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Hiroto Takashi
zozo hurley(nasin)
Stark Black
Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
majoru belguzo
15 posters

    The Underground Sanctum


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    The Underground Sanctum Empty The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Kaname Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:07 am

    Kanames steps could be heard coming through the tunnel. Nobody knew of his serect underground sanctum, he bulit while Azien was still in power but locked it up for just a day like this. His head was down and his hands were in his pockets.

    I guess i'm goin have to kill them all

    He made a right turn to face a set of double doors. The sounds of unlocking lockes could be heard loud and clear. Kaname had not planned to use his sanctum so soon, but he had no other choice. This was the only place the mindless goons wouldn't just pop up in.

    Once the doors were fully unlocked Kaname slowly walked through them and took a seat in the throne in the middle of the room. He placed his head into his right hand and began his deep thought process.

    ..if I harness beserker mode, i'll kill them all
    majoru belguzo
    majoru belguzo

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  majoru belguzo Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:47 am

    *walks around at the burned down las noches*

    hmph what recklessness, after i flied from aizen i never would have thought they would destroy las noches too
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:02 am

    Fubuki walked in, the red flames in the depths of her eyes flickering with frustration.

    How dare they attack at such a time. Only Krieger was there. If I had been there...

    A sharp breath was let out, and she shook her head.

    As well Kaname, it seems there is a new arrancar trying to prove her worthiness. However, if she is the one that leads those shinigami anywhere near this place, I will kill her, whether she is to become espada or not.

    The burning look in her eyes died out, replace by the usual cold stare.
    Stark Black
    Stark Black

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Stark Black Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:43 am

    OoC: pssst doesn't that mean there's now two espada places =D?!?!? yes i realise i have not found this place....

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Kaname Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:16 pm

    OOC: Umm ppl this place is ment to be SERECT as in nobody knows where its at or how to get in. Not even the espadas Hints why i said something about the huge double doors. I made this place so you all couldnt just keep popping up so delet your post or i will.

    Hatashie could possible know because she lived in Las Noches long after Kaname keft and before he returned, but nobody else until kaname brings you here.

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Kaname Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:24 pm

    Hateshinai Kaisou~Fubiku wrote:Fubuki walked in, the red flames in the depths of her eyes flickering with frustration.

    How dare they attack at such a time. Only Krieger was there. If I had been there...

    A sharp breath was let out, and she shook her head.

    As well Kaname, it seems there is a new arrancar trying to prove her worthiness. However, if she is the one that leads those shinigami anywhere near this place, I will kill her, whether she is to become espada or not.

    The burning look in her eyes died out, replace by the usual cold stare.

    Kaname looked up from his daze.

    How did you find this place, and what new arrcanar
    zozo hurley(nasin)
    zozo hurley(nasin)

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  zozo hurley(nasin) Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:41 pm

    Kaname wrote:OOC: Umm ppl this place is ment to be SERECT as in nobody knows where its at or how to get in. Not even the espadas Hints why i said something about the huge double doors. I made this place so you all couldnt just keep popping up so delet your post or i will.

    Hatashie could possible know because she lived in Las Noches long after Kaname keft and before he returned, but nobody else until kaname brings you here.

    ooc: my friend majoru wants to join the espada.
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:59 pm

    Kaname wrote:

    How did you find this place, and what new arrcanar

    A small smirk crossed Fubuki's face.

    I have been here quite a long time. As well, you could say that wandering the halls almost aimlessly helps keep me from killing. As for the new arrancar, it's a female, who is gathering the espada in a cavern in the desert. Her presence seemed to have attracted a couple of those shinigami.
    Hiroto Takashi

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Hiroto Takashi Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:21 pm

    "hello." i walk in suddenly, "You arrancar are planning to destroy the soul society right? i want in."

    Posts : 435
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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Tenma Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:09 am

    Hiroto Takashi wrote:"hello." i walk in suddenly, "You arrancar are planning to destroy the soul society right? i want in."

    ooc: Reaspect the rules lelouch!!!! You cant just pop in like that Evil or Very Mad
    Hiroto Takashi

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Hiroto Takashi Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:41 pm

    turns to tenma, "first off im not Lelouch you idiot." turns to kaname, "and if your wondering why i found this place, it's because i have this." opens shirt to reveal a crest, "this bount crest will allow someone to find anyone in the world, kariya used it to find remaining bounts, and since i figured you were going to destroy the soul society i decided to use it on you." but's shirt back to normal, "anyway i think i have an idea for destroying the soul society."
    Hiroto Takashi

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Hiroto Takashi Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:52 pm

    Hateshinai Kaisou~Fubiku wrote:
    Kaname wrote:

    How did you find this place, and what new arrcanar

    A small smirk crossed Fubuki's face.

    I have been here quite a long time. As well, you could say that wandering the halls almost aimlessly helps keep me from killing. As for the new arrancar, it's a female, who is gathering the espada in a cavern in the desert. Her presence seemed to have attracted a couple of those shinigami.

    *breaks in* "her name is Viper, and she seems to have some sort-of connection to a soul reaper by the name of reynemises."

    Posts : 435
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    Age : 34
    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Tenma Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:50 pm

    Hiroto Takashi wrote:turns to tenma, "first off im not Lelouch you idiot." turns to kaname, "and if your wondering why i found this place, it's because i have this." opens shirt to reveal a crest, "this bount crest will allow someone to find anyone in the world, kariya used it to find remaining bounts, and since i figured you were going to destroy the soul society i decided to use it on you." but's shirt back to normal, "anyway i think i have an idea for destroying the soul society."

    ooc: Sigh..... to find bounto not arrancar, besides, kaname was specific on that you have to be invited to post here, so Lelouch, your char can't be here!!!!!

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Kaname Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:10 pm

    Hateshinai Kaisou~Fubiku wrote:
    Kaname wrote:

    How did you find this place, and what new arrcanar

    A small smirk crossed Fubuki's face.

    I have been here quite a long time. As well, you could say that wandering the halls almost aimlessly helps keep me from killing. As for the new arrancar, it's a female, who is gathering the espada in a cavern in the desert. Her presence seemed to have attracted a couple of those shinigami.

    I figured as much

    Kaname let out a sigh and switched his head to the other side.

    Bring the new arrcanar here a, so I can meet and test her. Also bring the other espadas here as well. We need to have a meeting

    Kaname tilted his head bacj before he spoke again.

    Fubuki You're actual somebody who i'm placeing my trust in, please don't fail me
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:25 pm

    Kaname wrote:
    Hateshinai Kaisou~Fubiku wrote:
    Kaname wrote:

    How did you find this place, and what new arrcanar

    A small smirk crossed Fubuki's face.

    I have been here quite a long time. As well, you could say that wandering the halls almost aimlessly helps keep me from killing. As for the new arrancar, it's a female, who is gathering the espada in a cavern in the desert. Her presence seemed to have attracted a couple of those shinigami.

    I figured as much

    Kaname let out a sigh and switched his head to the other side.

    Bring the new arrcanar here a, so I can meet and test her. Also bring the other espadas here as well. We need to have a meeting

    Kaname tilted his head bacj before he spoke again.

    Fubuki You're actual somebody who i'm placeing my trust in, please don't fail me

    Her cold expression softened a bit, and on her face was a pensive look.

    I will pass on the word, although, whether or not you place your trust in me is your decision, I am not ready to agree on either side, or get myself into any sort of mess yet. However - since we are living in the same sanctuary at the moment I will do what I can to preserve it. Take this how you like.

    with that, she nodded curtly, and walked down the long corridor, disappearing from sight.

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Viper Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:46 pm

    Viper walks through the corridors of the Underground Sanctuary that would be the new home of the Espada. She went from room to room in search of another.

    Some commander the Espada have now.

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Tenma Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:40 am

    Tenma stepped trough a garganta with his hammock over his shoulder, Looking tired, He had slept only for an hour or so.

    So where excactly is this? And more importantly, when do we strike back?
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:02 am

    Fubuki sat in her room, staring at the blank, snow white walls. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to fight in this troublesome so-called war. As much as she was willing to protect her lodging, she didn't look forward to the pain of resealing her reiatsu. It was quite a long and painful process... she winced a bit at the memory. Letting out a small sigh, she got up from the bed, and walked out to the main hall, feeling the accumulation on reiatsus.

    She stopped at the doorway.

    I don't know where he is. Although, I must say, patience was never one of my strong points.

    She crossed her arms, sighing again.

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:22 am

    Hateshinai Kaisou~Fubiku wrote:Fubuki sat in her room, staring at the blank, snow white walls. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to fight in this troublesome so-called war. As much as she was willing to protect her lodging, she didn't look forward to the pain of resealing her reiatsu. It was quite a long and painful process... she winced a bit at the memory. Letting out a small sigh, she got up from the bed, and walked out to the main hall, feeling the accumulation on reiatsus.

    She stopped at the doorway.

    I don't know where he is. Although, I must say, patience was never one of my strong points.

    She crossed her arms, sighing again.

    ooc: i came here to say good bye, hateshi, i'll be away until the end of the year.

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Tenma Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:43 am

    Tenma woke up and stretched for a bit, feeling every bone in his body crackle. He then jumped up. He remembered that he hadn't eaten since he was in hell, and the hunger was becoming excruciating.

    Oi, not to sound rude or anything, but is there any way of getting breakfast here?
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki
    Hateshinai ~ Fubuki

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Hateshinai ~ Fubuki Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:55 pm

    Tenma wrote:Tenma woke up and stretched for a bit, feeling every bone in his body crackle. He then jumped up. He remembered that he hadn't eaten since he was in hell, and the hunger was becoming excruciating.

    Oi, not to sound rude or anything, but is there any way of getting breakfast here?

    A tad bit annoyed and slightly amused, Fubuki looked over at the arrancar who had asked this.

    unfortunately for you, there isn't any room service here. You'll have to hunt for your food.

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  amazonhobo Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:31 pm

    Krieger walked through a garganta, still holding his hand to his wound, he staggered to a dark corner and collapsed onto the floor laughing and then sleeping

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    Location : The tower of Las Noches... Well that was untill some annoying shinigami came by and destroyed it -.-'

    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Tenma Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:34 pm

    Tenma crashed his head into his pillow.

    Fine... I'll go get a hollow or two... does anyone else want anything?
    By the way, the names Tenma, got it memorized?

    He jumped up and opened up a garganta, stepping trough with one foot.

    ooc: Tenma is a vaizard, there was a lack of evil shinigami/vaizard so Tenma turned to the dark side Very Happy
    and I gtg to the shover now, just came from the gym...

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  Tenma Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:25 pm

    Tenma walks trough a garganta with three boar sized hollows.

    This enough? I ate one on the way here.

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    The Underground Sanctum Empty Re: The Underground Sanctum

    Post  amazonhobo Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:26 pm

    i'll take anything extra you can find
    Krieger stood up attempting to stabilize his wound as the air around him crackled.
    Hell i'll go with you i don't mind, its better than sleeping here
    Krieger walks toward Tenma

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