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    bankai training


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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:26 pm

    *the beast fires a cero at makaveli, but makaveli avoids this, but then the beast shunpos behind him and fires another cero,this time makaveli shunpos above and makes another grab at the sword, but the beast grabs him and chrashes him into the ground*

    makaveli- please shiko...lets fight him together
    shikorinosake- well you have come a long way.....i think it is time for the final stage..*shikorinosake closes his eyes, then the nameless zanpakuto that makaveli is holding disappears and shikorinosake's shikai's form drops down in front of makaveli*
    the beast- pick me up makaveli *already holding a copy of shikorinosake*
    makaveli-*picks up the sword*...finally it is time
    shikorinosake- if you survive

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:39 pm

    beast- try forming your mask maka
    makaveli-okay..*makaveli forms his mask*
    beast- well then you are gonna have to earn this hilt
    makaveli- *reitsu increases*...dont worry i will *makaveli jumps up and fires three cekorenos in a row and the beast does the same and the dragons start fighting really cool like, then makaveli fires a cero at the beast, but the beast counters*
    *then makaveli remebers something*
    (this is a flash back:
    makaveli- dammit master i can never hit you
    master-well maka....i kno how you move and it shows your weakness
    makaveli- then i will never be able to hit you
    master-thats not tru......when facing an oppnate who knows you almost as good as you kno must dig deep into your essence...your spirit....and you must form your own movements created by your own will......thats something no one can counter.....if you ever master it
    makaveli-it sounds like hard work
    master- the day will come when you least expect go get my playboy out the house)

    makaveli- okay master...*makaveli closes his eyes, then the beast starts punching wildly, but missing makaveli evrytime*.....i guess now is it

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:44 pm

    *then makaveli shunpos in the air, and the beast sunndley sees a cero coming at him,as soon as the beast counters, makaveli grabs the hilt while falling, and the whole area explodes*......*then makaveli is on the ground*
    shikorinosake- rest maka......cuz you just attained bankai...*shikorinosake turns into a sword and drops to the ground beside makaveli*
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:48 am

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:*then makaveli shunpos in the air, and the beast sunndley sees a cero coming at him,as soon as the beast counters, makaveli grabs the hilt while falling, and the whole area explodes*......*then makaveli is on the ground*
    shikorinosake- rest maka......cuz you just attained bankai...*shikorinosake turns into a sword and drops to the ground beside makaveli*

    congrats with bankai
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:56 am

    ill begin on my second bankai training......

    *meditates in a cave*

    *after meditating and conversating with zan for several hour, he feels someone being there*

    *when he turns around he see's the eye of buru shikon in the dark, he could remember its cold and still fierce expresion*

    buru: lets begin * the whole area turns shinning blue, with a blue sky and walls, next to nasin theres a whole gang of wolf's*

    me: okay what to do

    buru: you will have to fight me, with no sword

    me: hows that possible

    buru: *the gang of wolf's start howling as buru turns into werewolf shape, holding a sword in hand*
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:59 am

    me: *gets in fighting possition*

    buru: you will not make it with only that

    me:lets see about that

    buru: *charges straight at nasin, swinging down his sword with amazing power*

    me: *sidesteps, but as he side stebs the sword changes shape and pierces into nasin from the side*

    urgh, you cheated
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:18 am

    buru: you will never acheave bankai like that.

    me: im not even getting started..

    buru: then fight back

    me: okay *shunpo's behind buru, kicks him in the head sending him flying*

    buru: *gets up* is that really all you can do?????? you kick like a girl..

    me: hado 4 byakurai! *send a stream of lightning at buru*

    buru: *stops the kido with his paw's*
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:29 am

    *they reapeat the same pattern non stop for 2 days*

    buru: we have been training for a long time now, and you haven't learned even a bit

    me: i will defeat you anyway!!!!! *bleeding a lot*

    buru: i will not waste time fighting a weakling like you

    me: argh *charges a buru* hado 4 byakurai *charges the kido up

    *punches buru in the face, and at the same timefires the kido at his chest*

    buru: *a sword comes up from the ground flying at nasin*

    me: *evades in last second having a scratch across the chest* now you did that again

    buru: this is my true powers, you will have to learn them to achieve bankai
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:35 am

    me: huh???? i like my powers but i cant do that.

    buru: if you cant master me then you cant master bankai

    me: i will master it anyway

    buru: your foolish, powers without control is like a sword without a edge, you will not win with it

    me: lets see about that *shunpo's infront of buru kicking him in head*

    buru: *as the foot hits he bites it*

    me* argh hado 4 byakurai *send it at buru's head*

    buru: you bore me * a sword of blue energy blocks the kido*

    me: damn i should have learned some more kido's
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:41 am

    buru: i will give you a tip, dont try to use the energy around you. try the energy within you

    me: i already knew that, stupid wolf

    buru: no you didnt you thought that it was the blue energy around here that transforms into the blades

    me: no i didnt

    buru: dont lie here!!! i can se when you try to collect the energy, you try it from outside, while it should be inside

    me: shut up!!!!
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:51 am

    buru: you will never learn to use me right

    me: yes i will

    buru: then do it

    me: *charges at buru'

    buru: im bored of your small games, i will not play anymore *stabs nasin*

    me: *suddenly buru's sword is stopped from a blue energy blade in my hand*

    buru: fine i knew that a life threadning situation could help you achieve the power
    now you need to master it *charges at nasin swinging down his sword*

    me: *try's to make a blade, makes a small one not being enough to stopthe slash, gets slashed across the chest*
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:09 am

    buru: you still dont master the abbility

    *two days passes*

    me: *forms sword, the sword is normal sized*

    buru: *slashes down on him*

    me: *blocks the slash, as soon as i block the sword disapears* damn i still cant do it

    buru: you are becoming better, but not good enough

    me: lets try again *forms a spear, throws it at buru*

    buru: *blocks the spear throw, appears next to nasin slashes his arm*

    me: *buru's attack is stopped again because of a sword*

    buru: you are getting the hang of it

    *three days pass*

    me: *forms a a sword in every hand*

    buru: *engages in awesome sword fight with nasin*

    me: *blocks all buru's attacks and stabs him, as he is about to hit, the sword disapears* damn

    buru: you are about to learn it
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:19 am

    me: i wanna learn it

    buru: *makes a awesome blade*

    me: *forms a super duba blade*

    buru: lets get the fight up *charges at nasin*

    me: *charges at buru*

    *as the two clash up a shockwave is made making a huge crater in the ground*
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:23 am

    *smoke fills the place*

    *when the smoke disapears, nasin, stands there with a armor on, the armor speaks* , you mastered bankai ..congratulations

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    Post  Tmack Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:52 pm

    *I meditate and then my zan's spirit appears*

    Hirigisu (or Kaji): Hey kid...its time for you to learn bankai

    Me: Bankai? I am ready...but now

    Kaji: Yes now...
    Me: Okay so how do we do this?
    Kaji: we fight
    Me: What?! I have to fight you?
    Kaji: Yes now let me do this *Kaji transforms into a human* been a long time since i did that
    Me: What?! you can transform into a human
    Kaji: yes I have 2 forms of bankai and they both include me being there with you
    Me: so now lets start
    Kaji: So your ready *then kaji pulls out a zanpakuto*
    Me: What are you fighting with...
    Kaji: Me....
    Me: So i can use you too?
    Kaji: lets start *then kaji runs towards me with the zanpakuto*

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    Post  Tmack Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:04 pm

    Kaji: now take this..release your inferno kaji no ryuu *he bursts into flames and runs at me* so what you gonna do now?
    Me: this...*my hands light on fire* now take this Dragon Fist: I engulf both fists with fire and hit my opponent relentlessly until i feel to ease up *i hit kaji 55 times but no damage is done*
    Kaji: what was that supposed to hurt
    Me:What?! how could that be...
    Kaji: now release me and start
    Me: release your inferno...Kaji no ryuu *i engulf my self in fire and i use Ring of fire: a ring of fire surrounds the enemy of my choosing then it shrinks squeezing them*
    Kaji: that is not a good idea i am the one who uses the attacks for you i know all of your moves...
    Me: well i guess I'll have to do this
    Kaji: do what?
    Me: This *I create a clone to get behind kaji and use ring of fire*
    Kaji: that isn't gonna work kid *kaji jumps up and the move misses*
    Me: Ha gotcha *I appear in front of kaji and use Fire art 6- Fire Barrier-paralyzing barrier: i punch the ground and I create a barrier that anything in it's circle above it under it or on it get paralyzed (for 2 posts) and it takes a major amount of spiritual pressure to break this and i hit him in the stomach so he has the barrier on his stomach*
    Kaji: looks like you got some moves kid
    Me: yeah now take this Fire Tornado*: my zanpakuto makes a huge tornado made of fire*

    Kaji: so you got some moves now i am paralyzed

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:21 pm

    *exterizes shikorinosake*.
    makaveli- i want my second relase now
    shikorenosake- are you ready?????
    makaveli-yea i think i am
    shikorinosake- well this time yoiu must fight goshikumaru, the base of your light must master him
    makaveli- will it be like last time
    shikorinosake-no this time you will be allowed to use shikai and bankai, and goshikumaru will be fighting using his hands....but there are four stages to the fight
    makaveli- what are the three
    shikorinosake- first YOU must summon him, then you must pass his test to prove you are ready to try to fight him, then you must fight him and strike him down, then you must fuse us togther before he returns to his world
    makaveli- sounds like hard work
    shikorinosake-well it is hard work, ohhhhh yea i forgot, you must somehow infuse him with a bit of your vizard power before fusing us so you gain demon mode too
    makaveli-can we start now
    shikorinosake- well you may try....i predict you must meditate for a full week WITHOUT MOVING before you reach the mental state needed to summon him, but yes you may start now....let me do this to make it eazier *sihkorinosake makes a seal on the ground and a sakura tree appears*...meditate under this and no outside interfurence will occur
    makaveli-okay *sits under the tree and begins his meditating*

    Last edited by jmcast/makaveli on Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Tmack Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:46 pm

    Kaji: *gets hit by the fire tornado but is barely scratched*so that was a nice hot breeze
    me: come on well since your still bound take this Dragon Blast: I fire a firery blast that resembles a dragon
    Kaji: *Kaji gets eaten by the dragon but he as minimal damage* so what was that a big lizard
    Me: your still not
    Kaji: its my power over can beat me but you don't know how just think and then attack don't barge in.
    Me: take this Dragon Fist: I engulf both fists with fire and hit my opponent relentlessly until i feel to ease up (this move also increases my speed)
    Kaji: *he tries to take the hits like they are nothing but i hit him in the face and make him bleed a little*so you had some behind those
    Me: lets go...*mask forms* now take this *i shunpo behind kaji and use a Fire Cero: a cero that is combined with fire and 2 x stronger a reg cero*
    Kaji: so your thinking *puts hand out and blocks cero but hand is cut deeply*so my skin is getting let me finish this...Fire cero sword: I engulf my zanpakuto with a fire cero then i can use it to slash my opponent or shoot it at them..
    Me: So a close range attack....but its a trick cuz you can shoot it at this Fire Blast: a blast of fire that does medium damage but can leave a bad burn
    Kaji: that wont do *slashes the fire blast in half and comes charging at me* coming in for the kill that is what i am gonna do
    Me: wont work
    Kaji: *before I can move kaji clashes swords with me making the cero sword explode on me on contact *
    Me: *I am bleeding from the explosion* that was....was....bad....But I am not gonna lose!!!

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    Post  Tmack Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:59 pm

    Me: *The spiritual pressure from me starts to get larger and stronger until a hirigisu forms right next to me* What how are you here and there...
    Kaji: Its just beat me using it...
    Me: but what is this...i look..different...and feel different
    Kaji: yes this is the feeling of your bankai... Kaji Tasogare no Ryuu...The fire twilight lets do this...take this Dragon Blast: I fire a firery blast that resembles a dragon *this attack just hits the manisfestation and it does nothing*
    Me: ha now take this Dragon's Cero: The manisfestation of Hirigisu charges a cero that is 2x of a regular cero
    Kaji: *gets hit by the cero and lies on the ground* nice you have to do is....find out the second release....
    Me: second release?! what...
    Kaji: that will be saved for a now i have to rest...*then kaji dissolves into the zanpakuto* and nice job kid
    Me: thanks Kaji

    I have just achieved my first release of bankai Kaji tasogare no Ryuu

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    bankai training - Page 2 Empty Re: bankai training

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:56 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:*exterizes shikorinosake*.
    makaveli- i want my second relase now
    shikorenosake- are you ready?????
    makaveli-yea i think i am
    shikorinosake- well this time yoiu must fight goshikumaru, the base of your light must master him
    makaveli- will it be like last time
    shikorinosake-no this time you will be allowed to use shikai and bankai, and goshikumaru will be fighting using his hands....but there are four stages to the fight
    makaveli- what are the three
    shikorinosake- first YOU must summon him, then you must pass his test to prove you are ready to try to fight him, then you must fight him and strike him down, then you must fuse us togther before he returns to his world
    makaveli- sounds like hard work
    shikorinosake-well it is hard work, ohhhhh yea i forgot, you must somehow infuse him with a bit of your vizard power before fusing us so you gain demon mode too
    makaveli-can we start now
    shikorinosake- well you may try....i predict you must meditate for a full week WITHOUT MOVING before you reach the mental state needed to summon him, but yes you may start now....let me do this to make it eazier *sihkorinosake makes a seal on the ground and a sakura tree appears*...meditate under this and no outside interfurence will occur
    makaveli-okay *sits under the tree and begins his meditating*

    *after meditating for ten days...white fire burns the sir around the area and a tall person in heavy armor shows up in front makaveli*
    goshikumaru-open your eyes makaveli
    makaveli-*opens eyes*....are you goshikumaru
    goshikumaru- i am the base of most of your power, yet you cant reconze me just by feeling my presnce.....are you sure you are ready for second release
    makaveli-yea is it that you and shikorinosake are related...i mean my zan's name is shikorinosake
    goshikumaru-because....we are two sides of the same coin...i am him and he is just so happens that at the moment he is the boss of us....but every couple of centrys.....your zanpakuto's name will change to goshikumaru.....but that is far off
    makaveli-okay i understand but shikorinosake told me you would test me before fighting me
    goshikumaru-ahhh must learn to tell the diffrence between me, shikorinosake, and your hollow....when you can do that, you can learn how to fully control for the test i will turn me, shikorinosake, and your hollow into hundreds of blades.......see that sakura tree.....well it cannot be cut except by three blades striking it in a, shikorinosake, and your hollow....then you must punch the tree feeling no dout or fear....and it will break.....are you ready???
    goshikumaru-then let the test begin *goshikumaru disappears and there are suddenly hundreds of blades in the field that all look the same*...ahhhh shit

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:09 pm

    makaveli- okay i cant just hit the tree so i guess i should do this *makaveli picks up a blade, then takes some energy from it, then releases it*....that was a this is a hollow blade.
    *makaveli picks up a blade, takes energy from it then relases it*.....that was a cekoreno so this is shikorinosake
    *makaveli picks up a blade, takes energy from it, then relases it*...and that was a FINAL TENSO now just to hit the tree...*makaveli takes goshikumaru and hits the tree, then picks up shikorinosake and hits the tree, then picks up the hollow blade and hits the tree* just to punch it *makaveli then punches the tree but his hand breaks*
    makaveli- AHHH FUCK!!!!!! *makaveli thinking-...goshikumaru said hit the tree with no fear or dout at all.....i guess i have to do it*..*makaveli then calms down, then hits the tree again, and at first the tree does nothing, but it then brecks*...yessss
    *goshikumaru and shikorinosake appear*
    goshikumaru-you pass....time to fight
    *shikorinosake passes makaveli a copy of himself*
    makaveli- yes it is

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:47 pm now we must start....use whatever you like, but just kno if you are not ready then you will lose
    makaveli-i kno goshikumaru..*makaveli then disappers and goshikumaru has ten ceros coming at him*
    goshikumaru-oh is that all???? *goshikumaru lets some of his reitsu explode and the ceros aura* are gonna have to go all out on me so that waste time....let go everything so i can see how far you have matured, since the last time i saw you.
    makaveli- dammit...okay BANKAI TENZATUKAKU SHIKORINOSAKE.......HIREMEKI KUROYAMI MODE...*by this time makaveli's reitsu has increased 25x).....and MEGURUSHI NOZA DRAGON KASAI!!!!!!!!!! *makaveli's reitsu is 10x then before*......*makaveli looks like a diffrent person and has tats on his arm and face and his eyes show darkness* this enuf for you
    goshikumaru- you have improved.....but light always overcomes darkness.....and i shall show you..*goshikumaru's reitsu starts to burn the air around a 50 meter area*....i will give you light
    makaveli- sure.....CEKORENO!!!!!*makaveli releases a full power cekoreno*
    goshikumaru-this will

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:41 am

    goshikumaru-heh...TENSO CEKORENO!!!! *a large white dragon envolpes the cekoreno and damages makaveli* you kno not to try that shit on me
    makaveli-dammit........*shunpos to goshikumaru*....cero doraigon *a large blue dragon that has the face of makaveli's hollow mask comes at goshikumaru*...take THAT!!!!
    goshikumau-*is behind makaveli*....that was grc level...but is still not enuf.....if you keep fighting at such a low level....then i will give you the 2nd release out of pity
    makaveli- damn you!!!!! *makaveli's reitsu explodes and begins burning his clothes*
    goshikumaru-high reitsu wont do anything....and fyi my reitsu is till higher than i have something to do so lets settle this the old a final clash
    makaveli-FINE WITH ME
    *the two increase their reitsu*

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:17 pm

    goshikuaru-are you ready?????
    *the two start running toward each other and when they clash a huge explosion occurs*
    makaveli-*with a sword in his stomach*....dammit i lost..*falls down*
    goshikumau-*with a sword pericing his lung and kidney*....what do you won stupid *falls down*
    makaveli- oh yea the final step..*makaveli slowly points his hand at goshikumaru*.....cero..*makaveli shoots a half-powered cero at goshikumaru and goshikumaru disappears*..
    shikorinosake- i wondre if it was enuf......*shikorinosake glows*..DAMMITT IT HURTS!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!...*then shikorinosake has a diffrent outfit and aura*...i feel good....i guess you attained second relase makaveli

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    Post  Sinister92 Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:42 pm

    *walks in*

    finally time for some training *sigh*
    that sounds like alot of work

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