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    Hueco Mundo


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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Devodin Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:38 pm

    Stark Black wrote:*Stark runs through the desert dodging multiple lizard attacks*

    AND WHERE'S MY *%#$ SHOVEL!!!!
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:08 pm

    Use the spork =D!!!

    *Still running*

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Devodin Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:11 pm

    Stark Black wrote:Use the spork =D!!!

    *Still running*
    *Grabs the spork*
    "Special ability #57 growth!" *The spork grows the size of a shovel*
    *Starts to dig rapidly*
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:12 pm

    Why are you diggi AHHH IT'S GOT ME

    *stark trips over himself*

    Oh wait.. ahahah *Rubbing back of head and gets up and starts running again*

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Devodin Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:20 pm

    Stark Black wrote:Why are you diggi AHHH IT'S GOT ME

    *stark trips over himself*

    Oh wait.. ahahah *Rubbing back of head and gets up and starts running again*
    Hehehe, I'll dig a cavern SOOO big underneath Las Noches that the entire building will collapse!
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:21 pm


    *jumps over the lizards swinging arm*


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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Devodin Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:22 pm

    Stark Black wrote:OH GOOD PLAN WHOA

    *jumps over the lizards swinging arm*

    *Lizard falls in the hole and I start to scream*
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:25 pm

    Oh thank god wipes a sweat drop off of forehead

    What are you screaming about?

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  amazonhobo Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:02 pm

    Krieger walks through the garganta stitching his arm back on, the stitches were crackling from the electricity that was crackling as the nerves were being re-connected.
    Fools, they're all going to die ha-hah-hahahahahah this is so much fun, its turning into an addicition.
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:05 pm

    *Krieger finally comes to notice stark who's been trailing him behind small cacti and other objects*

    Psst... PSSSSSTT Krieger what are you talking about?
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:09 pm

    You don't mind if i call you krieger right =D? or should i call you arrancar san ahahah ohhh i can never tell with you people *Flapping fan like a moron*

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  amazonhobo Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:09 pm

    Stark Black wrote:*Krieger finally comes to notice stark who's been trailing him behind small cacti and other objects*

    Psst... PSSSSSTT Krieger what are you talking about?

    You'll see Krieger opens another garganta and walks through it and it closes.

    OOC: i made a new thread check it out =]
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:10 pm

    OoC: WILL DO =D!

    You can't get away that easily Arrancar-San *jumps through a distortion in space*

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Viper Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:17 pm

    A portal rips open and Viper walks out and looks off in the distance at Las Noches as it burns and falls apart. She takes a moment to absorb the event that has just occured. She gets close to where Las Noches stood and sits.

    The Soul Society has yet to change their ways, I guess it time i come out of hiding and bring the Espadas back to glory.

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Viper Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:58 pm

    After hours of waiting Viper gets up and begins to walk HM in search of a new location to establish a new headquater for the Espadas. After hours of seach she finds herself in front of a gaint cavern that seem to be abanded.

    This will have to do until the commander shows himself

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Tenma Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:47 am

    The gates to hell open before Viper and Tenma walks out.

    Sheesh... stuborn old ancestors.....

    Tenma had payed a visit to hell, seeking information about his parents. He had gained the information he wanted, and after a long and tiresome fight with the elder demons. They agreed to unseal his demonic inheritage. On the outside his skin had turned light blue (sort of like dark Jak from Jak3) And he had a pair of small black horns on his forehead. His reiatsu was also flowing and crackling around him. As it had become harder to controll, now that he had awoken his demon side. He stopped as he noticed the young woman in front of him.

    What have we got here? I heard you talking about espadas. Would you care for company..

    Tenma got interrupted as he sensed a disturbance coming from Las Noches. There were traces from different reiatsus lingering over there.

    Honestly I leave for a couple of days and they create a mess like this... My tower had better be standing like I left it.

    He then turned back to viper.

    Mind if we go this way? I'll take you to see our leader, I asume youre powerfull enough to handle yourself.
    By the way, I'm espada #2, the names Tenma, got it memorized?

    EDIT: poop... I didn't notice that you continued this at your thread >.<
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Stark Black Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:51 pm

    *Stark comes walking through the desert wearing a hat and a cane in one hand looking around as the winds blow by lifting up sand everywhere*

    Yeesh, why would they have weather in a place like this.....
    Stark Black
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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Stark Black Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:02 pm

    *walking by the ruins of Las Noches stepping on the hardened lava*

    Hmmmmm..... This could probably be used as a building materiel.....

    *looking out in the distance raising one hand over eyes*
    Stark Black
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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Stark Black Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:29 pm

    *Starts walking back into the desert looking for some kind of cave or hide out where the Arrancar could be hiding*
    Stark Black
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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Stark Black Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:05 pm

    *walked about 5 miles away from las noches and finds a cave goes inside looking for arrancars*

    Geeze why so much space for so few...AHHH

    *sees a hollow mask pops out from behind rock and Stark whacks it on the head with his cane knocking it out*
    Stark Black
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    Post  Stark Black Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:15 pm

    *Leaves cave in a hurry*

    Yeesh that really scared me o.o.....

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Sinister92 Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:21 pm

    helllo im here again
    Stark Black
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    Post  Stark Black Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:22 pm

    Yeah okay i just went into that cave there *points to cave* and a hollow scared the living daylights out of me... atleast i thought it was a hollow o.o... i saw the mask ....

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    Hueco Mundo - Page 16 Empty Re: Hueco Mundo

    Post  Sinister92 Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:24 pm

    Stark Black wrote:Yeah okay i just went into that cave there *points to cave* and a hollow scared the living daylights out of me... atleast i thought it was a hollow o.o... i saw the mask ....

    maybe it was the kitty that turns into a hollow

    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:24 pm

    If it was a kitty you can have the kitty that turns into a hollow... if it's not a kitty i'll find you a lizard how does that sound =D?

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