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    Adiktuz' Zanpakto


    Posts : 263
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    Join date : 2009-03-12
    Age : 32
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    Adiktuz' Zanpakto Empty Adiktuz' Zanpakto

    Post  adiktuz Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:15 am

    Name: Skeogul
    Sealed form: A normal katana, blue colored blade
    Shikai release: Flash , Skeogul
    Shikai 1: the blade turns light-like.
    Shikai powers 1: It can grow in length in the same manner as ichimaru's but in a very fast rate(about speed of light) and I can also bend it. The blade is more powerful in shikai. I can also release the blade and change it into a spirit ball that I can command.
    Shikai 2: Show your self! Skeogul
    Shikai 2 form: My sword becomes a copy of myself, shikai 1 can be used but bankai cannot be used while in shikai 2. (i dont really need to release him to use this shikai)
    Bankai 1 release: Stab the defilled to death, Bankai! Tajuu Skeogul
    Bankai 1 state: The sword disappears and light-like swords spawn around me (about a 100 meters radius). I can change the swords into anything. Enlarging them causes power to decrease but I can combine the swords in order to nullify the power decrease.
    Bankai 2 release: Release the truth, Bankai! Sakuretsu Skeogul!
    Bankai 2 state: The blade will combine with me and disappears. I develop a haori-like coat but has no number on its back.
    Bankai powers: I can use its shikai power from anywhere in my body, (the shikai blade forms in the part that i want, and I can release numerous blades in this form), Increases my speed and power and I'm much capable of fighting in this mode since I'm a monk(Ragnarok Online type)

    Natural tech:
    Reiatsu Manipulation--> I can focus my reiatsu around my body enhancing my defense or offense. I can use this tech with any amount of reiatsu but using more reiatsu for this tech is harder than if i'm using low reiatsu. I have a minor form of this tech that is always activated and does not take away my reiatsu.

    For Shikai 1 or 2:
    -->rinpyoutoushakaijinretsuzaizen (exorcism-purification spell) -> A technique for destroying hollows/arrancars or heal friends (does not damage non-hollow enemies and deals only small damage to arrancars)
    -->Holy Strike:a more powerful version of my healing/exorcism spell but only single target and isn't an over-time skill.
    For shikai 2:
    -->Illusory Clone: creates a clone in my position without calling my release and seals my presence.
    For Bankai 1:
    -->Blade Dance -> The blades spawned vanishes and sprouts randomly around the 400 meter radius.
    -->Dragoon Dance -> The blades turn into the spirit ball form which I can control and use to attack an enemy anywhere(can be used outside the 400 meter radius)
    -->Blade Prison-> The blades surrounds the enemy in a cage like form
    -->Deadly Donut->Some blades form a ring surrounding the enemy then closes in, stabbing the enemy.
    -->Blade Storm: The swords surround me and points their blade outwards then spins around me.
    -->Clone: I can change the sword into my image and I can become like a sword. Once a sword is destroyed while in this skill, it reduces my reiatsu a bit.
    -->Excalibur: I recall all of the blades and form a single concentrated blade which I wield containing the combined powers of all the blades I created. Normally its 100 times more powerful than the single blade.

    For Bankai 2:
    -->Infiltration: A palm strike to the enemy that releases some of my energy into him and then causes an explosion of the targets spirit energy, damaging him form within.
    -->Divine 64 stabs: Performs 64 palm strikes with each strike releasing my sword.
    -->Divine 64 Infiltrations: A very-fast 64-hit infiltration attack.
    -->Asura Sakuretsu: Tiny blades spawn from every point in my body making it a very effective and destructive attack, but it consumes all my energy and to be effective needs about my full reiatsu so its hard to use.
    -->Steel Body: A higher form of my reiatsu manipulation focusing on defense.
    -->Extrimity Fist: Focuses my energy into my hand then punches the enemy for destruction. Takes up all of my reiatsu.
    For Bankai 2 w/ mask:
    -->Asura Dragoon: Spirit balls are released from my wings at a very fast rate and attacks my enemies.
    -->Cero: a blue colored cero.
    -->Sakuretsu Cero: Fires up to 20 cero's around me at the same time.
    -->Extrimity Bomb: Focuses my energy into my hand then releases it as a cero-like attack towards the enemy. Takes up all my reiatsu.

    Mask Effect:
    The mask just amplifies my power on shikai 1,2 and bankai 1. But it greatly affects my bankai 2, sakuretsu skeogul. When I put my mask on bankai 2 a pair of black colored wings appear on my back and it can release spirit balls to the enemies.
    My eyes turn blue and my iris red.

    Posts : 263
    stat points : 177
    Join date : 2009-03-12
    Age : 32
    Location : somewhere in here

    Adiktuz' Zanpakto Empty Alternate zan..

    Post  adiktuz Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:17 am

    My second/alternate zanpakuto:
    Element: Lightning
    Spirit: A lightning spirit wolf
    Sealed form: Similar to that of Hitsugaya without the chain
    Shikai release: Electrify , Raikou!
    Shikai form: The blade becomes covered in lightning.
    Bankai release: Strike from the heavens, Bankai! Joukai Raikou!
    Bankai form: The original blade dissipates and 5 lightning blades form around me. Each one of them can use my techs. ( I can hold one of the blades in each of my hands)
    Mask: My attacks become more powerful when I put on my mask. My eyes turn blue and my iris red.
    Hiraishin: a rod of lightning forms on the opponents place, shocking him.

    Shuurai: a strike of lightning is released from the tip of my sword to the target.

    Lightning Shield: a shield made of lightning forms around me shocking those who go near.

    For Bankai Only:
    Rakurai: a bolt of lightning from the sky strikes down my target.

    Lightning Cutter: a blade begins rotating and forms an electric glaive

    Lightning Tornado: the blades arranges themselves in different heights and begins rotating to form lightning glaives of different sizes the lowest being the smallest and the highest being the largest, and the glaives form an electrical interaction that connects them (the product will be like an electrified tornado).

    Raikou Urufu: A blade turns into a lightning wolf and attacks my enemies. The wolf can release lighting strikes to nearby opponents every few seconds.

    Raikou Tenshou: the five blades surround my enemy and a high energy electric barrier is formed enclosing my enemies within. The clouds turn black and after a while a powerful natural lightning will strike onto the place surrounded by the barrier.

    Bankai w/ mask:

    Raikou Tenshou: I can now use this tech with only one sword. So i can use a total of five at the same time.
    Lightning Dance: A storm of Rakurais around the area.
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Age : 31
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    Adiktuz' Zanpakto Empty Re: Adiktuz' Zanpakto

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:38 am

    adiktuz wrote:Name: Skeogul
    Sealed form: A normal katana, blue colored blade
    Shikai release: Flash , Skeogul
    Shikai 1: the blade turns light-like.
    Shikai powers 1: It can grow in length in the same manner as ichimaru's but in a very fast rate(about speed of light) and I can also bend it. The blade is more powerful in shikai. I can also release the blade and change it into a spirit ball that I can command.
    Shikai 2: Show your self! Skeogul
    Shikai 2 form: My sword becomes a copy of myself, shikai 1 can be used but bankai cannot be used while in shikai 2. (i dont really need to release him to use this shikai)
    Bankai 1 release: Stab the defilled to death, Bankai! Tajuu Skeogul
    Bankai 1 state: The sword disappears and light-like swords spawn around me (about a 100 meters radius). I can change the swords into anything. Enlarging them causes power to decrease but I can combine the swords in order to nullify the power decrease.
    Bankai 2 release: Release the truth, Bankai! Sakuretsu Skeogul!
    Bankai 2 state: The blade will combine with me and disappears. I develop a haori-like coat but has no number on its back.
    Bankai powers: I can use its shikai power from anywhere in my body, (the shikai blade forms in the part that i want, and I can release numerous blades in this form), Increases my speed and power and I'm much capable of fighting in this mode since I'm a monk(Ragnarok Online type)

    Natural tech:
    Reiatsu Manipulation--> I can focus my reiatsu around my body enhancing my defense or offense. I can use this tech with any amount of reiatsu but using more reiatsu for this tech is harder than if i'm using low reiatsu. I have a minor form of this tech that is always activated and does not take away my reiatsu.

    For Shikai 1 or 2:
    -->rinpyoutoushakaijinretsuzaizen (exorcism-purification spell) -> A technique for destroying hollows/arrancars or heal friends (does not damage non-hollow enemies and deals only small damage to arrancars)
    -->Holy Strike:a more powerful version of my healing/exorcism spell but only single target and isn't an over-time skill.
    For shikai 2:
    -->Illusory Clone: creates a clone in my position without calling my release and seals my presence.
    For Bankai 1:
    -->Blade Dance -> The blades spawned vanishes and sprouts randomly around the 400 meter radius.
    -->Dragoon Dance -> The blades turn into the spirit ball form which I can control and use to attack an enemy anywhere(can be used outside the 400 meter radius)
    -->Blade Prison-> The blades surrounds the enemy in a cage like form
    -->Deadly Donut->Some blades form a ring surrounding the enemy then closes in, stabbing the enemy.
    -->Blade Storm: The swords surround me and points their blade outwards then spins around me.
    -->Clone: I can change the sword into my image and I can become like a sword. Once a sword is destroyed while in this skill, it reduces my reiatsu a bit.
    -->Excalibur: I recall all of the blades and form a single concentrated blade which I wield containing the combined powers of all the blades I created. Normally its 100 times more powerful than the single blade.

    For Bankai 2:
    -->Infiltration: A palm strike to the enemy that releases some of my energy into him and then causes an explosion of the targets spirit energy, damaging him form within.
    -->Divine 64 stabs: Performs 64 palm strikes with each strike releasing my sword.
    -->Divine 64 Infiltrations: A very-fast 64-hit infiltration attack.
    -->Asura Sakuretsu: Tiny blades spawn from every point in my body making it a very effective and destructive attack, but it consumes all my energy and to be effective needs about my full reiatsu so its hard to use.
    -->Steel Body: A higher form of my reiatsu manipulation focusing on defense.
    -->Extrimity Fist: Focuses my energy into my hand then punches the enemy for destruction. Takes up all of my reiatsu.
    For Bankai 2 w/ mask:
    -->Asura Dragoon: Spirit balls are released from my wings at a very fast rate and attacks my enemies.
    -->Cero: a blue colored cero.
    -->Sakuretsu Cero: Fires up to 20 cero's around me at the same time.
    -->Extrimity Bomb: Focuses my energy into my hand then releases it as a cero-like attack towards the enemy. Takes up all my reiatsu.

    Mask Effect:
    The mask just amplifies my power on shikai 1,2 and bankai 1. But it greatly affects my bankai 2, sakuretsu skeogul. When I put my mask on bankai 2 a pair of black colored wings appear on my back and it can release spirit balls to the enemies.
    My eyes turn blue and my iris red.
    ok. allready, i am seeing a problem, the part where you said that your blades, shoot out at the speed of light, thats god mod speed, so i'll need you to tone it down alittle bit

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