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    Vizard Head Meeting Room


    Good Idea?

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    Death Fox (Roishio)
    Death Fox (Roishio)

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  Death Fox (Roishio) Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:26 pm

    Even though i agree tenma you should have given this problem to a Captain or Lt then we will give you permission to post your problem or suggestion. This also means it the responsiblity of the one that gives the permision to tell everyone else so there is no confusion.

    On another note i believe learning others attacks (unless this is your specifc zanpakuto or resserection's power) shoulld be forbidden. In bleach to people have ice based attacks but the are very diffrent. Each and every zanpakuto has to be unique. So no learning another persons attacks but helping another person helping you find attacks that would suit your zanpakuto would be okay.

    I don't know if we should ban this. We should make it so that a person can have another zanpakuto if they had a good reason. Such as if someone gave them there zanpakuto (like tousen from bleach) and finally get there own or like i did with mine which is very awsome. I just think that the auto getting a second zanpkuto is pretty weird because of bleach not really having that.

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  *ShAnE+DaWnStaR* Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:40 pm

    Roishio wrote:Even though i agree tenma you should have given this problem to a Captain or Lt then we will give you permission to post your problem or suggestion. This also means it the responsiblity of the one that gives the permision to tell everyone else so there is no confusion.

    On another note i believe learning others attacks (unless this is your specifc zanpakuto or resserection's power) shoulld be forbidden. In bleach to people have ice based attacks but the are very diffrent. Each and every zanpakuto has to be unique. So no learning another persons attacks but helping another person helping you find attacks that would suit your zanpakuto would be okay.

    I don't know if we should ban this. We should make it so that a person can have another zanpakuto if they had a good reason. Such as if someone gave them there zanpakuto (like tousen from bleach) and finally get there own or like i did with mine which is very awsome. I just think that the auto getting a second zanpkuto is pretty weird because of bleach not really having that.

    yes, i believe so too. Each zanpakutou is unique and has its own style and features. Well about a second zanpakutou, it should be kept within limits and also of a good reason. You cant just simply say that you're making a new zanpakutou just because you're bored of your current one.
    Death Fox (Roishio)
    Death Fox (Roishio)

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  Death Fox (Roishio) Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:50 pm

    Thank you shane.

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:16 pm

    Roishio wrote:Even though i agree tenma you should have given this problem to a Captain or Lt then we will give you permission to post your problem or suggestion. This also means it the responsiblity of the one that gives the permision to tell everyone else so there is no confusion.

    On another note i believe learning others attacks (unless this is your specifc zanpakuto or resserection's power) shoulld be forbidden. In bleach to people have ice based attacks but the are very diffrent. Each and every zanpakuto has to be unique. So no learning another persons attacks but helping another person helping you find attacks that would suit your zanpakuto would be okay.

    I don't know if we should ban this. We should make it so that a person can have another zanpakuto if they had a good reason. Such as if someone gave them there zanpakuto (like tousen from bleach) and finally get there own or like i did with mine which is very awsome. I just think that the auto getting a second zanpkuto is pretty weird because of bleach not really having that.

    well then it doesnt matter to me cause my second was given to me by jin

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:21 pm

    Tmack wrote:so your saying that you would like to scroll this:

    zanpaktou:mirage mirror
    release:Katsu, mirage(need translatione)Kagami
    shikia:FORM 1:Daraku, Kagami (corrupt mirror aka darkness)attacks:The attacks are so silent and deadly that they seem to have a mind of their own. In this form, its signature offense move is “Majin Nakigoe" (Devil's Cry). The wielder swings the zanpaktou in a 90 degree arch at a speed beyond one's comprehension, at the same time releasing a crescent-shaped azure light which screams as it is fired towards its enemy. This attack is proved to be 99% unevadable and fata Defence:is able to debuff its opponents, lowering all their powers, abilities and decreasing their body stats. This can help in giving the wielder an edge in battle. Although not that strong, the zanpaktou is able to create dome-shaped force fields of scarlet and black, with an annoying ability to reflect anything thrown against it except light-based attacks. Its signature defensive move is "Dageki Haimen" (Damage Reverse). Much more effective than the reflective force field, the wielder is able to collect all the damage recieved in battle over a short period of time and channel it to the core of the sword, converting the energy into a buff which multiplies the power all attacks used within a certain period of time by a hundred times fold. A side-effect of this is that the wielder will self-regenerate his/her wounds and decrease his/her level of fatigueness
    FORM 2:Haraikiyomeru, Kagami(purify mirrior)the released zanpaktou (Currently in its Darkness Form) seems to invert all its demonic traits, the blade turning into bright silver of the moon, with the core of the sword turning into a shade of beautiful sapphire and the rest of the zanpaktou becoming white. The zanpaktou now glistens with silver white dust, and a enchanting song can be heard from within it.
    Attack:ttacks are less concentrated thus lacking in power, but able to hit much more at an even further range. Although the attacks are rarely fatal at first touch, the attacks in this form usually stack damage over time thus killing the opponent eventually. Another ability of this sword is that it can use light to create illusions to the wielder's benefit. (It is still unclear if this ability is an offensive or defensive as it can be used for both of them.) In this form, the zanpaktou's signature offense move is "Tenshi Tsurugi" (Angel's Sword), where the wielder summons an astral bow of angelic origin and fires the sword as an arrow. Similar to the Quincy's ability, instead of collecting particles to create the arrow, the particles are used to create the bow. As the attack only collects refined light particles, the attack is far more concentrated than a Quincy's. As this is a light-based attack, the stronger the Hollow or Arrancar, the greater the damage inflicted upon the opponent, proving very useful in battle.But the sword remain with bow as it use to concentrate light particles
    Defensive:Unlike the Darkness form, the zanpaktou can create all kinds of invincible defensive spells and shields to protect the wielder and his/her friends. Also, the sword can create reflective shields but unlike the Darkness form, the shields are not weak against their opposite, Darkness. Although the zanpaktou is unable to debuff in this form, In this form, the zanpaktou has amazing healing and even resurrection skills, although resurrection of limbs and arms require much concentration and reiatsu. The zanpaktou's signature defensive move is "Kokugen Sho Geki" (Time Crash). This skill sets a time-rejection dome around the wielder but the radius can be increased to occupy more friends but it slow the any down but not the wield or his friends
    FORM 3:Elmental mirror all me to use water fire lighting and wind atts still got think of these att lol cause i got element i can combien em ect

    BANKAI: my katan turns in ivisible blade only you see the hill but im able to se the blade
    FORM 1: elmental twilight mirror is said use the form also(all the form in shikia combine in to one form but increease is speed and defence and strenght)
    Form 2 kin to use this form you mus tsay "restoration" Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū Kuzu-ryūsen , lit. "Nine-headed Dragon Strike"), which simultaneously deals nine strikes to the fundamental targets of swordsmanship, making guarding and dodging virtually impossible.
    The Kuzu-ryūsen, however, is a byproduct used for the initiation in learning Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki , lit. "Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash";,
    a Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū battōjutsu that surpasses the speed of the Kuzu-ryūsen. The secret behind the technique lies in an additional step with the left foot which adds instantaneous acceleration and weight to the sword.In addition, if the initial strike is avoided or blocked, the force of the unusually fast slashing motion displaces the air around it, generating a vacuum in its wake and sucking the opponent in; as this happens, the body is spun around for a second strike, with the previous action adding force and momentum to the swing, making the subsequent strike far stronger.

    FORM 3 Regios Mumyo Jinpu Ryu Satsujin Ken (Regios The Sword of a Devilish Wind)

    Mizuchi (みずち, 蛟): An attack that uses the air to cut an opponent to pieces

    Shin (しん, 蜃): An attack that creates an illusion of an opponent's worst nightmare, then kills him; an abbreviation of Shinkirou (蜃気楼) which means "Illusion

    The True Mizuchi: The true Mizuchi is Shin and the Mizuchi listed above combined to make an undefeatable attack

    uzaku (すざく, 朱雀): A technique that embodies the legendary red phoenix. Its speed is incredible, as is the power of its flames, and like the legend of the phoenix, can revive itself from its own destruction.eatures were more elaborate and defined, and the destructive power of its flames was also increased

    Byakko (びゃっこ, 白虎): A white tiger that tears an opponent apart with its claws. A superior technique to Suzaku; as a result, the difficulty of execution and the subsequent stress on me are also greater. If the first "claw" misses, the opponent is dragged in by its other "claw" and ripped apart by its "fangs"

    Genbu (げんぶ, 玄武): A black tortoise entwined with serpents; is both an offensive and defensive technique. Genbu's shell protects me from an opponent's attack, while the serpents bind and destroy the opponent. It is capable of blocking any attack,

    Seiryu (せいりゅう, 青龍): More than a dozen Mizuchi are projected toward an opponent and surround him, eventually merging to create an immobilizing and destructive whirlwind that pulls the opponent into the heavens where the waiting me (in the form of the legendary blue dragon) descends to deliver the final blow.

    hishin Douji Hatsudou (ししんどうじはつどう, 四神同時発動, Four Gods Simultaneous Attack): As the name implies, the Four Gods are summoned simultaneously to attack the enemy. Although powerful in its own right, its merely a precursor to something even greater...

    Kouryu/ (こうりゅう, 黄龍): When all of the Four Gods are summoned to attack the opponent simultaneously, this action brings forth the final and most powerful beast god. it often took the form a huge, golden, focused blast of wind of seemingly limitless destructive power, descending from the heavens to strike at the enemy. part 2 I am was able to summon the golden wind in its true form, the heavenly dragon Kouryu. Finally, . In addition, the initial summoning of the Four Gods allows the wielder to use their abilities in conjunction

    all form have mirage after effect and reflect affect that renders me invisible reflects what behind me a projecting it on the mirror shikai form 1 appearance demonic looking blade that transmits a blood lust rejustsu form 2 a bow that similar to quincy cross the one uryu using abut it white form 3 nomal blade that show the element im using bankai :form 1 i double edge katana with half the blade black and other white and the hilt displays the element form 2 black katana with double edges form 3 and 150cm long katana that has word in scripted on the blade

    second zanpaktou:midoriiro shippuu is a combination of green lighting water and wind
    spirt:a mysterious man covered in cloud and each step create water and green light in near him
    shikai command: blow everything to bites

    shikai:blades appearance is surrounded by water and green lighting with every slash a automatic air slice appears and f let say you block with sword the block the sword will protect you but not entirely but if block it weaken the air slices. Attacks in shikia:green flash which can be used in to was on is a green flash which stuns the enemy for 2 posts or in green flash appear surround the enemy and damages em slight chance of cause the opponent to move slower and reflect slow down two hurricaine blast send a water shoot that power full then power increases with winds go at speed of a hurricane then to top it off the green lighting is also in it may cause the opponent to spiral across for a good distance and stabbing th ground creates a water clone

    Banki: my blade turn is consumed by green light so it shocks the opponent while also doing the air slice. Attacks:tornado's anger spine the blade tip in a circle make a horizontal or vertical tornado like strong wind with green lighting cause the opponent to be trap in the tornado for 2 post and taking damage from green lighting and last attack is i hard to explain but it called the zero storm it creates a hurricane that sends powerful wind blasts and water blast also green lighting at opponent constant effect i can only use once a day or cause strain on body

    i can now use fire arts 1 fire arm barrier|fire art 2 fire clones|fire art 3 fire blade|fire art 4 flame healing|fire art 5 fire barrier|fire art 6 paralyzing fire barrier|own creation fire art i guess 7 fir pulse|i can only use if my zanpaktou is fire based

    can put manipulate or change my rejustsu with both my zanpaktou this my theory

    ok my theory is the espada has hollow rejustsu with mutated with shinigami rejustu it the same for vizard but vizard has more shinigami rejustsu in the mix then hollow and it opposite fror espada they have more hollow rejustsu then shinigami rejustsu and i want a zanpaktou the manipulte my rejustsu to switch balance so i can become espada and use black cero and turn back into vizard

    so this what i want to put in my zanpaktou which is like this there more shinigami rejustsu then hollow and i want to switch em wich would cause my go vizard to espada by making me have more hollow then shinigami turn me to espada and use black cero this all to use black cero and if you allow it maybe other espada only thing thruoght the manipulation of rejustsu
    all this for using black cero

    hollow mask:increases speed and increases power of kido and fire art as well as make the att of my zanpaktou more power and wider and large
    mirage cero is grand rey cero wich i shoot but can move and bend but also as soon as i shoot mirage of about thousand grand reys appear and only i now were the original is and all the mirage cero are guided so they att the target

    guided gran rey cero and guided cero cna folo the target
    regios cero bige then grand rey cero and i can manipulate to got thru stuff like cero make like shotgun grand rey cero and cna also follow you

    now you see what i mean that is way too much

    and it is two diffrent long as it isnt god mod in any moves, i would scroll through it......its just that complicated

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:33 pm

    Tmack wrote:so your saying that you would like to scroll this:

    zanpaktou:mirage mirror
    release:Katsu, mirage(need translatione)Kagami
    shikia:FORM 1:Daraku, Kagami (corrupt mirror aka darkness)attacks:The attacks are so silent and deadly that they seem to have a mind of their own. In this form, its signature offense move is “Majin Nakigoe" (Devil's Cry). The wielder swings the zanpaktou in a 90 degree arch at a speed beyond one's comprehension, at the same time releasing a crescent-shaped azure light which screams as it is fired towards its enemy. This attack is proved to be 99% unevadable and fata Defence:is able to debuff its opponents, lowering all their powers, abilities and decreasing their body stats. This can help in giving the wielder an edge in battle. Although not that strong, the zanpaktou is able to create dome-shaped force fields of scarlet and black, with an annoying ability to reflect anything thrown against it except light-based attacks. Its signature defensive move is "Dageki Haimen" (Damage Reverse). Much more effective than the reflective force field, the wielder is able to collect all the damage recieved in battle over a short period of time and channel it to the core of the sword, converting the energy into a buff which multiplies the power all attacks used within a certain period of time by a hundred times fold. A side-effect of this is that the wielder will self-regenerate his/her wounds and decrease his/her level of fatigueness
    FORM 2:Haraikiyomeru, Kagami(purify mirrior)the released zanpaktou (Currently in its Darkness Form) seems to invert all its demonic traits, the blade turning into bright silver of the moon, with the core of the sword turning into a shade of beautiful sapphire and the rest of the zanpaktou becoming white. The zanpaktou now glistens with silver white dust, and a enchanting song can be heard from within it.
    Attack:ttacks are less concentrated thus lacking in power, but able to hit much more at an even further range. Although the attacks are rarely fatal at first touch, the attacks in this form usually stack damage over time thus killing the opponent eventually. Another ability of this sword is that it can use light to create illusions to the wielder's benefit. (It is still unclear if this ability is an offensive or defensive as it can be used for both of them.) In this form, the zanpaktou's signature offense move is "Tenshi Tsurugi" (Angel's Sword), where the wielder summons an astral bow of angelic origin and fires the sword as an arrow. Similar to the Quincy's ability, instead of collecting particles to create the arrow, the particles are used to create the bow. As the attack only collects refined light particles, the attack is far more concentrated than a Quincy's. As this is a light-based attack, the stronger the Hollow or Arrancar, the greater the damage inflicted upon the opponent, proving very useful in battle.But the sword remain with bow as it use to concentrate light particles
    Defensive:Unlike the Darkness form, the zanpaktou can create all kinds of invincible defensive spells and shields to protect the wielder and his/her friends. Also, the sword can create reflective shields but unlike the Darkness form, the shields are not weak against their opposite, Darkness. Although the zanpaktou is unable to debuff in this form, In this form, the zanpaktou has amazing healing and even resurrection skills, although resurrection of limbs and arms require much concentration and reiatsu. The zanpaktou's signature defensive move is "Kokugen Sho Geki" (Time Crash). This skill sets a time-rejection dome around the wielder but the radius can be increased to occupy more friends but it slow the any down but not the wield or his friends
    FORM 3:Elmental mirror all me to use water fire lighting and wind atts still got think of these att lol cause i got element i can combien em ect

    BANKAI: my katan turns in ivisible blade only you see the hill but im able to se the blade
    FORM 1: elmental twilight mirror is said use the form also(all the form in shikia combine in to one form but increease is speed and defence and strenght)
    Form 2 kin to use this form you mus tsay "restoration" Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū Kuzu-ryūsen , lit. "Nine-headed Dragon Strike"), which simultaneously deals nine strikes to the fundamental targets of swordsmanship, making guarding and dodging virtually impossible.
    The Kuzu-ryūsen, however, is a byproduct used for the initiation in learning Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki , lit. "Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash";,
    a Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū battōjutsu that surpasses the speed of the Kuzu-ryūsen. The secret behind the technique lies in an additional step with the left foot which adds instantaneous acceleration and weight to the sword.In addition, if the initial strike is avoided or blocked, the force of the unusually fast slashing motion displaces the air around it, generating a vacuum in its wake and sucking the opponent in; as this happens, the body is spun around for a second strike, with the previous action adding force and momentum to the swing, making the subsequent strike far stronger.

    FORM 3 Regios Mumyo Jinpu Ryu Satsujin Ken (Regios The Sword of a Devilish Wind)

    Mizuchi (みずち, 蛟): An attack that uses the air to cut an opponent to pieces

    Shin (しん, 蜃): An attack that creates an illusion of an opponent's worst nightmare, then kills him; an abbreviation of Shinkirou (蜃気楼) which means "Illusion

    The True Mizuchi: The true Mizuchi is Shin and the Mizuchi listed above combined to make an undefeatable attack

    uzaku (すざく, 朱雀): A technique that embodies the legendary red phoenix. Its speed is incredible, as is the power of its flames, and like the legend of the phoenix, can revive itself from its own destruction.eatures were more elaborate and defined, and the destructive power of its flames was also increased

    Byakko (びゃっこ, 白虎): A white tiger that tears an opponent apart with its claws. A superior technique to Suzaku; as a result, the difficulty of execution and the subsequent stress on me are also greater. If the first "claw" misses, the opponent is dragged in by its other "claw" and ripped apart by its "fangs"

    Genbu (げんぶ, 玄武): A black tortoise entwined with serpents; is both an offensive and defensive technique. Genbu's shell protects me from an opponent's attack, while the serpents bind and destroy the opponent. It is capable of blocking any attack,

    Seiryu (せいりゅう, 青龍): More than a dozen Mizuchi are projected toward an opponent and surround him, eventually merging to create an immobilizing and destructive whirlwind that pulls the opponent into the heavens where the waiting me (in the form of the legendary blue dragon) descends to deliver the final blow.

    hishin Douji Hatsudou (ししんどうじはつどう, 四神同時発動, Four Gods Simultaneous Attack): As the name implies, the Four Gods are summoned simultaneously to attack the enemy. Although powerful in its own right, its merely a precursor to something even greater...

    Kouryu/ (こうりゅう, 黄龍): When all of the Four Gods are summoned to attack the opponent simultaneously, this action brings forth the final and most powerful beast god. it often took the form a huge, golden, focused blast of wind of seemingly limitless destructive power, descending from the heavens to strike at the enemy. part 2 I am was able to summon the golden wind in its true form, the heavenly dragon Kouryu. Finally, . In addition, the initial summoning of the Four Gods allows the wielder to use their abilities in conjunction

    all form have mirage after effect and reflect affect that renders me invisible reflects what behind me a projecting it on the mirror shikai form 1 appearance demonic looking blade that transmits a blood lust rejustsu form 2 a bow that similar to quincy cross the one uryu using abut it white form 3 nomal blade that show the element im using bankai :form 1 i double edge katana with half the blade black and other white and the hilt displays the element form 2 black katana with double edges form 3 and 150cm long katana that has word in scripted on the blade

    second zanpaktou:midoriiro shippuu is a combination of green lighting water and wind
    spirt:a mysterious man covered in cloud and each step create water and green light in near him
    shikai command: blow everything to bites

    shikai:blades appearance is surrounded by water and green lighting with every slash a automatic air slice appears and f let say you block with sword the block the sword will protect you but not entirely but if block it weaken the air slices. Attacks in shikia:green flash which can be used in to was on is a green flash which stuns the enemy for 2 posts or in green flash appear surround the enemy and damages em slight chance of cause the opponent to move slower and reflect slow down two hurricaine blast send a water shoot that power full then power increases with winds go at speed of a hurricane then to top it off the green lighting is also in it may cause the opponent to spiral across for a good distance and stabbing th ground creates a water clone

    Banki: my blade turn is consumed by green light so it shocks the opponent while also doing the air slice. Attacks:tornado's anger spine the blade tip in a circle make a horizontal or vertical tornado like strong wind with green lighting cause the opponent to be trap in the tornado for 2 post and taking damage from green lighting and last attack is i hard to explain but it called the zero storm it creates a hurricane that sends powerful wind blasts and water blast also green lighting at opponent constant effect i can only use once a day or cause strain on body

    i can now use fire arts 1 fire arm barrier|fire art 2 fire clones|fire art 3 fire blade|fire art 4 flame healing|fire art 5 fire barrier|fire art 6 paralyzing fire barrier|own creation fire art i guess 7 fir pulse|i can only use if my zanpaktou is fire based

    can put manipulate or change my rejustsu with both my zanpaktou this my theory

    ok my theory is the espada has hollow rejustsu with mutated with shinigami rejustu it the same for vizard but vizard has more shinigami rejustsu in the mix then hollow and it opposite fror espada they have more hollow rejustsu then shinigami rejustsu and i want a zanpaktou the manipulte my rejustsu to switch balance so i can become espada and use black cero and turn back into vizard

    so this what i want to put in my zanpaktou which is like this there more shinigami rejustsu then hollow and i want to switch em wich would cause my go vizard to espada by making me have more hollow then shinigami turn me to espada and use black cero this all to use black cero and if you allow it maybe other espada only thing thruoght the manipulation of rejustsu
    all this for using black cero

    hollow mask:increases speed and increases power of kido and fire art as well as make the att of my zanpaktou more power and wider and large
    mirage cero is grand rey cero wich i shoot but can move and bend but also as soon as i shoot mirage of about thousand grand reys appear and only i now were the original is and all the mirage cero are guided so they att the target

    guided gran rey cero and guided cero cna folo the target
    regios cero bige then grand rey cero and i can manipulate to got thru stuff like cero make like shotgun grand rey cero and cna also follow you

    now you see what i mean that is way too much

    and water's zanpakuto is just as long so do you have a problem with his???????
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:09 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    and water's zanpakuto is just as long so do you have a problem with his???????
    well. mine has been developing eversince its creation since almost a year ago

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:11 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    and water's zanpakuto is just as long so do you have a problem with his???????
    well. mine has been developing eversince its creation since almost a year ago

    thats what i am saying.....people can have long zanpakutos if they want......i kno my has devloped snice i first got used to really suck
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:59 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    and water's zanpakuto is just as long so do you have a problem with his???????
    well. mine has been developing eversince its creation since almost a year ago

    thats what i am saying.....people can have long zanpakutos if they want......i kno my has devloped snice i first got used to really suck
    that shows that it is evolving. only reson why mine is so long is that i have a lot of attacks. you know that in evolution. its often the simplest designs that are the fittest. although i think i am about to be near the point of perfection. man. i hope not. then that would be boring

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:00 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    and water's zanpakuto is just as long so do you have a problem with his???????
    well. mine has been developing eversince its creation since almost a year ago

    thats what i am saying.....people can have long zanpakutos if they want......i kno my has devloped snice i first got used to really suck
    that shows that it is evolving. only reson why mine is so long is that i have a lot of attacks. you know that in evolution. its often the simplest designs that are the fittest. although i think i am about to be near the point of perfection. man. i hope not. then that would be boring

    yea...till mine reach that point...
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:12 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    and water's zanpakuto is just as long so do you have a problem with his???????
    well. mine has been developing eversince its creation since almost a year ago

    thats what i am saying.....people can have long zanpakutos if they want......i kno my has devloped snice i first got used to really suck
    that shows that it is evolving. only reson why mine is so long is that i have a lot of attacks. you know that in evolution. its often the simplest designs that are the fittest. although i think i am about to be near the point of perfection. man. i hope not. then that would be boring

    yea...till mine reach that point...
    see. so you under stand my point of having a 2nd zanpakto to use so you can be creative with its ability. for me. i just love making up many different type of moves. man. those were the good old dayy where i could think up of a good move instantly. oh well. all good things must come to an end sooner than later. even this forum. in several years. when we all have like familys in the real world. and i'm not talking like a mom and dad and perhaps a few siblings. i'm talking about a wife for the men and husbands for the woman. with a few kids. man, that's depresing.

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:15 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    and water's zanpakuto is just as long so do you have a problem with his???????
    well. mine has been developing eversince its creation since almost a year ago

    thats what i am saying.....people can have long zanpakutos if they want......i kno my has devloped snice i first got used to really suck
    that shows that it is evolving. only reson why mine is so long is that i have a lot of attacks. you know that in evolution. its often the simplest designs that are the fittest. although i think i am about to be near the point of perfection. man. i hope not. then that would be boring

    yea...till mine reach that point...
    see. so you under stand my point of having a 2nd zanpakto to use so you can be creative with its ability. for me. i just love making up many different type of moves. man. those were the good old dayy where i could think up of a good move instantly. oh well. all good things must come to an end sooner than later. even this forum. in several years. when we all have like familys in the real world. and i'm not talking like a mom and dad and perhaps a few siblings. i'm talking about a wife for the men and husbands for the woman. with a few kids. man, that's depresing.

    thats deep i think i will pass it on to my kids....if they ever watch bleach......and i think i will evole KURO into a dual zan soon

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:20 pm

    hey kanda.....when does the tourney for 4th division captain start....i am not going but some one asked me to ask you......dont ask why
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:23 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    and water's zanpakuto is just as long so do you have a problem with his???????
    well. mine has been developing eversince its creation since almost a year ago

    thats what i am saying.....people can have long zanpakutos if they want......i kno my has devloped snice i first got used to really suck
    that shows that it is evolving. only reson why mine is so long is that i have a lot of attacks. you know that in evolution. its often the simplest designs that are the fittest. although i think i am about to be near the point of perfection. man. i hope not. then that would be boring

    yea...till mine reach that point...
    see. so you under stand my point of having a 2nd zanpakto to use so you can be creative with its ability. for me. i just love making up many different type of moves. man. those were the good old dayy where i could think up of a good move instantly. oh well. all good things must come to an end sooner than later. even this forum. in several years. when we all have like familys in the real world. and i'm not talking like a mom and dad and perhaps a few siblings. i'm talking about a wife for the men and husbands for the woman. with a few kids. man, that's depresing.

    thats deep i think i will pass it on to my kids....if they ever watch bleach......and i think i will evole KURO into a dual zan soon
    well. pass this forum down. that can only happen if either we are still on or the next generation continues our generation. and also. the only way they will know about bleach is that if you buy all the manga and dvds for the anime in either eng dub or jap dub with eng sub. and there are like around 25 volumes. if each volume cos like around 10 dollars. we're talking about $250 at least or around. and its your desision if you want to change a few minor details. but remember. you can't change everything or it won't be the same zanpakto

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:25 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:
    and water's zanpakuto is just as long so do you have a problem with his???????
    well. mine has been developing eversince its creation since almost a year ago

    thats what i am saying.....people can have long zanpakutos if they want......i kno my has devloped snice i first got used to really suck
    that shows that it is evolving. only reson why mine is so long is that i have a lot of attacks. you know that in evolution. its often the simplest designs that are the fittest. although i think i am about to be near the point of perfection. man. i hope not. then that would be boring

    yea...till mine reach that point...
    see. so you under stand my point of having a 2nd zanpakto to use so you can be creative with its ability. for me. i just love making up many different type of moves. man. those were the good old dayy where i could think up of a good move instantly. oh well. all good things must come to an end sooner than later. even this forum. in several years. when we all have like familys in the real world. and i'm not talking like a mom and dad and perhaps a few siblings. i'm talking about a wife for the men and husbands for the woman. with a few kids. man, that's depresing.

    thats deep i think i will pass it on to my kids....if they ever watch bleach......and i think i will evole KURO into a dual zan soon
    well. pass this forum down. that can only happen if either we are still on or the next generation continues our generation. and also. the only way they will know about bleach is that if you buy all the manga and dvds for the anime in either eng dub or jap dub with eng sub. and there are like around 25 volumes. if each volume cos like around 10 dollars. we're talking about $250 at least or around. and its your desision if you want to change a few minor details. but remember. you can't change everything or it won't be the same zanpakto

    yea i plan to be a BIOCHEMIST so i will have money and i already plan to own ALL dbz, naruto, naruto shippuden, bleach, and one piece dvds and volumes

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:28 pm

    hey guys.......i was asked if there could also be BOUNTS and QUNICYS on here

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    Post  Tmack Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:48 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:hey guys.......i was asked if there could also be BOUNTS and QUNICYS on here

    we shoul or it wouldn't be a bleach rpg

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:50 pm

    Tmack wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:hey guys.......i was asked if there could also be BOUNTS and QUNICYS on here

    we shoul or it wouldn't be a bleach rpg

    yea......we should ask everyone if they really wanna be shinigami or arrancar, cause they dont have too if they dont want to
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  Bo Ricero Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:43 pm

    Tmack wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:hey guys.......i was asked if there could also be BOUNTS and QUNICYS on here

    we shoul or it wouldn't be a bleach rpg
    Sent's i am the primera espada which is kind like Lt for the arracancar i thought i woud post.
    If you remember both of these aare already dead so it would be immpossible. Maybe humans who have special powers would be better like Inoue and Chadd

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:46 pm

    Bo Ricero wrote:
    Tmack wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:hey guys.......i was asked if there could also be BOUNTS and QUNICYS on here

    we shoul or it wouldn't be a bleach rpg
    Sent's i am the primera espada which is kind like Lt for the arracancar i thought i woud post.
    If you remember both of these aare already dead so it would be immpossible. Maybe humans who have special powers would be better like Inoue and Chadd

    i kno but still...a lot of people may wanna be like this and i dont see the reason why they cant
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

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    Post  Bo Ricero Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:47 pm

    It's not consistant with bleach that's why. We should just make a poll about it if you all think that it's that important.

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:49 pm

    Bo Ricero wrote:It's not consistant with bleach that's why. We should just make a poll about it if you all think that it's that important.
    well then what happens when all of the arrncar die......IT WILL HAPPEN
    hanabishi kanda
    hanabishi kanda

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    Vizard Head Meeting Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Vizard Head Meeting Room

    Post  hanabishi kanda Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:51 pm

    jmcast/makaveli wrote:hey guys.......i was asked if there could also be BOUNTS and QUNICYS on here
    i don't mind. like bleach have to be limited to shinigamies/ visard and arrancars. there can be quincy's and i guess bountos. but quincy's don't have any relieces so it would be boring

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    Post  jmcast/makaveli Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:53 pm

    hanabishi kanda wrote:
    jmcast/makaveli wrote:hey guys.......i was asked if there could also be BOUNTS and QUNICYS on here
    i don't mind. like bleach have to be limited to shinigamies/ visard and arrancars. there can be quincy's and i guess bountos. but quincy's don't have any relieces so it would be boring

    well i guess they better be some STRONG ASS QUNICEYS
    Bo Ricero
    Bo Ricero

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    Post  Bo Ricero Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:54 pm

    Well if that's the case we should have actual hollow to, and it's weird i have yet to see an evil shingami.

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