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    Las Noches


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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:11 pm

    zozo hurley(nasin) wrote:
    Kaname wrote:
    zozo hurley(nasin) wrote:
    Kaname wrote:
    zozo hurley(nasin) wrote:
    Kaname wrote:
    Stark Black wrote:OoC: We should... and Urahara did it remember =D?

    No urahara created a one time use garganta for ichigo. He didnt make his own personal garganta and when he made that garganta it took him and Tessi to open it. Even Barkyura said it, it would be impossibe for him and the oth captains to travel to huco mundo had Urahara not worked hard to make aother one time use garganta for them.

    Shinigami make senkai gates it is impossible fo them to make a garganta. A garganta is a hollow techniques

    ooc: not to change anythnig or so. but tousen and the others can use graganta's

    Actual that is wrong we havent seen Gin or tousen leave Las noches with out Azien. Now Azien has a way to use garganta. This was shown when he revealed himself to be evil and the menos entered SS and saved him.

    well tousen had to get grimjaw, and he used his own graganta there

    I explained that Aien can use garganta so he probably gave tousen and gin the samething he uses, but we don't know what that is.

    yea..... youre probably right. but still nobody says that we cant use that "thing"

    yes Kempachi did when he was explaing things to Ichigo. he said the old man gave Urahaha specifce things to do one benig making a garganta so captains could make it to huco mundo
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:11 pm

    You're telling me ichigo and all of them spent a whole month in hueco mundo before renji and rukia arrived
    then another month for the captains...? That's basically what you said by saying it was a one time use....

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:13 pm

    Stark Black wrote:But what's stopping a shinigami from creating a device that can create a tunnel through bent space to a location... and YES my character is mostly based off of intelligence and hand to hand combat.... I've got a seal which traded 96% of my power for vast intellect.... I like to imagine myself as the science guy.... I'm not that strong but i've got enough power to defend myself while switching through devices.. and if it took urahara months to make the garganta then the captains wouldn't have made it in time to kill the hollows -___-....

    i exlained this in my last post. and as far as the timeline goes. kempachi also said as soon as they found out the war would take place in the winter he gave urahar specific dierctions

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:13 pm

    Tenma wrote:OOC: Can we just agree that you guys can go to HM but not to Las Noches?!

    they cant even just pop up there
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:15 pm

    We can pop up in a specific location in hueco mundo....

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Tenma Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:16 pm

    ooc: Well... I'm the one who made the hueco mundo thread, and I made it so that people could do their HM realated arcs there instead of their divisions, like they did on mangafox. So I say, let them use HM but not post here without permission.

    EDIT: they have udg for example who knows about gargantas, and he could probably establish a system for that!

    Last edited by Tenma on Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:17 pm

    That's about it... so i'll just leave here then and go into the desert... it's rather nice there.... If you want to keep this argument going meet me there =D!

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Kaname Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:17 pm

    Stark Black wrote:We can pop up in a specific location in hueco mundo....

    no the garganta that ichigo the captins etc.. used put them at random places in huco mundo and they had to find they're way to las noches

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  amazonhobo Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:02 pm

    OOC: Kaname's right, the garganta's that ichigo and the captains used were one time usage, Urahara is the only one besides those who reside in Hueco Mundo to now how a garganta functions, and Urahara created two gargantas. The first when ichigo and the ryoka all went through at the same time, but none of them landed in the same spot. The same happened with the captains they all traveled through one and landed at 4 diffrent random places. Which not only proves that no one in soul soicety knows how a garganta works, but also that not even Urahara knew how they worked completely, as he could not make the users land through certain spots. Also Urahara could not create gargantas at will, it took him time to make them, not sure how long but it was not a quick process, it took long. THUS THIS MEANS SHINIGAMI CANNOT JUST POP IN AND OUT OF HUECO MUNDO, SO EVEN IF YOU DO SOMEHOW ENTER HUECO MUNDO WHICH IS SOMEWHAT IMPOSSIBLE, BUT CREATING ANOTHER GARGANTA TO LEAVE WOULD BE HARDER STILL. SO STOP PHASING IN AND OUT.

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Devodin Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:34 pm

    amazonhobo wrote:OOC: Kaname's right, the garganta's that ichigo and the captains used were one time usage, Urahara is the only one besides those who reside in Hueco Mundo to now how a garganta functions, and Urahara created two gargantas. The first when ichigo and the ryoka all went through at the same time, but none of them landed in the same spot. The same happened with the captains they all traveled through one and landed at 4 diffrent random places. Which not only proves that no one in soul soicety knows how a garganta works, but also that not even Urahara knew how they worked completely, as he could not make the users land through certain spots. Also Urahara could not create gargantas at will, it took him time to make them, not sure how long but it was not a quick process, it took long. THUS THIS MEANS SHINIGAMI CANNOT JUST POP IN AND OUT OF HUECO MUNDO, SO EVEN IF YOU DO SOMEHOW ENTER HUECO MUNDO WHICH IS SOMEWHAT IMPOSSIBLE, BUT CREATING ANOTHER GARGANTA TO LEAVE WOULD BE HARDER STILL. SO STOP PHASING IN AND OUT.
    It was only proven that the developement of the Garganta took three months, not that making one took three months. And when Kenpachi walked through he told Ichigo Yama-jiji had said to make the garganta stable so a captain-class could pass through, not make a seperate captain-class garganta. That proves that Urahara had made, and kept working a single garganta-portal.
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  hanabishi kanda Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:38 pm

    *in the 1st devision, kanda goes through the pernement gate that he has set up since the founding and the portal randomly opens up in los noches and with kanda so mad, that where ever he walks. there is distruction*
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  hanabishi kanda Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:38 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:*in the 1st devision, kanda goes through the pernement gate that he has set up since the founding and the portal randomly opens up in los noches and with kanda so mad, that where ever he walks. there is distruction*
    ok. kaname, by the fact you commited a war crime. your sentence is now to be killed in battle. so prepaire your self
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:40 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:*in the 1st devision, kanda goes through the pernement gate that he has set up since the founding and the portal randomly opens up in los noches and with kanda so mad, that where ever he walks. there is distruction*
    ok. kaname, by the fact you commited a war crime. your sentence is now to be killed in battle. so prepaire your self
    *follows kanda through the gate*
    this is the end espada

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Devodin Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:40 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:*in the 1st devision, kanda goes through the pernement gate that he has set up since the founding and the portal randomly opens up in los noches and with kanda so mad, that where ever he walks. there is distruction*
    ok. kaname, by the fact you commited a war crime. your sentence is now to be killed in battle. so prepaire your self
    *steps through*
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  hanabishi kanda Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:44 pm

    *with kandas anger constantly rising, a tornado of reitsu forms around him and then converts to a tornado of fire rampaging all over*
    destroy every one you find. but leave the injured

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Devodin Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:45 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:*with kandas anger constantly rising, a tornado of reitsu forms around him and then converts to a tornado of fire rampaging all over*
    destroy every one you find. but leave the injured
    *Holds up Hobo's arm*
    "You think I should return this?"
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  hanabishi kanda Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:46 pm

    Devodin wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:*with kandas anger constantly rising, a tornado of reitsu forms around him and then converts to a tornado of fire rampaging all over*
    destroy every one you find. but leave the injured
    *Holds up Hobo's arm*
    "You think I should return this?"
    uou foo. i said to leave the injured. that means do not hurt the injured. that is a war crime. i'll deal with you later. although. your punishment will be light if you don't hurt any other injured people
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:47 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:*with kandas anger constantly rising, a tornado of reitsu forms around him and then converts to a tornado of fire rampaging all over*
    destroy every one you find. but leave the injured
    ok lets do this bankai
    *irou spiritual pressure starts rise as white flames appear around him*
    *as the smoke starts to leave it reveals irou in bankai but a more advance verison with 2 halbreds link to a chain*
    let do this
    Lelouch Oyuki
    Lelouch Oyuki

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Lelouch Oyuki Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:48 pm

    *i appear in front of you* "stop. all of you. you dont know what this will become."
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  hanabishi kanda Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:49 pm

    *kanda is now swinging his sword all over and the sheer force of the swing is destroying the rooms and corrodors*
    now. know my pain. know my sorrow. i will have all of you destroyed
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:49 pm

    Lelouch Yatsunai wrote:*i appear in front of you* "stop. all of you. you dont know what this will become."
    sit down lelouch
    you will be put in prison for treason
    *fire a giant white fireball at the palace destroying it towers
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  hanabishi kanda Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:50 pm

    Lelouch Yatsunai wrote:*i appear in front of you* "stop. all of you. you dont know what this will become."
    yes. we do. it will be a war. and it was already a war since they declared war

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Devodin Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:50 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Devodin wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:*with kandas anger constantly rising, a tornado of reitsu forms around him and then converts to a tornado of fire rampaging all over*
    destroy every one you find. but leave the injured
    *Holds up Hobo's arm*
    "You think I should return this?"
    uou foo. i said to leave the injured. that means do not hurt the injured. that is a war crime. i'll deal with you later. although. your punishment will be light if you don't hurt any other injured people
    Aww... he's the one that attacked me first...
    *Stashes the arm away*
    *Starts wandering the corridors*
    Lelouch Oyuki
    Lelouch Oyuki

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  Lelouch Oyuki Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:51 pm

    [quote="Six Samurai Irou"][quote="Lelouch Yatsunai"]*i appear in front of you* "stop. all of you. you dont know what this will become."[/quote]
    sit down lelouch
    you will be put in prison for treason
    *fire a giant white fireball at the palace destroying it towers[/quote]

    "Treason?" holds out sword, "Burinado!" 5 energy waves of light fly straight at you, "i dont care if i go to jail for the rest of my life, what your doing could lead to a war that could destroy everything."
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Las Noches - Page 10 Empty Re: Las Noches

    Post  hanabishi kanda Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:52 pm

    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Lelouch Yatsunai wrote:*i appear in front of you* "stop. all of you. you dont know what this will become."
    sit down lelouch
    you will be put in prison for treason
    *fire a giant white fireball at the palace destroying it towers
    now now. lets not be hasty. he is doing what he thinks is the right way. but we have our own different deffinition. we can not take back what we intend to do. for us. the devisions is our home. we can not just sit back and do nothing. and if you think appeasment is going to work. just think of hitler when you say that.

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