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    hanabishi kanda

    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
    stat points : 1528
    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

    Character sheet
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    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:20 am

    crew:not yet
    ability or fighting style: usage of the hair hair fruit (pm me if you want to know)
    first mate/medic: Lelouch Oyuki

    hair hair fruit- the ability to grow out hair, controle it and strenthen it. the hair can be as stong as steel
    battle armour- kanda grows out his hair from the head and wrap it abound his body
    sword- grows out the hair from his fore arm and make a sword
    shield- grows out his hair fom the fore arm and makes a shield
    needle gun- kanda punches at his opponend and shoots needles of hair at the opponent
    needle fist- kanda grows out the hair on his knuckels and make spikes with it
    gatling needle gun- kanda extends all the haid on his fore arm and fist pouts them togather and points it at the opponent. and shoots all the needles at a wide range.
    spear- kanda punches at the opponend and extends the hair on his fore arms and make a point and etend the point like an actually spear

    basic acupuncture- as a basic medical skils. kanda knows how to do acupuncture to help heal him self for some internal wounds. external wounds. he would need a doctor
    weakness- as hair. the hair can be burned and cen be heavy if wet. like regular hair. i have to take good care of it

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:07 pm