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    bankai training


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    Location : my lab where i make training devices and the odd strange experiment

    bankai training - Page 6 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  artixvoncreg Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:50 am

    * i make frantic attempts to slash at kuroi but each attack goes straight through him *

    me: man this isnt fair
    kuroi: you are not thinking you have to know you can hit me you have to know that you can beat me or you never will

    * kuroi kicks me to the floor again *

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    Location : my lab where i make training devices and the odd strange experiment

    bankai training - Page 6 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  artixvoncreg Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:00 am

    * i let out an angry yell and continue to slash at kuroi but the attacks still go through him and he continues to kick me to the floor *

    kuroi: i wonder if im wasting my time
    me: your pissin me off kuroi

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    bankai training - Page 6 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  artixvoncreg Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:03 am

    * kuroi kicks me into a bush *

    kuroi: that layout really suits you artix

    * i shoot out of the bush and slash kuroi and yet again it goes straight through him *

    me: WHY CANT I CUT YOU !!

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    Location : my lab where i make training devices and the odd strange experiment

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    Post  artixvoncreg Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:12 am

    kuroi: *sigh* the reason you cant cut me is because.........YOUR WEAK !!!

    * kuroi slashes at my face but i move to the side so it only makes a small cut below my eye *

    me: hehehe is that the only reason

    * i slash at kuroi again and it hits his arm but does no damage *

    me: would ya look at that i seem to have gotten stronger while we were talking

    kuroi: yes its a start but you still cant cut me

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    Location : my lab where i make training devices and the odd strange experiment

    bankai training - Page 6 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  artixvoncreg Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:24 am

    me: shut up i can try cant i

    * i repeatedly slash at kuroi but each slash hits his body and does no damage at all *

    kuroi: why do you continue with this

    * i stop slashing*

    me: what do ya mean?
    kuroi: what is the perpous or you continuing what is the reason or maybe its who is the reason
    me: ARGH!! SHUT UP

    * i begin to slash kuroi with all i have but still do nothing to him *

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    Location : my lab where i make training devices and the odd strange experiment

    bankai training - Page 6 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  artixvoncreg Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:40 am

    kuroi: it was your carelessness that did it
    me: shut up
    kuroi : if you had tryed harder she might be alive today
    me: i said shut up
    kuroi : she might as well have died by your hand
    me: SHUT UP !!!

    * i slash at kurois head and smash him to the floor after a few moments he gets up with a huge red mark on the side of his face *

    kuroi: seeyou can do it

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    Post  artixvoncreg Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:51 am

    me: why did you even bring her into this you bastard
    kuroi: i dont really know actually

    * i scream at kuroi and unsheathe my zan slashing his shoulder causing him to drop his spear *

    kuroi: ARGH!! he...hehehehe thats better artix
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:23 pm

    *Kage repeats the maneoevre stark just pulled cutting him off at each turn until kage gets a bite at stark arm which stark responds to by taking a stab at kage which is then responded to with the other wolf catching the blade in his teeth* Damn *Stark shunpos to the top of the room using one glove to jab into the roof while the other hangs down awaiting to repel the next incoming attacks*

    Posts : 1420
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    Location : my lab where i make training devices and the odd strange experiment

    bankai training - Page 6 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  artixvoncreg Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:27 pm

    kuroi: she dies because you didnt care you just wanted to save your own life you never loved her you....

    * i shunpo infront of kuroi while he is talking and chop off his head then his body falls to the floor and i kneel down *

    me: w....what did i just do kuroi.....why did you

    * kuroi appears behind me *

    kuroi: sorry i had to do it im so sorry can you forgive me
    me: i dont think i can......but il try

    * i come out of my meditation and i feel alot stronger *

    me: i hated that

    * i look at my zan *

    me: thanks kuroi

    (OOC: sorry if this was kinda fucked up i wanted to get it over with quickly )
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:33 pm

    artixvoncreg wrote:kuroi: she dies because you didnt care you just wanted to save your own life you never loved her you....

    * i shunpo infront of kuroi while he is talking and chop off his head then his body falls to the floor and i kneel down *

    me: w....what did i just do kuroi.....why did you

    * kuroi appears behind me *

    kuroi: sorry i had to do it im so sorry can you forgive me
    me: i dont think i can......but il try

    * i come out of my meditation and i feel alot stronger *

    me: i hated that

    * i look at my zan *

    me: thanks kuroi

    (OOC: sorry if this was kinda fucked up i wanted to get it over with quickly )

    No complaints but if that was for your bankai you're forgetting it has to be an externalisation o.o...

    *the wolf lunges at the airborn stark* hmmm 25 degrees left and 80 down... *Shunpos down blocking one wolf while punching the other down towards the ground and doing a sideways kick flip knocking the second wolf towards a wall. Stark's gloves have extended all over his body at this point and is now solidifying into an eyeless earless demon shell with long horns* This isn't all of it is it?
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    bankai training - Page 6 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  Stark Black Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:45 pm

    *The two wolves stand side by side at this point* No... you're right there's one last step but i'm not sure you're ready for it at this time... prove it to me you are (All of starks sense have returned through the solidified demon form of reiatsu everything stark see's is from a different perspective he can spot where spirit energy is collecting and can see the pattern of a kido based attack and neutralise it) Very well *starks leans back a little then back forward launching about harms forward about 10 feet whipping the wolves around straight into a wall* I'm supposing it'll require more than that.... very well.... *Stark aims his horns towards where teh wolves were and they extended out jabbing into both of them* Sorry for being so rough on you .... Kage: *coughs up blood* HAH how could you expect to beat me any other way *Makes a wolfish grin* Well then i was wrong to doubt you it seems.. even with so little time with this ability you've managed to grasp the majority of it's movements....

    It's as simple as spirit manipulation... my specialty

    Kage: Very well the final stage will require you to essentially look on the other side of the map that is your bankai... and then you will understand...It must remain a secret between you and i until the time comes to use it... you will need to find your counterpart though... i imagine she is closer than you think though.. I submit....

    *the box fades and stark is seen underneath with a cloud of black spirit energy fading away* Well then... if you say so heheh *puts on hat and walks off with the help of a cane with a slight limp off through the doorway* heh Thank you Kuro ^__^...
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    bankai training - Page 6 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:28 pm

    Hateshi walks into the field, closing her eyes, and everything around her freezes, creating a small artic re-creation.

    Her usual ebony hair is snow white, and her clothing has turned white.

    Overhead, a large bird soars, it's golden eyes looking down upon her.

    It's been a long time, Tsuyuki.
    Hateshi smiles up a the phoenix, admiring it's majestic silver and pearl coloured plumage.

    Tsuyuki hovers in the air nearby, the wind generated from her wings buffeting Hateshi slightly.
    I suppose you have finally decided to do your Bankai training?

    Hateshi smiles, nodding curtly.

    Very well, let us commence.
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:46 pm

    The temperature drops down even lower, and Tsuyuki's wings grow even larger, then, encloses them around her body. She opens them, revealing a tall slender woman with white hair, and elegant features. She draws her sword, holding it in front of her. It's the same as Hateshi's except longer and the ribbon that is usually there is a long tail feather. Seeing Hateshi's surprised reaction, she laughs a little bell like laugh.

    it seems you have never seem my real form then?

    Hateshi blinks a couple of times blankly before responding.

    ... nope.
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:22 pm

    If you can make me shed blood, then I will submit to you.

    smiling, Hateshi nods to show that she understands, then unsheathes her sword, sending blast of liquid nitrogen blades at Tsuyuki

    T : dodges, and sends a blast of hardened reiatsu at hateshi
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:34 pm

    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki wrote:If you can make me shed blood, then I will submit to you.

    smiling, Hateshi nods to show that she understands, then unsheathes her sword, sending blast of liquid nitrogen blades at Tsuyuki

    T : dodges, and sends a blast of hardened reiatsu at hateshi

    *hateshi blocks, but lets the blade slide down her's and ducks, slashing at point blank at tsuyuki's midsection.

    T: gets hit, and goes flying backwards, and the fabric is ripped, but reveals no blood whatsoever.

    H: *shock* could you not be bleeding?

    T: *smiles and shakes head* Who would of known, seems that fubuki never told you much. Although you can use cryro in liquid form, you can also descend the temperature lower around your body, causing a layer of solid cryro around yourself to help block.

    H: *mutters something inaudible* Welll, i suppose i'll have to find another way then.
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

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    Post  Six Samurai Irou Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:38 pm

    are you trainig your bankai
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:47 pm

    H: *focuses reiatsu on the edge of her blade* *lunges at tsuyuki and disappears*

    T: !

    H: *appears behind her, slices her back*

    T: *turns to avoid, but to no avail*

    H: *keeps on slicing at her, driving her into a corner.* *notices a small trickle of blood running down her back*

    heh ! I win ^__^ Fubuki didn't tell me about that, but she said that when you spar, you often neglect protecting your back, and your reiatsu wavers from time to time. ^__^ So I used this to my advantage ^_^

    T: ! *sigh* I suppose you're right. ^__^ ah well, I will retire for the moment. I'll submit to you for now, but there are many things that I will teach you a bit later.
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    bankai training - Page 6 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  hanabishi kanda Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:52 am

    well. there will be a new bleach rp forum now.
    so i will be turning this into a one piece forum

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