears a serpent mark runs along the blade. Bankai it revert back to the original form.


    abilities - in this form I can stab my zanpakto into the ground to create water pillars and can also make my blade into a sea serpent that can attack and poison my enemy when it bites them.


    Water pillars - I stab my blade into the ground and can make a water pillar appear where I chose for it to be.

    Serpent strike - the serpent mark on my blade glows and my blade becomes a serpent that can stretch extreme far from myself and when it bites my enemy they are injected with a poison.

    Water Wall - i stab my blade into the ground and create a wall to protect my from attacks

    Aqua bomb - I form water orbs i the air and i am able to make them soar at my opponent by swinging my blade they fire at my opponent similar to being shot out of a catapult.

    Bankai - scourge of the sea god's leviathan

    Abilities - I stab my blade into the ground to turn the area I'm in into an ocean all of my allies opponents and my self are standing on 6' by 10' pillar a of rock there is a 50 foot distance between my enemy and myself which I use my bankai's power to take advantage of. In this form I can control the sea that I have made ,also I posess a secret in the sea there is my zanpakto spirit a leviathan the attack my opponent(s). I control the water and leviathan the same way by slice in the direction of my opponent I want them to hit, the water has a great amount of water pressure when it hits.

    torrent blade - i run on the water and the water surrounds the blade and then i strike my opponent with a mass amount of water with great pressure.

    Last edited by Hells raven on Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
    zozo hurley(nasin)
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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:11 pm

    this is my second zan

    Name: buru shikon(blue fang)

    zan soul: obviously a wolf... A BLUE WOLF WITH A PATCH OVER THE LEFT EYE*


    RELEASE COMMAND: hitonomi buru shikon!!(bite blue fang)

    Shikai: the blade looks like itself, now just with a blue egde

    Abilities……. The blue egde is made for bursting out reiatsu, or just concentrade it,

    sabishii ookami: hanto(lonewolf: hunt ): I wave my sword over my legs making them go faster. A thin layer of reiatsu makes them go faster.



    sabishii ookami: sabashii buki(lonewolf: lonely weapon) my zan gets bigger with blue energy

    sabishii ookami: houkou(lonewolf: howl) when I hit sumthing it gets thrown back with amazing power,

    sabishii ookami: kazu(lonewolf: kill) I wave my zan over my arms making them hit stronger when holding my sword..

    sabishii ookami: giragira(lonewolf: glare) shoot a baem from the edge of buru shikon

    sabishii ookami: uwabari(lonewolf: coat) my body looks like blue energy...

    sabishii ookami: kizu(lonewolf: wave I move my blade over my hand, they start shinning blue, making the hit twice as powerfull.

    Note:this move can also be done with kicks

    sabishii ookami: non miuchi(lonewolf: no friends) i slice my hand with sword without making a wound...... now i can make a hand out of blue energy next to me......(can be done with every bodypart)

    sabishii ookami: issei( lonewolf: cry) a burst of energy makes a shokwave(can be done to blow away mist, stop stob sum minor wind attacks or even blow out flames)

    sabishii ookami: sabishii benkai(lonewolf: lonely defence) a shield appears infront or around me....

    sabishii ookami: sabishi unari(lonely howl) for the attack my zan becomes all blue, a beam of blue power shoots out.

    sabishii ookami: kyoumou seizon(lonewolf: firece survival) i stab my sword into the ground..... now i can shoot beams from the ground..

    sabishii ookami: saigo ibuki(lonewolf: last breath) when i do kyoumou seizon i can shoot beams up making a "room" around my opponent with no roof so i can guard the "room"

    sabishii ookami: shou (lonewolf: destroy) my sword can extent its sword to different ways

    Mask attacks in shikai form:

    sabishii cero: I shoot my cero into my zan making it chanel a huge amount of energy increasing the power of every attack.

    Cero: just a normal cero

    grand ray sabishii: more power to sword

    ookami cero: blue cero about 2.5x strong as a grc when not in shikai..... stronger when in..

    ookami sabishii cero: power up my zan with my ookami cero
    Bankai: blue fangs howl………..(if you have a translation I would be glad hearing it)

    note: can do all the attacks from shikai..........

    A blue armor surounds me, the armor has a wolf face helmet, the armor has a tail of blue energy sticking out.

    Abilities: i can freely make weapons out of the blue energy. The energy hardens and becomes just like a normal weapon.


    yukai ookami: yukai benkai(happy wolf: happy defence) i shield a attack and send it back stronger

    yukai ookami: houkou(happy wolf: happy howl) like wolfs howl. The beam is twice as powerful twice as fast and twice as big,

    yukai ookami: issei(happy wolf: cry) like shockwave only that this can blow out big fires, stop strong wind attacks.

    yukai ookami: benkai(happy wolf: happy defence) a burst of energy appears In moment of attacks impact decreasing hit power

    yukai ookami: houkou(happy wolf: howl) when I hit sumthing it is thrown back with great enough force to make a crater in the ground.

    yukai ookami: hanto(happy wolf: hunt) like speed burst just that it make me faster

    yukai ookami: kizu(happy wolf: scratch) like burst of fist just that it makes sum wolf fang gloves making it hit even father.

    yukai ookami: fujo(happy wolf: help) i can freely move my blade around like a snake almost.

    yukai ookami: shuuketsu(happy wolf: close) i shoot round blue energy balls out, that explode by my will of when touched by opponent, i can use them as pleased.

    okay this is my (kinda)second form. its called "true instinct"

    *i stab my sword into my head, and i start acting(kinda) like a wolf.. so so

    note: more moves coming up...

    Last edited by zozo hurley(nasin) on Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:26 pm; edited 7 times in total
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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Hiroto Takashi Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:07 pm

    hey here's my new zanpakuto.

    normal apperance- yellow hilt, with a dark brown sheath. the sword is strapped to my back.

    Shikai- Aki no kure (autumn dusk) when i call on my zanpakuto it transforms into a style of sword similar to ichigos' but doesn't look like a cleaver (is big and is black and white). anyway the sharp side has points going up the blade while the black part looks normal. so initialy it looks like a half autumn leaf. with my shikai i can summon and manipulate fire. but even though it has the fire element, its main purpose is healing. when the fire envelops someone it will instantly heal them. but it can still hurt someone. my healing fire is the color of green, attacking fire is red, and when wearing my vizard mask the fire is blue.

    Powers- shuushoku (clear day in autumn)- when i call on this green fire erupts out of the blade and envelopes the person and heals them. aki no koe (autumn's voice) when i call on this i roar and green sparks come from my mask and the person im useing this on is temperarily dissabled (this is usually used when doing surgery, or a stealth mission). aki no sora (autumn sky) when i call on this my zanpakuto sends out sparks of red fire in the sky and then when far enough in the sky, it releases down and attacks the enemy (this is one of the only actual attacks, but it is a relitivly weak).

    Incantation- "Heal when burning, Aki no kure."

    type- healing, fire.

    bankai- wataridori aki no kure (migrating birds in autumn dusk) when i call on my bankai my sword dissolves into autumn leaves. my bankai is essentialy for fighting. my bankai mostly has the properties of baykuya's senbonzakura, they are razor sharp and there are at least a million of them.

    powers- all the same powers but some new ones--hatsu arashi (first storm) when i call on this my autumn leaves surround me and my opponent. a sword like my shikai appears in my hand. anyway eventually the leaves will fall, but the leaves are explosive. when you touch a leaf (at all even the slightest touch) will explode. it will only happen, obviously, when my opponet touches a leaf not me (if a leaf touches me it will harmlessly just fall off). aki kaze (autumn wind) when i call on this the leaves turn into large fireballs and are sent towards my opponent.

    2nd bankai - aki no kure matsu yoi (autumn dusk, waiting evening) when i call on this my leaves gather at my hands and then form 2 of my shikai chained by a nearly endless chain. it still has the same powers as the shikai but some new attacks

    powers- Hinote tansen (fire’s edge) releases a burst of flame from the tip of the swords. Honoo (blaze) allows me to shield myself in fire but then release it in a big fiery blast. aki no sora (autumn sky) when i call on this i release fire into the sky and then it comes back down the size as humongous fireballs.

    vizard mask effects- when i activate my mask my fire attacks turn into blue fire.

    Last edited by madara5 on Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:08 pm

    Since everyone is now using fire I need a new zanpakuto
    zanpakuto:Rikiddo Kane(Liquid Metal)
    sealed form: wakizashi to Gin Ichiamaru's zanpakuto but its silver with a hilt similar to Ulquiorra.
    released command:Meruto(melt)
    The zanpakuto extends and drips.Anthing made of earth the zanpakuto touches turns into liquid metal and im allowed to control it.
    Bankai:bakudai Rikiddo Kane enkai(Vast liquid metal ocean)
    My bankai has 3 forms
    1st form:I drop the zanpakuto to the ground like Byakuya and the surrounding area in a 50 meter turns liquid metal and I can control it with my mind and my hands plus it can be used as offense and defense.
    2nd form:The second form starts to surround me and my opponnet with tornado of liquid metal with spikes in it and I can form a broad sword just like my old zanpakuto.The broad sword gives me a power boost of attack and speed
    3rd form:all the liquid metal starts to swirl around my zapakuto making a giant sword

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Fullmetal642 Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:20 pm

    Shikai - taiyou doragon (solar dragon) tsuki ookami (lunar wolf)
    Command - roar to the sun/howl to the moon
    Bankai - taiyou doragon nushi (solar dragon god) tsuki akuma ookami (lunar demon wolf )

    element - light and fire

    appearance -
    sealed - two katanas that are held on his the back his hip
    shikai - the dragon blade gains a dragon hilt (this is the fire blade)and the blade becomes red and the wolf blade gains a wolf hilt and the blade becomes white (this is the light blade).
    bankai - i gain two gauntlets a dragon on my left hand and a wolf on the right. i gain an armor and cape and a helmet. the gauntlets allow my to form blades of fire and light depending on the gauntlet.

    Fire bomb- i gather fire it my dragon blade and fire it at my opponent it causes a massive explosion.

    Dragon's breath - i shoot a mass flame towards my opponent that engulfs my opponent and scorches my opponent.

    Dragon's heart - i use dragon's breath but hotter than it forms into a dragon that it chases its opponent till it hits them and can crash into things but it just reforms and can only be stopped by a high class water move or a move of equal power not nature based (by nature i mean plants and stuff like that)
    The wolf dances:

    new moon dance- i stab the dragon blade into the ground and then attack with many attacks from my wolf blade after a while i ump back and snap my fingers and a fire pillar erupts from the ground

    crescent moon dance - i launch a lot of crescent shaped blades at my opponent made of light.

    half moon dance - i gather energy into the sword and shoot a massive light blade at my opponent (its similar to the getsuga tensho)

    full moon dance - it is a mixture of the first 3 but at double the speed

    Burst flame - my left hand starts to glow and then after a certain amount of time i can fire a massive blue colored flame (being the hottest) out of the the dragon gauntlet that scorches anything it touches.

    Grand light - my right hand glows and then after a certain amount of time i fire a mass light blast (similar to the spirit bomb use against kid buu) at my opponent out of the wolf gauntlet that decimates anything non- living.(but deals great damage to my opponent)

    Burst light - both of my hands glow and i fire out of both gauntlets a mixture of burst flame and grand light at my opponent mixing the effects.

    Hand of destruction - my left hang glows and gathers a mass amount of fire energy in it i then fire it at my opponent it is 10x stronger and hotter than the burst flame.

    Hand of judgment - a gather a mass amount of light energy it my right hand i then blast the energy at my opponent this move is 10x stronger than the grand light technique.

    my zanpaktos spirits and i fuse together then i gain a black armor and and wings are part of the armor resembling a dragons ther is also a tail the mask has horn like a dragon but the face resembles a wolf's (in this form the power of all three us us combines making my power grow amazingly)

    Final form : a bright light shines and i am now in a knights armor an the shoulder plates are a dragon and a wolf the armor is black and white the colors of my zan spirits and my power increases my five times.

    Mask moves
    Final flame of the gods - i form a massive flame that takes the form of a wolf and attacks my opponent.

    Final light of the gods - i gather a mass amount of light energy that takes the form of a dragon and fires it at my opponent.

    Wolf dance of the red moon - an attack that messes with all of my opponents senses fo a short time.

    Wolf dance of the blue moon - an attack that takes the form of a pack of 10 blue wolves that are extremely fast and can not be stopped by kido this attack can only be done on a full moon.

    spirit - since it is a dual type i have two Senra a black dragon and Shiro a white wolf

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Peace "Paz or Armonia"

    Post  WinnieChan Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:59 pm

    My first zanpakutou is an attacker zanpakutou whose name is Pain.The second zanpakutou's name is Peace and its a healing zanpakutou.

    Name : Peace "Paz or Armonia"

    Appearance : Long white silver blade with feathers on the handle.The feathers have red and white colours on it.The handle is an elegant looking.

    Shikai Form :
    Appearance - The feathers turn into full white and have angelic aura.The blade turns longer.

    Shikai Powers :
    -White Light "Luz Blanca"
    When Peace was alive and about , she was a religious people.She hates the darkness but loves white and shining light.During the war era , she can't take much of the darkness around the world.She always went to the temple and pray for a light to come.A light that would take away the pain of this world.This powers allow me to use white enery beams.I could manipulate them into anyway i can.It has healing powers to allies while damaging powers to foes.The white beam is as same as light and can be refracted.The light is calm to allies but cruel to foes.

    -Guardian Angel "Ángel de la Guarda"
    Peace always admire the angels of the sky.Being able to live in heaven and free from all pain.She believe in all gods or demi gods of every religion.She always pray for the guardian angels to come down and destroy the war and pains of this world.After she died , she was a shinigami but a weak one.One day , she came across a forest to relieve herself.She saw a child crying and a hollow infront of him.She acted quickly and killed the hollow.But she was dying due to loss of blood , the child cried heavily.An angel appears infront of her and thanked her for saving the angel's child.The angel purified Peace's soul and promised she would be in kind hands.The angel also swear he is forever in debt with Peace and became her guardian angel.The guardian angel's name is Airin.Airin is an angel with a simple white robe with bird like wings.He is not a powerful angel but enough to help Peace from harms way.In this skill , Airin would be summon to heal or fight with Peace and me.Airin has his own skills

    uncompleted - thinking -_- of bankai
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:05 am

    Name: Kagami Hoshi (Literally Mirror Star)
    Release: Utsushimasu (Trace)
    Bankai Name: Fukusei Senha (Replica Thousand Blade)

    Spirit form: My Zanpakuto's spirit form will be a star that keeps changing its shape, based on whatever it reflects.

    Sealed form: A pocketknife sized dagger with a black hilt and a shattered mirror attached to it by a chain. (Note that the mirror can't be broken)

    Shikai: Looks like a normal sealed zanpukto, but for a limit of 5 (3 posts) minutes, it can transform into any zanpakuto it has ever come in contact with but only one at a time. After that, must wait another 30 secs before the second copy. However, in that time, kido strength is enhanced. It is able to create life-like clones but there is a limit of 1 per 2 minutes.
    Has a special move called Juuhoshisen (Ten Star Blade), it is an attack that can only be used if Kagami Hoshi copies itself and is released by the command (Honmono Katachi! Juuhoshisen) This move can be used in Bankai as well. However, Kagami Hoshi cannot activate this unless it touches its own blade. It fires a gigantic amount of charged reiatsu that can tear a megalopolis apart.

    Bankai: Still looks the same, only the blade keeps changing forms. In this mode, for three minutes (two posts), can freely transform between zanpakuto just by calling the zanpakuto's name. After that, there is a 1 minute (one post) break. After using this skill ten times, by jabbing the bankai into the ground, it creates a gateway behind me and thousands of replicated zanpakuto come out, hence the name. The victim is then sent into a desert like place where I use all my zanpakuto to slash at him at super high speeds. This affect can only last for ten minutes (five posts) before the bankai returns to its original skill. This skill is called Senhamon (Thousand Blade Gate)

    Last edited by Blankconan~Mirror of Dark on Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:28 pm; edited 6 times in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:13 am

    Blankconan wrote:Name: Kagami Hoshi (Literally Mirror Star)
    Release: Utsushimasu (Trace)
    Bankai Name: Fukusei Senha (Replica Thousand Blade)

    Spirit form: My Zanpakuto's spirit form will be a star that keeps changing its shape, based on whatever it reflects.

    Sealed form: A pocketknife sized dagger with a black hilt and a shattered mirror attached to it by a chain. (Note that the mirror can't be broken)

    Shikai: Looks like a normal sealed zanpukto, but for a limit of 5 minutes, it can transform into any zanpakuto it has ever come in contact with but only one at a time. After that, must wait another 30 secs before the second copy. However, in that time, kido strength is enhanced.

    You have a really strong zanpakutou, and you also have strong abilities, as the captain of the 3rd division, i would like to recruit you as a member.

    Bankai: Still looks the same, only the blade keeps changing forms. In this mode, for three minutes, can freely transform between zanpakuto just by calling the zanpakuto's name. After that, there is a 1 minute break. After using this skill ten times, by jabbing the bankai into the ground, it creates a gateway behind me and thousands of replicated zanpakuto come out, hence the name. The victim is then sent into a desert like place where I use all my zanpakuto to slash at him at super high speeds. This affect can only last for ten minutes before the bankai returns to its original skill. This skill is called Senhamon (Thousand Blade Gate)
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Second Zanpakuto

    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:28 am

    Name: Sayonara
    Bankai Name: Tengoku Sayonara

    Shikai: The blade grows longer and curves, forming a scythe like blade. The hilt wraps around my hand and I am able to focus my reiatsu into the blade, hardening it. The scythe can turn into a waving hand and fire fire from the sky for a limited amount of time, hence the name.

    Bankai: The scythe disappears and loads of waving hands drop from the sky, each as heavy as four hundred tons and charged with explosive reiatsu that will destroy everything within a thirty-metre radius. It also explodes once it is within a hundred metres above me.
    Its second ability is to guide the reiatsu explosion with my mind, but there must be a living being at least within a one mile radius of me.
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark
    Blankconan~Mirror of Dark

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 2 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Blankconan~Mirror of Dark Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:29 am

    *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* wrote:

    You have a really strong zanpakutou, and you also have strong abilities, as the captain of the 3rd division, i would like to recruit you as a member.

    Thanks, I gladly and eagerly accept your invitation.

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