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Six Samurai Irou
hanabishi kanda
7 posters

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
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    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:46 pm

    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:*hollis rises from beneath the ground*
    "restarting the old dojo i see, "
    ah. first student hollis. welcome back to the dojo. how you been. ha ha ha. i finally figured out how to make more subjects for the forum. although it was really sonchero that got most of them. he used my name to make them. but don't worry. i already changed my pasword. and all that was left was to add this thread
    "hmhm, yes, i suppose this is a neccesary forum huh, but i dont remember havin ta fight you first..oh nevermind, i guess i kinda did, just under different circumstances,*rubs back of head* heheh"
    yah. but that was a long time ago. when i was under the insanity's influence. but now. my head is more clear er then ever. so i can fight much more better than i used to. oh and also. i came up woth 2 new moves for the infenit sword style since our fight
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
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    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:47 pm

    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:well. it doesn't matter. they are made up of reitsu. cause it they wern't they would have just been an attack with 3 different elements
    *kanda wraps his wings around himself and taking the hit. devouring the reitsu making the flame wings stronger*

    makaveli- dammit i keep forgetting...let me even out that ability..MEGURUSHINOZA DORAIGONKASAI (my seal) *makaveli's muscles grow bigger to where his hits do more damage, but his reitsu increases so his speed is unaffected, and he is also able to absorb anything made of reitsu, under a grc* ready guys
    *the muscles of all the gaints grow to unbelievable sizes and their reitsu increases, and it looks as if sanaity has left them*....this is the first step to my final relase (and yes i have done the training)
    oh well. but i must thank you for giving my wings the streanth of a grc. after all. their weakness is that when they first form in my bankai. they can easly be destroyed by a grc or a grc level technique (OOC- if you did do one grc level technique. i'm sorry but i didn't know. so i though t it was a reagualr technique)
    but now they have gotten stronger. so let me atack
    *kanda then flyes at jmc thrusting his right hand blades into his stumach*

    *shoku blocks the attack with his immease muscles , not caring about injury, then ikkanaku slams down on kanda with his fist engulfed with water and ice* then they back up and and kick kanda*
    (the element doraigon is not a grc level tech. but its pretty damn close)
    *kanda blocks with the left hand blades along with the arm guards*
    OOC- oh. but it still means that they arn't. oh well
    come one. you forced me to use only martial arts. well. at least you're the only one to found that weakness. if you have the same ability as me. then reitsu base attacks are useless. as its reitsu that keeps them in the shape i want. but how ever. if i were to use a regular fire attack. then it negates your effect ina way
    *kanda points his palms at jmc and blows regular fire at jmc burning him*
    "whoa, this looks kinda familiar, a little less bloody though
    yah it should. i was in the middle of training you when them basterds closed down the battle forum. we had to move to the 1st devision. ha ha ha

    Posts : 595
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    Age : 32
    Location : Where im paid to be

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Hollis Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:49 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:*hollis rises from beneath the ground*
    "restarting the old dojo i see, "
    ah. first student hollis. welcome back to the dojo. how you been. ha ha ha. i finally figured out how to make more subjects for the forum. although it was really sonchero that got most of them. he used my name to make them. but don't worry. i already changed my pasword. and all that was left was to add this thread
    "hmhm, yes, i suppose this is a neccesary forum huh, but i dont remember havin ta fight you first..oh nevermind, i guess i kinda did, just under different circumstances,*rubs back of head* heheh"
    yah. but that was a long time ago. when i was under the insanity's influence. but now. my head is more clear er then ever. so i can fight much more better than i used to. oh and also. i came up woth 2 new moves for the infenit sword style since our fight
    "yeah, we were fightin to the death back then, hahah, lookin back on it, it seems so unlike you ta fight the way you did, heheh. and ive also aquired a multitude of new moves since then because of the fact that i took another visit with onimashu"

    Posts : 3256
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    Join date : 2009-03-13
    Age : 29
    Location : the 6th divison

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:50 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:well. it doesn't matter. they are made up of reitsu. cause it they wern't they would have just been an attack with 3 different elements
    *kanda wraps his wings around himself and taking the hit. devouring the reitsu making the flame wings stronger*

    makaveli- dammit i keep forgetting...let me even out that ability..MEGURUSHINOZA DORAIGONKASAI (my seal) *makaveli's muscles grow bigger to where his hits do more damage, but his reitsu increases so his speed is unaffected, and he is also able to absorb anything made of reitsu, under a grc* ready guys
    *the muscles of all the gaints grow to unbelievable sizes and their reitsu increases, and it looks as if sanaity has left them*....this is the first step to my final relase (and yes i have done the training)
    oh well. but i must thank you for giving my wings the streanth of a grc. after all. their weakness is that when they first form in my bankai. they can easly be destroyed by a grc or a grc level technique (OOC- if you did do one grc level technique. i'm sorry but i didn't know. so i though t it was a reagualr technique)
    but now they have gotten stronger. so let me atack
    *kanda then flyes at jmc thrusting his right hand blades into his stumach*

    *shoku blocks the attack with his immease muscles , not caring about injury, then ikkanaku slams down on kanda with his fist engulfed with water and ice* then they back up and and kick kanda*
    (the element doraigon is not a grc level tech. but its pretty damn close)
    *kanda blocks with the left hand blades along with the arm guards*
    OOC- oh. but it still means that they arn't. oh well
    come one. you forced me to use only martial arts. well. at least you're the only one to found that weakness. if you have the same ability as me. then reitsu base attacks are useless. as its reitsu that keeps them in the shape i want. but how ever. if i were to use a regular fire attack. then it negates your effect ina way
    *kanda points his palms at jmc and blows regular fire at jmc burning him*

    *ikkanaku jumps infront and makes a shield of regular water,then shiniku and ganzaku team up to make really fast earth bullets (no reitsu involved), and the bullets are very dense so regular fire wont take them out*
    makaveli- so how am i doing

    Posts : 595
    stat points : 607
    Join date : 2009-03-12
    Age : 32
    Location : Where im paid to be

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Hollis Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:51 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:well. it doesn't matter. they are made up of reitsu. cause it they wern't they would have just been an attack with 3 different elements
    *kanda wraps his wings around himself and taking the hit. devouring the reitsu making the flame wings stronger*

    makaveli- dammit i keep forgetting...let me even out that ability..MEGURUSHINOZA DORAIGONKASAI (my seal) *makaveli's muscles grow bigger to where his hits do more damage, but his reitsu increases so his speed is unaffected, and he is also able to absorb anything made of reitsu, under a grc* ready guys
    *the muscles of all the gaints grow to unbelievable sizes and their reitsu increases, and it looks as if sanaity has left them*....this is the first step to my final relase (and yes i have done the training)
    oh well. but i must thank you for giving my wings the streanth of a grc. after all. their weakness is that when they first form in my bankai. they can easly be destroyed by a grc or a grc level technique (OOC- if you did do one grc level technique. i'm sorry but i didn't know. so i though t it was a reagualr technique)
    but now they have gotten stronger. so let me atack
    *kanda then flyes at jmc thrusting his right hand blades into his stumach*

    *shoku blocks the attack with his immease muscles , not caring about injury, then ikkanaku slams down on kanda with his fist engulfed with water and ice* then they back up and and kick kanda*
    (the element doraigon is not a grc level tech. but its pretty damn close)
    *kanda blocks with the left hand blades along with the arm guards*
    OOC- oh. but it still means that they arn't. oh well
    come one. you forced me to use only martial arts. well. at least you're the only one to found that weakness. if you have the same ability as me. then reitsu base attacks are useless. as its reitsu that keeps them in the shape i want. but how ever. if i were to use a regular fire attack. then it negates your effect ina way
    *kanda points his palms at jmc and blows regular fire at jmc burning him*
    "whoa, this looks kinda familiar, a little less bloody though
    yah it should. i was in the middle of training you when them basterds closed down the battle forum. we had to move to the 1st devision. ha ha ha
    "ooh yeah, i remember, tch that was when we fist started to do all of the fighting in the 1st devision, hahah good times, good times
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

    Posts : 359
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    Age : 33
    Location : training at the secert training spot

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:52 pm

    im back
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
    stat points : 1528
    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:53 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:well. it doesn't matter. they are made up of reitsu. cause it they wern't they would have just been an attack with 3 different elements
    *kanda wraps his wings around himself and taking the hit. devouring the reitsu making the flame wings stronger*

    makaveli- dammit i keep forgetting...let me even out that ability..MEGURUSHINOZA DORAIGONKASAI (my seal) *makaveli's muscles grow bigger to where his hits do more damage, but his reitsu increases so his speed is unaffected, and he is also able to absorb anything made of reitsu, under a grc* ready guys
    *the muscles of all the gaints grow to unbelievable sizes and their reitsu increases, and it looks as if sanaity has left them*....this is the first step to my final relase (and yes i have done the training)
    oh well. but i must thank you for giving my wings the streanth of a grc. after all. their weakness is that when they first form in my bankai. they can easly be destroyed by a grc or a grc level technique (OOC- if you did do one grc level technique. i'm sorry but i didn't know. so i though t it was a reagualr technique)
    but now they have gotten stronger. so let me atack
    *kanda then flyes at jmc thrusting his right hand blades into his stumach*

    *shoku blocks the attack with his immease muscles , not caring about injury, then ikkanaku slams down on kanda with his fist engulfed with water and ice* then they back up and and kick kanda*
    (the element doraigon is not a grc level tech. but its pretty damn close)
    *kanda blocks with the left hand blades along with the arm guards*
    OOC- oh. but it still means that they arn't. oh well
    come one. you forced me to use only martial arts. well. at least you're the only one to found that weakness. if you have the same ability as me. then reitsu base attacks are useless. as its reitsu that keeps them in the shape i want. but how ever. if i were to use a regular fire attack. then it negates your effect ina way
    *kanda points his palms at jmc and blows regular fire at jmc burning him*

    *ikkanaku jumps infront and makes a shield of regular water,then shiniku and ganzaku team up to make really fast earth bullets (no reitsu involved), and the bullets are very dense so regular fire wont take them out*
    makaveli- so how am i doing
    *kanda takes a fire sword*
    single blade style- slash of the midnight dew
    *kanda used the sword and slices the earth bullets*
    well. so far so goot. you're doing better than six i guess. but there is one comonality that you 2 have. but i guess it can't be helped. either way. the test is over. you're in the dojo. i'll add your name to the roster then go off
    OOC- i have to finish up my prodgects that are due 2morrow so i have to stop for 2day

    Posts : 3256
    stat points : 2868
    Join date : 2009-03-13
    Age : 29
    Location : the 6th divison

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:54 pm

    Six Samurai Irou wrote:im back

    our fight is still going on

    Posts : 3256
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    Join date : 2009-03-13
    Age : 29
    Location : the 6th divison

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:55 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:well. it doesn't matter. they are made up of reitsu. cause it they wern't they would have just been an attack with 3 different elements
    *kanda wraps his wings around himself and taking the hit. devouring the reitsu making the flame wings stronger*

    makaveli- dammit i keep forgetting...let me even out that ability..MEGURUSHINOZA DORAIGONKASAI (my seal) *makaveli's muscles grow bigger to where his hits do more damage, but his reitsu increases so his speed is unaffected, and he is also able to absorb anything made of reitsu, under a grc* ready guys
    *the muscles of all the gaints grow to unbelievable sizes and their reitsu increases, and it looks as if sanaity has left them*....this is the first step to my final relase (and yes i have done the training)
    oh well. but i must thank you for giving my wings the streanth of a grc. after all. their weakness is that when they first form in my bankai. they can easly be destroyed by a grc or a grc level technique (OOC- if you did do one grc level technique. i'm sorry but i didn't know. so i though t it was a reagualr technique)
    but now they have gotten stronger. so let me atack
    *kanda then flyes at jmc thrusting his right hand blades into his stumach*

    *shoku blocks the attack with his immease muscles , not caring about injury, then ikkanaku slams down on kanda with his fist engulfed with water and ice* then they back up and and kick kanda*
    (the element doraigon is not a grc level tech. but its pretty damn close)
    *kanda blocks with the left hand blades along with the arm guards*
    OOC- oh. but it still means that they arn't. oh well
    come one. you forced me to use only martial arts. well. at least you're the only one to found that weakness. if you have the same ability as me. then reitsu base attacks are useless. as its reitsu that keeps them in the shape i want. but how ever. if i were to use a regular fire attack. then it negates your effect ina way
    *kanda points his palms at jmc and blows regular fire at jmc burning him*

    *ikkanaku jumps infront and makes a shield of regular water,then shiniku and ganzaku team up to make really fast earth bullets (no reitsu involved), and the bullets are very dense so regular fire wont take them out*
    makaveli- so how am i doing
    *kanda takes a fire sword*
    single blade style- slash of the midnight dew
    *kanda used the sword and slices the earth bullets*
    well. so far so goot. you're doing better than six i guess. but there is one comonality that you 2 have. but i guess it can't be helped. either way. the test is over. you're in the dojo. i'll add your name to the roster then go off
    OOC- i have to finish up my prodgects that are due 2morrow so i have to stop for 2day

    occ:ohh okay thats cool
    makaveli- REALLY!!!!????? Very Happy yay!!!!!!! cheers
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

    Posts : 359
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    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 33
    Location : training at the secert training spot

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:57 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:well. it doesn't matter. they are made up of reitsu. cause it they wern't they would have just been an attack with 3 different elements
    *kanda wraps his wings around himself and taking the hit. devouring the reitsu making the flame wings stronger*

    makaveli- dammit i keep forgetting...let me even out that ability..MEGURUSHINOZA DORAIGONKASAI (my seal) *makaveli's muscles grow bigger to where his hits do more damage, but his reitsu increases so his speed is unaffected, and he is also able to absorb anything made of reitsu, under a grc* ready guys
    *the muscles of all the gaints grow to unbelievable sizes and their reitsu increases, and it looks as if sanaity has left them*....this is the first step to my final relase (and yes i have done the training)
    oh well. but i must thank you for giving my wings the streanth of a grc. after all. their weakness is that when they first form in my bankai. they can easly be destroyed by a grc or a grc level technique (OOC- if you did do one grc level technique. i'm sorry but i didn't know. so i though t it was a reagualr technique)
    but now they have gotten stronger. so let me atack
    *kanda then flyes at jmc thrusting his right hand blades into his stumach*

    *shoku blocks the attack with his immease muscles , not caring about injury, then ikkanaku slams down on kanda with his fist engulfed with water and ice* then they back up and and kick kanda*
    (the element doraigon is not a grc level tech. but its pretty damn close)
    *kanda blocks with the left hand blades along with the arm guards*
    OOC- oh. but it still means that they arn't. oh well
    come one. you forced me to use only martial arts. well. at least you're the only one to found that weakness. if you have the same ability as me. then reitsu base attacks are useless. as its reitsu that keeps them in the shape i want. but how ever. if i were to use a regular fire attack. then it negates your effect ina way
    *kanda points his palms at jmc and blows regular fire at jmc burning him*

    *ikkanaku jumps infront and makes a shield of regular water,then shiniku and ganzaku team up to make really fast earth bullets (no reitsu involved), and the bullets are very dense so regular fire wont take them out*
    makaveli- so how am i doing
    *kanda takes a fire sword*
    single blade style- slash of the midnight dew
    *kanda used the sword and slices the earth bullets*
    well. so far so goot. you're doing better than six i guess. but there is one comonality that you 2 have. but i guess it can't be helped. either way. the test is over. you're in the dojo. i'll add your name to the roster then go off
    OOC- i have to finish up my prodgects that are due 2morrow so i have to stop for 2day
    i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you

    Posts : 595
    stat points : 607
    Join date : 2009-03-12
    Age : 32
    Location : Where im paid to be

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Hollis Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:58 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:well. it doesn't matter. they are made up of reitsu. cause it they wern't they would have just been an attack with 3 different elements
    *kanda wraps his wings around himself and taking the hit. devouring the reitsu making the flame wings stronger*

    makaveli- dammit i keep forgetting...let me even out that ability..MEGURUSHINOZA DORAIGONKASAI (my seal) *makaveli's muscles grow bigger to where his hits do more damage, but his reitsu increases so his speed is unaffected, and he is also able to absorb anything made of reitsu, under a grc* ready guys
    *the muscles of all the gaints grow to unbelievable sizes and their reitsu increases, and it looks as if sanaity has left them*....this is the first step to my final relase (and yes i have done the training)
    oh well. but i must thank you for giving my wings the streanth of a grc. after all. their weakness is that when they first form in my bankai. they can easly be destroyed by a grc or a grc level technique (OOC- if you did do one grc level technique. i'm sorry but i didn't know. so i though t it was a reagualr technique)
    but now they have gotten stronger. so let me atack
    *kanda then flyes at jmc thrusting his right hand blades into his stumach*

    *shoku blocks the attack with his immease muscles , not caring about injury, then ikkanaku slams down on kanda with his fist engulfed with water and ice* then they back up and and kick kanda*
    (the element doraigon is not a grc level tech. but its pretty damn close)
    *kanda blocks with the left hand blades along with the arm guards*
    OOC- oh. but it still means that they arn't. oh well
    come one. you forced me to use only martial arts. well. at least you're the only one to found that weakness. if you have the same ability as me. then reitsu base attacks are useless. as its reitsu that keeps them in the shape i want. but how ever. if i were to use a regular fire attack. then it negates your effect ina way
    *kanda points his palms at jmc and blows regular fire at jmc burning him*

    *ikkanaku jumps infront and makes a shield of regular water,then shiniku and ganzaku team up to make really fast earth bullets (no reitsu involved), and the bullets are very dense so regular fire wont take them out*
    makaveli- so how am i doing
    *kanda takes a fire sword*
    single blade style- slash of the midnight dew
    *kanda used the sword and slices the earth bullets*
    well. so far so goot. you're doing better than six i guess. but there is one comonality that you 2 have. but i guess it can't be helped. either way. the test is over. you're in the dojo. i'll add your name to the roster then go off
    OOC- i have to finish up my prodgects that are due 2morrow so i have to stop for 2day
    "later kanda"
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
    stat points : 1528
    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:58 pm

    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

    Posts : 359
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    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 33
    Location : training at the secert training spot

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:59 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    i guess
    *looks down*
    man i got to train more harder

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Hollis Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:00 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:02 pm

    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*

    Posts : 595
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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Hollis Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:06 pm

    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    *hollis sonidos next to irou*
    "eh, dont worry irou san, youll get stronger, just allow your ambition to consume you, then you will obtain the power you seek, heheh"
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

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    Age : 33
    Location : training at the secert training spot

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:08 pm

    Hollis wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    *hollis sonidos next to irou*
    "eh, dont worry irou san, youll get stronger, just allow your ambition to consume you, then you will obtain the power you seek, heheh"
    to let my ambition comsume me. dont know i lose my way once and even with my im provement my skill arent strong enough
    *starts to ball fist agian*
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:08 pm

    Hollis wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    *hollis sonidos next to irou*
    "eh, dont worry irou san, youll get stronger, just allow your ambition to consume you, then you will obtain the power you seek, heheh"
    *punches hollis in the head*
    don't go turning other people into avengers like you. they don't have any revenge like you do. although i can never forgive kongo.

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    Age : 29
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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:09 pm

    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    its okay six...i didnt do that much better than you

    Posts : 595
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    Age : 32
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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Hollis Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:10 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    *hollis sonidos next to irou*
    "eh, dont worry irou san, youll get stronger, just allow your ambition to consume you, then you will obtain the power you seek, heheh"
    *punches hollis in the head*
    don't go turning other people into avengers like you. they don't have any revenge like you do. although i can never forgive kongo.
    *grabs his head*
    "heheheh, cant blame me for tryin, besides theres nothing wrong with vengance"
    Six Samurai Irou
    Six Samurai Irou

    Posts : 359
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    Age : 33
    Location : training at the secert training spot

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  Six Samurai Irou Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:12 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    its okay six...i didnt do that much better than you
    you did i cant control my emotion and i let my guard down
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
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    Age : 31
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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:13 pm

    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    *hollis sonidos next to irou*
    "eh, dont worry irou san, youll get stronger, just allow your ambition to consume you, then you will obtain the power you seek, heheh"
    *punches hollis in the head*
    don't go turning other people into avengers like you. they don't have any revenge like you do. although i can never forgive kongo.
    *grabs his head*
    "heheheh, cant blame me for tryin, besides theres nothing wrong with vengance"
    yare yare. my biggest failure was failing to teach you to forget your vengence.
    *sigh* what am i going to do with you

    Posts : 3256
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    Join date : 2009-03-13
    Age : 29
    Location : the 6th divison

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:14 pm

    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    its okay six...i didnt do that much better than you
    you did i cant control my emotion and i let my guard down

    i mdo that all the time...this was the first time that a acually fought the right way so cheer up or i am gonna whip the shit outta you Very Happy

    Posts : 3256
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    Join date : 2009-03-13
    Age : 29
    Location : the 6th divison

    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:15 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    *hollis sonidos next to irou*
    "eh, dont worry irou san, youll get stronger, just allow your ambition to consume you, then you will obtain the power you seek, heheh"
    *punches hollis in the head*
    don't go turning other people into avengers like you. they don't have any revenge like you do. although i can never forgive kongo.
    *grabs his head*
    "heheheh, cant blame me for tryin, besides theres nothing wrong with vengance"
    yare yare. my biggest failure was failing to teach you to forget your vengence.
    *sigh* what am i going to do with you

    old niggas can learn new tricks
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

    Posts : 1725
    stat points : 1528
    Join date : 2009-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : U.S. michigan

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    hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts - Page 4 Empty Re: hanabishi kanda's dojo of his absolure balance style fighting arts

    Post  hanabishi kanda Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:16 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:
    Hollis wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    Six Samurai Irou wrote:i didnt want to go no further because i lose it and tried to kill you
    to tell you the truth. i doubt that you can kill me. if you go insane. you're nothing but an animal. so you'r moves are alittle predictable
    "oh yeah, you already went insane, and you lost, mmhm, hes right"
    *irou start to balls fist*
    *that song that played on the commerical for gears of war one starts to play as irou walks off*
    *hollis sonidos next to irou*
    "eh, dont worry irou san, youll get stronger, just allow your ambition to consume you, then you will obtain the power you seek, heheh"
    *punches hollis in the head*
    don't go turning other people into avengers like you. they don't have any revenge like you do. although i can never forgive kongo.
    *grabs his head*
    "heheheh, cant blame me for tryin, besides theres nothing wrong with vengance"
    yare yare. my biggest failure was failing to teach you to forget your vengence.
    *sigh* what am i going to do with you

    old niggas can learn new tricks
    yah. old dogs can learn new tricks. and fyi. i didn't type what you exactly said cause that would be considered rasis as i'm chinese. just to let you know

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