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Bo Ricero
18 posters

    Las Noches


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    Las Noches Empty Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:04 pm

    *This is Las Noches it is the same as the division but it is for espada's and arrcanar only*

    *In this thread is Rp only, so if you have something to say to a member please send them a pm. i will delete all non Rp talk*

    *If i don't grant you access to Las Noches then you can't just pop up and start talking. This is my base and if you do you will be dealt with by the espadas or myself*

    Leader: Kaname
    Primea Espada: Bo Ricero
    2nd Espada: Tenma
    3rd Espada: Kreiger

    Last edited by Kaname on Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:04 am; edited 5 times in total

    Posts : 411
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    Join date : 2009-03-12

    Las Noches Empty It's Time

    Post  Kaname Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:14 pm

    A garganta ripped open in the big hall of Las Noches. From the void Kaname emerges his hands in his pocket and a devilish grin on his face.

    So this is it. This will be my will be my and my espadas home

    Kaname walked around the hall for a while trying to familiarize his self with the place. It wasn't long before he grew tired of the alking and boredom had set in.

    I Need to get my espadas

    Kaname began to laugh as a garganta opened up under him and he slid down into it.
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

    Posts : 1076
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    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : Living with Hateshi on my island.

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Bo Ricero Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:40 pm

    Bo walked though the sand of Hueco Mundo silently. After Aizen was defeat only three of the Espada in the group had been left. He had hidden them just in case something like that would happen. They were powerful and could handle themselves.

    Hmf I really don't give a damn about you Aizen, I just want to fight those shingami and defeat there strongest.

    Bo stopped for a moment feeling the spiritual energy of another nearing him.

    "And who might that be."

    Posts : 411
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    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:40 pm

    A garganta opend and Kaname slowy rose out of it. He had his hands in his pocket and a grin on his face. He looked around fro a moment before making his walk through the sands. As he walked he noticed another hollow.

    Who might you be
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

    Posts : 1076
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    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : Living with Hateshi on my island.

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Bo Ricero Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:42 pm

    Watching him come out of the ground he smiles a bit. He kept his guard on full mode. If this guy attacked him he would ge a wild suprise.

    Bo, Bo Ricero and you?

    Posts : 411
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    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:57 pm

    Kaname eyed the man up and down. He could tell he was a fellow arrcanar, but whose side was he on.

    I'm Kaname the new leader of Las Noches. What buisness do you have here?
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

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    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : Living with Hateshi on my island.

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Bo Ricero Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:02 pm

    New leader huh? Bo raised an eyebrow at the Arrancar as he thought this. Had he taken over the place after the others had left? He could possibly join him as a partner becuase this usedless wandering wasn't going anywhere.

    Just looking for some partners.

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    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:06 pm

    Partners you say. hmm you seem like a fighter. i'll make a deal with you if you can land a hit on me you can be the primea espada of my group

    Kanames smile grew he waited to see what the arrcanar woould do.
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

    Posts : 1076
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    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : Living with Hateshi on my island.

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Bo Ricero Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:09 pm

    I am beneath none.

    Plating games with me as if i was some low level fraccion.

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    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:12 pm

    Fine have it your way

    Kaname turned his back and began to walk throught the sands.

    Good luck
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

    Posts : 1076
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    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : Living with Hateshi on my island.

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Bo Ricero Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:15 pm

    If i land a hit we will be partners.

    Bo said this to him seriously. He would not be toyed with.

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    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:20 pm

    Kaname contiued to walk he answer the question without looking back.

    If you mean primea then yes
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

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    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : Living with Hateshi on my island.

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Bo Ricero Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:28 pm

    Bo rolled his eyes for a moment and shoot a Cero at him. The speed of this Cero was faster than a noraml.


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    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:10 am

    Kaname vanished reappearing behind Bo.

    I said hit me not fire a cero
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

    Posts : 1076
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    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : Living with Hateshi on my island.

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Bo Ricero Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:43 am

    Bo turned around to him silently and shook his head a bit silently.

    Sorry I didn't know you ment with my fist. Hmm well if that's the case there is only one thing to do. Show him the true summon.

    Bo goes resserectsion and quickly moves his hands and he appears infront of Kaname and punches him in his gut.

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    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:11 am

    Kaname takes a few steps back.

    You didn't have to releas either. I was going let you hit me, now come priema espada we have a place to visit

    The garguanta ripped open infront of Kaname. He proceeded to take a step into it hoping Bo would follow,
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

    Posts : 1076
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    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Location : Living with Hateshi on my island.

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Bo Ricero Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:59 am

    Bo went back to normal and followed quietly. Talking wasn't nessisary anymore and all that was said had been said.

    Posts : 435
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    Join date : 2009-03-17
    Age : 34
    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:01 am

    Tenma had trained for some time in hueco mundo for now, and as he got bored he started following an interesting reiatsu, it was dark and somehow familiar.
    Eventually he came to a huge fortress. Perhaps he could find something interesting here.

    Is anybody home

    He yelled as he knocked on the gate.

    Posts : 435
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    Join date : 2009-03-17
    Age : 34
    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:19 am

    Tenma keeps banging the door for a while

    C'mon guys lemme in!!!

    But soon he decides to get in on his own and starts digging a hole. Unforunatelly the walls seem to continue all the way underground too.

    Oh well...

    Tenma sits down leaning on the gate, waiting for someone to show up. He was determined to find the source of this reiatsu.

    Posts : 435
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    Age : 34
    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:12 pm

    Suddenly waking up in the feeling that you are falling, Tenma finds himself with his face buried in the sand. He had fallen asleep.

    Oh great... I bet tons of people have been walking by and laughing at me..... but shouldn't atleast someone have waked me up?

    Tenma starts walking back and forth in front of the gate, making sure that he'd stay awake this time.

    Posts : 435
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    Age : 34
    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:02 am

    After a long boring wait, includin a few minor hollows attacking, Tenma got tired of walking in front of the gate.

    Fine! No more mister nice guy!!!

    He charged up his shunko. Black lightning blasted from his back, his armor moving out of the way without breaking (it seemed somehow as if it was alive). He focused the energy trough his arm and did a full powered palm thrust at the gate. Only resulting a smal tear form at his eye, before screaming in pain.

    EAAAARGGGHHHH!!! Why would anyone wanna make their gate this hard... people who'd wanna break in might get hurt... snif...

    He then sat down sulking.

    Posts : 435
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    Age : 34
    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:37 pm

    After days of waiting, Tenma got hungry. There were only hollows and trees around. The trees being far too hard to eat, Tenma decided hunt down a hollow and eat it.

    I can't believe I'm doing this, but I can't leave now, I've waited too long already just to quit now

    There was nothing around to burn, so he was forced to eat the hollow raw.

    Seems like a clische but, it actually tastes like chicken...

    Not quite sure of what he had just done, Tenma sat down, feeling all his energy restored.

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    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:43 am

    A garguanta ripped opend outside the walls of Las Noches. Kaname slowly stepped stepped out it. he wasn't wearing his normal evil grin, but a rather annoyed look on his face. As he walked around the giant walls he felt the presence of another being. It wan't a hollow, but it wasn't a mindless goon either. What was it? Kaname would find out.

    OI.... who are you and what do you want

    Kaname was standing behind the man, his reiastu leaking from his body. You could tell he wasn't in a good mood.

    Posts : 435
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    Age : 34
    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:34 am

    Tenma quickly stood up as the other man aproached him. After waiting at the door for as long as he did, he was rather edgy and the attitude of this stranger wasn't helping either.

    Whadda 'ya mean who am I, I've been here waiting for ages for someone to open this goddamn door. And the first thing I see is some gramps asking who I am. Who are you?!

    He naturally didn't realize who this man was, and didn't bother with being polite either.

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    Las Noches Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:32 pm

    Who am I?

    Kaname began to laugh at the question. It no longer mattered to Kaname who the man was whoever this man was he was about to be dead.

    It doesn't matter who am I

    Kaname's reiastu hammered the whole area, before the man could react Kaname's masmune was already drawn and pointed at the mans neck.

    Any last words before you die

    The ecil grin was slowly sweeping Kanames face as he waited for the soon to be dead man to reply.

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