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    bleach- zanpaktos


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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Castiel-dark and light zampakto

    Post  Reynemesis Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:45 pm

    zampakto name: Castiel

    seal appearence: a black swoard with a white and dark blue handle with a small black chain on the handle

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Gabriel- Light Zampakto

    Post  Reynemesis Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:50 pm

    Swords name: Gabriel
    Seal appearance: Regular Zapata about 4 feet long the handle has a golden finish. Light type Zampakto.

    Release name: "Fall from the Heavens, Gabriel" and drop blade and it hits the ground and it begins to glow white and thousands of feathers fly up

    Shikai appearance: 5,000 feathers act as my blades each able to move at my well wither it be to attack my opponent or defect an attack.

    (ability) 1.The blades are able to absorb the opponents spiritual pressure and use it to heal my allies (NOT ME).
    2. I am able to to combine my feathers together to create a spear about eight feet long and a shield. The blade is four feet long and the base is gold and black cover. The shild is white with a five point star on it.
    3. -Spear de los Santos-(Spear of the Saints) The spear blade begins to glow and once i throw it, it moves at the speed of light so no one can dodge it.
    4. -Luz de Santos- Able it combine all the feathers together in a ball of light to blast my opponent with or keep it in the ball form -Luzenda- which is more powerful but only last in that form for a few seconds.

    Bankia: Once i release my bankia the feathers surround me and wings are made and 4 large chains appear sounding the wing connected together by a gaint lock with a devil's seal on it. Once the lock breaks i spread my wings revealing my blade now 6 feet long (looks like the blade Excalibur from King Arther)

    (ability) 1.-Mark of the Dam- Ability to seal away a current amount of power of anything by giving them a devil seal mark from my hand(five point star).
    2.-Lluve de Luz- Able to crate a rain of light energy balls that fall from the heavens as long as their is a large amount of light.
    3. Only sword technique i know is -La Ultimo Jugmento- (Spanish for The last judgment) a suicidal move at kills the oppent and me by engulfing us both in a large ray of light.
    4.-Feathers Arrows of Light- Able to flap my wings and throw out my feathers at my enemy.

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Lucifer- Dark Zampakto

    Post  Reynemesis Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:51 pm

    Zampakto name: Lucifer

    description: Lucifer is a all black and red zampakto with ruff edges. the handle of the blade is black with a touch of red with a small black broken chain at the end.
    abilities: 1. El Finito (the finisher)- an attack that allows me throw a large black or red slash
    at my opponent.
    2. Slicing Disc- an attack where i spin my blade around and it is engulf by my
    spiritual pressure and turns into a red disc which i can throw.

    release call: Raise from the Abyss, Lucifer.
    description: Lucifer takes the form of a Triton with the side blades about four feet long and the middle blade six feet long. Its its completely black except for the middle part of the rode where their is a handle colored red and gold.
    abilities: 1. Dark Matter- an attack that focuses a lot of dark energy into a large ball of black
    and purple that creates a space that dematerializes any matter inside it.
    2. Hells Drill- the side blades break into two creating four side blades. the side
    blades begin to spin at an increasing rate that allows me to sread anything it
    3. Plus any techniques i had before.

    release call: Banki
    description:i have two large bat wings and long black hair that reached to the bottom of his knees. his eyes were covered by red. he held a long jagged board swoard that started off fat at the base until it reached the tip of the top. the base of the blade had a bat spearading the base and the swoard. the nd of the base had a skull with two large pointy teeth and between the teeth ais a chain that wraps around alex and into his left hand where he held a large spiked ball
    abilities: (unknown)
    Lelouch Oyuki
    Lelouch Oyuki

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Lelouch Oyuki Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:13 pm

    hi im new here so if i do this wrong just tell me, lol

    -normal appearance- green hilt with a black sheath. the Tsuba has vine-like designs on it

    -shikai- Hayashi no Kamei (forest law ruler). when i call on my Zanpakuto it turns into a scythe that has a wooden handle, a closed flower at the end of it, and a scythe that is attached to the flower.

    -powers- Kaihou (open) when i call on this the flower opens and sends out seeds (1-50) and when the seeds hit something it will begin to drain the reiatsu of what ever it is attached to. Kyogousei (photosynthesis) when i call on this beams of light surround the flower untill it completely grows (becomes blue). and when it becomes this color it will instantly heal anyone i want. Ko no me (tree buds) when i call on this seeds fall out of my flower and then goes into the ground. when the seeds go into the ground small trees (like banzai trees) grow up from there and will heal anyone who touches it.

    -incantation-Sprout, grow, and flower! Hayashi no Kamei

    -type- grass, healing

    -Bankai- ShitamoeHayashi no Kamei (sprouting grass, forest law ruler). in bankai the scythe transforms into a new shape. it transforms into a tree shape-like scythe. on the handle it branches out and on each branch there are scythes (about 10).

    -powers- kusa no me (sprout) I drive the scythe blades partly into the ground. As long as the scythe blades are in the ground and you are touching it, you can grow trees from the ground and controll how they grow. from this attack, small flowers grow off of the trees and can heal or attack my opponent. along with this attack i have many others as well as completely controlling anything plant (for instance i could make the grass around you wrap around you ankle and hold you)

    hollow powers- if i let my hollow take over then a small tree will grow on my back with the roots extending all over my body. my hair will turn brown, and my eyes will turn black. in this form im reletivily harmless, unless of cource you make me mad. in this form i completely controll all plants, even speed up the process of the groth of plants.

    Last edited by Lelouch Oyuki on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:45 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Devodin Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:26 pm

    Lelouch Yatsunai wrote:hi im new here so if i do this wrong just tell me, lol

    This is nice zanpakuto, although the healing powers would have to be limited in a way to make sparring fair, something like a concentration requirement so you can't just heal your wounds while shunpoing around and slashing at people.

    You should apply to the medical division
    Lelouch Oyuki
    Lelouch Oyuki

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Lelouch Oyuki Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:33 pm

    Devodin wrote:
    Lelouch Yatsunai wrote:hi im new here so if i do this wrong just tell me, lol

    This is nice zanpakuto, although the healing powers would have to be limited in a way to make sparring fair, something like a concentration requirement so you can't just heal your wounds while shunpoing around and slashing at people.

    You should apply to the medical division

    oh well no im not much of a fighter, i would really only use it for healing. but thank you, i was thinking of joining the medical division. oh and my name is Lelouch Yatsunai. nice to meet you

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:34 am

    bleach12345 wrote:its name is steel blocker
    its ability's are when i draw the sword the metal from the sword will start to cover me with metal and leave hole for me to breath on the can shoot out spikes from anywhere of the body the spikes are drenched with poison so if a spike touches you you will be paralized for 30 seconds for me to use my attack spike crash the ability covers my right hand with spikes and my left hand with poison thorns i will punch the opponent with my both hands and poison and hurt him at the same time. although i said the poisen makes him paralized for 30 seconds if i added more poison there will be no extra time for me to attack. i will have to recharge and redo the attack again.

    BANKAI FORM:in my bankai form my zampakutoh will come off my body and turn into small metal particals like saw dust it is as light as a flower petal but cuts through skin easily i control it wih my hands . although i can use bankai my bankai only lasts for 30 min once 30 min is up my bankai will disappear until i rest for at least 3 hours.

    nice zanpakutou, you're accepted into the 3rd division if you wana join.
    Lelouch Oyuki
    Lelouch Oyuki

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Lelouch Oyuki Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:44 pm

    okay here is my new zanpakuto

    --normal apperance- white hilt with a black sheath. no tsuba.

    --Shikai- Oborozuki (light of dawn) when i call on my zanpakuto, the blade shines rainbow colored (like maki ichinose's sword). anyway when i use it, i can controll and manipulate light.

    --powers- Burinado (blinding dawn) when i call on this attack my zanpakuto shines so bright i looks like your staring directly at the sun. this will temperarily blind you. meimei no taiyo (invisible sun) when i call on this a sheild of light will surround me. if im in a kido spell this can pretty much break it. Shoudo no Yatsun (volly of light) when i call on this i swing my sword energy waves of light will be sent at my opponet (looks like getsuga tensho but is golden). Kensumari no chiyu (healing retribution) when i call on this attack i wave my sword over my wounds and they will be instantly healed.

    --Type- light

    --command- "Bring out the day! Oborozuki!"

    --bankai- Natsu Tsuki no Oborozuki (summer moon, light of dawn) when i call on my bankai a blinding light envelopes me. when the light dies down my sword is way bigger(about the size of ichigo's first sword), and has a multicolored, glowing, and seemingly endless chain attached to the end of the hilt. (the chain has a weight on the end of it for easier controll) in bankai i can totally controll light, for example i could make it so bright that you would be blinded temperarily, or i could make it so dark that you couldn't see.

    --powers- yuuyake (after glow) when i call on this my sword becomes 20 times larger and 30 times brighter. matsu yoi (waiting evening) when i call on this attack my sword suspends in the air and a circle of light energy will surround the blade and then fire out a circlar energy wave. meigetsu (bright moon) when i call on this i turn completely invisable. Shoudou no haritsu (sun's light) when i call on this i gather a huge amount of light energy in my sword and then release it in one blast (this blast is at least 10 times bigger than Shoudo no Yatsun). hatsuhi (first sun) when i call on this the sky around us becomes immediatly bright (so bright in fact that not only will you be blinded temperarily, you'll be stunned).

    Last edited by Lelouch Yatsunai on Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:36 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Tenma Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:23 am

    Lelouch Yatsunai wrote:hi im new here so if i do this wrong just tell me, lol

    -normal appearance- green hilt with a black sheath. the Tsuba has vine-like designs on it

    -shikai- Hayashi no Kamei (forest law ruler). when i call on my Zanpakuto it turns into a scythe that has a wooden handle, a closed flower at the end of it, and a scythe that is attached to the flower.

    -powers- Kaihou (open) when i call on this the flower opens and sends out seeds (1-50) and when the seeds hit something it will begin to drain the reiatsu of what ever it is attached to. Kyogousei (photosynthesis) when i call on this beams of light surround the flower untill it completely grows (becomes blue). and when it becomes this color it will instantly heal anyone i want. Ko no me (tree buds) when i call on this seeds fall out of my flower and then goes into the ground. when the seeds go into the ground small trees (like banzai trees) grow up from there and will heal anyone who touches it.

    -incantation-Sprout, grow, and flower! Hayashi no Kamei

    -type- grass, healing

    -Bankai- ShitamoeHayashi no Kamei (sprouting grass, forest law ruler). in bankai the scythe transforms into a new shape. it transforms into a tree shape-like scythe. on the handle it branches out and on each branch there are scythes (about 10).

    -powers- kusa no me (sprout) I drive the scythe blades partly into the ground. As long as the scythe blades are in the ground and you are touching it, you can grow trees from the ground and controll how they grow. from this attack, small flowers grow off of the trees and can heal or attack my opponent. along with this attack i have many others as well as completely controlling anything plant (for instance i could make the grass around you wrap around you ankle and hold you)

    This one's a lot like scrumps Bonsais grace Very Happy

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  ioriangelo Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:10 pm

    My zanpakuto:
    Sora Tsubasa-Sky Wings

    Shikai: Hae- Fly , Sora Tsubasa
    Appearance: Twin heavy blades with feathers craved into the blades. They are made to look like anti-horse heavy blades used in way back when (or zanpakutos).
    Kaze Assaik- Wind Crusher: fires strong gust of wind at enemy, these gust are as strong a blades.
    Shippuu Baindo- Hurricane Bind: Binds enemies in the eye of a small hurricane.
    Hane Are Risutoa- Wing that Restores: The feathers craved into the blade become real, restoring the strength of all allies and its user (can be used only once per day).

    Bankai: Sora Tsubasa Ryuuchou O Za Kaze- Sky Wings Flowing in The Wind - Blades turn into feathers rejoining as two all white blades (that look like regular zanpakuto). The guard is in the design of feathers attached to the blade in a round pattern.
    Skills: (Most are the same just with more power)
    Kaze Assaik- Wind Crusher: fires strong gust of wind at enemy, these gust are as strong a blades.
    Shippuu Baindo- Hurricane Bind: Binds enemies in the eye of a small hurricane.
    Hane Are Risutoa- Wing that Restores: The feathers craved into the blade become real, restoring the strength of all allies and its user (in bankai it can be used to restore an army).
    O-Ba-Doraibu- Overdrive: It increase the users speed and strength as the battle goes on till he reaches a level beyond what the users body can handle.

    The blades true form is a young girl.
    Lelouch Oyuki
    Lelouch Oyuki

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Lelouch Oyuki Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:35 pm

    okay here's my last zanpakuto.

    normal appearance- dark grey hilt, black sheath, circular tsuba, and a silver chain on the end

    shikai- tasogare no hatsugari (twilight's memories) when i call on my zanpakuto it transforms into a rapier. the blade and the tsuba turn rapier style, while the hilt remains the same. the rapier tsuba wraps around my hand, while the chain of the end of the hilt wraps around my arm. in shikai, tasogare no hatsugari, i can controll dark energy.

    powers- kuroyatnai (black wave) when i call on this i send a wave of dark at my opponent (looks like getsuga tensho in bankai). kurasureibu (dark slave) when i call on this any shadows in the place that im fighting in will turn into a dark sillowet of me. it depends on the size of the shadow though-- pencil-really short clone, building-really tall clone. also when their summoned they let out a distinctive moaning sound, like zombies. kuropurotekuto (dark protection) when i call on this a barrier of darkness surrounds me.

    type- dark

    command- rise with the shadows, tasogare no hatsugari

    bankai- tasogare no shido hatsugari (twilight ends memories) when i call on my bankai darkness floods into the room. it will remain dark unless i will it to become lighter (so like if you have a lit torch, then you wouldn't even be able to see the flame, just darkness). it will ereily become colder, and you really cant see anything. anywho the form of my bankai are 2 huge (about 5 feet long) chacrams (wheel-like weapons with spikes on the outer sides) and they are attached to a long chain which is wrapped around my arm. also i wear a long sleeve black overcoat in this form (looks like organization 13's coats)

    powers- i can totally manipulate darkness. Kuroshiboto (peirced by darkness) when i call on this darkness will surround me and the opponent and then black spikes will jut up from the ground. kurayami (darkness) when i call on this attack i raise my sword in the air and all of the shadows in the room gather in the sword and then releases it in one huge ball-like blast. Kurosaido (dark side) when i call on this attack the shadow of my opponent will come over to me and then the shadow will rise and take the shape of my opponent but with opposite color clothes. the shadow version doesn't have the same zanpakuto, but it does have my zanpakuto. but if my opponent decides to hurt the shadow version, my opponent will be hurt at the same amount of damage the shadow was hurt.

    hollow power- if i let my hollow take over my body will turn completely black (hair, clothes, skin etc...) my body is literely made of darkness, kinda like a shadow. and my eyes will turn yellow instead of purple.

    Last edited by Lelouch Oyuki on Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:24 am; edited 7 times in total

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Tenma Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:02 pm

    Lelouch Oyuki wrote:okay here's my last zanpakuto.

    normal appearance- dark grey hilt, black sheath, circular tsuba, and a silver chain on the end

    shikai- tasogare no hatsugari (twilight's memories) when i call on my zanpakuto it transforms into a rapier. the blade and the tsuba turn rapier style, while the hilt remains the same. the rapier tsuba wraps around my hand, while the chain of the end of the hilt wraps around my arm. in shikai, tasogare no hatsugari, i can controll dark energy.

    powers- kuroonamikai (black wave) when i call on this i send a wave of dark at my opponent (looks like getsuga tensho in bankai). kurasureibu (dark slave) when i call on this any shadows in the place that im fighting in will turn into a dark sillowet of me. it depends on the size of the shadow though-- pencil-really short clone, building-really tall clone. also when their summoned they let out a distinctive moaning sound, like zombies. kurayami (darkness) when i call on this attack i raise my sword in the air and all of the shadows in the room gather in the sword and then releases it in one huge ball-like blast. kuropurotekuto (protect) when i call on this a barrier of darkness surrounds me. Kuroshiboto (peirced by darkness) when i call on this darkness will surround me and the opponent and then black spikes will jut up from the ground.

    type- dark

    command- rise with the shadows, tasogare no hatsugari

    bankai- tasogare no shido hatsugari (twilight ends memories) when i call on my bankai darkness floods into the room. it will remain dark unless i will it to become lighter. it will ereily become colder, and you really cant see anything. anywho the form of my bankai are 2 huge (about 5 feet long) wheel-like weapons (looks like axel's weapons from kingdom hearts 2, except for being red, their black) and they are attached to a long chain which is wrapped around my arm.

    powers- all the same but more powerful. i can totally manipulate darkness.

    hollow power- if i let my hollow take over my body will turn completely black (hair, clothes, skin etc...) my body is literely made of darkness, kinda like a shadow. except my eyes will remain purple.

    poop... you totally took my idea for bankai, and I mean just the shape of the weapon -.-
    Anyway, I might still use it, so just to prove that I wont be just copying you, I'll show that I came up with using the chacrams (thats the name of the weapon) for bankai before you.

    Oh and wait! You made like 3 zans for you in less than 2 weeks :S
    Having problems with sticking to one? Neutral
    Lelouch Oyuki
    Lelouch Oyuki

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Lelouch Oyuki Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:06 pm

    [quote="Tenma"][quote="Lelouch Oyuki"]okay here's my last zanpakuto.

    normal appearance- dark grey hilt, black sheath, circular tsuba, and a silver chain on the end

    shikai- tasogare no hatsugari (twilight's memories) when i call on my zanpakuto it transforms into a rapier. the blade and the tsuba turn rapier style, while the hilt remains the same. the rapier tsuba wraps around my hand, while the chain of the end of the hilt wraps around my arm. in shikai, tasogare no hatsugari, i can controll dark energy.

    powers- kuroonamikai (black wave) when i call on this i send a wave of dark at my opponent (looks like getsuga tensho in bankai). kurasureibu (dark slave) when i call on this any shadows in the place that im fighting in will turn into a dark sillowet of me. it depends on the size of the shadow though-- pencil-really short clone, building-really tall clone. also when their summoned they let out a distinctive moaning sound, like zombies. kurayami (darkness) when i call on this attack i raise my sword in the air and all of the shadows in the room gather in the sword and then releases it in one huge ball-like blast. kuropurotekuto (protect) when i call on this a barrier of darkness surrounds me. Kuroshiboto (peirced by darkness) when i call on this darkness will surround me and the opponent and then black spikes will jut up from the ground.

    type- dark

    command- rise with the shadows, tasogare no hatsugari

    bankai- tasogare no shido hatsugari (twilight ends memories) when i call on my bankai darkness floods into the room. it will remain dark unless i will it to become lighter. it will ereily become colder, and you really cant see anything. anywho the form of my bankai are 2 huge (about 5 feet long) wheel-like weapons (looks like axel's weapons from kingdom hearts 2, except for being red, their black) and they are attached to a long chain which is wrapped around my arm.

    powers- all the same but more powerful. i can totally manipulate darkness.

    hollow power- if i let my hollow take over my body will turn completely black (hair, clothes, skin etc...) my body is literely made of darkness, kinda like a shadow. except my eyes will remain purple.[/quote]

    poop... you totally took my idea for bankai, and I mean just the shape of the weapon -.-
    Anyway, I might still use it, so just to prove that I wont be just copying you, I'll show that I came up with using the chacrams (thats the name of the weapon) for bankai before you.

    Oh and wait! You made like 3 zans for you in less than 2 weeks :S
    Having problems with sticking to one? Neutral[/quote]

    oh well that's okay if you do that. and no i dont have a problem i just like making zanpakutos

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  Tenma Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:47 am

    Lelouch Oyuki wrote:

    oh well that's okay if you do that. and no i dont have a problem i just like making zanpakutos

    Okay, just a sidenote though, when you quote, try to delete any previous quotes in that post. And you should check your settings, as your quotes dont look like their supposed to.
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    bleach- zanpaktos - Page 4 Empty Re: bleach- zanpaktos

    Post  hanabishi kanda Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:48 am

    well. there will be a new bleach rp forum now.
    so i will be turning this into a one piece forum

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