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    Las Noches


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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:50 pm

    Almost anticipating the attack from the strangers raising reiatsu, Tenma shunpoed backwards as the masamune came closer. At the same he drew his own two short katanas.

    Hey now is that the way to treat guests? Didn't your mom teavh you manners?

    His own reiatsu was growing as he spoke.

    The names Tenma, got it memorized?
    [I know it's a kingdomhearts rip-off but I love that line Very Happy] I just followed this interesting reiatsu I sensed.

    Tenma was ready for a fight, but would rather avoid it if possible, therefore he stated his business.

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:34 pm

    Kanames grin was now fully covering his face. The man before him had no idea who he was dealing with.

    Either you're very stupid, or very strong. You better pray it's the latter of the two....Ryu Tsui Sen...

    Without another word said Kaname vanished, but his Masamune didn't. The blade was cabout to come down hard and fast on the mans head.

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Sinister92 Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:00 am

    Kaname wrote:Kanames grin was now fully covering his face. The man before him had no idea who he was dealing with.

    Either you're very stupid, or very strong. You better pray it's the latter of the two....Ryu Tsui Sen...

    Without another word said Kaname vanished, but his Masamune didn't. The blade was cabout to come down hard and fast on the mans head.

    *appears from no where and blocks the blade*
    sorry to drop in i was training nearby
    not to be nosy but a simple hi would have been nice
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:13 am

    sinister92 wrote:
    Kaname wrote:Kanames grin was now fully covering his face. The man before him had no idea who he was dealing with.

    Either you're very stupid, or very strong. You better pray it's the latter of the two....Ryu Tsui Sen...

    Without another word said Kaname vanished, but his Masamune didn't. The blade was cabout to come down hard and fast on the mans head.

    *appears from no where and blocks the blade*
    sorry to drop in i was training nearby
    not to be nosy but a simple hi would have been nice

    *comes up riding a hollow*
    hey wut's going on.....

    ooc: kaname who were you on mangafox?????

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:31 am

    Tenma is really not interested in people who interfere. So he kicks sinister out of the way.

    NEVER COME BETWEEN ME AND ANOTHER SWORD!!! This is my fight, got it memorized?

    Tenma had dodged the blade as he kicked sin out of the way. He then engaged a sword fight with the masamune.

    I should warn you people that if any of you get involved, I might have to kill you as well. As for you stranger, I'd like to hear your name as well.

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  amazonhobo Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:09 am

    Krieger hopped and flipped across the white sands until he came upon Las Noches and he noticed two immense reiatusus confronting each other almost as if a battle of goliaths

    What the hells going on I thought the war wasn't gonna start for a while

    Krieger sonidoed in closer to observe the match, close enough so it was easy to watch, far enough so he wouldn't get killed, but his senses were high and was ready to unsheathe his zanpaktos from his sleeves if needed.
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:17 am

    nasin suddenly stands next to krieger, with a hand on his forhead, draggin him away

    you shouldnt come to close, these reiatsu's aint normal, expecially not the sinister one,

    nasin shunpoed away, and stood above last noches looking down on the two people.

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:18 am

    Tenma kept dodging and blocking the masamune but was not sure where he was supposed to strike. Eventually he jumped back to make some space between them.

    Look dude, I'm just trying to get into this fort here, don't make me kill you to get trough.

    He raised his reiatsu further to show that he was serious.

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  amazonhobo Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:21 am

    Krieger had sensed hurley entering the static field that surrounded him but noticed there was no malicious intent

    Well I don't care who it is i need to meet up with them

    Krieger dove head first through the air crashing down into the sand below only a few yards away from the fight observing the fighters stances and movements only taking mental notes to be used later.
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:27 am

    as nasin looked down on those two people, he understood that the one swinging his sword at the other was going to win, he felt a deep feeling that he should help, but didnt,

    huh, i should better stay out of this

    nasin sat down on the huge dome still watching the fight carefully

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:16 pm

    Kaname backflipped a couple steps back. He looked at every mindless goon who dared come close to hhis home.

    He sheathed his masmune and beagn to raisee his reiastu. The air around him began to catch fire and the sand under his feeet started to burn and turn into glass.

    Why the hell are all you mindless goons in my home? It doesn't matter you shall all die

    As he spoke he placed his hand on his masmune and his reiatu hammered the whole huch mundo. One of the towers of las noches came crashin down form Kaname" reiastu.

    I guess I can tell you my name since you're goin die first. I am Kaname the first and strongest vasto lorde class hollow to be changed by Azien. After his defeat I took control over Las Noches and the espadas making myself their leader. Now die

    A faint sonic boom is heard as Kaname slowly fades away and the glass under feet shatters.

    He reapperas infront of Tenma with his masmune posed to strikefrom the sheath.

    Gran Rey Cero

    Before Tenma could react to the Kanme infront of him another one appeared behind him. The bright orange orb glowing in his hand. His laughter coould be heard for miles.


    Ok so im goin explain what's happen here. There re three Kanames on the battle field. The one who is just standing and talking, the one who is about to attack with the masmune and the one who is about to attack with the cero. The first two Kanames are afterimages made from his extreme speed. Its like he's like he's in all three places at once.

    Last edited by Kaname on Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:29 pm

    Tenma was in a crappy situation, there was no way he could get out of the way fast enough. He would have to block it somehow.

    Wait you live here?

    He charged up his shunko and released energy to every direction, creating a barrier around him. He had only done this once before, and therefore it only dulled the blasts, but he was wounded either way. And as the smoke cleared he was barely standing but still spinned around to slice the clones who delivered the blasts.

    Ghah... you could have told me you lived here.... I just wanted to come in.. because of the reiatsu I sensed... It felt familiar somehow...

    Tenma was wounded but still kept his reiatsu high. He then drew his mask on to give him enough strenght to stand.

    Mind telling what the espada are? and whos aizen?

    OOC: Tenma became a vaizard by accident (read my char. description) and he doesnt know that much about anything, and I should add that he is the son of Nunogo, the former captain of the 4th division
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:29 pm

    shunpo's next to sinister, and carry him away from everything

    i dont think we need to involve in this, tenma was a good man, but nobody would have survived that attack, we also wouldnt stand a change against that crazy reiatsu

    as he gets further away hollows gather up on him, feeling his reiatsu

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:39 pm

    OOC: There are no clones jusr afterimages from Kanames speed.


    Kaname was growin more and more annoyed. This man would have to be shown the difference in their powers.

    I'm not an espada. I am the new espada leader, and Azien was the old espada leader. Now the time for questions is over. It's time you die...Ryu Sou Sen....

    Kanames looked as if he hadn't move, but he did. His speed for his last attack was beyond anything comprehenable.

    Now it's your turn

    Kaname looked in the dierection of the fleeing shingami.

    OOC: This is what Ryu sou sen does.

    Name: Ryu Sou Sen
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Ryu Sou Sen is a primitive form of Kuzu Ryu Sen. This move strikes all nine vital points randomly at very high speeds. However it does not strike them all simultaneously. This move is very useful against opponents with high stamina or that are slow to react.

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Sinister92 Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:05 pm

    *forms hollow mask for procation*

    we dont want to fight kaname we were just training here and we felt the reitsu
    so we came

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:23 pm

    sinister92 wrote:*forms hollow mask for procation*

    we dont want to fight kaname we were just training here and we felt the reitsu
    so we came

    You enter my home uninvited to train. Did you really think you would get away with it mindless goon

    Kanmes places his hand on his masamune. He was ready to strike the mindless goon down if he needed to.

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Sinister92 Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:25 pm

    well excuse me for not getting the invitation
    and my name is sinister of the 5 division 5 seat

    and i would prefer not to fight please

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  amazonhobo Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:25 pm

    Krieger sat there intrigued more then he was startled at the speed and shear power he could barely follow the first attack and then it was a blur.
    (thinking) Theres the reason hes the leader, its interesting i just wanna surpass him and i used to think i was the fastest in Hueco Mundo.

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:32 pm

    sinister92 wrote:well excuse me for not getting the invitation
    and my name is sinister of the 5 division 5 seat

    and i would prefer not to fight please

    You won't be alive long enough for me to remeber you name

    Just as Kaname was about to attack he stopped. An evil grin spread across his face. He turned his head to the arrcanr who had been watching the battle.

    You behind me, How would you like to join me. All you have to do is defeat this mindless goon

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Sinister92 Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:35 pm

    *looks at the arrancar hiding there*

    I dont want to fight now

    thinks in my head: man this is not the time for me to be battling gotta get aways somehow

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  amazonhobo Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:39 pm

    consider it done
    Krieger unsheathed his zans from his sleeves and sonidoed close to the fleeing shinigamis. He glanced once and fired 25 balas almost simultaneously at the shinigami. Krieger's eyes began to glow lightly.
    wonder if he's up for it and what he can do

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:41 pm

    Kaname lauged as the arrncar took to the orders right away.

    Whats your name brother

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  amazonhobo Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:43 pm

    Krieger Blitz, never caught yours.

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Sinister92 Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:45 pm

    amazonhobo wrote:consider it done
    Krieger unsheathed his zans from his sleeves and sonidoed close to the fleeing shinigamis. He glanced once and fired 25 balas almost simultaneously at the shinigami. Krieger's eyes began to glow lightly.
    wonder if he's up for it and what he can do

    *looks at the arrancar bakudo 73. Tozansho and shield me*

    enough i do not choose to fight
    *gets in a defensive stance*

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    Las Noches - Page 2 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:45 pm

    amazonhobo wrote:Krieger Blitz, never caught yours.


    Kanme place his hands across his chested he wanted to see how krieger did in battle.

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