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    Xenon's Zanpakuto Hikari to Kurayami


    Posts : 2329
    stat points : 1938
    Join date : 2009-03-12
    Age : 28
    Location : Plains Of Destruction ......

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    Xenon's Zanpakuto Hikari to Kurayami Left_bar_bleue10/10Xenon's Zanpakuto Hikari to Kurayami Empty_bar_bleue  (10/10)

    Xenon's Zanpakuto Hikari to Kurayami Empty Xenon's Zanpakuto Hikari to Kurayami

    Post  ksw212 Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:27 am

    Name : Hikari to Kurayami ( Light and Darkness )

    Sealed Form : During its sealed form , its Blade is Half Black and Half White ( Left and Right side of the blade ) at the Black side , there will be a red outline ( like Ichigo's Bankai Getsuga Tensho ) and on the White side , there will be a blue outline . At the bottom of the hilt there is a broken chain.

    Shikai Form :
    Release Command : Mezameru, Hikari to Kurayami ( Awaken, Light and Darkness )
    In release form , it looks no different from the sealed form except that now it is spilt into two swords , one black and one white, with the chains complete , ending with a kunai/spike like thing ( The chains are connected use spirital energy , like Zabimaru's Bankai, and can reappear immediately if deattached as it is made of Materialize Darkness and Light Combine ) .

    Shikai Ability
    1st : Able to materialize Light and Darkness into SWORDS , CLONES and PROTECTIVE THINGS only.
    2nd : Able to Transport anything using the Light / Darkness around the opponent and User's area, to form a portal.
    3rd : Original Light / Darkness Swords ( nt materialized ones ) vibrates at 100000times/seconds
    4th : Redirect any attack that i used ( able to control the movement )
    5th : Able to stun the opponent if i pour a bit of reiastu into each attack
    6th : Hell's Judgement

    White Sword Ability
    1st : Where-ever there is light , it can transform the light into Healing Spirital Energy that can heal both the Zanpakuto and the user .
    2nd : Able to blind the opponent for 1 min using light , but has a disadvantage it has cooldown ( 5 mins )
    3rd : Able to Shoot light beams from the tip of the blade which , if hits the opponent , will bind / Stun the opponent for a few minutes ( but some people might be able to break free , bt it will bind them for a minimum of 15 seconds )
    4th : Sneak Attack : Able to locate any opponent using the Light and Darkness around him / her , materialize the Light / Darkness around the area , make it into a blade , and attack the opponent's Blind Spot.

    Black Sword Ability
    1st : Where-ever there is darkness , it can transform the darkness into Healing Spirital Energy that can heal both the Zanpakuto and the user .
    2nd : Able to make the the opponent see only darkness for 1 min using , but has a disadvantage it has cooldown ( 5 mins )
    3rd : Able to Shoot Darkness beams from the tip of the blade which , if hits the opponent , will bind the opponent for a few minutes ( but some people might be able to break free , bt it will bind them for a minimum 15 seconds )
    4th : Sneak Attack : Able to locate any opponent using the Light and Darkness around him / her , materialize the Light / Darkness around the area , make it into a blade , and attack the opponent's Blind Spot.

    Chain's Ability ( Absorb the Spirital energy of whatever it touch , besides the user )
    1st : Wrap the chain around the enemy and the Chain will start to be engulf Black / White Flames and Burn the enemy.
    2nd : Spin the Chain in circles and then throw the Chain the the enemy , the kunai / spike part will start vibrating times 1000/second , Penetrating almost anything and hitting the Enemy .
    3rd : The chain will absorb the Light / Darkness in that area and when the user hits the enemy while the Light / Darkness is still in the Chain , the Light and Darkness , will invade the enemy and attack him from within , like a poision.
    4th : Sneak Attack : Able to locate any opponent using the Light and Darkness around him / her , creates a portal , and throw the chain and attack the opponent's Blind Spot.
    5th : Spin the chain extremely fast , making it extremely hot and using it as a shield tat melts almost everything that comes in Contact.

    Merged Sword Ablilties
    1st : Merged Swords : merge the 2 swords , increasing the damage x5 , Vibration x2 and my movement speed x3.
    2nd : Hell's Judgement becomes more powerful
    3rd : Both swords Skills
    4th : Chain's damage doubles

    Bankai Form
    Bankai Command : Bankai ! Tenshimitainaoni Hikari to Kurayami ( Heavenly Demon , Light and Darkness )
    In Bankai form , both blades will be turn into gloves wore by the user , at the palm area of the glove you can see two circular holes , when you look into the hole on the left hand , you will see Infinite Light , when you look into the hole on the right hand , you will see Infinite Darkness.

    Bankai Ability
    1st : Able to materialize Light and Darkness into ANYTHING
    2nd : Shikai's Abilities ( including swords and chain abilities )
    3rd : Hell's Judgement damage becomes more powerfull.
    4th : Void ( Separate the Light ( Like Positive Energy ) and Darkness ( Like Negative Energy ) within a 1km radius area , making it a Void of nothingness , which i blast towards the enemy , wadeva come close to it will be sucked in and be tear apart molecule by molecule , only i can take anyone out of the Void )

    Ability of the Gloves
    1st : Able to materialize Light and Darkness ( as in darkness and light , not the sword ) , making it into anything , Shield , Sword , a clone of yourself , a clone of your enemy , Spear , Daggers , use the shikai ability " shooting the light and darkness beams " except when you use it in Bankai , it will follow the enemy ( like a heat sensing missile ) till it hit him/her and it will explode when it hits the enemy " , even do a , Hell's Judgement ( Something like Cero and Getsuga Tensho fused ), and even something i call Void (( Separate the Light ( Like Positive Energy ) and Darkness ( Like Negative Energy ) within a 1km radius area , making it a Void of nothingness , which i blast towards the enemy , wadeva come close to it will be sucked in and be tear apart molecule by molecule , only i can take anyone out of the Void ).
    2nd : Heavenly Demon's Shield : The gloves release the Light and Darkness Energy and make an Armour made up of Light and Darkness , which vibrates 5000000 times /second , absorbing the spirital energy of anything that comes in contact , which makes the weapon / ETC useless , besides the user , with the gloves still on the user's hand. ( While in this mode i can't attack )( In this mode , i can only absorb 50% of my armour's reiastu at once , and the vibration can be pierced through if ur attack is 50% more than my armour's Reiastu , so , to Scratch me while i am in this mode , so ur attack must contain 100% of my armour's Reiastu . After i absorb the reiastu , i will become 150% , which will then become my armour's new 100% , for example , after u hit me with 100% , my armour will absorb 50% then , my armour will become 150% , bt it will be changed as 100% ... as in , the first time u hit , ur reiastu must be 100% more then it will become 150% , then at the second hit ( which must be 150% of my armour's ORIGINAL reiastu ) , i will absorb 50% of 150% , then it will become 225% , then the 3rd attack ( which must be 225% of my armour ORIGINGAL ) will absorb 50% of 225% , which will become 337.5% and so on )
    3rd : Heavenly Demon's Sword : The Light and Darkness spirital energy stored in the glove are made into twin blade sword , made out of pure Light and Darkness Spirital energy , it vibrates 10000000 times / second , making it able to slice anything in its path , whenever it slashes some thing , it will absorb its Spirital Energy and will be transmitted to the glove where it is changed into Light and Darkness Spirital Energy , making the twin blades stronger. ( While using any ability in this mode , the ability's attack when he x10 more powerful ) ( While in this mode , i am wearing no armour ( only the cape thing like Ichigo's Bankai ) ) ( The swords are unbreakable )
    4th : Heavenly Demon's Ace Form : When enough Spirital Energy is absorbed and made into Light and Darkness spirital energy , both the Defense Mode and Attack Mode will mix / fuse , the gloves will disappear / fuse with the armour and swords , the user will be in the defense mode armour , and the twin blades will fuse into one ( i can manipulate the Shape of the Blade making it double edge , making it into a spear etc .... ) , making it vibrate x10 faster and x100 more powerful and the speed of the user will x100 . Unlucky , the user needs to fight in Bankai for atleast 7hrs and it has a 10hrs cooldown and it only last for 25 mins. After using this mode , you will revert to Sealed Form , exhausted , unable to use Bankai or Shikai for awhile. ( You might ask then whats the use , my answer is , i can destroy 1000 units ( No seat people ) in 1min , 250 ( Seated people ) in 1min , 10 Lieutenants , in 1min , 2 Captain in 5 min , 1 Vasto Lord in 7 mins , 1 Arrancar ( No Espada ) 14 mins , 1 Vizard / Espada in 20 mins or more , Without mask , unless they are extremely powerful ( this are only estimations ) ) ( While using any ability in this mode , the power of the ability will be x10000 ) ( still training this )
    P.S. There might be alot of weaknesses , but this is the best Zanpakuto and the Best Shinigami / Vizard u can find.

    Vizard Mask Power ( Extra if you want to see it ) ( 18hrs , still trainning )
    It increase everything , enabling the user to use Cero ( Mine is a Special type of Cero " Secret , cannot say " ) like a normal Vizard Hollow mask will do.
    Special Ability
    : Making all the skills have no Cooldown
    : Heavenly Demon's Ace Form : Making the hrs needed to fight 1hr.
    Weakness : After using Ultimate Form in Mask form , the time avaliable for you to mask , for example u can mask for 12 hrs , 1/4 of the timing left will be cut .
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
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    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    Xenon's Zanpakuto Hikari to Kurayami Left_bar_bleue10/10Xenon's Zanpakuto Hikari to Kurayami Empty_bar_bleue  (10/10)

    Xenon's Zanpakuto Hikari to Kurayami Empty Re: Xenon's Zanpakuto Hikari to Kurayami

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:36 am

    it is ok for now, but the parts where your blades like vibrate and the percentage, , try to be a little consistent, meaning, if possible, try to use a single number, it can get a little confusing

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