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    Place Your Zanpakuto Description Here!

    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:48 pm

    Well i was looking here and noticed it was gone so might as well post it o.o...
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    Post  Stark Black Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:16 pm

    Name: Kuro-iro Kage (Black-Coloured Shade)
    The form of Kuro-iro Kage is a oversized black wolf.

    Unreleased form: The blade itself appears to have a slightly darker metal forming it, the blade is slightly shorter than the average katana as well as such it is quite thin making it much lighter and relatively easy to manipulate. The guard of the blade is a pure black hurricane shape with the hilt being quite long and of a crimson red leathery materiel with no markings.

    Type: The blade is a shadow/darkness type, it can manipulate other elements to a certain degree if it comes in contact with one but not nearly as well as an elemental soul slayer.

    Shikai: Release phrase ; "Rise up Kuro-iro Kage" (Black-Coloured Shade). The blade is held out in front of th wielder blade facing upwards which then turns pitch black and disolves over the wielders hands, the dissolved blade then swiftly draws in the wielders shadow and forms into a weapon of the wielders choosing (excluding ranged weapons in which the ammo does not return ex:arrows) the weapons size and mass is controlled by the size of the users shadow therefor the shikai is most powerful during dusk and dawn. At night the shadows are more dificult to control being in such high quantity therefor the weapon defaults to around the same size as during the day.

    Special weapon type: The weapon defaults to a special pair of black gloves when first released, the gloves are covered with multiple short jagged blades sticking out all over on random locations with one long blade going over the top on each glove. When in Ninja Katana the blade increases speed and allows the shadow step ability which makes it seem like their are a multitude of sketchy clones moving around, draw back is short range. When in Chained hand scythes the scythes can wrap around and hook on the shadow just like the body.

    Bankai: Release phrase ; "Consume all shinsei kuro Kage-Youkai" (Pure Black Demon Shade" The pupils of the eyes keep growing in size until the eyes appear completely black, the weapon turning into dust and forming into an aura around the user which makes it appear as if the user takes on the form of a demon the aura continues to thicken until the wielder is no longer visible and all that is seen is a demonic entity of the purest black. This bankai focuses on hand to hand combat with it's sharp claws and the ability to extend it's limbs to move around swiftly using it's shadow. This bankai grants incredible speed and unbeleivable flexibility while the destruction level stays at a relatively same level the defense how ever not only rises but has deverse abilities being able to absorb shadows and layering them on as shielding. Transorming one self into a demon grants a particular defense against any sort of demonic creature or attack letting it travel right through the body, in draw back in order to make this molecular change it completely halts leg movements while the bankai remains deformed.

    Bankai's Final Form; Ying and Yang Ressurection, when used the user gains full control over all the pure elements also enhancing the defense of the user by over 10 times. The black demon form is broken and is replaced with a white aura.

    Special abilities:Kage No Kugutsu (Shadow Puppet) ; it grants the user the ability to sap strength from the opponent via his/her shadow in order to escape one must put a suitable distance between themself and Kuro-Shinsei Kage the only draw back from this move is it temporarily renders the user immobile.
    Nicholas Wolfwood
    Nicholas Wolfwood

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    Post  Nicholas Wolfwood Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:20 pm

    stark it one person zanps per topci
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Post  hanabishi kanda Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:00 pm

    Stark Black wrote:Name: Kuro-iro Kage (Black-Coloured Shade)
    The form of Kuro-iro Kage is a oversized black wolf.

    Unreleased form: The blade itself appears to have a slightly darker metal forming it, the blade is slightly shorter than the average katana as well as such it is quite thin making it much lighter and relatively easy to manipulate. The guard of the blade is a pure black hurricane shape with the hilt being quite long and of a crimson red leathery materiel with no markings.

    Type: The blade is a shadow/darkness type, it can manipulate other elements to a certain degree if it comes in contact with one but not nearly as well as an elemental soul slayer.

    Shikai: Release phrase ; "Rise up Kuro-iro Kage" (Black-Coloured Shade). The blade is held out in front of th wielder blade facing upwards which then turns pitch black and disolves over the wielders hands, the dissolved blade then swiftly draws in the wielders shadow and forms into a weapon of the wielders choosing (excluding ranged weapons in which the ammo does not return ex:arrows) the weapons size and mass is controlled by the size of the users shadow therefor the shikai is most powerful during dusk and dawn. At night the shadows are more dificult to control being in such high quantity therefor the weapon defaults to around the same size as during the day.

    Special weapon type: The weapon defaults to a special pair of black gloves when first released, the gloves are covered with multiple short jagged blades sticking out all over on random locations with one long blade going over the top on each glove. When in Ninja Katana the blade increases speed and allows the shadow step ability which makes it seem like their are a multitude of sketchy clones moving around, draw back is short range. When in Chained hand scythes the scythes can wrap around and hook on the shadow just like the body.

    Bankai: Release phrase ; "Consume all shinsei kuro Kage-Youkai" (Pure Black Demon Shade" The pupils of the eyes keep growing in size until the eyes appear completely black, the weapon turning into dust and forming into an aura around the user which makes it appear as if the user takes on the form of a demon the aura continues to thicken until the wielder is no longer visible and all that is seen is a demonic entity of the purest black. This bankai focuses on hand to hand combat with it's sharp claws and the ability to extend it's limbs to move around swiftly using it's shadow. This bankai grants incredible speed and unbeleivable flexibility while the destruction level stays at a relatively same level the defense how ever not only rises but has deverse abilities being able to absorb shadows and layering them on as shielding. Transorming one self into a demon grants a particular defense against any sort of demonic creature or attack letting it travel right through the body, in draw back in order to make this molecular change it completely halts leg movements while the bankai remains deformed.

    Bankai's Final Form; Ying and Yang Ressurection, when used the user gains full control over all the pure elements also enhancing the defense of the user by over 10 times. The black demon form is broken and is replaced with a white aura.

    Special abilities:Kage No Kugutsu (Shadow Puppet) ; it grants the user the ability to sap strength from the opponent via his/her shadow in order to escape one must put a suitable distance between themself and Kuro-Shinsei Kage the only draw back from this move is it temporarily renders the user immobile.
    and also. the gain controle over all pure elements. thats god mod also./ i mean. when you say all. that also includes the enemies attack if they are an element base. meaning. if i shote a fire ball at you you can stop it and send it back at me. so i can not approve of this zanpakto

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